Statistical reporting. Statistical reporting Statistical report 1

Every accountant at least once in his professional activity has been faced with the need to fill out statistical reports, having found himself in the so-called “sample” of the statistics body. Many organizations are charged with a permanent obligation to provide various forms of statistical observation. In the article, 1C methodologists talk about the possibilities of automatically filling out statistical forms implemented in the 1C: Accounting 8 program (rev. 3.0).

A universal mechanism for setting up filling out statistics forms

Currently, there are about 200 types of statistical reporting forms, and each form contains on average 30 or more diverse indicators. Until now, automatic completion of statistical reporting has not been provided in 1C:Enterprise programs, although for most indicators the information is present in the accounting system. The difficulty lies in the significant difference between the presentation of accounting system data and the data required to fill out statistical forms.

Users of 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) now have the ability to automatically fill out some of the most common forms of statistical reporting.

As of the date the issue was signed for printing, auto-filling of indicators was implemented in the following forms:

  • Form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services,” approved. by order of Rosstat dated October 14, 2009 No. 226;
  • Appendix No. 3 to Form No. P-1 “Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type,” approved. by order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2012 No. 422 (submitted along with Form No. P-1);
  • Form No. P-3 “Information on the financial condition of the organization” (new form, approved by Rosstat order No. 291 dated July 23, 2013, introduced starting with the report for January 2014).

Why did the 1C:Accounting 8 solution turn out to be the most suitable for implementing this task? It’s just that a significant amount of economic statistical information is based on accounting data, but this data is summarized differently.

The indicators needed to fill out statistical forms are called “objects of observation.” In order for the user to “link” the information present in the accounting system to objects of observation, the program has developed a universal mechanism for setting up the completion of statistical reports.

A group of reports is intended for compiling statistical reporting in 1C: Accounting 8 Statistics. You can read about the concept of reporting groups in the reference book “Tools for automated reporting in 1C programs” in the “Reporting” section in the ITS IS.

Let's look at the example of filling out Form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services”, how you can, using accounting data, set up and fill out statistical reporting indicators.

Filling out Form No. P-1

Form No. P-1 is compiled monthly by commercial and non-profit organizations engaged in production and services (except for small businesses, banks, insurance and other financial and credit organizations), the average number of employees of which for the previous year exceeds 15 people, including part-time and contract workers of a civil nature.

The form consists of five sections in which you need to indicate the following indicators:

  • general economic indicators reflecting the production and shipment of goods of own and non-own production, industrial and agricultural products, products of an innovative nature and related to nanotechnology, as well as the cost and balances of raw materials, materials and products (Section 1);
  • special detailing of revenue from the sale of goods, works, services of own production in the context of OKVED elements (Section 2);
  • wholesale and retail sale of goods, catering turnover and paid services to the population (Section 3);
  • transportation of goods and cargo turnover of road transport (Section 4);
  • production and shipment by type of product and service in the context of OKPD and OKEI elements (Section 5).

As you can see, there are many indicators, they are very diverse and disjointed. Let's see how they get into Form No. P-1 using the new auto-fill service.

Example 1

Filling out line 27 “Public catering turnover” of Section 3 “Wholesale and retail sale of goods, public catering turnover, paid services to the population (including VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

If we were to fill out this line manually, we would have to separate out the catering turnover for the corresponding period from all revenue. We account for catering revenue in a separate Nomenclature group, which is called Dining room. Then, having generated the balance sheet for account 90.01 “Revenue” and set selection by subaccount in the settings panel Nomenclature group with meaning Dining room, we get the numbers that we need to insert into line 27.

Let's try to automatically fill this line.

In Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Fill- a miracle does not happen, line 27 is empty, since you first had to configure the filling of this line. To do this, select the line with the cursor Public catering turnover, right-click and select Customize padding.

Enter into the directory Objects of observation new element - Catering. Adding a selection element by Nomenclature group revenue with value Dining room(see fig. Setting up the observation object “Public catering”). Now, after automatically filling out Form No. P-1, revenue from public catering services will fall into line 27.

Example 2

Filling out line 12 “Shipped goods of own production using nanotechnologies” of Section 1 “General economic indicators (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

To fill out this line you will need a complex breakdown of revenue:

  • firstly, it is necessary to determine which names of nomenclature items will meet the criteria of products, works, services related to nanotechnology;
  • secondly, it is necessary to separate products of own production from purchased goods.

As for products of own production, such selection can be organized using the correspondence of accounting accounts:

Debit 43 Credit 20

But there may be several names of nomenclature items related to nanotechnology, so it is advisable to place such nomenclature items in a separate group of the Nomenclature directory or keep them in a separate list.

Let's say that we currently produce only one type of product that can be classified as nanotechnology - LED lamps. It is quite possible that the list of such products will be constantly updated, and this must be remembered.

Using the mechanism for setting up filling out statistics forms, in Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Tune, find the line , open it.

To the reference book Objects of observation introduce a new element - Nanotechnology products and services.

We set a complex selection for our own products using nanotechnology (see Fig. Setting up the observation object “Nanotechnology products and services”):

  • the nomenclature item must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​LED lamp;
  • Item accounting accounts must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​- 43;20.02.

Press the button Filling, submenu Fill, and line 12 of Form No. P-1 will reflect revenue from the sale of LED lamps only.

Example 3

Filling out the group of lines 21 “Name” according to the elements of OKVED Section 2 “Shipped goods of own production, performed work and services using own resources for actual types of activities (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

Let's say an organization is engaged in logging and forestry, as well as breeding tree seedlings. In Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Tune, find the line Products and services according to individual OKVED, open it.

Using a button Add we set the selection for each code from the opening OKVED classifier.

Select “Logging” - OKVED 02.01.1 and set Settings.

The simplest option is when revenue from logging is accounted for in a separate item group. In this case, it is enough to indicate the name of the nomenclature group in the selection Logging.

However, a situation may well arise where revenue from harvesting different parts of trees is accounted for in different nomenclature groups. For example, in such as:

  • Preparation of branches;
  • Preparation of logs;
  • Preparation of stumps.

In this case, you can use contextual search and set the following condition: the revenue item group must contain the value in its name Blank(rice.).

Setting up an observation object using OKVED code

Using the same principle, you can set up revenue for forestry and nursery activities. Then, in Section 2 of Form No. P-1, sales proceeds will be distributed according to the specified OKVED codes (Fig. Automatic completion of Section 2 according to OKVED codes).

It should be kept in mind that once the setup is completed, it will be suitable for auto-filling in other forms of statistical reporting. For example, the completed setup of the observation object Catering, which we made for Form No. P-1, will allow you to automatically fill out line 27 “Public catering turnover” of Form No. P-1, as well as line 08 “Public catering turnover” of Form No. 1-accounting “Accounting for the volume of retail sales of alcoholic beverages” , approved by order of Rosstat dated December 5, 2012 No. 628.

New service for auto-filling statistical forms

You can configure statistics forms either directly when filling out a specific statistics form, or by using the service built into 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) Accountant calendar.

To do this, you need to open the list of taxes and reports using the settings button calendar, select the required section forms Statistical reporting, press the button Write down and close to save settings calendar.

After that in Accountant calendar A separate task will appear: Configure filling out statistics forms(see fig. The task of setting up filling out statistics forms in the “Accountant’s Calendar”).

It will be possible to do Setting up filling out statistics forms both for a separately selected form, and for all available forms at once (Fig.).

Setting up filling out statistics forms

The described mechanism for setting up filling out statistical observation forms provides the user of 1C: Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) with a universal tool that will allow organizing statistical accounting at an enterprise, taking into account its specifics. However, you need to understand that a responsible and thoughtful approach should be applied to the settings of observation objects, then in the future you will not have to return to them, and statistical reporting will be filled out easily.

With the release of the December releases of “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), auto-completion will be supported in the following statistical forms:

  • Forms No. P-2 “Information on investments in non-financial assets and funds for shared construction” (approved by orders of Rosstat dated September 12, 2012 No. 492, dated July 18, 2013 No. 288);
  • Forms No. P-2 (short) “Information on investments in fixed capital” (approved by orders of Rosstat dated 03.08.2011 No. 343, dated 18.07.2013 No. 288);
  • Form No. P-5(m) “Basic information about the activities of the organization” (approved by orders of Rosstat

Form 1-T (annual)

The first report with the 1-T index is Form 1-T (annual), which provides information about the number of staff of the business entity and the salaries of employees. The document is submitted annually - before January 20 of the year following the reporting year.

Who submits Form 1-T to statistics in the version under consideration? The form is submitted to Rosstat by legal entities that:

  • are large or average enterprises, but at the same time have a staff of no more than 15 people;
  • received from Rosstat a proposal to fill out the form in question, instead of another statistical report - according to form P-4.

In turn, if such a proposal is not received, then instead of the 1-T (annual) report, the P-4 report is submitted.

When filling out the 1-T (annual) document, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. The report is submitted separately for the head office of the legal entity and for each of its separate divisions, if any.

This rule also applies to other forms of 1-T reporting.

  1. If the company did not pay wages to employees in the reporting year, then the report is submitted without indicating information about wages.

If there is at least some data on the report, it must be indicated. If there is no data, a zero report is submitted or an explanation is submitted to Rosstat regarding the lack of necessary indicators.

How to submit form 1-T (working conditions)

The next document with index 1-T is form 1-T - working conditions. It reflects information about the conditions under which people work at the enterprise in terms of exposure to various harmful factors (according to the list of factors given in the report), as well as compensation for work in certain conditions.

The document is submitted by all legal entities larger than small enterprises that operate in such areas as:

  • Agriculture;
  • forestry;
  • hunting;
  • catching and breeding fish;
  • mining;
  • manufacturing industry;
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam, water (and wastewater disposal);
  • air conditioning;
  • waste disposal, pollution elimination;
  • construction;
  • transport, storage;
  • information Technology;
  • connection.
  1. If a particular employee is exposed to several harmful factors, then:
  • in lines 03-13, the indicator increases by one opposite each of the influencing factors;
  • in line 02 the indicator increases by one.
  1. Information about employees in hazardous working conditions is reflected in the report, even if these employees do not receive compensation.

The main source of data for filling out the form is documents reflecting the results conducting a special assessment of working conditions or previous certification.

Don't know your rights?

How to fill out form 1-T (GSM)

Document No. 1-T (GMS), sometimes erroneously called Form 1-T GSM, is submitted to Rosstat by state, municipal bodies and municipal election commissions. The deadline for submitting the document is January 15 of the year following the reporting year.

In the form of statistics 1-T in the variety in question, the following information is reflected:

  • on current staffing positions at the end of the year;
  • on the number of full-time employees;
  • about accrued wages;
  • about social payments.

When preparing the document, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. Part-time workers, contractors, and seconded workers are not taken into account when filling out the form.
  2. If an employee is transferred from one position to another during the year, then information about him is provided taking into account the characteristics of the position he occupies at the end of the year.
  3. Information for filling out data on the organization’s staffing indicators must be taken from the staffing table.

That is, if a person occupies a position outside the staffing table (as a rule, this situation arises during layoffs), then information about him is not included in the report.

Submitting form 1-T (professional): nuances

The document in question is submitted by all legal entities that, in terms of their economic indicators, are larger than small enterprises and operate in any areas except:

  • finance;
  • government controlled;
  • ensuring the activities of the armed forces;
  • related to social activities;
  • related to the activities of extraterritorial organizations (UN, IMF, consular offices and other structures with foreign or international jurisdiction).

In the form of statistics 1-T in the variety in question, the following are reflected:

  • indicators of the payroll number of employees by position from the list given in the form;
  • number of vacancies for relevant positions.

In total, the form provides for more than 180 positions - from ordinary specialists to top managers.

Form 1-T-prof is submitted to Rosstat once every 2 years - on November 28. Indicators in the report And are maintained as of the reporting date.

The last time the document was submitted was in 2016 (according to the form approved by Rosstat order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016). It is expected that in the summer of 2018, Rosstat will publish a new edition of the document.

When filling out the form, please keep in mind that:

  1. The headcount is calculated only for employees with whom the company signed an employment contract.
  2. Contractors, external part-time workers, employees on maternity leave, and seconded military personnel are not included in the document.
  3. Part-time vacancies are shown in the report as full vacancies.

At the same time, vacant positions include (except for positions of dismissed workers and newly created positions) also positions of female workers on maternity leave. And if the company is not looking for third-party workers for vacant positions (counting on internal part-time workers), then such positions are not reflected in the form.

Rosstat has published four reporting documents with the 1-T index. All of them are united by the fact that they are rented out, as a rule, by larger enterprises than small ones. The main type of data reflected in the forms is information about personnel (working conditions, wages).

Representatives of some organizations are required to submit the so-called P-1 form to Rosstat. How to correctly draw up a document, why it is needed and a ready-made example of filling it out - all this is discussed in detail below.

Purpose and sample

The report refers to documents for statistical purposes. It is submitted every month to the local Rosstat office. Moreover, the deadline for submission is set on the 4th day of the month closest to the reporting month. However, if the 4th falls on a weekend or holiday, it is due on the next business day.

The document is intended to track the dynamics of economic indicators, the number of goods and services that were created by the enterprise itself. Consists of a title page, as well as 5 mandatory sections (the form is unified and mandatory for use by all organizations):

  1. General indicators of the company's economic development.
  2. The number of goods and services that were created (produced) directly by the enterprise. The classification is given in accordance with the types of activities.
  3. Sale of goods and provision of services - wholesale and retail.
  4. Indicators for cargo transportation, freight turnover indicators (for vehicles only).
  5. Indicators for production volumes, as well as shipment of goods, dividing them into types (services are also taken into account).

NOTE. Since the January 2017 report, a new P-1 form has been used. It is given below.

Who passes and who doesn't pass

The following organizations are exempt from submitting this reporting document:

  • small businesses – i.e. all small businesses (annual revenue less than 800 million rubles, total number of employees less than 100 people);
  • Insurance companies;
  • banks;
  • companies with a maximum of 15 employees, including freelancers working as external part-time workers.

All other companies submit a report. In this case, the purpose and nature of their activities do not matter - for example, non-profit organizations (public, religious associations) are also required to submit a reporting document to the local branch of Rosstat.

It can be provided either by mail or electronically. It is advisable to keep a backup copy of the document, and in the case of a postal item, send it by registered mail with return receipt requested.

Instructions for filling

Before you start drawing up the document, you should take into account that the data entered into it should reflect the situation only for a specific enterprise. That is, if a company has several branches in different regions, then each such separate division provides its own document to the local branch of Rosstat.

Title page

When preparing the title page, you should adhere to the general rules provided for in such cases:

  1. The name of the company is indicated exactly as it is given in the constituent documents (full), and an abbreviated one is written next to it in brackets.
  2. The code is entered in accordance with the accepted OKPO classification.
  3. The postal address must indicate the legal address; You must also provide your postal code.

Section 1

Each section provides data with or without VAT. In this case, all information must be provided without VAT. You also need to consider the following rules:

  1. Line 1 does not take into account income that was received as a result of the sale of the company's fixed assets, inventories, currency, shares and other securities, as well as intangible assets.
  2. Lines 3 to 5 are filled in only if reporting is submitted for the months, the last in the quarter: for the 1st quarter this is March, for the 2nd - June, for the 3rd - September and for the 4th - December.
  3. In line 5, only the balances of purchased goods should be taken into account.

Section 2

In this section, the information is taken without VAT. Recommendations for filling out the following:

  1. In fact, the entire section clarifies and details the information of 1 line of 1 section - i.e. provides data on goods and/or services produced and/or provided by the organization itself.
  2. In the table, the total number of lines to be filled in must be equal to the number of codes according to the OKVED system.
  3. Accordingly, the entire amount in the lines must exactly correspond to the amount given in line 1.

Section 3

Here all data is calculated and filled in excluding VAT. In this case, they are guided by the following rules:

  1. Line 22 takes into account only the revenue that was received from goods sold directly to private citizens for their personal needs.
  2. In this case, when analyzing and calculating the data in line 22, you should exclude all goods that:
  • were received by employees of the enterprise as part of their wages;
  • which during operation broke down completely or partially before the expiration of the warranty period;
  • all immovable objects, regardless of their purpose;
  • travel tickets and coupons that allow you to use any type of transport;
  • lottery tickets;
  • cards that are intended to pay for telephone and other communication services.
  1. In lines 23, 24 and 25, the data is given in accordance with the name of the column.
  2. In line 26, you should note only the revenue that was received from the sale of goods to other companies and/or individual entrepreneurs. Thus, any goods that were sold to private citizens are not counted in this column.
  3. In line 27, you should take into account only the revenue that was received from the sale of such goods to private citizens: culinary products, as well as goods that have not undergone culinary processing.
  4. In line 28 you need to enter the entire amount of income that was received as a result of providing services to private citizens.

NOTE. If a company fills out line 28, it must also submit Appendix 3 to the reporting form P-1 in question.

Section 4

Here you need to enter all the information that relates to the transportation of goods exclusively by road:

  1. Data on lines 29 and 30 are taken into account in tons.
  2. Data on lines 31 and 32 are in tonne-kilometers.

Section 5

Here is information about products that were produced and shipped at the expense of the enterprise’s own resources. In this case, the data should be organized according to types. The entire list of these types is established by Rosstat - separately for goods and separately for services. All codes (50, 70, 80) can be set independently based on the types of products produced and/or shipped.

NOTE. In line 90, which follows at the end of the table, it is necessary to provide information about the electricity consumed by the enterprise for the entire quarter. Accordingly, these data are entered not monthly, but quarterly, i.e. reports only cover the most recent quarterly months: March, June, September and December.


A ready-made example of a reporting document is presented below.

Form 1-Enterprise must be submitted by all legal entities to Rosstat before April 1. For 2018, this report is submitted on an updated form. What are the specifics of filling out form 1-Enterprise and where you can download the current form and sample, we will tell you further.

Why do you need the 1-Enterprise statistics form?

Along with tax and accounting reporting, Russian companies are required to generate and submit statistical reporting to the state in cases established by law. In particular - in the form of form 1-Enterprise.

This form must be filled out and submitted to Rosstat once a year (before April 1 in the year following the reporting year) by all legal entities (except those related to small and medium-sized enterprises, budgetary structures, financial institutions and insurance companies).

Information provided by businesses in Form 1-Enterprise is used by Rosstat as part of statistical studies of key performance indicators of organizations (turnovers, expenses) with Russian “registration” and foreign ones that do business in the Russian Federation.

Form 1-Enterprise is approved by Rosstat annually. Its most recent version was put into circulation by Rosstat order No. 461 dated July 27, 2018. Using this document, businesses must report to the department for 2018 by April 1, 2019.

Instructions for Form 1-Enterprise can be found in Rosstat orders No. 461 and No. 39 dated January 30, 2018.

Studying the structure and features of filling out the current Form 1-Enterprise is useful for correctly entering the data required by the statistical authority.

So, let's look at the specifics of filling out the form for 2018.

Form 1-Enterprise consists of 9 sections. Conventionally, they can be classified into those that reflect:

  • basic facts about the company (sections 1-4, 8, 9);
  • data on the company's income and expenses (sections 5, 6, 7).

Let's study the specifics of filling out the specified sections of form 1-Enterprise in more detail.

Filling out 1-Enterprise according to instructions: general legal and financial information about the company

In Sect. 1 records general information about the reporting organization.

In paragraphs 101, 102 forms 1-Enterprise indicate:

  • date of registration (or re-registration) of the company;
  • date of actual start of business activities of the company.

In paragraphs 103-108 you need to indicate:

  • method of formation of a legal entity;
  • whether there was a reorganization of the legal entity.

In Sect. 2 reflects information about the authorized capital of the company.

Its total volume is indicated on page 201. In paragraphs 202-210 - its shares by categories of owners specified in the corresponding list.

Having circled clauses 211 or 212, it should be noted, respectively, the fact of participation or non-participation of foreign entities in the formation of the authorized capital. In this case, only in the first case does the company need to fill out Section. 3 forms 1-Enterprise (on page 301 the total amount of foreign capital is recorded, on page 302 - the state affiliation or nationality of its holders).

In Sect. 4 reflects data on the organizational structure of the reporting company.

Pages 401 and 402 indicate information on the number of separate divisions, and paragraph 403 - on the number of subsidiaries.

In Sect. 8 records data on the company’s activities in relation to OKVED2, as well as such indicators as:

  • staff size;
  • payroll fund;
  • revolutions

In Sect. 9 records similar information, but divided into those that reflect activities:

  • parent organization;
  • structural divisions of the company.

Among the most voluminous sections of form 1-Enterprise is section. 5. It reflects information about the company’s production and shipment of products, services, and works. That is, about the company’s income, as well as other related indicators (such as, for example, the volume of products shipped to a third party on one or another basis).

It will be useful to consider its contents in more detail.

Information about the company’s income (section 5 of form 1-Enterprise)

On page 501 section. 5 indicates the total turnover of the company for the reporting year.

On pp. 502-505 indicators are recorded for the volume of products, services and work produced by the company itself, on p. 505 - revenue from processing customer-supplied raw materials, on p. 506 - revenue from repair work, on pp. 507-511 - revenue from resale, on page 512 - income from the sale of goods and materials previously purchased for the own production of goods.

Pages 513, 514 indicate revenue, respectively, from construction and scientific and technical work performed by third-party legal entities and individuals under subcontracts.

Pages 515, 516 record the cost of manufactured products, which are credited to fixed assets, corresponding respectively to:

  • to industrial goods;
  • agricultural goods.

Page 517 indicates the cost of construction and installation work carried out by the company for its own needs.

Page 518 records the cost of products that are given to third-party legal entities and individuals free of charge, and paragraph 520 records the cost of agricultural products transferred to internal divisions (not engaged in agriculture).

Page 519 indicates the cost of produced feed and fertilizers that are used for the own production of agricultural products.

Pages 521, 522 record the cost of produced building materials and structures used in construction and installation work, respectively:

  • reporting organization;
  • by third parties.

In paragraphs 523, 524 indicate data on budget subsidies if they were received by the company.

Page 525 indicates the number of months in the reporting year during which the company carried out commercial activities.

Clause 526 records the amount of customs duties that must be paid by the company for the reporting year.

Probably the most voluminous section of form 1-Enterprise is section. 6. It reflects information about the company’s expenses for the production and sale of products, services and work, as well as related indicators (such as, for example, balances of purchased goods and materials).

It also makes sense to study the structure of the relevant section in more detail.

Information on company expenses (sections 6, 7)

Actually, the company's expenses in Sec. The 6 forms are classified into those that:

  • committed for the purpose of purchasing goods for resale (indicated on pp. 601-609);
  • related to the acquisition of raw materials, materials, components (indicated on pp. 610-615);
  • reflect the purchase of fuel, energy, water (recorded on pp. 616-625);
  • related to land reclamation (reflected on page 626);
  • related to the remuneration of employees (reflected in pp. 633-636, 646-650);
  • related to rent (recorded on pp. 639-645);
  • related to depreciation (indicated on pages 637, 638).

A separate category of expenses under section. 6 forms 1-Enterprise - taxes and fees that are included in the calculation of the cost of products, services and work of the company. They are recorded on pp. 651-655. Page 670 reflects the amount of VAT that must be received from customers for goods, services and work sold in the reporting year.

  • those related to contracts for the purchase and sale of forest plantations (indicated on page 656);
  • those related to payment for work and services of third-party companies (indicated on page 657);
  • other costs that are not classified in section. 6, but are related to the production and sale of products, services and works (recorded on page 658).

The total expenses of the company for all reasons are indicated on page 659, section. 6.

Separately in Sect. 6 forms are indicated:

  • cost of inventory balances for resale (pp. 606-609);
  • cost of remaining inventory and fuel for production and sale (pp. 627-630);
  • the cost of the remains of finished industrial and agricultural products (pp. 662, 663, 666, 667);
  • the cost of inventory items transferred free of charge to other companies (p. 631);
  • the cost of inventory and fuel purchased for production, but sold without processing (p. 632);
  • cost of raw materials supplied by customers (p. 660);
  • the cost of inventory items transferred to third-party companies for processing (p. 661);
  • the cost of goods in work in progress (pp. 668, 669);
  • cost of fattening animals (pp. 664, 665).

In Sect. 6 of Form 1-Enterprise, the reporting company also indicates the amount of investment in fixed assets (p. 671).

In Sect. 7 indicates the company's expenses for paying for the work and services of third-party companies in relation to the list reflected in pp. 701-737.


All Russian legal entities, as well as foreign ones that have representative offices in the Russian Federation, must annually submit a reporting document to Rosstat - Form 1-Enterprise. It records the main performance indicators - turnover, expenses, as well as their distribution into various categories.

You can find out what other reporting you must submit to statistics using our

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