Dream interpretation in Muslim. Islamic dream book: interpretation of dreams according to the Sunnah and the Holy Quran

A variety of scientists have long been engaged in trying to decipher them from both a physiological and psychological point of view. In the old days, this was the task of healers and esotericists, and it was then that the first dream books appeared, helping to determine what a particular dream was about. Among such books with the decoding of dreams is a Muslim interpreter, who has absorbed the most ancient approaches of this teaching to what is seen in a dream.

Bad dreams according to Muslim interpretations

Beliefs say that nightmares come to people for a reason: they are brought by evil spirits to lead a person astray from the beaten path. Scary, unpleasant and confusing dreams interfere with the restoration of energy and destroy a person’s natural defenses, because normally resistance to any evil requires inner strength. Ifrits - as they are commonly called - can evoke more than just nightmarish or frightening images. The erotic, love or sexual component of a dream is also, as a rule, interpreted not in the most encouraging way - as temptations not forgotten in the past or expected in the future.

According to another point of view, nightmares are a consequence of how a person is influenced by Shaitan - the Eastern analogy of the devil. With a bad dream, it undermines a person’s fortitude, making him vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of internal demons. Depending on what the nightmare was associated with, they expect troubles, taking measures in advance to prevent them. Sometimes evil demons cause sleep paralysis in a person - a state in which a person who has just woken up cannot move and sees frightening visions.

Why do you have a good dream?

A pleasant dream, as the Muslim dream book reports, is sent down to the sleeping person by Allah himself to suggest the right path or to draw attention to problematic areas of life. Working with them can usually bring success in the very near future. Stories with birds are considered a good sign if they do not show predatory claws or sharp beaks. This means that your endeavors are correct. A favorable dream will be an image associated with relatives - it indicates that you are under the strong protection of your family.

Another good image that promises success is a book. It signifies strong potential and opportunities related to your intellectual abilities. A good sign will be reading the Koran or visions of saints. According to spiritual books, demons cannot take the form of the true God, so such dreams definitely indicate the disposition of Heaven towards you.

The Muslim dream book says that this is why only good dreams are prophetic - after all, they are sent down from heaven. Nightmarish dreams that confuse the soul or disturb the body are not prophetic, they are just the influence of demons who are trying to get to a person, at least in a dream. Prayer in the morning will drive this unfavorable energy away.

Having seen a strange dream, look into the dream book. Sometimes dreams actually warn us of upcoming events. But remember that you need to live in real life, and not in the foggy night wanderings of your own consciousness. We wish you only bright dreams, good spirits for every morning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:20

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A dream, as part of a prophecy, is of great importance for a Muslim. The Muslim dream book according to the Koran and Sunnah will tell you whether a dream is good or bad, whether it will come true or not. However, it can be useful and interesting not only for devout Muslims but also for representatives of other faiths.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: what is written in the Quran regarding this issue?

From the point of view of science, dreams are nothing more than a reflection of everything that a person experiences in everyday life: his actions, thoughts, plans, dreams, feelings and emotions. Some believe that the images that appear in a person’s mind during his sleep are inspired by a certain higher power, in particular, God. They can transport not only to the past, but also to the future, as well as to other realities. Dream images cannot always be taken literally. They need correct interpretation. For people who profess the Islamic religion, a Muslim dream book according to the canons of the Koran can help.

Dream in Islamic religion

How are dreams interpreted correctly in Islam? What is written in the Koran and Sunnah on this matter?

Sleep and dreams are given great importance in the Islamic religion. What true Muslims see when they fall asleep they consider “observations of the soul.” The great Allah Himself sends down signs to them. Some of them are obvious; you don't need to make an effort to understand what they mean. Others consist of a collection of seemingly unrelated images. The meaning of such dreams is clear only to selected interpreters.

It is impossible to become an interpreter by learning from books. The ability to unravel “visions of the soul” is bestowed by Allah. To receive such a gift, you must be God-fearing and live according to the Koran, not sin and protect others from the sins. These people are either prophets or saints. And you can only turn to them for the interpretation of dreams.

Therefore, the Muslim dream book interpretation of the Koran and Sunnah is a guide rather for curious people. It is a generalization of knowledge about sleep and dreams in the Islamic religion, a kind of collection of the most reliable interpretations. Thanks to him, a person gets an idea not only of those visual, sound and tactile images that appeared to him after falling asleep, but also of Islamic culture and religion.

What does a dream mean according to the Muslim dream book?

According to the Muslim Holy Scripture, dreams can appear to a person from Allah (God), Shaitan (the devil) or be born from one’s own subconscious. Accordingly, they come in three types:

Both men and women can have prophetic dreams. This can happen both at night and during the day. But those who dreamed closer to the morning and morning prayer are most likely to come true.

What to do to make the dream come true?

So why do the Koran and Sunnah call for sharing all the good things you dreamed about and keeping all the bad things to yourself? The fact is that the Prophet Muhammad himself said that a prophecy that appears to a sleeping person will materialize only if it is made public.

The Islamic religion also warns its followers to pay special attention to dreams and try to interpret all the images that arise in dreams. You should also protect yourself from television and online commentators who, for the most part, tell lies.

The difference between the Muslim dream book and other existing ones

The science of dream interpretation, oniromancy, is more popular than ever. In bookstores and on the Internet you can find a huge number of dream books that offer interpretations of a huge number of images that a person can dream about. It is very difficult to verify their reliability in any other way than through personal experience.

The Muslim dream book on the Koran is fundamentally different from all others:

  1. Decoding dreams is based on what is said about the images that appear in them in the Koran and Sunnah themselves.
  2. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad himself interpreted dreams; the dream book indicates that it was he who saw in one or another image that appeared at night.
  3. The interpretation takes place close to the nature of man and the world around him; it is not ambiguous or confusing.
  4. Usually, phenomena seen at night are distributed alphabetically in dream books. The Muslim dream book has a special structure: the order of the images depends on their significance from the point of view of the Islamic religion.
  5. Images interpreted positively or negatively by other dream books can have diametrically opposite meanings in Muslim ones.
  6. The dream book allows you to form a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and worldview of a Muslim.

Three illustrative examples of deciphering images from dreams according to the Koran

God, saints, prophets

Muslim dream book on the Quran in Alphabetical order online - the reality of the digital age!

A person who sees Allah himself in a dream can be sure that his dream is true and good. After all, Satan will never be able to take his form. A meeting with the Almighty means that a Muslim lives according to the rules and performs righteous, godly deeds. Allah accepts these benefits and is ready to reward them. A Muslim can be sure that on the Day of Judgment he will have a place in heaven.

If a person dreamed of the Prophet Muhammad or one of the saints, it matters exactly what they looked like. If their faces expressed satisfaction, and they themselves were beautiful and elegant, the Muslim would expect deliverance from sorrows and adversity, victory over enemies, or some other good event. If the saints and prophets appeared darkened and pale, it means that one should prepare for something bad.


These creatures don't always turn out well. For example, fighting one of the angels means imminent death. If they gather together in any village or city, someone there will soon die.
But if one of the angels dreamed of being in a good mood, cheerful and contented, the person will experience success in worldly affairs and insight in religious matters.


Seeing your own death in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means freeing yourself, returning home after long wanderings. Despite the fact that the Muslim dream book is intended primarily for those who profess Islam, it can be interesting and useful for representatives of other faiths.

Video: “Interpretation of dreams according to the Koran”

Comments from site visitors

    Perhaps this is the oldest dream book existing in the world, as it is compiled on the basis of scriptures that are almost one and a half thousand years old. Islam has always paid special attention to dreams and their role in the upbringing of a person. I once bought the book “Islamic Dream Book” and it made me very happy . In addition to the interpretations of dreams themselves, this book presents a methodology for analyzing dreams and provides factual material about dreams seen and realized. I was very interested in factual materials.

    An unusual and very interesting dream book, especially the point - “What to do to make the dream come true?”
    After all, this often happens - you dream about something truly good and then you walk around a little sad because everything in life is not so!
    But seriously, despite the fact that I do not belong to the Islamic religion and have practically no understanding of it, all the interpretations were clear to me and, it seems to me, not written from scratch.

    Dear author. I am preparing an essay on cultural studies. We are just going through Islam and the Koran. I read your article and really liked the way you presented the information. I would even like to reflect some of it in the abstract itself. After all, Islam is such an interesting religion. And here the interpretation of dreams is such a subtle matter. Thank you for highlighting this in your article.

    I have never come across a Muslim dream book before, and yet it is one of the oldest. Interesting! It turns out that a dream is an observation of the soul, and this dream book is one of the most truthful in deciphering dreams. I'm certainly not a Muslim, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I will definitely try to look at the interpretation of dreams according to the Muslim dream book. I am also very surprised that it is possible to materialize our dreams. Let's try, what if this is true?

    Dreams in reality... It would not be bad) I will also definitely try to materialize the dream. It turns out that different peoples have different attitudes towards the interpretation of dreams. It is also interesting that Muslims believe that a dream allows you to form a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and worldview of a Muslim. This is how they approach this issue.

    Somehow I had never had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Muslim interpretation of dreams before, although while I was reading the article, it was interesting. I liked the block about making dreams come true. Sometimes you dream about something bad, then you walk around all day and your thoughts go back to sleep, you get scared, upset, worried... Although it was just a dream, it haunts me all day, it would be interesting to interpret it from a Muslim point of view.

    I am not a Muslim, but I respect this religion and consider it quite powerful. Nevertheless, even though I am Orthodox, all the interpretations were interesting and understandable to me. Especially if you dream of something that in our interpretation has a bad meaning, as it is written here, in the Muslim interpretation it can have the diametrically opposite, i.e. good, value. And this is certainly more pleasant to read after dreaming.

    I treat dreams as the subconscious work of the brain; during sleep, it digests and filters information received during the day. Perhaps the workload of solving a problem forces us to go over and over again how to solve it, so it seems to us that these are prophetic dreams. But in Islam in general, as far as I know, great importance is attached to the interpretation of dreams and other predictions of the future.

    When I was at university, I lived in a dormitory with fellow Muslim students. He spoke little Russian, but often, when he had dreams in which he saw some kind of sign or message from above, he spent a long time and thoroughly studying on the Internet what it meant. He explained to me that among their people everyone does this, but among our people you rarely meet a person who, for every interpretation of a dream, goes to the dream book for help.

    I read according to the Muslim interpretation that if you ride an elephant, then expect a promotion in the near future. Our Slavic interpreter gave a different meaning, which had nothing to do with work. Indeed, within a few weeks, my employee suddenly quit (poached by competitors) and management chose me to be the new boss. I think that a religion such as Islam gives a more accurate meaning in the interpretation of dreams.

    I also have a Muslim friend, from whom I saw the attitude of their people towards the interpretation of dreams and their attitude towards dreams. They attach special meaning to dreams and thoroughly chew each dream, change their minds, and look for answers to questions concerning certain aspects of their lives. It's rare to see such a person among us

    my Muslim friend says that Muslim believers often have prophetic dreams. This is one of the signs of the approaching Judgment Day. The Messenger of Allah said: “When the time of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be true.”

    “From the point of view of science, dreams are nothing more than a reflection of everything that a person experiences in everyday life: his actions, thoughts, plans, dreams, feelings and emotions”
    You can’t even tell me how much I agree with this policy! Many people look for some kind of sign for the future in their dreams, but I sincerely believe that everything we dream is a reflection of our reality, the brain simply digests everyday information once again.

    I know that the Muslim dream book gives a different meaning from others. And what, for example, gives a good meaning in Slavic, can have a completely opposite meaning in Muslim. But unlike others, with Islamic you can somehow cleanse yourself of this bad meaning. They told me that there are a number of rituals to change the meaning in order to direct the meaning of a dream in a positive way.

    I am baptized, I always look at the interpretation of my dreams, attach great importance to them and periodically refer to dream books. But according to the dream book, the Muslim interpretation is much more pleasant and clear to me, or something. Still, the religion is powerful, strong, and has the widest number of believers. I treat religion itself with respect, and often turn to the dream book.

    The Islamic dream book is the oldest; it was compiled on the basis of scriptures that are more than one and a half thousand years old. And the dream is somehow magical, at the same time mystical and predictive. But it seems to me that he is more relevant and attracts admirers of Islam. We Slavs are better off using our dream book.

    In Islam it is believed that the Almighty speaks to his slaves through dreams. A dream can become a revelation of the Lord, through which He communicates and protects a person. A believer can experience the sweetness of sleep from the Almighty. I am not a Muslim, but I believe in their interpretation, and on the Internet I often turn to the Muslim interpretation.

    According to the Islamic dream book, I read the meaning of seeing a stork in a dream, seeing a stork on the roof in a dream. Here's what it said: If storks landed on the roof of a house, then soon a guest will appear in the house. True, not a guest, but guests. My wife didn’t tell me about the upcoming surprise, but my relatives from another city came to us for the holidays for 3 days. I was shocked by the veracity of the interpretation.

    I didn’t even know before that there were so many interpretations of dreams. And it turns out that in different nations, eras, and religions, people give their meaning differently. It was interesting to me that the Islamic world says that in dreams the idea of ​​​​the correct lifestyle of a decent Muslim is formed.

    I studied with a boy from Azerbaijan at the institute, and somehow we got into a conversation about religions. He said that their family usually discusses dreams at dinner or breakfast. They necessarily interpret dreams, then compare the meaning with the dream book and if they are not satisfied, then they do some rituals necessary to “improve” the meaning of the dream. They can do that, he said.

    After reading the article, I realized that the interpretation of dreams in the Muslim way is closer to me. In terms of their ideology of dreams in general, they are even divided into prophetic, meaningless, predictive dreams... And in general they believe that dreams are a process of brain work after everyday activities. Yes, I also think that our life is reflected in dreams, it’s subconsciously laid out that way.

    I know that according to the Muslim dream book, a good positive dream is perceived as good news, as if the Almighty opens His arms to the dreamer, gives blessings on his endeavors and hints that the person is doing everything right. I try to perceive my good dreams this way. I look at the interpretation only when something is unclear to me.

    It is a very strong religion, and people are always surprising, ordinary men who are usually stingy, but who fully comply with all the rules and canons of Islam. After all, they all pray at 5 or 4 in the morning... It’s here that people go to church a couple of times a year, hang an icon at home and seem to consider themselves believers. I see my dreams only according to the Muslim interpretation.

    Well, yes, I understand that there is an Islamic dream book. But we, Russian speakers, are not Muslims. why can we interpret our dreams according to the rules of another religion?? There are a lot of dream books and interpretations that are not Muslim for us, I doubt that Muslims look at our dream books and adhere to our interpretations.. People, don’t sin

    I’ve never heard of the Muslim dream book before, but it’s probably the oldest. A very interesting article, of course. I learned for myself that in Islam a dream is interpreted as an observation of the soul, in principle I agree with this, because in a dream we see processed information from reality.

    I was very surprised by two facts from the article. 1) what if the dream is good and you want it to come true, but you can work on materializing it in reality. 2) if, on the contrary, you dreamed of something not good and you are afraid of the meaning of this dream, then you can perform a number of rituals to direct this meaning in a positive direction. I didn't know this was possible

    A couple of weeks ago I came across an Islamic dream book and looked at it for several dreams. Well, naturally, out of the old fashioned way and habit, I look at Freud and Vanga and others, but something about the Muslim meaning is more fundamentally different from them, and my dreams personally have a better meaning in the Islamic dream book)

    Few places cover the topic of Muslim dream books; it’s great to find such useful information. I look at the interpretations of my dreams only in it, the dream book says the right things. A dream is only a reflection of reality and a hint for the future; we ourselves can shape our future

    A very correct idea is contained in the interpretations of the Muslim dream book. If the day is lived correctly, then your dreams will be clean and good. There will be no scary dreams that lead you astray from the true path, because when thoughts are pure, dreams cannot be unpure.

    It was the first time I heard about the existence of a Muslim dream book. Honestly, I’m not familiar with the Koran, and I profess a different religion, but I read it for self-education with pleasure, because the foundations laid in the interpretation are very true and correct, regardless of religion

    I don’t entirely agree that dreams are the processing of information by the brain. Dreams also refer to our future. I can say this with confidence because basically my dreams are my future. Often even the next day of my life is connected with my dream. As well as events from the future of people close to me.

For thousands of years, people have always wanted to know what their dreams mean. The secret of encrypted messages was first unraveled by sages, and then, over time, dream books appeared. Any religion has paid special attention to the interpretation of dreams, but the Islamic dream book is of particular interest - the interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Koran. This article will be able to lift the veil of an unsolved mystery.

The history of the creation of a dream book on the Koran

There is an opinion that the Muslim dream book today is the most accurate of all existing ones. I wonder why? Let's try to figure it out, but for this we should turn to history.

According to the Prophet Muhammad, after him there will be no prophecies in the world, except for prophetic dreams about the future - al-mubashshirat. They will help people interpret the signs of the Almighty with warnings and approvals, and sometimes prophetic ones. Whether this was actually said by the Prophet is not known for certain. Despite this, each of us sees dreams in life that actually come true.

As is known from the Koran, the first prophetic dream was the vision of Adam. Allah asked him if he had seen a person like himself in the world. Adam replied that he had not seen and asked Allah to create a mate for him, so that the wife would live with him and also honor Allah. After the words were spoken, Adam fell asleep, and after he woke up, he saw Eve at the head of the bed.

According to this Islamic legend, this dream of Adam, described in the Koran, became the first prophetic dream dreamed by the grace of the Almighty. There is an assumption that since ancient times only a select few have been endowed with the ability to interpret dreams. People receive this gift from Allah himself. Most Islamic scholars devoted their entire lives to the interpretation of dream symbolism and the Koran. The most successful dream researchers were: Imam Jafar As-Sadiq, Alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, An-Nablusi. Based on their works, a modern Islamic dream book was created, which people still use today.

The most accurate interpretations of dreams can be read in the Koran - the holy book of all believers, however, several other sources are also known.

Muslims use the following dream books to interpret dreams:

  1. The body of knowledge is the original Muslim dream book, written in Persian and translated into other languages.
  2. Luminaries of various sciences - describes the true interpretations of the dreams of the faithful.
  3. Sunnah is a dream book created at the end of the 19th century. It presents the sacred lives of the Prophet.

What does a dream mean according to the Islamic dream book?

According to the Koran, sleep comes to a person in three different forms:

Correct application Islamic dream book on the Sunnah and Koran involves analyzing what was seen in the dream, identifying the main thing and assigning it to one of the categories listed above. If the dream appears confused, it is not interpreted.

A woman and a man can see a prophetic dream, but the greatest likelihood that it will come true is noted among those who saw the prophecy closer to the morning.

Features of the Muslim dream book

The Islamic dream book is an interpretation of dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah. It is very different from other dream books in its features:

  1. The interpretation of the images is based on the Koran.
  2. What matters is the interpretation of the images that the Prophet saw and his interpretation.
  3. A clear and understandable interpretation, close to the natural human perception of images.
  4. Sometimes images interpreted positively/negatively in an Islamic dream book can have the opposite meaning.
  5. The order of the recorded images in the dream book does not adhere to the alphabet, but to their significance from the point of view of Muslim scholars.

According to Islam, the dream book according to the Koran shapes the correct behavior of people, and therefore it is classified as manuals and guidelines for action.

How to use the Islamic dream book?

In order to correctly interpret a dream according to the Sunnah and the Koran, you will have to fulfill the following nuances:

  1. What you see must be correlated with the category: from Allah, from Shaitan, from the subconscious.
  2. The main line of the dream is highlighted and unnecessary details are discarded.
  3. The most significant ones are selected from the images and their meaning is looked at.

A Muslim believer must view his dreams through the prism of revelations in the Koran. If the dream corresponds to them, you should trust it.

The most popular interpreter of Islam is considered to be “Tafsir of Dreams” by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand interpretations.

What does a good dream mean?

According to the Muslim interpreter, Allah himself sends pleasant dreams in order to show the right path and pay special attention to the problematic part of life. Usually working with them brings success in the near future.

Plots with the presence of birds, which signify the right beginnings, are considered to be a good sign. A dream associated with relatives is favorable. This means the presence of strong generic protection. A book appearing in a dream can promise success, signifying great opportunities and potential associated with intellectual abilities. Reading the Koran and seeing the Saints is considered to be a real good sign. According to spiritual literature and the Sunnah, demons are not able to take the form of Allah.

Prophetic dreams are only good, since they are sent from heaven. Confusing and disturbing dreams are messages from demons who want to reach the human soul through a dream. Morning prayer can drive away negative energy.

What to do with good and bad sleep?

If a person happened to see a sign of Allah in a dream or an instruction from the Prophet, he must do the following:

If a person is sent a terrible dream, you need to do the following:

  • Pray to Allah asking for protection from evil.
  • Three times ask for protection from Satan.
  • Spit three times to the left.
  • When falling asleep, you need to change your position.
  • Perform Namaz.
  • Do not tell anyone about the dream or even interpret it for yourself.

Having completed all these points, a person can be sure that by the will of Allah the bad vision will not come true.

The meanings of some dreams according to the Islamic dream book

There are many interpretations in the Arabic dream book. It is worth considering the most rare and important signs that require primary attention.

  • Housing is a symbolism of paradise, and the more beautiful and comfortable it turns out to be, the closer the human soul is to bliss.
  • Crow- a symbol of dangerous and evil people.
  • According to the Sunnah and Koran, a bad sign in a dream is considered woman with matted hair. She warns about the onset of illness.
  • Any glass product or simply a fragile thing symbolizes a woman.
  • Seeing in a dream milk, which means that you will soon become the owner of true knowledge.
  • If a person sees green spices or vegetables in his hands, he needs to repent. This dream means that a person has exchanged the best for the bad.
  • Ashes and ash symbolize entering the wrong path. The dreamer must reconsider his intentions and guidelines.
  • The Dream Book and interpretations according to the Sunnah advise everyone who sees water in a dream to prepare for trials. A large volume of water means huge obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • Camel- a sign of power and greatness.
  • Horse dreams of someone who expects goodness and joy.
  • Sheep- is a sign of prosperity, and the more there are, the faster the dreamer is promised to receive profit and inheritance.
  • Sick tree has an interpretation of danger from people and random events.
  • Palma seen in dreams by traitors, since it is considered a symbol of renunciation of Allah.

The only thing that has a clear interpretation according to the Koran and Sunnah is money. Seeing them in a dream, one should expect a speedy improvement in well-being. A good sign are ancient coins made of silver and gold. In this case, the dreamer will soon receive happiness along with wealth.


The Koran is famous for the most correct interpretation of dreams, which gives the most truthful and clear explanations. Representatives of Islam always use the interpretations of the Koran and trust them more than others. By following the visions and observing the basic rules of religion, you can receive the blessings of Allah.

A dream, as part of a prophecy, is of great importance for a Muslim. The Muslim dream book according to the Koran and Sunnah will tell you whether a dream is good or bad, whether it will come true or not. It can be useful and interesting for representatives of other faiths.

From the point of view of science, dreams are nothing more than a reflection of everything that a person experiences in everyday life: his actions, thoughts, plans, dreams, feelings and emotions. Some believe that the images that appear in a person’s mind during his sleep are inspired by a certain higher power, in particular, God. They can transport not only to the past, but also to the future, as well as to other realities. Dream images cannot always be taken literally. They need correct interpretation. People who profess the Islamic religion can benefit from a Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah.

Dream in Islamic religion

Sleep and dreams are given great importance in the Islamic religion. What true Muslims see when they fall asleep they consider “observations of the soul.” The great Allah Himself sends down signs to them. Some of them are obvious; you don't need to make an effort to understand what they mean. Others consist of a collection of seemingly unrelated images. The meaning of such dreams is clear only to selected interpreters.

It is impossible to become an interpreter by learning from books. The ability to unravel “visions of the soul” is bestowed by Allah. To receive such a gift, you must be God-fearing and live according to the Koran, not sin and protect others from the sins. These people are either prophets or saints. And you can only turn to them for the interpretation of dreams.

Therefore, the Muslim dream book interpretation of the Koran and Sunnah is a guide rather for curious people. It is a generalization of knowledge about sleep and dreams in the Islamic religion, a kind of collection of the most reliable interpretations. Thanks to him, a person gets an idea not only of those visual, sound and tactile images that appeared to him after falling asleep, but also of Islamic culture and religion.

What does a dream mean according to the Muslim dream book?

According to the Muslim Holy Scripture, dreams can appear to a person from Allah (God), Shaitan (the devil) or be born from one’s own subconscious. Accordingly, they come in three types:

Both men and women can have prophetic dreams. This can happen both at night and during the day. But those who dreamed closer to the morning and morning prayer are most likely to come true.

What to do to make the dream come true?

So why do the Koran and Sunnah call for sharing all the good things you dreamed about and keeping all the bad things to yourself? The fact is that the Prophet Muhammad himself said that a prophecy that appears to a sleeping person will materialize only if it is made public.

The Islamic religion also warns its followers to pay special attention to dreams and try to interpret all the images that arise in dreams. You should also protect yourself from television and online commentators who, for the most part, tell lies.

The difference between the Muslim dream book and other existing ones

The science of dream interpretation, oniromancy, is more popular than ever. In bookstores and on the Internet you can find a huge number of dream books that offer interpretations of a huge number of images that a person can dream about. It is very difficult to verify their reliability in any other way than through personal experience.

The Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is fundamentally different from all others:

  1. Decoding dreams is based on what is said about the images that appear in them in the Koran and Sunnah themselves.
  2. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad himself interpreted dreams; the dream book indicates that it was he who saw in one or another image that appeared at night.
  3. The interpretation takes place close to the nature of man and the world around him; it is not ambiguous or confusing.
  4. Usually, phenomena seen at night are distributed alphabetically in dream books. The Muslim dream book has a special structure: the order of the images depends on their significance from the point of view of the Islamic religion.
  5. Images interpreted positively or negatively by other dream books can have diametrically opposite meanings in Muslim ones.
  6. The dream book allows you to form a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and worldview of a Muslim.

Three illustrative examples of deciphering images from dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah

God, saints, prophets

A person who sees Allah himself in a dream can be sure that his dream is true and good. After all, Satan will never be able to take his form. A meeting with the Almighty means that a Muslim lives according to the rules and performs righteous, godly deeds. Allah accepts these benefits and is ready to reward them. A Muslim can be sure that on the Day of Judgment he will have a place in heaven.

If a person dreamed of the Prophet Muhammad or one of the saints, it matters exactly what they looked like. If their faces expressed satisfaction, and they themselves were beautiful and elegant, the Muslim would expect deliverance from sorrows and adversity, victory over enemies, or some other good event. If the saints and prophets appeared darkened and pale, it means that one should prepare for something bad.


These creatures don't always turn out well. For example, fighting one of the angels means imminent death. If they gather together in any village or city, someone there will soon die. But if one of the angels dreamed of being in a good mood, cheerful and contented, the person will experience success in worldly affairs and insight in religious matters.


Seeing your own death in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means freeing yourself, returning home after long wanderings. Despite the fact that the Muslim dream book is intended primarily for those who profess Islam, it can be interesting and useful for representatives of other faiths.

Video: how is a dream correctly interpreted in Islam according to the Koran?

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In the Islamic world, dreams are equated with prophecy and are given special attention. The interpretation of dreams is based on the religious beliefs of Muslims and has a different approach to the meaning of symbols. Let's consider the question: Islamic dream book interpretation of dreams. This article will also be of interest to representatives of other religious faiths.

The decoding of dream images is based on provisions based on the Sunnah and the Koran. The works of Imam Muhammad, the greatest scientist of the Islamic world, also enjoy great confidence. Muslims sincerely believe that dreams can help in choosing the right path in life, protect from haram (sinful actions) and point out shortcomings in personal development.

An important point is the similarity of Islamic values ​​with universal human values. Interpretation by symbol is based on the natural understanding of the images seen in a dream. The dream is perceived as “observation of the soul”, which reads the signs sent down by Allah. Scientists of the Islamic world are deeply convinced that the souls chosen by Him can correctly interpret the signs of the Almighty. These souls are marked by special holiness and wisdom - saints and prophets.

The Muslim dream book on the Quran and Sunnah represents knowledge about dreams from the point of view of the Islamic religion. Through a dream book, a person can get an idea not only of the images he saw, but also understand their religious component. Therefore, the Islamic dream book is a deeply spiritual and sacred book.

Characteristics of dreams

Holy Scripture defines three types of dreams:

  1. dreams sent by Allah;
  2. dreams from Shaitan (Satan);
  3. dreams from the subconscious.

The signs sent down by the Almighty bring goodness and edification. These are small prophecies that show a person the right path. These dreams are distinguished by the presence of the image of the Prophet, Angels and saints.

Dreams from Satan are filled with nightmares or temptations. These paintings are designed to lead the believer astray from the true path and lead in a dark direction. Sometimes Shaitan influences a person with fear in order to force him to commit haram (sin).

Scientists of the Islamic world believe that dreams from the shaitan come only if a person spent the day incorrectly - succumbed to temptations, did not perform the ritual of going to bed or did not perform ablution before going to bed. It is forbidden to tell others about these dreams.

Dreams from the subconscious talk about the experiences of the current day, the person’s impressions. Sometimes these dreams are confusing and incomprehensible: such visions do not need to be deciphered.

Distinctive features of the Muslim dream book

Islamic dream book - interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran is strikingly different from other interpreters. The difference is as follows:

  • The decoding of images approved by the Holy Scriptures is used.
  • What matters is the interpretation of the images seen by the Prophet himself and his personal interpretation.
  • The interpretation is always clear and understandable, as close as possible to the natural perception of images.
  • The order of the recorded images is not in alphabetical order, but in order of importance from the point of view of scholars of the Islamic world.
  • Some images, which are usually interpreted negatively/positively, take on diametrically opposite meanings in the Islamic dream book.
  • The dream book forms the behavior and worldview of a person that is correct from the point of view of Islam, that is, it is an instructive manual and a guide to action.

How to use Islamic dream book

To correctly decipher a dream, follow these instructions:

  1. Correlate what you saw with a certain category: a dream from Allah, a dream from Shaitan, a dream from the subconscious.
  2. Highlight the main line of the dream, discarding unnecessary details.
  3. From the remaining images, select the most significant ones and look at the meaning in the interpreter.

A Muslim believer must consider each of his dreams through the prism of the revelations of the Almighty. If the dream corresponds to revelations, it can be believed. Otherwise the dream should not be taken into account.

The most famous Islamic dream book is “Tafsir of Dreams” by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand dreams and their interpretations.

What to do if you have a favorable or unfavorable dream

If you happen to see a sign from Allah or an instruction from the Prophet, do the following:

  • Give praise to the Almighty for your sleep.
  • Be filled with joyful anticipation of the fulfillment of the sign.
  • Tell those who love and appreciate you about what you saw.
  • Interpret the dream correctly, because exactly those symbols that you have designated through the dream book will come to life.

If you happen to have a scary dream, do the following:

  • Ask Allah in prayer to protect you from evil.
  • Ask for protection from Shaitan - three times.
  • Spit to the left three times.
  • Change your position when falling asleep (turn over to the other side).
  • Perform the ritual of Namaz.
  • Don't tell anyone about the contents of your dream.
  • Don't try to interpret it even for yourself.

If you do the above seven points, the dream will not come true by the will of Allah.

Interpretations according to the Holy Quran

  • The rope symbolizes the covenant of Allah.
  • the ship is a symbol of salvation.
  • Wood - hypocrisy in faith.
  • Stone is a hard heart.
  • The infant is the enemy.
  • Ash, ashes are an empty matter.
  • Greens and vegetables - replace the good with the bad.
  • A good tree is a good word.
  • Bad tree is a bad word.
  • Garden - good deeds.
  • Eggs and clothes are a symbol of a woman.
  • Light is the path of truth.
  • Darkness is the path of delusion.

Interpretations according to the Sunnah

  • Raven is a wicked man.
  • The mouse is a sinful woman.
  • Rib, glassware - a symbol of a woman.
  • The shirt is a symbol of religion, faith.
  • Milk is knowledge.
  • A black woman with shaggy hair is a plague.
  • Rain is the path of truth and knowledge.
  • Smooth road - .
  • Walls are the commandments of Allah.
  • Open doors are the prohibitions of the Almighty.
  • Home is heaven.
  • Feast (feast) - Islam.
  • The caller to the feast is the Prophet.
  • Camel - greatness.
  • The sheep is the grace of the Almighty.
  • Horse - prosperity, goodness.
  • Sweet lemon - a true believer who reads the Koran.
  • Date is the one who does not read the Koran.
  • Basil is one who pretends to be a believer and reads the Koran.
  • A coloquint is someone who pretends to be a believer and does not read the Koran.
  • Oppression is darkness.
  • Stinginess means bloodshed and death.
  • Palma is a Muslim devoted to Allah.
  • Fire - confusion, destruction.
  • The stars are scientists.
  • Iron weapons - victory, strength.
  • Aroma is praise, a good deed.
  • The Rooster is an influential person.
  • The snake is the distributor of heresy.
  • The patient silently leaves the house - to death.
  • A sick person leaves the house talking - to recovery.
  • Coming out of narrow doors is liberation, relief.
  • The death of a person is a return to the Almighty.
  • Working with the soil is work.
  • The dog is not a dangerous enemy.
  • Leo - power and authority.
  • The fox is a treacherous person.

Other interpretations

Often dreams have opposite interpretations. For example.

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