Legal ways to spend maternity capital. Maternity capital: right to receive, basic provisions Will maternity capital be issued in a year

Many families do not decide to spend maternity capital only because they are not aware of the possibilities of using it. Despite the restrictions, there are many ways to spend legitimate family money. Let's look at which of them you can use in 2015.

The amount of MSC, indexed taking into account inflation for 2015, is 453 thousand rubles. When thinking about what maternity capital can be spent on in 2015, certificate holders should take into account that it can only be used by non-cash transfer. An exception to the rules is a one-time payment from maternity capital, which is made on the basis of a special Government Resolution.

One-time payment of 20,000 rubles (new method)

In 2015, maternity capital can be partially cashed out. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund with an application, attaching copies of your passport, certificate and bank account details. The money will be transferred after a month from the date of application. Time limit: application must be submitted by December 31st. It is extended only for those who have a second child in the last quarter - they have the right to apply until March 31 of the next year.

Directions for spending

The main limitation in the disposal of MSC funds is that this opportunity is provided no earlier than three years have passed from the date of birth of the child. At the request of the mother or her authorized representative, the family’s obligations related to:

  • with improved living conditions;
  • education of children;
  • mother's pension.

Spending money on housing is the most popular area allowed by law. The statistics clearly show this.

Distribution of MSC funds by area for 2007-2013 by region of the Russian Federation, as a percentage of the total number

Its popularity is explained not only by the real need to improve living conditions, but also by a wide range of use cases.

Acquisition and construction of housing

With the help of family money, you can buy or build an apartment or house, or increase your living space. The only condition: the child must be at least three years old if housing is purchased without borrowed funds. You can repay a loan or loan taken for housing purposes regardless of the child’s age.

Maternity capital can be spent on buying:

  1. Isolated housing facility: , part of an apartment (room), house, part of a house.
  2. Share in the right to residential premises : provided that it can be isolated in nature .

There are several ways to spend maternity capital during housing construction:

  • payment of a share agreement with the developer;
  • joining a housing cooperative;
  • construction of an individual residential property;
  • with increasing area;
  • reimbursement of construction costs.

Payment for paid educational services

The law has been in effect for almost ten years, so many families have grown up children, on whose education maternity capital can be spent. It is allowed to transfer funds to the account of a preschool, general secondary and higher professional educational institution:

  • for paid educational services;
  • for accommodation in a hostel.

The basis for payment is contracts for the provision of paid services and rental of residential premises concluded with an educational institution. A prerequisite is the presence of a license and certificate of state accreditation, the details of which must be indicated in the documents. If a student is expelled, the educational institution is obliged to notify the Pension Fund and return unused funds.

Mother's funded pension

A funded pension is a deferred payment. If, for example, you spend it, it will amount to about 2,000 rubles. It should be taken into account that the amount of capital is indexed annually taking into account price increases, and the increase in funds in the savings account will depend on the investment income of the management company. For a state-owned company, for example, on average over the past ten-year period it is lower.

New offers

At the last session, the State Duma discussed 35 proposals to expand the ways of using family capital. Most often, the possibility of spending money on starting your own business is discussed. So far there has been no positive decision on this issue, and this option does not enjoy much support among the population, judging by a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation (data from 2013). Many respondents believe that when starting their own business, they should use other sources of raising initial capital.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that the law is valid for the period until December 31, 2016. The issue of its extension is currently being discussed, but most likely it will be significantly changed. Those who already have a certificate can exercise their right later.

The onset of 2007 in Russia was marked by the implementation of a state social program called “ maternal capital" A set of such events is aimed at providing financial support to young families with two or more children. The question of what amount of maternity capital is due to be paid to each individual family is difficult to answer specifically. The monetary framework for this type of benefit is periodically subject to indexation and adjusted to the economic indicators of the standard of living in the country. The duration of this state program is designed for one decade. This means that next year such payments will stop. Although there have been no specific statements from the government at the moment, everything is operating as usual.

Implementation of social support for families with children in the coming year

At the moment, there are a lot of rumors going on around the issue of maternity capital. This is due to the fact that the program ends by the end of next year. Those who have already become the holder of such a certificate should not give in to panic. After all, only the time for applying for benefits is running out, and the opportunity to dispose of the received material resources at your own discretion remains in full.

You don’t have to worry too much about how much maternity capital is expected to be paid now. After all, the government annually indexes the amount received taking into account all inflation indicators in the country’s economy. Thus, this year the amount of indexation was almost 6%, which significantly increased the amount of state benefits due to families with a second or more children.

In the coming year, persons who are residents of the Crimean Peninsula will also be able to apply for maternity capital. Plus, those families in which two or more children were born over the past 7 years can submit a package of documents to receive maternity benefits.

Taking into account all the passed indexations amount of maternity capital in 2015 reached a value of 453 thousand 26 rubles. Not a bad help for families who have become parents again, isn't it?

Economic forecasts for this year indicate that prices will continue to rise. Therefore, we can advise parents to apply for a maternity capital certificate as quickly as possible. And also, as quickly as possible, decide on the use of the received amount.

Changes in maternity capital payments

In mid-2014, a bill was submitted to the State Duma for consideration, providing for the continuation of financial assistance from the state to families with children. The benefits of this kind of event are now being vigorously discussed in the government. It is unknown how long maternity capital will exist as social support. But during the period of such payments, the birth rate in the country increased.

Since January 1, the amount of maternity capital has been indexed and amounts to 453 thousand 26 rubles, which is 23.6 thousand more than in 2014. The areas for using maternity capital this year remain the same: improving the family’s living conditions, training and maintaining children in educational institutions, increasing the mother’s pension.

Since 2007, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia have issued more than 5.6 million state certificates for maternity capital. During 2014, more than 730 thousand Russian families received a certificate. To date, more than 52% of families have used maternity capital funds, including 48% in full.

The most popular area for spending maternity capital continues to be improving housing conditions: 99% of families allocated funds for this purpose.

Regarding the time frame for the maternity capital program, the Pension Fund recalls that in accordance with current legislation, in order to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2016. At the same time, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time..

Thus, families entitled to maternity capital do not need to rush to dispose of it, especially considering that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually.

As previously reported, in 2015 the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will continue to take an active part in the development of measures to combat the misuse of maternity capital funds. In particular, proposals have already been prepared to strengthen control over the allocation of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, namely: to issue maternity capital funds only for the repayment of credits and loans issued by credit institutions; ensure the suitability of premises purchased using maternity capital funds for permanent residence.

For small expenses

Part of the maternity capital will be given in cash

This year, parents of two or more children will be able to spend twenty thousand rubles from maternity capital funds on any current needs. This measure of social support for families will be included in the government’s anti-crisis plan, which is currently being developed and will be announced early next week.

This was announced by First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Sergei Velmyaykin at a meeting of the department’s public council. Let us recall that a similar measure of social support for families with children was in effect in Russia during the crisis in 2009-2010. True, at that time they gave out a maximum of 12 thousand rubles. Now the size of the one-time payment will be doubled.

“When five years ago people had the opportunity to receive 12 thousand rubles in cash from maternity capital funds, almost everyone who was entitled to it took advantage of it. Only a few did not come for payment,” said Sergei Velmyaykin.

By the way, yesterday the government approved a bill developed by the Ministry of Labor, which is designed to protect maternity capital from fraudulent schemes. Microfinance organizations are excluded from participation in the maternity capital program and an additional criterion will be established for credit consumer cooperatives: they must operate in the financial market for at least three years. Now maternity capital funds can be used to repay housing loans issued by credit organizations, microfinance organizations, credit consumer cooperatives and other organizations with a mortgage. The changes will not affect the rights of citizens who entered into loan agreements with microfinance organizations and credit consumer cooperatives before the proposed changes came into force.

But as for the indexation of maternity capital and other social payments, it is not yet known how much they will increase this year - economic calculations in this regard are still being carried out. The only thing that can be said with clear certainty is that labor pensions will increase by 11.4 percent from February 1 – the level of real inflation based on last year’s results. An additional 188 billion rubles will be allocated for this, although it is still not entirely clear from what source this money will be taken. According to Sergei Velmyaykin, most likely from the National Welfare Fund.

Another topic discussed at the meeting of the public council of the Ministry of Labor was whether December 31 should be made a day off so that people could properly prepare for the holidays. Members of the Public Chamber come forward with this initiative. However, neither the department nor the members of the public council under it agree with the initiative.

“Such proposals began to appear after the New Year holidays appeared in Russia. When people rested for the New Year only on January 1, and then on January 1 and 2, there were no proposals to make December 31 a non-working day,” said Marina Maslova, director of the department of wages, labor relations and social partnership of the Russian Ministry of Labor. According to her, 30 percent of workers work in the public service sector. In any case, they will work both on December 31 and on subsequent holidays.

To increase the birth rate and financially help families raising children, the Russian government introduced another payment in 2007 - maternity capital. Of course, it has its pros and cons. The downside is that money is not given out in person. On the plus side, financial resources can be spent on educating a child, improving living conditions, and repaying a loan (if you already have one). Every year the payment is adjusted for the better - payments are increased, the list on which money can be spent is expanded. So, let's find out what innovations await parents and what maternity capital will be in 2015?

What is maternity capital?

This is social assistance to the child’s parents, provided by law in the form of a state certificate. The amount of payment increases annually, but does not imply a replacement of a previously received document. For example, if you received a certificate last year but did not use it, and in 2015 the payment increased significantly, you do not need to replace it.

If we talk about the timing of receipt, then there is no need to rush... the law provides for obtaining a certificate within 3 years, from the moment of birth of the child. You can obtain the document from the Pension Fund by filling out a special form (application). There is no tax on maternity capital, as, for example, on the salary of an individual. faces.

The financial assistance provided goes directly to the parents and not to the child himself. Therefore, it is up to them to decide where to invest the funds received.

Maternity capital 2015, will it be canceled or not?

According to the law, which was adopted 8 years ago, the state. The program is designed for 10 years. Therefore, there can be no talk of cancellation until 2016. Nobody knows what will happen after its completion; perhaps the Russian government will decide to extend it, as they say, until 2025, or it will adopt a new one - we’ll wait and see!

The amount of payments (amount) of maternity capital in 2015

As we said earlier (see above), a social benefit called “maternity capital” has been officially in effect since 2007. Families in which the second, third and subsequent children were born are entitled to receive it.

Over the course of 1 year, the amount of maternity capital increased by 31 thousand 470 rubles 50 kopecks, i.e. if in 2014 it was equal to 429 thousand 408 rubles 50 kopecks, then in 2015 it increased to 450 thousand 878 rubles.

Of course, there is a small chance that the amount of payments may be slightly higher or lower, it all depends on the general economic indicators in Russia.

Who can receive maternity capital?

The following persons of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a certificate:

  • A woman who has given birth to or adopted two or more children since the start of payments, i.e. since 2007.
  • A man who has adopted two or more children single-handedly. True, he is guaranteed to receive a certificate only if he officially (by court decision) became an adoptive parent after the payments began.
  • Father, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her parental rights.
  • A child of minor age who has lost his only parent or adoptive parent.

Documents for obtaining maternity capital

To receive a certificate, you must contact the pension fund by writing a written application and providing a list of the following documents (list):

  1. Russian passport;
  2. child's birth certificate;
  3. adoption certificate (if adopting a child);

In some cases, you may need documents such as: a death certificate of your wife or parents, deprivation of your wife’s parental rights, and others.

Improving living conditions using maternity capital

The law stipulates that non-cash funds provided to parents after the birth of a second and subsequent child can be used only after their child turns 3 years old.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. For example, received state. You can use the support earlier if you need to repay a loan or mortgage.

So, if you decide to spend money on improving your living conditions, then you can use it not only to improve your old house (apartment), but also to buy a new one.

Payment for children's education using maternity capital

You can spend the funds on your children’s education either fully or partially. For example, dividing one part into a kindergarten, the second into an institute. The main thing is to spend all the funds before the age of 25.

Maternity capital for pension accumulation

The pension of the mother or father (if he is raising one) is the last option where you can invest money.

Remember, when receiving maternity capital, you agree to non-cash payments. Any schemes for cashing out funds are illegal and constitute a crime.

The maternity capital program continues to operate. Rumors circulating among the people that the Russian treasury does not have sufficient funds to pay families who are helping Russia change the current demographic situation for the better are, in fact, not confirmed. In 2015, maternity capital finds its recipients according to previous schemes. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets in her speech even voiced the idea that women who gave birth to a child in 2017 also have the right to maternity capital.

But soon this news was called hastily announced and unfinished. Apparently, the state will limit itself for now to 2016 - the year when the law on maternity capital will cease to apply. The amount of maternity capital for 2015 remains unchanged.

Why do Russian families need maternity capital?

It should be noted that such government support for young families turned out to be very helpful. After all, if during the heyday of the Soviet Union almost any family could count on free square meters of housing from the employer, the party or the city, then after the collapse of the Union, independently purchasing an apartment for young people turned out to be an almost impossible task, unless, of course, there were wealthy relatives who wanted pay for this living space or inherit it. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 is expected to increase to 450 thousand 878 rubles. The amount is large, so solving your housing problem has become much easier.

What awaits matkapital in the near future?

Thanks to the indexation of maternity capital, which takes into account inflation, this one-time benefit has increased by about five percent over the year. Over the eight-year period of the program, the value of the certificate has almost doubled, and the conditions of the program have undergone changes several times. The coming year will not go unnoticed by legislators.

Changes in the amount of maternity capital in 2015 are being discussed by all interested parties. On the one hand, families wishing to have a second or subsequent child express their wishes to extend this program to support young families. On the other hand, studies have shown that the demographic rise of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with state support and the country is pointlessly spending billions of rubles. Be that as it may, the Russian President announced that the program was designed for ten years, and it will not end early. Vladimir Putin also noted that programs to support a normal and decent life will always work for families on the verge of poverty. However, families with a good stable income may find themselves without government support at all after 2016. The economic situation in the country leaves an imprint on everything that happens inside: there are no extra funds, so the continuation of exactly the same maternity capital program most likely will not happen. The assistance will be more targeted and only low-income large families will be able to receive it.

Useful video on the topic:

The changes will probably affect the ability to pay for treatment with a certificate. Currently, maternity capital cannot be used to pay for medical care, although there are many families in Russia who need financial assistance specifically in the healthcare sector. Indeed, what kind of training or new housing can we talk about if a child is seriously ill? This issue is being carefully studied by the government, and, probably, in 2015, maternity capital can be spent on treating a seriously ill child.

It is quite possible that in the coming year 2015, the opportunities to spend maternity capital on buying a car will be expanded in other areas; now only five regions of Russia can take advantage of this right.

Also, most likely, next year the opportunity to save maternity capital for the mother’s pension will disappear, since a tiny proportion of mothers have chosen this option to use their certificate.

Many families plan to receive maternity capital in 2015. But it is important to remember the basic rules for receiving maternity capital: the family receives capital for the second and subsequent child, the baby and his mother must be citizens of the Russian Federation, and it can only be spent on purposes specified by law and it is impossible to cash it out.

The amount of maternity capital is reviewed every year, taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

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