HIV AIDS dissidents. HIV dissidents and their children

A criminal case has been opened in Irkutsk into the death of a four-month-old girl: her mother, being HIV-infected, refused to undergo therapy herself and did not allow the child to be examined. “Gazeta.Ru” is about another victim of HIV dissidents.
In Irkutsk, after the death of a four-month-old girl who was hospitalized with Pneumocystis pneumonia, a criminal case was opened under the article “Causing death by negligence.” After the birth of her daughter, an HIV-infected mother refused to examine her and, if necessary, provide therapy. In this case, Pneumocystis pneumonia, with which the child was taken to the hospital, develops against the background of acute immunodeficiency. The girl died in February.
The 28-year-old mother of the deceased girl was diagnosed with HIV five years ago. “Last year, while pregnant, she also refused therapy to prevent transmission of the virus to the child. Already during childbirth, she underwent rapid testing for HIV, which showed a positive result, but she again categorically refused chemoprophylaxis,” Vasily Buchinsky, press secretary of the Irkutsk AIDS Center, told Interfax.

At the same time, doctors were unable to ensure that the child was tested and, if necessary, prescribed therapy. “The doctors twice filed civil lawsuits to protect the rights of the minor, but both times the court rejected them on formal grounds,” Buchinsky added.

The possibility of legislating the removal of HIV-infected children from families who refuse treatment was discussed in August 2017.

Then a 10-year-old girl with HIV-positive status died in St. Petersburg. Her adoptive parents also considered themselves HIV dissidents and refused professional treatment for religious reasons.

The child was taken into the family in 2014, and the parents were aware of the diagnosis and that the girl needed special care, but did not take any action to maintain the child’s health. When complications began to manifest themselves especially strongly, the couple decided to take the child to a German clinic, where HIV infection is treated with so-called non-toxic methods. There the girl was prescribed biologically active food supplements, and that was the end of the treatment.

Thanks to violent intervention from the guardianship authorities, the prosecutor's office and the office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights, the girl was admitted to the hospital only after a year and a half. She spent a year there, but the child had virtually no chance of recovery - on August 26, 2017, the girl died.

The chief specialist of the Ministry of Health on HIV infection, Yevgeny Voronin, called the incident “another death on the conscience of AIDS dissidents.” Activists of the “Coalition for Readiness for Treatment” then tried to attract the child’s parents to Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on “Failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor.”

Despite the fact that the appeal was signed by more than 30 public organizations and representatives of NGOs, law enforcement officials refused to initiate a criminal case.

Another story with a similar plot ended with the death of a three-year-old girl in April 2017 in Tyumen. A criminal case was opened against the girl’s mother, who refused to treat her child for AIDS, under the article “causing death by negligence.” The woman adhered to the views of “HIV dissidents” and believed that her daughter was the victim of an incorrect hepatitis vaccination, after which she developed side diseases.

The accused could have faced up to two years in prison, but at the end of July 2017 it became known that the criminal case against the “HIV dissident” was dropped - the woman reconciled in the courtroom with her husband, who acted as the victim.

In total, there were 11 cases involving children in 2017 - four of them died without receiving therapy. In all other cases, these children came under the close attention of the authorities, since without treatment they reached the stage of AIDS. Since 2015, thanks to calculations by the group “HIV Dissidents and Their Children,” it became known about the deaths of about 65 people - both adults and children.

The story of the deceased girl spread across the RuNet. Everyone asked the same question: “How can you let your child die?” As the investigation found out, the mother of the deceased girl was an active member of a group of so-called HIV dissidents (“diss”, as they call themselves). These are people who are convinced that the immunodeficiency virus is a myth invented by doctors, do not believe in the existence of AIDS, or believe that HIV does not lead to AIDS.

Today, such VKontakte groups are open to everyone. The largest of them has 15 thousand participants. HIV-positive activists maintain a lively correspondence and share their experiences with newcomers: they brag about how long they live without therapy, raise children, and recommend how to deregister and continue living a “normal life.”

Parents sign waivers for vaccinations and refuse to have their children tested for HIV.


Those who insist that AIDS exists are called “spies,” and AIDS centers are called “spies” or “spies.”

From time to time, group members disappear or talk about the death of children. But even the death of a child does not convince them that they are wrong - in their opinion, the therapy is to blame.

Finding accounts of HIV dissidents who actively communicated in groups and then seemed to disappear into thin air will not be difficult. How can you guess what happened to them? Relatives post information about the funeral, and in a group that opposes HIV dissidence, they make a note: “Confirmed that he died.”

“Cursed be that day”: the story of Anastasia and her daughter

Anastasia found out about her HIV-positive status in 2002, but did not want to change anything in her life: she did not visit AIDS centers, did not see doctors and did not take tests. Joined the ranks of HIV dissidents. Her story can be reconstructed from posts on one of the “mom” forums.

Doctors came to her home, left notes, tried to convince her to take ART, but to no avail. Anastasia became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter on December 17, 2010.

After that, Anastasia appeared on the forum from time to time to report that she and her daughter were doing well. The problems started in August 2011. The child began to get sick, the doctors, who did not know about her status, talked about unusual symptoms and everyone, as one, threw up their hands. HIV dissidents reassured Anastasia and tried to convince her that teething was to blame.

After a long silence, Anastasia showed up in November - at the same time, the first doubts began to appear in her notes. She wrote: “I’m really scared for the child. I’m already starting to quietly think that this is true after all. I have been diagnosed with HIV for 10 years now, but looking at my child it becomes scary. I have no manifestations, but she has...” (Spelling and punctuation preserved. - Editor's note.)

In February 2012, the baby could hardly move her legs and arms. She was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus hepatitis, encephalitis and rhinitis. On February 2, Anastasia wrote: “Cursed be the day when I found information that HIV is a myth.”

On July 5, 2012, the girl died. After Anastasia wrote about this on the forum, former “colleagues” accused her of lying. “Paid speedster” became her mark. The dissidents believed that the antibiotics that Anastasia gave to her daughter were to blame for everything.

Their name is Legion

The movement of HIV dissidents is heterogeneous. And there are several versions of what HIV and AIDS are in their interpretation. Here are the main ones:

  • HIV is a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies that deliberately maintain the myth of the existence of the virus so that their drugs will have consumers willing to spend money on drugs. In turn, ART (antiretroviral therapy) is a poison that deliberately kills slowly so that patients have time to buy as much as possible.
  • AIDS doesn't exist at all.
  • AIDS exists, but is caused by other reasons, not HIV, but vaccinations, for example. Its nature is still not clear, and the epidemic was artificial.

Some blame the United States, others blame the Russian authorities, but one thing unites everyone. HIV-positive people refuse treatment, continuing to convince themselves and others that the cause of their poor health is poor diet, smoking or killer doctors.

The movement is supported by thousands of people: cultural figures, priests and even some medical workers. In one of the opposing groups, where they talk about the consequences of denying HIV and AIDS, there is a creepy counter - a list of dead dissidents with details of how many children were among them.

But if you think that the growing death toll will make dissidents come to their senses, then you are wrong. They have their own version of the “true” cause of death: “Healed.”

How do people come to this

People usually find out about their HIV-positive status by accident. Few people are specifically tested for the immunodeficiency virus. Most people learn about it only when applying for a medical certificate for work or registering for pregnancy. Others are referred for HIV testing by GPs who are surprised by persistent colds and notice something strange in a blood test.

When a terrible diagnosis is made, an abyss opens up under your feet. Almost everyone's first reaction is disbelief. It seems to us that HIV is something that is contracted by drug addicts who share the same syringe, or by those who engage in promiscuous behavior. sex life and is not protected.

“It’s very difficult to describe my feelings at that moment. It seemed like the ground was slipping away from under my feet, I wanted to run into any clinic and shout: “Help, I’m dying!”,” one of the HIV-positive forum participants describes his emotions. And so the first seed of doubt falls: “How can this be, after all, I lived correctly, did not fornicate, did not take drugs, went to church? Maybe there is some kind of mistake here? It happens that relatives of infected people convince them that the tests are incorrect.

Unfortunately, throughout the world (and Russia is no exception), HIV-positive status is a stigma that will accompany a person throughout his life. People are confused, scared, afraid to tell their partners or friends. What will they say and suddenly turn away?

It must be admitted that such fears are not without foundation. Some people still believe that the virus is transmitted through a handshake or saliva. HIV-infected people find themselves as if behind a glass wall - alone with their diagnosis in a huge, unfriendly world.

And then - more. Tons and tons of information about therapy. Medicines that need to be taken not just several times a day, but down to the minute. Side effects Sometimes they are forced to change drugs several times until they find the right one. In addition, although treatment for HIV-infected patients is provided by the state, there are periodic shortages of drugs.

Some people pull themselves together and cope, others don’t. They scroll and scroll through the pages of the search engine until they come across something strange. As a rule, this is an article written in pseudoscientific language. It explains very clearly and smoothly that in fact HIV is a conspiracy of the “medical mafia”, and drugs are a slow-acting poison.

A person clings to this idea, begins to dig further until he finds groups in in social networks or forums where dozens of people repeat the same thing: AIDS does not exist, you have been deceived. The sick person finds himself in another world. As in any sect, they open their arms to him. Here he belongs, he can speak openly and not be afraid that they will recoil from him. Moreover, all these people, who were also diagnosed with HIV-positive status, live full, happy lives without any drugs!

What a relief...

This is war

Fortunately, there are groups and communities that help people regardless of their past views. One of the administrators of the group “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children” shares the history of the creation of the group: “It appeared through the efforts of several caring people. By the time we decided to create it, we already had information about the negative and tragic consequences of HIV dissident propaganda. These were the stories of people who died of AIDS, denied HIV and did not take treatment for it. But this information was scattered. We decided to collect it and unite it in our group so that everyone could see the negative consequences of HIV denial.”

This group also helps those who have “converted”—people who have reconsidered their views on the disease and taken up treatment.

In the group “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children. Group on the consequences of HIV denial” volunteers maintain lists of “defectors”. They share their experiences of dissidence and actively fight against their former partners. These stories

A criminal case has been opened into the death of a four-month-old girl: her mother, being HIV-infected, refused to undergo therapy herself and did not allow the child to be examined. “Gazeta.Ru” is about another victim of HIV dissidents.

In Irkutsk, after the death of a four-month-old girl who was hospitalized with Pneumocystis pneumonia, a criminal case was opened. As the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported on Monday, the case was opened under Part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). The fact is that the child’s mother was HIV-infected, but after the birth of her daughter she refused to examine her and, if necessary, provide therapy. At the same time, Pneumocystis pneumonia, with which she was taken to the hospital, develops against the background of acute immunodeficiency. The girl died in February.

As the Irkutsk Regional AIDS Center reported to Interfax, the child’s mother and her partner consider themselves HIV dissidents, that is, those who consider HIV infection a myth allegedly invented by doctors and pharmaceutical corporations in order to “extract money” from patients - They get such information from the Internet.

People with such beliefs, if they have the status of HIV-positive (and there are HIV-negatives among them), refuse therapy and medical supervision. And despite the fact that the list of HIV dissidents dying from AIDS is growing, this does not convince those who share this idea that it is necessary to undergo therapy, and if “no one has seen HIV”, this does not mean that it does not exist and that he's not dangerous.

The 28-year-old mother of the deceased girl was diagnosed with HIV five years ago.

“Last year, while pregnant, she also refused therapy to prevent transmission of the virus to the child. Already during childbirth, she underwent rapid testing for HIV, which showed a positive result, but she again categorically refused chemoprophylaxis,” the press secretary of the AIDS Center, Vasily Buchinsky, told Interfax.

At the same time, doctors were unable to ensure that the child underwent tests and, if necessary, prescribed therapy:

“Doctors twice filed civil lawsuits to protect the rights of a minor, but both times the court rejected them on formal grounds,” Vasily Buchinsky told Interfax.

It was discussed in August 2017 that the possibility of removing HIV-infected children from their families if their parents refuse to treat them should be enshrined in law.

This was proposed by the chief freelance specialist on the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Voronin, after a 10-year-old girl with HIV-positive status died in August 2017 in St. Petersburg. Her adoptive parents also considered themselves HIV dissidents and refused professional treatment for religious reasons.

The child was taken into the family in 2014, and the parents were aware of the diagnosis and that the girl needed special care, but did not take any action to maintain the child’s health. When complications began to manifest themselves especially strongly, the couple decided to take the child to a German clinic, where HIV infection is treated with so-called non-toxic methods. There the girl was prescribed biologically active food supplements, and that was the end of the treatment.

Thanks to violent intervention from the guardianship authorities, the prosecutor's office and the office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights, the girl was admitted to the hospital only after a year and a half. She spent a year there, but the child had practically no chance of recovery - on August 26, 2017, the girl died. The chief specialist of the Ministry of Health on HIV infection, Yevgeny Voronin, called the incident “another death on the conscience of AIDS dissidents.”

Activists of the “Coalition for Readiness for Treatment” then tried to attract the child’s parents to Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on “Failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor.”

Despite the fact that the appeal was signed by more than 30 public organizations and representatives of NGOs, law enforcement officials refused to initiate a criminal case.

Another story with a similar plot ended with the death of a three-year-old girl in April 2017 in Tyumen. A criminal case was opened against the girl’s mother, who refused to treat her child for AIDS, under the article “causing death by negligence.” The woman adhered to the views of “HIV dissidents” and believed that her daughter was the victim of an incorrect hepatitis vaccination, after which she developed side diseases.

The accused could have faced up to two years in prison, but at the end of July 2017 it became known that the criminal case against the “HIV dissident” was dropped - the woman reconciled in the courtroom with her husband, who acted as the victim.

In total, there were 11 cases involving children in 2017; four children died without receiving therapy. In all other cases, these children came under the close attention of the authorities, since without treatment they reached the stage of AIDS. Since 2015, thanks to calculations by the group “HIV Dissidents and Their Children,” it became known about the deaths of about 65 people, both adults and children.

There is an HIV epidemic raging around us. According to researchers from the journal PLOS The expanding epidemic of HIV-1 in the Russian Federation, Russia has more HIV-infected people than any other country in Europe. Namely: more than 1.16 million people, and these are only registered diagnoses. Many people simply do not know that they are sick. And some people know, but don’t want to believe it.

It would seem that it is already clear to everyone that no one is immune from HIV.

The disease has long gone beyond risk groups and affects anyone, not just drug addicts and sex workers.

But nevertheless, there are people in the world who are sure: if the problem is not noticed, it will disappear by itself. These are HIV dissidents. They deny the very existence of the virus.

Hasn’t the existence of HIV and AIDS been proven?

It has been proven, and repeatedly. The HIV virus was discovered in 1983, photographed by microscopes, and isolated in cells. The World Health Organization believes HIV AIDS HIV is one of the leading global problems in the health sector that needs to be addressed: at the end of 2016, there were approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV worldwide. For example, this is what a virus looks like: black round dots - that’s what it is.

Then why is it denied?

The point is that any new theory encounters resistance. This happened with HIV infection.

The wave of denial arose against the background of the fact that once upon a time antiretroviral therapy (ART) was truly ineffective, but with many side effects. Now these drugs are not used, but the fear of treatment remains and has transferred to new drugs. They also have side effects, like any other, but they allow you to keep the disease under control.

Additionally, denial is part of accepting grief, but it is at this stage that HIV dissidents get stuck. We asked a psychotherapist what turns people into dissidents.

Firstly, dissidence occurs when a person feels threatened and wants to protect himself from it, because living in a safe world is a natural desire.

Secondly, HIV dissidence is largely due to the lack of elementary education. At school no one teaches sex education to anyone, there is no literacy at all in matters of contraception.

Thirdly, beliefs that are formed throughout life are difficult to change without a personal desire to do so. There is such a thing - a tendency to confirm one’s point of view. At the level of unconscious processes, death to beliefs is equal to death at the symbolic level, because a person identifies himself with his thoughts.

Fourthly, the environment in which a person lives is important. If a sick person becomes an ugly duckling in the environment, then it is easier for him to adapt and easier to believe that he is healthy.

Do the dissidents have any evidence?

Most of the evidence is the opinions of experts or those who call themselves such. The most titled representative of the dissidents is Peter Duesberg, professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He wrote a book about how the HIV virus was invented, and that drugs and aggressive treatment with pills lead to diseases.

Among Russian active fighters against HIV, Olga Kovekh is famous - a doctor who is trying to treat the virus with prednisolone via the Internet. She even earned a nickname for this Doctor Death and his friends Doctor Death. In December, Olga Kovekh was fired from her job, but she does not give up her views General practitioner fired for denying AIDS. In 2017, the therapist participated in the conference “Scientists against Myths”; she qualified for the finals of the competition “Honorary Academician VRAL - 2017” (Liar Academy of Pseudosciences), which was created by the portal “” and the “Evolution” foundation.

All other “evidence” that no one has allegedly seen the virus or that it does not cause harm has long been refuted by science.

And what does the picture of the world of an HIV dissident look like?

Something like this: there is a conspiracy of doctors. It is impossible to detect the virus itself, so to simulate the disease they use tests that show nothing and mean nothing. If you don’t donate blood for HIV and don’t show up at AIDS centers, then everything will be fine.

But if you happen to donate blood and you have a positive result (and the killer doctors will find it), then you will be forced to take antiretroviral therapy - these are poisonous pills that cause all sorts of deviations. Because of them, people suffer from encephalitis, pneumonia and complex forms of tuberculosis, and not at all because of HIV.

This is not a joke demotivator

This was all invented by the AIDS mafia in order to launder huge amounts of money on other people’s health. And if you lead a healthy lifestyle and hide from doctors, then everything will be fine.

One of the criteria for sectarianism is the explanation of any phenomenon within one concept. This is a conservatism of views, because they give confidence that everything in this world is understandable and subject to your control. If the sense of control over the world is shaken, the sectarians will defend themselves.

Alexey Karachinsky

This is a typical picture of a person living within a sect, with the only difference being that dissidents are not trying to rob each other of their last money and apartments.

But how do they live then?

As a rule, not very good and not very long. VKontakte has a whole

12 August 2017, 19:49

In July of this year, the whole of Russia was shocked by the story of a Tyumen resident who refused to treat her three-year-old daughter for HIV infection. The girl died. But her mother did not give her medicine not because the family lacked money or out of malice. She did not wish the child harm - she simply did not believe that HIV and AIDS even existed. And the trouble is that she is not alone.

Who are HIV dissidents?

The story of the deceased girl spread across the RuNet. Everyone asked the same question: “How can you let your child die?” As the investigation found, the mother of the deceased girl was an active member of a group of so-called HIV dissidents (“diss,” as they call themselves). These are people who are convinced that the immunodeficiency virus is a myth invented by doctors, do not believe in the existence of AIDS, or believe that HIV does not lead to AIDS.

Today, such VKontakte groups are open to everyone. The largest of them has 15 thousand participants. HIV-positive activists maintain a lively correspondence and share their experiences with newcomers: they brag about how long they live without therapy, raise children, and recommend how to deregister and continue living a “normal life.” Parents sign waivers for vaccinations and refuse to have their children tested for HIV.

Those who insist that AIDS exists are called “speeders”, “aces”, and AIDS centers are called “speeders” or “speedies”.

From time to time, group members disappear or talk about the death of children. But even the death of a child does not convince them that they are wrong - in their opinion, the therapy is to blame.

Finding accounts of HIV dissidents who actively communicated in groups and then seemed to disappear into thin air will not be difficult. You can guess what happened to them - relatives post information about the funeral, and in a group opposing HIV dissidence they make a note: “Confirmed that he died.”

Their name is legion

The movement of HIV dissidents is heterogeneous. And there are several versions of what HIV and AIDS are in their interpretation. Here are the main ones:

HIV is a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies that deliberately support the myth of the existence of the virus so that their drugs have consumers willing to spend money on medicines. In turn, ART (antiretroviral therapy) is a poison that deliberately kills slowly so that patients have time to buy as much as possible.

AIDS doesn't exist at all.

AIDS exists, but is caused by other reasons, not HIV, but vaccinations, for example. Its nature is still not clear, and the epidemic was artificial.

Some blame the United States, others blame the Russian authorities, but one thing unites everyone. HIV-positive people refuse treatment, continuing to convince themselves and others that the cause of their poor health is poor diet, smoking or killer doctors.

The movement is supported by thousands of people: cultural figures, priests and even some medical workers. In one of the opposing groups, where they talk about the consequences of denying HIV and AIDS, there is a creepy counter - a list of dead dissidents with details of how many children are among them.

But if you think that the growing death toll will make dissidents come to their senses, then you are wrong. They have their own version of the “true” cause of death: “Healed.”

How do people come to this

People usually find out about their HIV-positive status by accident. Few people are specifically tested for the immunodeficiency virus. Most people learn about it only when applying for a medical certificate for work or registering for pregnancy. Others are referred for HIV testing by GPs who are surprised by persistent colds and notice something strange in a blood test.

When a terrible diagnosis is made, an abyss opens up under your feet. Almost everyone's first reaction is disbelief. It seems to us that HIV is something that drug addicts who use the same syringe, or those who are promiscuous and do not use protection, become infected with.

“It’s very difficult to describe my feelings at that moment. It seemed as if the earth was disappearing from under my feet, I wanted to run into any clinic and shout: “Help, I’m dying!”,” one of the HIV-positive forum participants describes his emotions. And so the first seed of doubt falls: “How can this be, after all, I lived correctly, did not fornicate, did not take drugs, went to church? Maybe there is some kind of mistake here? It happens that relatives of infected people convince them that the tests are incorrect.

Unfortunately, throughout the world (and Russia is no exception), HIV-positive status is a stigma that will accompany a person throughout his life. People are confused, scared, afraid to tell their partners or friends. What will they say and suddenly turn away?

It must be admitted that such fears are not without foundation. Some people still believe that the virus is transmitted through a handshake or saliva. HIV-infected people find themselves as if behind a glass wall - alone with their diagnosis in a huge, unfriendly world.

And then - more. Tons and tons of information about therapy. Medicines that need to be taken not just several times a day, but down to the minute. Side effects sometimes force you to change medications several times until you find the right one. In addition, although treatment for HIV-infected patients is provided by the state, there are periodic shortages of drugs

Some people pull themselves together and cope, others don't. They scroll and scroll through the pages of the search engine until they come across something strange. As a rule, this is an article written in pseudoscientific language. It explains very clearly and smoothly that in fact HIV is a conspiracy of the “medical mafia”, and drugs are a slow-acting poison.

A person clings to this idea and begins to dig further until he finds groups on social networks or forums where dozens of people repeat the same thing: AIDS does not exist, you have been deceived. The sick person finds himself in another world. As in any sect, they open their arms to him. Here he belongs, he can speak openly and not be afraid that they will recoil from him. Moreover, all these people, who were also diagnosed with HIV-positive status, live full, happy lives without any drugs!

What a relief...

This is war

Fortunately, there are groups and communities that help people regardless of their past views. One of the administrators of the group “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children” shares the history of the group’s creation: “It appeared through the efforts of several caring people. By the time we decided to create it, we already had information about the negative and tragic consequences of HIV dissident propaganda. These were the stories of people who died of AIDS, denied HIV and did not take treatment for it. But this information was scattered. We decided to collect it and unite it in our group so that everyone could see the negative consequences of HIV denial.”

This group also helps “converts” - people who have reconsidered their views on the disease and taken up treatment.

In the group “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children. Group on the consequences of HIV denial” volunteers maintain lists of “defectors”. They share their experiences of dissidence and actively fight against their former partners. These stories can be read in the public domain.

There are only 5,000 people in the group to combat HIV dissidence—half the number of dissidents themselves, but that’s already something. “Awareness,” says the group administrator, “is the main weapon of the modern world.”

Today, all information about AIDS can be obtained at special AIDS centers or by calling the helpline for those infected with HIV.

Dissidents on VKontakte

Meet Olga K***h, aka “Doctor Death”. K***x is a doctor who denies HIV, viral hepatitis, pneumocystis, the benefits of vaccination (because vaccines are cellular poison), and considers tuberculosis to be!viral! disease. (from which badger fat and a sandwich with butter and ham will help you perfectly) with the zeal of a Stakhanovite, he has been sowing his “brilliant discoveries” all over the Internet for several years now.

For non-medics, it’s worth explaining that the mishmash of medical terminology in K***’s comments, when translated into layman’s language, sounds something like “Table, chair, nine, birch, brain cancer, anal, carnival, NO AIDS.” However, this does not prevent her from being praised by a group of sectarians who are confident that “HIV is a Scam” as an unsurpassed specialist in any field.

K***h herself will also not miss the opportunity to declare that “other doctors are rednecks who know nothing and cannot figure anything out,” and she is a genius, whom “the authorities praise for the fight against the AIDS mafia” and the “Ministry of Health raises champagne in her honor and orders karaoke banquets.”

Here's another a couple of hellish sayings, from which the hair stands on end.

There is no immunity! No HIV! No AIDS! No hepatitis! All diseases are from nerves, and only one is from love.

And there is no flu either, according to K***

K***x advises HIV+ mothers to breastfeed their baby without fear. As is known, transmission of HIV through milk during breastfeeding by an HIV+ mother of a child is one of the main ones in children - along with infection in the womb and infection during childbirth.

K***x opens his eyes to why Vera Brezhneva is the UN Ambassador on the rights and discrimination of HIV-infected women living in countries Central Asia and Eastern Europe. In all seriousness, yes.

There it is! If you go and tell your father, a heavy smoker, that he has AIDS, he might get scared and stop smoking.

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted. Its causative agent is trichomanada. According to K***x, it is also the cause of the development of cancer and AIDS. And also bad cholesterol and plaques in blood vessels.

The USA is to blame for everything!

Hepatitis B and C do not exist. (according to K***x)

Checkmate, psychiatrists!

Interesting facts from K***x

Our medical “star” has made it to television.

We could laugh at the illiterate, complex woman and forget about it, if not for one BUT: her ridiculous advice led to real tragedies. And the saddest thing here is that we are not talking about “fools who believed the aunt from the Internet,” but about those who were not given the opportunity to choose at all. You can observe similar cases in the example of children of HIV dissidents. Here are a few of them.

The story of Sophia and his son Matvey

Little Matvey was in pain too often during his four-year life. And he didn’t even have time to find out what he was dying from. His mother Sophia was constantly told about the reason - but she did nothing.

During pregnancy, Sophia (then she was 30 years old, now 35) took a standard test and found out that she had HIV. It is believed that if an HIV-positive mother takes the necessary medications, the risk of infecting the child with the virus while he is in the womb approaches zero.

But Sophia has read and listened to so-called HIV dissidents. They said that HIV is a myth, it was invented so that pharmaceutical companies could profit from uneducated people. Therefore, Sophia refused to take medications.

They only managed to convey to her that if she gives birth to an HIV-infected child without taking medication, he will be taken to an orphanage, because from a legal point of view this is a failure to fulfill parental responsibilities. And in the seventh month of pregnancy, Sophia began taking pills.

When the boy was born, he was given preventive medications for the first six weeks. But then the mother decided that everything was fine with the child and refused the drugs.

As a result, Matvey developed AIDS with severe complications. There was also HIV encephalopathy (damage to the nervous system). At two years old he did not sit, did not walk, and had difficulty moving his arms and legs. Sophia believed that everyone was deceiving her and that the child was feeling bad precisely because of the toxic drugs that he received in the first weeks of his life.

Sofia talked a lot about Matvey’s health on social networks (this story is based on her notes and the doctor’s comments in the specialized group). Firstly, she herself became a convinced HIV dissident and tried, using the example of her son, to prove that HIV does not exist. Secondly, she collected money on the Internet for “treatment” - she took her son to Evpatoria for dolphin therapy.

Matvey died in 2015, two months before his fourth birthday. And in 2016, according to information from a group of HIV dissidents, Sophia’s youngest son, Egor, died. He also had HIV. The baby was not even a year old. But Sophia did not write about him in such detail, because a criminal case was opened against her - about causing death by negligence. The process is not yet completed.

The story of Lisa Z****

This story has everything: scandals, hysterics, fights, defense with a shocker from doctors in the hospital, etc. K***x perfectly brainwashed the sick girl’s mother, Tatyana, for more than a year, consulting her in person, by phone and even in person.
It is worth noting that in the intervals between recommendations badger fat, black radish and “Tonus” juice (yes, buy “Tonus” juice to support the immune system) K***x recommends Prednisolone to everyone. And the worst thing is that the target audience of these “everyone” consists of HIV-infected people.
To better understand the scale of the tragedy, HIV-infected Lisa was fed horse doses of Prednisolone for many months; 10-year-old Lisa weighed only 14 kg, her hair fell out, she stopped developing, and she did not stop having loose stools for more than six months.

As a result, doctors and guardianship authorities persuaded the mother to give the girl therapy. In February, news was published in the "VDiD" group, according to which the girl is alive, healthy and developing normally. Any mention of this family is undesirable for dissidents - after all, the fact that Lisa survived on HAART fundamentally contradicts their theory, according to which the therapy is a “cytotoxic poison” and only people die from it. Dissidents do not want examples and mentions of discrepancies with their theory; they prefer to “forget.”

Dani M******'s story

A terrible story, actually about the public killing of a child. K***x actively advised dissident parents, assuring them of the need to refuse therapy for the boy, and to change the prescribed medication regimen to carrot juice, radish, garlic, etc., for “immunity.” However, confidence in her own rightness did not prevent her from quickly erasing all her comments after Dani’s death and taking the position “I don’t know anything, I’m out of my mind, I’m not his doctor, you can’t prove anything, it’s the corrupt speedologists who killed him!”

Probably, after reading all this, you thought “this is banter, this is a troll, this is not real, this person cannot work as a doctor.” Maybe. A therapist in a village near Moscow.
And foreshadowing your next question - the bosses are aware of at least part of her pearls, which our initiative group introduced them to, but since this does not directly concern them, and Olga Grigorievna’s entire work activity is issuing referrals to real doctors, no one asks her release workplace on a voluntary-compulsory basis. There are already not enough personnel.

Here's another hellish bad advice from dissyuks

Vodka will solve all problems

The natural sad result of refusing therapy is that Anyutochka died.

Let the food wait (c) For a person with exhaustion!

Elizabeth's sister also died after refusing therapy.

No HIV, treat with immunomodulators

Dissyuchka was caught lying

Reaction of dissyuks to the death of a girl from Tyumen

Version 1 - did not look for worms

Version 2 - antibiotics and vaccines

Version 3 - there was no girl, EVERYTHING! (orts = orthodox, adequate people from the opposing group)

These are not all pearls and sad stories. Everything else is in the V&D group in the public domain. To end the post on at least some positive note - here the story of a mother who came to her senses with a happy ending.

It would seem that the man has made his choice. As they say, treatment is voluntary. It’s easier, of course, to live in a cozy little world of denial, hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich. But this cannot continue indefinitely. The disease will still win if you don’t start treating it. In this situation, I feel most sorry for the children who do not have the right to choose. Why should they suffer and die a painful death because their parents were brain-dead. I believe that in such a situation the state should intervene, specifically the guardianship authorities, which should take away positive children from those parents who do not give them therapy. It is better to be alive in an orphanage than to die at the hands of “affectionate” and “caring” parents.

And no arguments work. They are told that the human immunodeficiency virus exists and is very well studied; photographs through an electron microscope can be easily found on Google. And they responded, “It’s all Photoshop and the machinations of the speedomafia.” You show stories of ex-dissidents who are alive and well because they are taking therapy - no, this is all paid for by speedotrolls, etc.

A special “thank you” to the VK support group - there were so many complaints, but the obscurantist community was never closed. Even classmates have long blocked all diss communities.

Meanwhile, the situation is by no means happy.

The number of people infected with HIV in the Russian Federation in 2016 increased by 5.3%, said the head of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Pokrovsky.

“Unfortunately, the situation with HIV infection continues to worsen,” Pokrovsky said on Monday at a press conference at the Interfax central office. “Over the past year, 103.5 thousand new cases of HIV infection were reported among Russian citizens. This is 5.3 percent more than in 2015,” he added.

According to Pokrovsky, in 2016 there was a slight decrease in the growth of HIV incidence; in previous years it was about 10%.

In total, since the beginning of observation, 1 million 114 thousand HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation have been registered, of which 243 thousand people have died.

“Currently, 870 thousand 952 people are registered alive, as of December 31 (2016),” the expert said.

He noted that there are 0.6 percent of the population registered with HIV infection in Russia, but according to estimates, this figure could be up to 1%.

According to the Ministry of Health, a particularly difficult situation has developed in Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg, where an HIV epidemic has already been declared.

Screenshots taken from the VK group “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children.” The text is a repost from and, partially supplemented by my comments.

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