Words of gratitude to the primary teacher about the world around us. Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

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Words of gratitude to the school from parents

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates are a sign of respect and appreciation for the talent of a teacher, whose work is not easy, but requires daily dedication and achievement. The teacher becomes a mentor for many children for more than one year. Students thank you for the knowledge, patience and care shared. Parents thank the teachers for putting so much effort into raising and educating their children.

How to say words of gratitude to the school and teachers?

There are several universal tips:

  • Try to do it in 3 minutes, maximum 5.
  • Try to avoid complex ornate phrases and terms. This may smack of dry formalism. Need to say more in simple language.
  • Avoid focusing on any individual teacher in your speech, with the exception of the class teacher. The more general the speech, the better. If necessary, after the official part, you can personally thank your favorite teacher.
  • Speak clearly, at an average pace, and you can give vent to your emotions a little.
  • Don't make a sad face, even if you say rather sentimental things.
  • To bring a little warmth and personal sympathy for the teacher into your speech, why not dilute your words of gratitude with a genuine story about the teacher’s care for his students.
  • Avoid excessive gestures; a simple smile will suffice.
  • After the speech has been made, it will be very appropriate to present bouquets of flowers to teachers with a slight respectful bow.
  • Pre-memorized speech is preferable to reading text from a piece of paper. This gives the speech a touch of seriousness and responsibility.
  • You can give a speech either individually or in a pair/company of parents/students. In the case of a joint performance, you can completely stage a mini-scene.

The text of gratitude to the school from parents consists of a greeting and the main part - the actual words of gratitude themselves.

Remember the main thing: it doesn’t matter to whom your words are addressed - representatives of the school administration or teachers - sincerity is important. Words spoken from the heart will find a response in the hearts of teachers.

Examples of text “Words of Gratitude to Teachers from Parents”

“We would like to sincerely thank our dear teachers and express our deep gratitude for the daily 11-year long and responsible work of raising our children, teaching and caring for us! Your contribution is great: new knowledge along with nurturing friendship, respect and love in the hearts of students. Regardless of the weather, hardships or illness, you went to school with our children. You empathized with their failures. They rejoiced at the victories. Thanks to you, children will go through life as civilized, literate and well-mannered people. Thank you for your knowledge and friendly assistance. My deepest bow to you for your difficult work!”

Sample 2

“What does the word “teacher” mean for our children? Comrade and mentor! Someone who shares knowledge and life values ​​with children, passing them on from generation to generation. There are no words to fully thank you for your hard work. Not everyone is capable of this! You need to have many positive qualities and be a very strong-willed person to survive in a modern school for many years. And, moreover, be able to cope with the diverse characters of schoolchildren! This is the most amazing feat! Hurray for you!

Text of gratitude to the school principal from parents

“Thanks to your efforts, the educational process was organized. We sincerely thank you for your administrative efforts, the harmonious learning conditions you created and the professional staff of teachers. And we are also grateful for taking care of us and creating a comfortable, friendly and cozy atmosphere!”

At the end of May, the Last Bell will ring in all schools, and then graduation will take place. This day will probably be the most significant for graduates of primary, 9th and 11th grades. However, long before the May days, parents and students begin to think about what words of gratitude to the teacher to say in the end, saying goodbye to teachers forever. Most of the children studied in the same school, from 1st grade to senior year. Of course, each of them remembers the first teacher, his wisdom and hard work; multiplication tables and rules of the Russian language, explained by him so carefully, with great patience and love for his work. It is imperative to thank teachers for the years of work invested in each student, and this can be done in any form - in prose, poetry, presentation with video and music, performance with skits.

Words of gratitude from students to a primary school teacher at graduation

Now 9 or 11 years have passed since yesterday’s preschool children first crossed the threshold of school. Many of them could neither read nor write. Teacher primary classes became their first teacher, who taught children to be friends, to be diligent, attentive, and responsive. The guys will always remember him, even after decades. Every teacher, especially a teacher who has known the children since 1st grade, will appreciate sincere words of gratitude from the students. Their touching speeches will let you know that the teacher’s lessons were not in vain.

Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher at graduation - Examples of poetry and prose from students

The first teacher... Probably every first grader was afraid of her at first, then loved, appreciated and respected her. Four long years primary school this man tried his best to impart his knowledge of subjects to schoolchildren. Not everyone, of course, studied well. However, sometimes the primary school teacher also worked with those who were lagging behind, staying after school. And how many interesting, new stories about the world their first teacher told the children! At school graduation, almost fully grown boys and girls say words of gratitude to the teacher who has become their mentor. You will find examples of such kind, touching poetry and prose here.

Please accept my gratitude today,
I confess, teacher, I love you very much.
Thank you for teaching me everything
Without sparing yourself, you served the children.
For wisdom, support, care, warmth,
Because you gave only good things.

For the noise and anxiety, please forgive me.
Thank you for everything, beloved teacher.
For the fact that you entered the classroom with love
And they opened their hearts to us.
For your kindest glance, sometimes tired,
Because you always stood for us.

I will say “thank you” to you, teacher,
For everything that was given to me in life.
For help, knowledge, support.
You showed light in the darkness.

You taught me to trust people
And discover a beautiful world.
I will only be indebted to you.
I want to wish you all the best.

Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

Almost always, parents of graduates come to school to see their sons and daughters not only to admire the grown and mature boys and prettier girls, but also to sincerely thank all the teachers, including primary school teachers, for the priceless gift given to their children - knowledge. The first teacher is loved for her kindness, responsiveness, and endless patience. The most sincere words, heartfelt poems, and melodic songs are dedicated to her.

Thank you words to a primary school teacher from parents with examples

The work of a teacher is truly priceless, because he dedicates it to children. Parents, bringing first-graders to school by the hand, entrust the primary school teacher with their real “treasure” - their daughters and sons. They know that from the first moment their child appears at school, he will always be closely watched, protecting him from wrong steps, taught him disciplines, and the ability to adapt in a team. Parents of graduates dedicate their words of gratitude to these people.

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all parents who deeply respect you, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care, patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!

The first teacher of our children, a respected and golden man, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of all parents we wish you health, prosperity, successful activity, respect, great strength, patience, good mood, good luck, happiness and love. Thank you for your sensitive heart, for your great work, for your enormous contribution to the development and education of our children.

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

Words of gratitude to the first teacher - Poems from students

Probably, many of us still remember the first day at school, when, hiding behind what seemed like just a huge bouquet of flowers, they followed the first teacher to their first lesson in their lives. For four long years, this man became their mentor, friend, and assistant. Together with the children, they went hiking, went to the movies, attended concerts, and held school holidays and events. Students who have reached the graduating class remember with gratitude the kindheartedness and gentleness of their first teacher. On the last day of school they dedicate wonderful poems to her.

Words of gratitude to the first teacher - Examples of poems from students

Children often affectionately call their first teacher their second mother. She, just like her own mother, cares about the health and safety of her charges, looking after them all the time while they are at school. Often, due to the busyness of parents, it is with the first teacher that children spend more time. Many primary school teachers lead after-school groups, visiting cinemas, theaters, and art galleries with their students. Even after lessons, the first teacher continues to introduce them to the beauty of the world around them. Pay attention to our examples of wonderful poems from students - perhaps very soon you will thank your first teacher.

Everyone in the world loves the first teacher!
She gives a sea of ​​strength to children!
If suddenly something bad happens to someone,
The teacher will listen and always help!
The first teacher is the first friend!
May everyone around you always love you!
May it be easy for you from any children
Raise decent and knowledgeable people!

My first teacher, you are my dearest.
I remember learning the alphabet with you,
I learned to write and count,
He worked seriously like a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already,
As an adult, at the school level, I stand,
And you, as always, are with the kids,
Yesterday she was only with us.

The first teacher showed us all
School, and classes, and assembly hall,
Helped me get used to life as a student.
Gave me the most important lesson in the world -
Work, study, make friends and don’t lie!
We want to thank you for this!
And believe last call- not the end!
He is just the beginning for our hearts!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at 11th grade graduation

Each parent, bringing their child to school, sincerely hopes that his son or daughter will receive deep knowledge in all subjects, will study “good” and “excellently”, will love many subjects and will be able to make a choice future profession. This is what happens in all cases when schoolchildren are taught by wonderful professionals - Teachers with a capital T. Seeing how their child is gradually changing for the better at school, how his knowledge is growing, parents sometimes cannot find suitable words of gratitude to teachers. We hope that our examples of thank you speeches for 11th grade graduation will help you take the floor on the last day of school and sincerely say to your teachers: “Thank you!”

Thank you words from parents to teachers at 11th grade graduation with examples

Addressing words of gratitude to the teachers of 11th grade graduates, parents thank them for their patience and care for their children, for their understanding and love for schoolchildren, for the wisdom with which the teachers passed on their knowledge to boys and girls.

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to carefully make sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And here in front of us stand adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you didn’t sleep many nights checking their notebooks, didn’t pay much attention to your families in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that they would grow up into worthy people.

Today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything, even for the bad marks you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything you did for us.

A low bow to you and a big thank you!

A school is an integral organism that has a unique feature - the ability to push out those who are superfluous, leaving behind those who know how to sincerely love and sincerely empathize, be loyal friends and truly feel another person. School is like a ladder, along which you can only move upward, to the stars.

Once you step on the initial stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But what if this is the end? Most likely not, because a person is destined to study all his life - and school Guardian Angels and teachers are called upon to help in this important work.

At school, everything starts with them - faithful, bright bearers of wisdom and knowledge. The rise in life becomes easier if a mentor from God warms you nearby with crystal-clear light.

With every step comes the understanding that the higher you rise, the warmer this extraordinary light becomes, warming the soul. The light of a loving and understanding, at times strict and principled teacher

Words of gratitude for graduation in 11th grade to teachers from students

So eleven seemingly long years at school flew by unnoticed. The last lessons have already been taught, grades have been posted - 11th grade graduates are ready to leave the walls of their home school. All this time, teachers gave a part of themselves to the children, invested knowledge and skills in them. Of course, now grown-up boys and girls cannot just leave without saying something to the teachers in the end. Their words of gratitude always sound absolutely sincere and from the bottom of their hearts.

Words of gratitude from 11th grade students to teachers - Examples of poems and prose for graduation

Saying words of gratitude to the teachers, graduates of the 11th grade, of course, remember the first teacher, who became their second mother, and the subject teachers, and the “physical teacher”. They say “thank you” to them for their patience and kindness, for their wisdom and understanding. Graduation for many children is both a festive and, at the same time, a sad day. Schoolchildren part ways not only with teachers, but also with classmates who have become their friends. They thank the teachers for their support and understanding, endurance and hard daily work in poetry and prose.

School years are a thing of the past,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

And we will remember all teachers.

Every hour and every moment is dear to us,

What was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved anything

He will appreciate everything more than once later.

Thanks to those who dedicated themselves

High goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving the profession,

Be honest, smart and value goodness!

We are dressed smartly today,

You haven't seen us like this.

We give bouquets to the teacher

Like once upon a time for the first time!

Dahlias, carnations, daisies

Everything for you, dear teacher!

Ring a bell for us first-graders

The last bell has rung!

Everything was once new to us:

And the primer and notebook in hand,

And the teacher and the first word,

What they wrote on the school board!

But we have learned the secrets of knowledge

And now we can do it without any problems

Find answers to questions

And the solution to any theorems!

The teacher's work was selfless,

But we appreciated you highly!

You led us to the knowledge of truths,

So that life can be easy for us.

And today the deadlines are set

Thank you for saying this.

And because the roads are straight

You taught us to choose!

Today we are with an unknown feeling

Let's walk through our native school again.

And it feels a little sad

Wonderful graduation party!

Oh, when will we have to again

Walk along these paths...

Goodbye, beloved school!

We are heading into adulthood!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at 9th grade graduation

Every parent who sends their child to school sincerely hopes that he will meet real teachers, excellent teachers. Happy are those mothers and fathers whose hopes have come true. At their 9th grade graduation, they dedicate their words of gratitude to such wonderful people and professional teachers.

Examples of words of parental gratitude to teachers from students at graduation in 9th grade

Expressing gratitude to the teachers for teaching the children for nine long years, parents of schoolchildren read beautiful poems to the teachers. At graduation in 9th grade, fathers and mothers say “thank you” to the teachers for giving them not only physics, mathematics, and Russian lessons, but also life lessons.

Thank you for teaching me
Our guys can read, count, write,
For always being with them,
When they needed some advice!

Thank you for all your efforts,
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For what you do in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,
So that your work will be a joy for you,
You are the best! We know that for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Let's say thank you, teacher,
For our dear children.
You taught the basics with patience
Our daughters, sons.

Thank you for your love and care.
You gave the children warmth,
You instilled joy in their souls,
Bits of happiness and goodness.

Thank you for raising children
That they were given what is so important in their lives.
That they were understood, appreciated, loved.
And they did not reproach with a knife of reproach.

Thank you for making them grow up
That they are happy to hear the school bell.
And what have you been able to teach so much?
Kids. For this I bow to you.

Words of gratitude to beloved teachers from students at 9th grade graduation

Nine years of schooling flew by unnoticed. Some of the guys, having passed the exams, will leave its walls forever, entering college or finding interesting job. Others will continue their studies in grades 10-11 in order to graduate from university in the future, receiving higher education, master prestigious profession. Both schoolchildren, gathered at their 9th grade graduation, say words of gratitude to their teachers for the knowledge they have received, support, advice, and sincere love.

Examples of words of gratitude to teachers from 9th grade students at graduation

Teachers opened the way for schoolchildren to the adult world. Sincerely rejoicing and worrying with each of the students, their beloved teachers seemed to be living life together with their charges. At their 9th grade graduation, students say “thank you” to their teachers for being able to support them at the right time. Sometimes the teachers even managed to keep the kids from doing wrong and reckless things. For many boys and girls who graduate from school, teachers remain wise and faithful friends for life. They dedicate their words of gratitude to them at graduation.

We thank our teachers,

The time has come and we have so many words.

The teacher, like love, is always from God,

Sometimes there are no people closer in life.

May you sometimes have to be angry

But you showed persistence and pity,

Let us often get hit in the neck,

They approached souls and hearts.

We are grateful to everyone

That we have you!

You have invested your efforts in us.

And bow to the ground

You will accept here

We weren't playing pranks out of malice!

Thank you for the peace in our souls,

For accepting us as anyone,

And often they were spared in punishment,

Thank you for being with us already!

But how we miss the bustle!

Oh, if only everything were as before!

We are honestly grateful to you without falsehood

Believe me, our thoughts are pure.

We are grateful to everyone

That we have you!

You have invested your efforts in us.

And bow to the ground

You will accept here

We weren't playing pranks out of malice!

Math teacher

Let someone love English,

Chemistry is important to some people

Without mathematics we all

Well, neither here nor there!

Equations are like poems to us,

And the integral keeps the spirit alive,

Logarithms are like songs to us,

And the formulas are soothing to the ear.

We calculate areas, volumes,

But the exams have already been passed,

And all the theorems, axioms

Now we have completely forgotten!

To my beloved teacher

Huge "Bravissimo"!

You are not our leader,

You are our generalissimo!

Like our noble commander

Field Marshal rank,

It's like you're crossing us through the Alps

For seven years they led to knowledge.

And even if it wasn't easy

Sometimes in training,

We need your knowledge “in battle”

They will help, no doubt!

Thank you for Gogol,

For Pushkin and Turgenev.

Thanks for Yesenin,

And also for your patience!

Thanks for the suffixes,

Participles, adverbs.

They made us better, and

A little more humane.

Your advice is good

And your thoughts are pure -

We'll frame them

And let's emphasize wavy!

But autumn is coming... New class

Here he moves chairs

And to be honest, we tell them

We envy you with all our hearts!

When preparing words of gratitude to the teacher for the graduation of grades 9 and 11, students can team up with their parents and compose beautiful poems for subject teachers, the first teacher, and a primary school teacher. The farewell speech of schoolchildren and their parents at graduation should be imbued with kindness and warmth.

Here are samples of the best ready-made texts for a letter of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents. All texts are written in prose (not verse).

All names and surnames, names of institutions (organizations) and localities, dates, are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option #1

Dear Albina Gennadievna!

We express our deep gratitude for your teaching talent, creative attitude to work, responsiveness and friendliness!

Thanks to you, the children of our class live in a friendly community, consider school their second home, and the class a big friendly family.

We wish you good health, longevity (both professional and human), prosperity and patience, optimism and success in your hard work!


parents of 1st grade "A"


Option No. 2

Dear Arina Sergeevna!

You reminded us once again that the work of a teacher is priceless!

Your contribution to the education and upbringing of our children cannot be overestimated. Over the course of 3 years, you helped timid and shy preschoolers turn into schoolchildren who are confident in their abilities, who know how and love to learn, who strive to learn new things, and who diversify their abilities in various school and district events.

Thanks to the fact that you, a highly professional teacher, a caring, attentive and responsible person, were next to the children at school, we could be calm. For your contribution to our peace and emotional health - special thanks to you.

You know how to find an approach to each child, instill kindness and decency, honesty and tolerance. You taught them mutual understanding. The knowledge gained at school allowed our children to show good results in regional educational competitions. For this, too, please accept our sincere gratitude.

Arina Sergeevna, the children will grow up and become professionals, each in their own business, and throughout their lives they will carry the light and warmth of your soul that you gave them... And together with the children, we will carry them too.

Low bow to you for your work!

With respect and gratitude,

parents of 3rd grade "E".

December, 2018


Option #3

Dear Antonina Lvovna!

We express our deep gratitude for your professional skill, pedagogical talent, spiritual generosity and competent upbringing of our children during the first, most important, school years.

You open a unique world to your students, skillfully guide them along the ladder of knowledge, painstakingly overcoming step by step, lighting a fire of curiosity and self-confidence in their hearts!

We appreciate everything you do and are grateful to you for your creative attitude to work, enthusiasm, feedback with us, parents.

Thank you for decorating the children’s childhood with warm and exciting memories that they will carry throughout their lives!

Parents of 3 "D" class

GBOU No. 10 Guryevsk

Option No. 4

Dear Josephine Egorovna!

Thank you for your hard work, responsibility and individuality,

for dedication to the chosen business and the desire to develop in the chosen field,

for your constant kindness and desire to be useful.

We would like to note with gratitude your professionalism and objectivity in assessing the knowledge and abilities of students. You are a talented teacher and a noble person.

We sincerely wish you peace, goodness, prosperity and worthy rewards for your success. Let your professional path be easy, and your results exceed your wildest expectations!

Parents of 1st grade students

"Eletskaya secondary general education

School No. 2"

Option #5

Dear Zlata Yakovlevna!

We sincerely thank you for your inexhaustible and bright teaching talent,

high professionalism, dedication and many years of hard work. You are an initiative and responsible person, an experienced and skillful teacher! Thank you for being there for us and our children in the first years of school. We are sincerely glad that at this tender age there was a person like you next to the children and day after day he passed on to them not only knowledge and skills, but also instilled those high moral principles that you possess.

We sincerely wish you success in your professional activities, grateful students and understanding parents.


parents and students of grade 4 "B"


Option #6

Dear Nina Denisovna!

The most important and amazing discoveries are made next to a person who bears the wonderful title - First Teacher.

Please accept our sincere gratitude for the fact that you became the first teacher of our children and illuminated their path to the fascinating land of knowledge with your inherent care, attention, love for children and your profession.

Parents of 3rd grade "E" students

GBOU secondary school No. 9


Option No. 7

Dear Inessa Leopoldovna!

We express our deep gratitude to you as parents for your professional and conscientious work,

We wish you health, optimism, high results and the desired impact in your professional activities. May every day bring you pleasant surprises, new energy, love of life and love of loved ones!


parents of 4th grade “A” graduates

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"


Option No. 8

Dear Lyubov Romanovna!

You open the way to the future for our children,

instill interest and love for various sciences, teach to value goodness,

educate and develop in them the best human qualities: politeness, selflessness, sociability, responsibility, hard work, and many others.

Thank you for your professional work, diligence, hard work, attention, understanding and care,

help and qualified advice, for a responsive heart.

We sincerely wish you further success, good health, vigor, mental comfort and happiness, both personal and professional!

Parents of 1st grade "E" students

MBOU secondary school No. 48


Option No. 9

Dear Nelly Andreevna!

It is a great happiness to meet a teacher who will become a guiding star for children, teach them kindness and justice, and help them become Human.

Our children are lucky to have met a true mentor in you.

It is you who combine everything necessary: ​​the talent of a teacher, attentiveness to children, intelligence, sensitivity, patience and inexhaustible energy. You not only teach children to “read and write”, but also help to form spiritual and moral values.

Please accept our heartfelt words of gratitude for your labor valor, professional mentoring and enormous contribution to shaping the happy future of our children.

We sincerely wish that all the good you have done will always return to you multiplied many times over!

Parents of 2nd "B" class

GBOU Secondary School No. 11, Kalininsk

Option No. 10

Dear Oksana Valerievna!

You are a highly qualified and gifted teacher, a subtle psychologist and sensitive,

attentive person!

Our children are graduating from primary school, but today we see that you laid moral principles in each of our children, began the formation of their personality, and opened a new, previously unknown world for children.

Summing up educational process primary school education for the period from 2018 to 2019, on behalf of the parents of students in grade 4 “B”, we write to you with words of gratitude.

Thank you very much for the constructive, creative and friendly atmosphere,

which was created in the classroom, for interesting homework that develops attentiveness and imagination, for organizing the educational process

and painstaking, difficult work.

We wish you further development in your chosen profession and achievement of new victories. Let the students be talented and obedient, the parents understanding, the leadership loyal, and loved ones loving.

Parents Committee 4 "B" class secondary school No. 2

represented by the Chairman

R. D. Morozova


Option No. 11

Team of parents of 1st “D” class MBOU “Secondary school No. 31”


expresses gratitude

Smirnova Zinaida Georgievna,

primary school teacher,

for cooperation, high-quality transfer of knowledge, popularization and promotion of a healthy lifestyle for children.

Option No. 12

Team of parents 3 "B" class

GBOU “Secondary school No. 15”, Kargopol

expresses gratitude

Proshkina Sofya Leonidovna

primary school teacher,

for preparing students to participate in the city reading competition

"Literary Labyrinth".


Option No. 13

We express our gratitude

Slyshkina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna,

To the class teacher of 4th grade

MBOU secondary school No. 82,

for professional activity and close cooperation with parents

in business environmental education children,

and training of participants

city ​​competition of costumes made from recycled materials

"The benefits of waste in modern fashion"

as part of the city’s “Healthy City” campaign.

Parents and PTA

MBOU secondary school No. 82


Option No. 14

Dear Ulyana Antonovna!

The entire parent staff of grade 4 “A” expresses great gratitude to you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your love and dedication.

You, Ulyana Antonovna, are a true professional in your difficult profession. You helped our children choose the right path in education, invested a piece of your soul into them and did not ask for anything in return, you charged them with optimism and created motivation for studying.

We consider it a personal, great success in life that you are the first teacher of our children - wonderful and fair! Thank you very much for your concern, for loving the children and taking care of them.

We wish you an easy professional path, great victories both at work and in life, peace of mind and warmth in the family.

With respect to you,

parents of 4th "A" class of secondary school No. 43


May, 2019

Option No. 15

Dear Kira Vadimovna!

We, parents of students of grade 4 “B”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 40”,

We express our deep gratitude to you

for noble, difficult, but very important work,

high professionalism and amazing results achieved

in the education and upbringing of our children.

During the first four years of school, children were surrounded by care, attention, warmth and kindness, and this is a rewarding environment for the development of a person’s abilities and the formation of his personality.

For creating a warm, creative, joyful atmosphere in the classroom - special thanks to you. This helped our children successfully adapt to school, find new friends and love this place where they will spend many more years of their lives.

We wish you prosperity, vital energy, achievement of all your goals, realization of all your plans!

Parents of 4th grade "B" students


Option No. 16

Dear Yana Semyonovna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your

professionalism, attention, sensitivity and care towards our children.

Thank you for your kindness, patience, individual approach to each child,

for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom.

Under your sensitive guidance, our children were able to experience the joy of friendship, broaden their horizons and learn independent learning activities.

We wish you that your hopes are always justified, that those around you are valued and respected, that your wealth increases, and that your energy increases. Good health to you and your loved ones!

With respect and love,

parents of 4th "D" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 8"

May, 2019


Option No. 17

Dear Elizaveta Makarovna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude

for a worthy contribution to the training and education of the younger generation.

Your activities are an example of enthusiasm and dedication.

Your work with parents is always sensitive and attentive.

From the bottom of our hearts, our parental gratitude to you -

Teacher with a capital letter,

talented to the class teacher and a wonderful person.

We wish you health, prosperity, warmth and care for your loved ones!

Parents of 2nd grade “B”,

GBOU secondary school No. 30

Option No. 18

Dear Victoria Grigorievna!

On behalf of all the parents and students of 4th grade, please accept our deep gratitude for your teaching work, for the fact that you have invested a piece of your soul in our children, and also:

  • for your sensitivity;
  • for your kindness;
  • for your patience;
  • for your professionalism and constant improvement of teaching skills;
  • for a responsible attitude towards your work;
  • for the ability to punish in time and praise in time;
  • for the ability to educate in the learning process;
  • for pedagogical insight, the ability to see the best in every child and the ability to develop this best.

You have become a teacher with a capital T for us and our children, significant person in life. Low bow to you for this.

We sincerely wish to receive only satisfaction and pleasant surprises from our work. May your efforts always be noticed and duly rewarded. Peace, happiness and joy to you and your loved ones!


Option No. 19


Orlova Veronica Rodionovna,

primary school teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 in Dzerzhinsk.”

On behalf of the team of parents of grade 4 “B”, please accept our sincere gratitude for:

  • huge contribution to the upbringing and education of our children;
  • cordiality, warmth, understanding of children and their parents;
  • long-suffering, care and concern;
  • comprehensive pedagogical support provided to both students and their relatives.

Special thanks to you for excellent quality knowledge passed on to their students.

You have become a reliable friend and example for us in everything.

We sincerely wish you indestructible health, inspiration in your profession, creative search and satisfaction from work and life.

Parents and students of grade 4 "B"

Dzerzhinsk, 2018.

Option No. 20

Dear Faina Vladimirovna!

Parent Committee and parents of grade 3 "B"

GBOU "Secondary school No. 71" Kopeysk

thank you for your active life position, your willingness to share the experience accumulated over the years, your creative vision of the world, the light of your soul, joy and faith in people!

Thank you for finding the opportunity and time to improve your skills, expanding your work experience, introducing modern pedagogical technologies and share your discoveries, knowledge and thoughts with us!

We wish you inexhaustible vital energy, inexhaustible health, endless professional growth and simple human happiness!

June, 2019


Option No. 21

Dear Evgenia Arkadyevna!

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the education and upbringing of our children!

Your high professionalism as a teacher, human kindness and patience, along with an individual approach to each student, allow children to reveal their abilities and gain solid knowledge.

Your interest in the affairs of the class as a whole and the needs of each child, manifested in active extracurricular activities, contributes to the comprehensive development of children, the development of collective interaction skills and the formation of an active citizenship position.


parent team 2 "B" class,

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Krasnoufimsk

  • The main text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page. If there is no other way to place the text, it is allowed to lay out in width or along the left edge.
  • Individual words (first and last name, list of merits, etc.) may be highlighted in capital letters and/or in bold.
  • After the main text, on the left edge, leave a signature.
  • In some cases, the personal signatures of the authors of the letter are placed (if the authors do not include all the parents of the class, but only one or several members of the parent team).
  • The last entry on the page will be the date and name of the locality. The date can be shortened, leaving only the month and year of writing the letter, or only the year.
  • The name of the settlement may not be indicated at the end of the page if it has already been mentioned somewhere in the text (for example, it is often mentioned in the name educational institution or in the signature of the parent group. See how in samples).
  • In the same way, it is acceptable not to indicate the author of the letter at the end of the main text if at the beginning of the text it was already mentioned on behalf of whom it was written.
  • The style of writing may be less formal than that written on behalf of an organization or officials. In this case, business style is neglected in favor of greater emotionality and warmth of the text (for this, compliments are added to the text, listing merits and personal admiration for them, etc.).

Sample texts for a letter of gratitude to a teacher from the school administration. The examples are designed as they should look on paper (text layout, position, signatures and other components are observed).

All surnames, first names, school numbers, names of organizations and settlements are used solely for convenience of presentation; any similarities with real people are coincidental.

Option #1

Dear Shirina Valentina Olegovna!

The administration of the municipal educational institution "Nekrasovskaya secondary school No. 1" in Biryusinsk expresses its gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for your selfless work and active life position!

Your practical experience, professionalism and dedicated work continue to serve the interests of your home school, city, and country.

You strive to help a young person understand the world around him, teach him how to improve it, grow up as a worthy citizen of his Fatherland and protect his interests.

We admire your tireless energy, wisdom and love for your chosen business and children. Your authority is for many guys a shining example of efficiency, exactingness and dedication.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, we wish you health, happiness, prosperity to your family and loved ones, new achievements in work!

Head teacher

I. Ts. Semenova


Option No. 2

Dear Lyudmila Danilovna!

Administration of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School – Boarding School No. 10

in honor of Teacher's Day

expresses gratitude to you

behind creativity, professionalism and excellent results in teaching and educating students.

Let each of your students become a worthy person and your personal pride.

Thank you for your noble work!

Joy and success to you in your professional activities and beyond!


V. Yu. Grechkina


Option #3

Dear Tatyana Borisovna!

The administration of the MBOU “Secondary school No. 415 with in-depth study of chemistry” in Belebey expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the scientific session of high school students, for your support and joint work to attract students to research activities in the field of chemistry, for your attention, enthusiasm and desire help every child find his own path in life.

We welcome your participation in our events and are open to new ideas.

We are confident that the knowledge acquired by students will contribute to their personal growth and intellectual achievements.

We hope for further successful and fruitful cooperation!

Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 415 with UIH

K. U. Avdeeva


Option No. 4

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Belgorod secondary school No. 244

Dear Ilona Matveevna!

Please accept these words of deep gratitude for your inexhaustible teaching talent, the highest professionalism, dedication, and many years of painstaking work for the benefit of national education.

Your patience, responsiveness, teaching skill and ability to lead students inspire new victories.

Thank you for your uniqueness, energy, and dedication to your chosen path!

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!


G. E. Ryazanova


Option #5

To a wonderful teacher

master of his craft

Poletaeva Zinaida Genrikhovna

Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday -

Happy Teacher's Day and heartfelt words of gratitude.

For the lack of procrastination, for the ability to attract even the laziest to knowledge, for a creative approach to the educational process - I bow to you.

We wish your teaching journey to be long, joyful and bring you satisfaction. It is thanks to such people that our education has earned a brilliant reputation.

Administration of MKOU Balabanovskaya

basic educational school

Option #6


Municipal educational institution Astrakhan secondary school

expresses gratitude

social studies teacher

Alushkina Raisa Igorevna

for performance

in the regional subject Olympiad for schoolchildren and high-quality preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 884

A. V. Lapina


Option No. 7

Administration of GBOU school No. 343

Isakogorsk district expresses gratitude


Ariadna Mikhailovna

for high-quality and highly professional work in the 2018-2019 academic year, contributing to the development of the educational institution.


G. Kh. Kovalchuk


Option No. 8

Russian Federation

Nizhny Novgorod Region


Arzamas urban district

Dear Olga Rostislavovna!

Thank you for preparing a team of students from the Nikolaev branch

Municipal educational institution of Arzamas secondary secondary school №55,

deserved victory in the major league of the Russian Internet festival “Genius”.

We wish you further success in developing the abilities of gifted children as part of the implementation of the national educational initiative “Our Updated School”.

Head of the district

R. Shch. Kryltsov


October 2019

Option No. 9

Pogodina Natalya Potapovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

Please accept my sincere, deep gratitude for your kindness, attention and patience, wisdom and generosity of soul!

May all your aspirations and dreams come true, and may health, happiness and luck become your faithful companions forever!


Secondary school No. 145, Apatity

Z. L. Sukhanova

Option No. 10

Administration of Angarsk State University

expresses gratitude

teacher MBOU gymnasium No. 451

Serdolyubov Andrey Vitalievich

for actively involving students in participating in research work, instilling cognitive interest in the physical phenomena of nature and the ability to independently solve problems of varying levels of complexity.

Rector of AnSU

I. Zh. Konstantinov

Dean of TKZZH

G. Sh. Skvortsov

Option No. 11

Department of Education Administration

Azov municipal district


Samokhin Ella Anatolyevna

math teachers

municipal educational institution

"Secondary educational school of the city of Azov No. 333",

for professionalism and pedagogical excellence in educating the younger generation and in connection with International Women's Day.


education department

N. T. Loshadnikov

Order No. 127 of 03/02/2019

Option No. 12

Vanyukhina U. T.

history teacher

secondary school No. 3

Dear Ulyana Tarasovna!

I express to you my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your proactive creative work, your great personal contribution to the education of the younger generation in the Central District of the city of Bogoroditsk and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the school.

With all my heart I wish you happiness, prosperity and further success in your noble cause.

Director of school No. 3


Emelkina P. D.

Option No. 13

MOU "Training and Methodological Center" thanks

Gorikova Zhanna Prokofievna

primary school teachers of the Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Bobrovskaya secondary school No. 1”, for active work in the municipal methodological association.

Please accept my gratitude for your professionalism, competence and pedagogical tact.

Your activities help improve the quality of education and help students discover their creative abilities.

We wish you further success and creative inspiration!

Director of MOU "UMC"

Sh. Zh. Shchukina

(order No. 451 of November 28, 2019)


Option No. 14

Dear Olga Danilovna!

The administration of the Borisoglebsky district expresses gratitude to you for your help in educating the younger generation, developing their curiosity, interest in knowledge and need for creativity.

You are the teacher who is raising the future of Russia. With your daily work you make a huge contribution to the formation of the personality of the younger generation in Borisoglebsk.

Remain the same zealous guardian of our huge educational center.

I wish you happiness and good luck!

Head of Administration

Borisoglebsky district

G. Z. Tkacheva

Option No. 15

Dear Larisa Leonidovna!

You have been working selflessly in the vocational education system for over 10 years, since the founding of the lyceum!

The administration of the State Educational Institution NPO Vocational Lyceum No. 172 thanks you for your high professionalism in your work, conscientious work and great personal contribution to the education and training of the younger generation!

We wish you good health, energy and new professional victories!

Director of PL No. 172

P. R. Pochkina

Option No. 16

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Vilyuisk municipal secondary

Comprehensive school

V. A. Alekseeva

Dear Valeria Arnoldovna!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for your tireless work, creative approach to work, worthy bearing of the high title of Teacher, for the wealth of mind and soul that you fully give to your students.

Your professionalism and dedicated service to the teaching profession, which you have demonstrated by participating in All-Russian competition“Teacher of the Year 2018” will contribute to the glorification of the homeland.

I wish you good health, new achievements and victories, prosperity for your family.

Director of school No. 811

E. E. Eduardova


Option No. 17

Dear Rimma Kondratyevna!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for the brilliant preparation of your students who became winners in the Second Stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren by law.

Your pedagogical talent, true love for your profession, tireless thirst for knowledge, faith in the uniqueness of each child and generosity of soul will always serve the cause of teaching and educating young citizens of our city.

And let the victory of your students be a reward for sleepless nights, intense intellectual work, doubts and worries.

Director of secondary school No. 91


L. Shch. Naumova

Option No. 18

Dear Anzhelika Valerievna!

The administration of secondary school No. 532 in the city of Vladikavkaz, represented by director E. Kh. Pichugina, expresses its deep gratitude to you.

Being a teacher means believing. Believe in the possibility of changing the world through enlightenment, believe in man and that intellectual wealth is above all.

We sincerely thank you for your inexhaustible teaching talent, professional skill, generosity of soul, golden heart, wisdom and many years of painstaking work in your field.

Your patience, responsiveness, imparted knowledge and attentive attitude towards your students help the school release young people into the world who are well prepared for further success on the path of education.

Thank you for your dedication to the work to which you dedicated your life!

We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, and an easy path in life!

Director of secondary school No. 532

E. Kh. Pichugina

Head of Education

L. M. Dmitrieva

Vladikavkaz – 2019

Option No. 19

To the respected teacher of secondary school No. 118 in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Ruchkina Faina Solomonovna!

Congratulations on the victory. The achievements of your students are your “excellent” professional result. A huge share of a student’s success, of course, belongs to the teacher. It is impossible to win without the help of an intelligent and sensitive mentor!

In a modern, dynamically changing world, a true teacher is a creator, an expert, a virtuoso. He is not afraid of the rapid change in technology, he is aware of the latest advances in science, has professional knowledge, is sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren.

Only such a teacher can evoke the sincere respect of the younger generation, teach them to invent, understand and master new things, be able to express their own opinions, be able to make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

I express my sincere gratitude for serving your chosen cause, tireless creative search, responsiveness and spiritual generosity!


Director of secondary school No. 118

Yu. Ch. Chizhikova

October 2019

  • At the top of the sheet (in the “header”) indicate the name of the document - “Letter of Thanks”.
  • Under the “header” you can indicate who it is from (name or name of organization), however, this is not a prerequisite (if the letter is not issued from the administration of a district, city, region or other government organizations).
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page.
  • At the bottom of the page (after the main text) the position of the author is indicated. The entry is placed on the left edge of the sheet.
  • Opposite the position, on the right side, enter the initials and surname of the author of the letter.
  • In the center, at the bottom of the page, put the personal signature and seal of the organization.
  • The order number (if it exists) is indicated after the main text on the left edge or at the bottom of the page.
  • The very last entry on the page will be the date. It can be specified either in full format (day, month, year) or shortened, leaving only the year (see as in the samples - all options there are formatted in the way it is permissible to do this).


A thank you letter is a written expression of gratitude, usually addressed to a specific person. This document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead or on a special printed form, which is sold in large quantities at kiosks with printed products.

Often a thank you letter is written to teachers. Grateful parents of students express words of gratitude to their children's teacher, for example, in connection with the end of the school year, primary school, secondary school.

Not only parents, but also the students themselves can express gratitude by contacting their teacher or class teacher. In this case, you should purchase a printed color form, in which you just need to enter the text with nice words for the addressee (teacher).

A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school.

Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration.

Video - ideas for writing a thank you letter (with examples)

Text templates with gratitude to the teacher

1. The text of a letter of gratitude to a primary school teacher from the parents of students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna!

We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times. Together with your students, you rejoiced at their successes and supported them in difficult situations.

Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children believe in themselves, discover new abilities and talents, and open up like a flower every day. Thank you for your patience, attention and care towards your students! Thank you for preparing our children for 4 years, putting your soul into them, building them into full-fledged individuals, and guiding them on the true path of improvement!

We wish you new professional achievements and reach new pedagogical heights with your students!

Parents of 4th grade "A" students

2. Text of a letter of gratitude to the class teacher from parents of graduates

Dear Tatyana Evgenievna!

We sincerely thank you for the upbringing and education of our children - students of grade 11 B of school No. 131 in the city of Omsk. Your professional classroom management has enabled our children to achieve amazing achievements in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, and solved complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them with a sparkle in their eyes. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals. There was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other in the class.

We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing your soul and time in raising our children! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teaching profession!

Parents of Class 11A students

3. Text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the school administration

Dear Nina Ivanovna!

You are an excellent teacher, possessing all the necessary professional and spiritual qualities for educating and teaching students. We thank you for your active participation in the life of the school and for your enormous contribution to its development. Thank you for taking on all your endeavors with all your heart, participating in the development of new teaching methods, and organizing events of various kinds.

Thanks to teachers like you, our school is becoming more professional and popular in the eyes of the public. From the administration of school No. 111 we wish you creative success, good luck in all your endeavors, grateful students and parents!

Administration of school No. 111

Letters of gratitude to the teacher.

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