Spelling is not with words of different parts of speech. Particle “not” with different parts of speech

  1. if the adjective is not used without Not , For example: Not sloppy, Not molded, Not separated, Not conquerable;
  2. If Not serves to form a new adjective, which can be replaced with a word or expression that is similar in meaning, for example: Not high(short), Not polite(rude). In this case Not is a prefix.
  3. If the adjective contains the words Very , very , extremely , enough , absolutely and some others that enhance the degree of manifestation of the symptom, for example: It was very Not high fence; It was extremely Not polite answer.

NOT a negative particle and is written separately with adjectives:

  1. if there is or is implied opposition, for example: The house was Not high and low; The answer was Not polite but rude;
  2. if the adjective uses negative particles not far , not at all, not at all , For example: not far polite answer; not at all good mood;
  3. if the adjective has dependent words with neither , For example: not to anyone interesting article, not at all difficult task.

NOT with short adjectives

Spelling Not with short adjectives, the meaning of which is the same as full ones, is subject to the same rules as spelling Not with full adjectives, for example: ceiling Not high(low); ceiling very short ; ceiling Not high and low; ceiling Not high(which one?).

Integrated and separate writing Not with short adjectives helps in writing to distinguish the meaning of what the writer wants to express, for example: story not interesting (quite boring) - story Not interesting(i.e., it cannot be said that it is boring, but it is not read with great interest); road not wide (quite narrow) - road Not wide a (i.e. it cannot be said that it is narrow, but not very wide).


There is a small group of short adjectives with which Not always written separately. Such adjectives either do not have a full form, or have a different meaning in their full form, for example: not happy, shouldn’t, not capable, not ready, not needed, doesn’t agree, not obliged.

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The question of whether to write the particle “not” together or separately with adjectives is quite complicated: the choice of the correct option depends on many factors, and there are also exceptions. Here is systematized information for better mastering this spelling rule and applying knowledge in practice. We will look at different options for combined and separate spelling of the particle “not” and adjectives, and give examples.

Option "fused"
The particle “not” and the adjective (full or short) are written together in these cases:
  • if without “not” the word does not exist: nondescript (nondescript), careless (careless);
  • if an adjective with “not” can be replaced with a synonym (without “not”): ugly (ugly)ugly (ugly), unmarried - single.
It is not always possible to find a synonym without “not,” but you can explain the adjective with some expression that is close in meaning. For example: not for children thoughtfulness(“the same as in adults”), unfeminine force(“similar to a man’s”).

Option “separately”

  1. There is a contrast. If in a sentence one adjective is contrasted with another and there is a conjunction “a”, the spelling of the adjective with “not” is separate. This applies to both long and short forms. Not sincere, and feigned. Not interesting, but boring.

    This rule also applies when there is no explicit opposition, but it is implied. you are watching not ordinary phenomenon(that is, “not ordinary, but exceptional”).

    Please note: there may be two interpretations. Compare two examples.

    • This not complicated task(“...it’s simple”, that is, you don’t think the task is difficult).
    • This uncomplicated task(you claim that the task is easy).
    The exception is the contrast with the conjunction “but”. It performs a different function: we also have two signs, but the second sign exists simultaneously with the first and, as it were, in spite of it. Then “not” and the adjective are written together. Compare:
    • Task not simple, but complex.
    • Task not easy, but doable(“yes, the task is not simple, but despite this, it can be completed”).
  2. There is a denial of any property or quality. Relative adjectives (characterize a permanent property of an object) are written separately from “not”. They can also be contrasted. For example: spoons not silver (“...and steel”); honey not floral (“...and fake”).
    Separately with “not,” we also write qualitative adjectives (characterize the quality of an object) if they denote color. Unlike relative adjectives, qualitative adjectives in combination with the particle “not” denote the absence or insufficient manifestation of quality. For example: dye not white, shade not yellow .
  3. There is an underlined statement. We will write “not” with an adjective separately if they express the underlined statement in an interrogative or simply emotionally charged sentence. Such a sentence can be mentally supplemented with an affirmative answer.
    • Unclear is this without evidence?- Yes it is clear.
    • To whom unknown the names of these heroes!- Yes, everyone knows them.
Together or separately: with explanatory words
  1. “Not” is written separately with an adjective if the following are used as explanatory words:
    • “far from it”;
    • “not at all”;
    • "not at all"
    as well as some negative pronouns ( nobody) and adverbs that begin with “nor” ( not at all). For example: no one unknown man, not at all not stupid action, far not easy exercise. The same applies to adjectives ending in “-my”: at all not dependent, with nothing incomparable .
    The exception is when the negative pronoun functions more like a noun, does not depend on the adjective, and the adjective itself explains this pronoun. I didn't do anything illegal.
  2. If there are other explanatory words, “not” is written together with the adjective: inappropriate in this case the statement, incomprehensible words to me unsuitable play area etc. A negative sign is stated here: “the statement is not appropriate,” “I don’t understand the words,” “the site is not suitable for playing.”
    Here we also include adjectives ending in “-my”, such as fireproof, waterproof, independent, indestructible, incorrigible and their short forms ( waterproof, incorrigible etc.). They are also written together with “not” even if there are explanatory words. This country is economically independent. They bet unthinkable before records.
  3. Special cases of combined spelling of the particle “not” and an adjective are when adverbs of measure (“to what extent?”, “how much?”) and adverbs of degree (“to what extent?”) are present nearby:
    • "Very";
    • "very";
    • "extremely";
    • "to the highest degree";
    • "almost"
    and so on. For example: very ugly behavior, very unsuccessful day.
    If we see the adverbs “at all”, “at all” as explanatory words, they can mean either “very”, “completely”, “absolutely” (and then we will choose the combined spelling “not” with the adjective), or “not at all” ( choose separate spelling). Compare:
    • It was completely unnecessary talk(statement: “yes, absolutely unnecessary”).
    • It was not at all not random meeting(denial: “no, not at all random”).
Together or separately: comparative degree
If you have a combination of the particle “not” and an adjective in the comparative degree, you need to pay attention to the meaning of the statement, since spelling variations are possible. Compare:
  • This drawing uglier Togo(“more ugly than the other”).
  • This drawing no prettier Togo(“is not more beautiful than the other”).
Adjectives such as best, worst, larger, smaller with the particle “not” are written separately. The test did not show the best results. She continued to work with no less tenacity.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of nuances in the combined and separate spelling of the particle “not” with adjectives. But you can also notice that in some cases it is not necessary to remember a certain rule - rather, you need to reason logically to choose the right option.

We often encounter the problem of merging and separate writing of particles " Not" And " neither"with other words. The easiest rule to understand and remember here is that:

1. The particle “not” is written together with all words that are not used without “not”(fable, unsociable, ignorant, ridiculous, dislike, be perplexed, impossible, really). In other cases, writing " Not» is subject to the following rules.

2. With verbs and gerunds, the particle “not” is always written separately, except:

  • cases specified in the first rule;
  • prefixes are under-in verbs that mean “insufficient action” (undernourished, undercooked, underripe).

Note. Not to be confused with verbs with the prefix do- and the particle " Not”, denoting “unfinished action” (not finishing a book, not finishing a movie).

3. With nouns, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if for a word with “not” you can find a synonym without this particle (untruth - lie, foe - enemy). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative connotation of the meaning of the word indicates a consistent spelling.
  • when forming a word denoting persons with the meaning of opposition (professionals - non-professionals, Russian - non-Russian);


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction a (not a friend, but an enemy, not happiness, but grief);
  • if a word with " Not" means not people (elephants are not elephants, a story is not a story, cold is not cold).

Note. Exceptions are words-terms that are written together: metals - non-metals.

4. With adjectives, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if you can replace the adjective with " Not" is a synonym without this particle (unmarried - single, unfriendly - hostile, short - low). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative connotation of the meaning of the word indicates a consistent spelling.


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not bitter, but sweet; not affectionate, but rude);
  • if the adjective is relative (the vase is not crystal, the chain is not silver) or qualitative, denoting color (the sea is not blue, the towel is not yellow);
  • (not a shortcut at all, far from useless advice);
  • if the particle " Not” is emphasized in an interrogative sentence (Isn’t this statement true? - Is this statement false?);
  • if the adjective is written with a hyphen (not commercial and industrial enterprises).

Note 1. Short adjectives are written with " Not”, just like the complete ones from which they are produced (incurable disease - the disease is incurable, the person is not smart, but stupid - the person is not smart, but stupid);

Note 2. If a short adjective does not have a full form, then it will always be written separately with the particle " Not"(he is not happy to meet).

5. With adverbs, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if the adverb ends in -o, and it can be replaced with a word similar in meaning (unhappy - sad, not high - low);
  • if the adverb is formed from a pronoun (nowhere, nowhere, no time, nowhere);


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not bad, but good, not weak, but strong);
  • when strengthening negation with explanatory words such as “not at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”(not at all difficult to do, being nearby is far from accidental)
  • with adverbs in a comparative degree (to work no worse than others, to receive no more than others);
  • if the adverb is written with a hyphen (to act unfriendly, to dress unsuitably).

Note 1.“Not” with the following adverbs is written separately: not today, not at all, not like that, not otherwise, not quite, not here, not really.

Note 2."Not"

“is written separately with adverbial expressions: not good, not according to the gut, not in moderation, not in a hurry, not by hand, not to taste, not as an example.

6. With participles “not” is written together:

  • if the participle is complete and there are no words dependent on it (undried laundry, an unturned book, an unwashed floor)

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, “not” is written together with the participle: (an extremely rash decision, a completely inappropriate example, but: an example that is completely inappropriate to the rule)


  • if the participle is complete and has dependent words (These works remained unpublished during the writer’s lifetime);
  • with short participles (the debt is not paid, the fire is not lit);
  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not printed, but handwritten text, not a fictional, but a real story).

7. The particles “not” and “nor” with negative pronouns are written together(there is no one to ask, there is nothing to be surprised at, no one is forgotten) with everyone else separately (not me, not everyone, neither me nor you).

8. The particle “ni” is also written together with some adverbs(not at all, not at all, nowhere, not at all).

With all other parts of speech, the particle “ni” is written separately.

Spelling NOT and NI with different parts of speech

Task formulation:

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Seryozha, still (not) strong after his illness, sat down on the sofa.

Zakhar walked past, (not) turning his head in my direction.

The sun was (not) visible.

The moon, still (not) hidden by clouds, illuminated the plain.

The ditches glistened with water remaining after the (short) long July rains.

Answer: short

A comment:

In the first option, the answer is NOT written separately from the active past participle, since there is a dependent word: not strong (when?) after illness. In the second, it is NOT written separately from the gerund: what without doing? without turning. In the third sentence - NOT is written separately with the verb: was not. In the fourth example, NOT is written separately from the passive past participle, since there is a dependent word. Finally, in the fifth case, NOT is written together with the adjective name, since it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT: short rains = short; with it there is no opposition expressed by the conjunction A, and the words FAR NOT, NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, etc.

What you need to know to complete the task:

  • rules for combined and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI with different parts of speech;
  • cases of using particles NOT and NI.

First of all, let's remember:

NOT with any part of speech is written together if the word is not used without NOT: ignorant, adversity, ridiculous, homely, stormy, indignant, unwell, unwell, unable, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

NOT always written separately for words that contain a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; it is not said in Russian; They don’t sing in the old way.

Integrated and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech

Part of speech

Continuous spelling of the particle NOT

Separate spelling of the particle NOT


If you can find a synonym without NOT: untruth is a lie, foe is an enemy.

1. If there is a contrast expressed by the conjunction A: not a lie, but the truth.

2. In an interrogative sentence with logical underlining of negation:

Is not it?


1. If you can find a synonym without:

not easy - difficult.

1. If there is an opposition expressed by the conjunction A:

not big, but small.

Note: please remember that

contrasting words

must be antonym words.

2. If there is an opposition expressed by the union BUT: the pond is small, but fishy.

3. The presence of explanatory (dependent) words, as a rule, does not affect continuous writing

not with adjectives: behavior unworthy of a comrade,

songs unfamiliar to us, a writer unknown to me, information we do not need, conclusions that are incorrect in some respects

2. With relative adjectives:

the house is not blocky, the clock is not gold.

3. With possessive adjectives:

The fur coat is not fox, the jacket is not dad's.

4. In the presence of an adverb of measure and degree:



completely unadapted

very difficult task,

very imperfect story

absolutely wrong decision

extremely unsightly behavior

almost unfamiliar text.

4. With short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written with NOT separately:

The book is not interesting, but boring.

5. In the presence of such explanatory words that strengthen the negation: negative

pronouns (NO ONE, NOTHING, etc.) and adverbs starting with NI (NOTHING, NOT ONE): unknown to anyone

writer. songs unknown to anyone or anywhere. information that no one needs, a picture that is not at all attractive.

5. With short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written with NOT together:

short - not tall.

6. If there are explanatory

words: FAR, AWAY, IN

ALL who, like magnets, attract

attract NOT:

far from famous writer,

6. In verbal adjectives formed with the help of the suffixes -em-, -im-:

unfading, inexhaustible, irresistible, indomitable,

indestructible, uninhabited, invincible.

songs that are not at all familiar,

It's not an interesting book.

7. With adjectives, denoting

craving taste and color:

not dark chocolate

Not salty soup,

not a blue sky, not a pink elephant.

8. With adjectives in the comparative form:

no better, no worse, no higher, no more beautiful.

9. In interrogative sentences with logical underlining of negation:

Isn't this the correct answer? Isn't this a new suit? .

10. With short adjectives that are not used in full form:

should not, is not obliged, does not intend, is not right, is not visible, is not ready, does not agree, is not inclined.


Always written with NOT separately: not three, not eighth.


1. In indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositions: there is nothing, no one, no-

how much, something, etc.

1. In indefinite and negative pronouns, when

NOT from the subsequent word from-

divided by preposition:

no one, no need, no one, no

for nothing, for nothing.

2. With other categories of pronouns:

in not my class, not on our floor.

3. NOT and NI with a pronoun can be written separately and without a preposition if it acts as a conjunction in subordinate clauses:

I don't know who you are or where your friends are.

In a verb prefix

UNDER-, denoting non-compliance with the required norm, a deficiency or lack of something: underfulfill the plan (perform below the required norm), constantly lack sleep (= sleep less than the norm).

1. In verbs with the prefix do-,

having a negative in front of it

meaning NOT and denoting not-

completed action:

tea, don’t finish watching the play.

2. With all other verbs

not to be, not to have, not to know, not to think.


Participles formed

In gerunds that can

used without NOT:

without thinking, without knowing.

from verbs with a prefix

UNDER-, written together: constantly lacking sleep, not fulfilling the norm.


1. If full participles do not have dependents

words: unblown flower.

2. If the dependent words in the participle are the adverbs MEASURE, DEGREE:

extremely rash decision

completely inappropriate example

an example that is completely inconsistent with the rule (it is not written separately due to the presence of another dependent word in the participle that does not have the meaning of measure and degree).

1. If full participles have

with dependent words:

not arriving (when?) on time

not written (by whom?) by the student


2. With short participles:

the building was not built, the telegram was not received, the letter was not read.

3. In the presence of opposition expressed by the conjunction A:

not withered, but blossoming

1. In adverbs ending in -о, -е, if you can find a synonym for them without NOT:

not stupid - smart

close - close.

2. In negative adverbs:

never - never,

nowhere - nowhere,

nowhere - nowhere,

out of nowhere - out of nowhere,

not at all,

1. In adverbs ending

to -о,-е, if there is opposition expressed by the conjunction A:

not funny, but sad.

2. If with adverbs ending in -o, -e

there are explanatory words



not funny at all.

3. If an adverb is written with a hyphen:

not in a friendly way

not in Russian.

4. With intensifying adverbs: Not very, not quite, not quite.

5. In adverbs not ending in -O, -E:

not always, not everywhere.

As part of the concession alliance:

despite the fact that (meaning although).

It is not always written separately with coordinating conjunctions: not this, not that.

In the interrogative particle really.

The remaining particles, except really, are written with NOT separately: not only.


In derivative prepositions: despite, despite (in the meaning of despite).

With non-derivative prepositions: not from..., not under..., not above us.

1. It is necessary to distinguish between the combinations none (= no one) and not one (= many); not once (= never) and more than once (= often). Note:

In these examples, the intensifying particle NI is used only for negation (with a predicate there is always a particle NOT): Not a single muscle flinched on his face. - There is more than one path in the field.

I have never seen this man. - I have seen this man more than once.

1. It is necessary to distinguish the revolutions from none other than..., none other than...

no one else...: no one else...

1) If the phrase contains the word HOW, then it uses the particle NOT, which is written separately:

It was nothing more than a fire.

It was none other than your own brother.

2) If the phrase does not contain the word HOW, then it uses the particle NI, which is written together!

No one else could say it.

Nothing else could have scared me.

Using the particle NOT and the particle NI.

1. The particle does NOT give a negative meaning to the entire sentence or its individual members:

This will not happen.

The lake is not big, but small.

2. The particle is NOT written in independent exclamatory and interrogative sentences:

Wherever we turned! Why do not you sleep?

3. The particle is NOT used for double negatives:

I couldn't help but apply.

1. Used to strengthen negation in sentences without a subject:

Not a tree around.

There was not a single person in the class.

2. Written in subordinate clauses to enhance the affirmative meaning after the words WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, etc.:

Wherever I go, I meet friends everywhere.

Wherever we turned, they helped us everywhere.

3. It is written to strengthen the negation, which is expressed by the particle NOT or the word NO:

Not a sound is heard. There is not a cloud.

4. Negative particle NI with a noun in the genitive case and with a verb in the form imperative mood(or infinitive) is used to express a categorical command or prohibition:

Stand still and not move!

5. In stable phrases (in these phraseological units a comma is not placed before the second part of the repeating conjunction):

neither alive nor dead, neither light nor dawn, neither day nor night, neither back nor forth, neither here nor there, neither one nor the other, neither on horseback nor on foot, neither to the village nor to the city, neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat, not two, not one and a half, for nothing, for nothing, for no reason, no more, no less, no more, no less, neither heard nor breath, neither stood nor sat down. through thick and thin. as if nothing had happened.

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