"Spikes" sign and traffic rules - what should every driver know? Identification signs are required to be installed. Penalty for missing a sign is studded tires.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code:

Calendar winter will arrive in only two months. And in Noyabrsk the first snow had already fallen, the ground was frozen, and car owners rushed to tire shops to change the shoes of their iron horses. This is the first rule for drivers as cold weather approaches.

Let us remind you that a sticker with the “Spikes” sign must be affixed to the window of a car with studded tires. This rule came into force in April of this year.

Back then, there was no heated discussion about the innovation on social networks in November. But the law is the law. Violating it is more expensive for yourself. Moreover, traffic police officers carry out raids every day and catch violators. If your car does not have a sticker, be prepared to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Due to worsening weather conditions, lower temperatures and the formation of ice, the State Traffic Inspectorate of Noyabrsk urges car owners to take care of their safety and change summer tires to winter ones. This will help to avoid an accident during sharp braking, and thanks to the spikes, which allow you to stop in a matter of seconds, the driver will not crash into the car in front of him, says traffic police officer Oksana Markina. - And you need to stick the “Spikes” sign on the car window. This will warn the driver that the braking distance of his car on slippery asphalt is much shorter than that of other road users driving on summer tires.

The “Spikes” sign must be in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the top up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side).

The only requirement for installing the “Spikes” sign is given in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions, namely, the sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles.

So the “Ш” sign can be installed anywhere: on the rear window (inside or outside, and inside only if there is no “tinting”), on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid of the body, on the awning.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which (in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation), operation vehicle is prohibited, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We remind you that in accordance with 2.3.1. Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to check before departure and ensure the good technical condition of the vehicle on the way in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

“Spikes” sign, where to install it, fine for missing a sign: why do you need tires with spikes?

Russian winter is a serious test for car enthusiasts. If in cities the road surface is most often cleaned, then on federal and regional highways you won’t get such a gift.

In order to increase safety when driving on slippery roads, studded tires are often used, which behave differently than regular tires in emergency situations.

Studded tires are designed to reduce the braking distance of a car. This becomes especially important when you lose control of the vehicle on a slippery road. Accordingly, a Spikes sign is required to inform other road users that the vehicle may brake suddenly.

You also need to know that when the wheel speed increases, the studs tend to fly out and can damage the vehicle behind. The Spikes sign warns other drivers to keep their distance.

The Spikes sign is glued to the rear window so that it can be seen from a distance of 20 meters. Traffic police inspectors advise placing the sticker on the top (most visible) part of the glass.

The correct sticker is a triangle with a side of 20 cm, surrounded by an inner contour in red, in the middle is the letter “W” in black on a white background. A sticker that is too small is equivalent to no sign.

The absence of the Spikes sign entails a fine of 500 rubles (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1, Article 12.5). You may be denied a vehicle inspection, and an accident in which someone rear-ends your car will be called a mutual accident.

Fine for lack of a spike sign 2017: from what date, article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

According to government decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017, from April 4, 2017, the state traffic inspector may prohibit the operation of a car with studded tires that does not have the “Spikes” sign installed.

Sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign are provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

NOTE: It is not an offense to display the “Spikes” sign if there are none on the tires of the vehicle. Accordingly, when replacing winter tires with summer tires, it is advisable, but not at all necessary, to remove the warning sign.

The current traffic regulations state that a mandatory condition for driving cars with studded tires is the installation of a special identification sign “Ш”. It is needed to inform drivers of other cars about possible danger to them. Is the “Spikes” sign required today, is there a fine for its absence? More on this and more below.

On November 29, 2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a Government decree, on the basis of which it was abolished for car drivers to have the “Spike Sign” and a fine for its absence. Now it is voluntary.

The text below is for informational purposes only, until changes were made on November 29, 2018.

Is the “Ш” sign required on a car?

When asked by netizens whether it is necessary to hang the “Ш” sign on a car, one can answer that in April 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Law No. 333, according to which drivers cannot drive with studded wheels without the “Ш” sign. Based on a number of articles of this law, the presence of this sign in the traffic rules is a mandatory condition for operating a car, regardless of the time of year. In addition, you cannot pass a technical inspection if the car does not have a stud sticker and the corresponding tires. Driving without taking these rules into account will lead, at best, to a fine, and at worst, to an accident on the road.

Fine for missing a sign

According to the same resolution, the traffic police inspector has the right to prohibit the movement of a studded car without an identification sticker, issue a warning or issue a fine of 500 rubles. Everything about this violation is indicated in Part 1 of Section 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Installing a “Ш” sign on a car without winter tires is not considered an offense that will lead to punishment. In accordance with this, it is advisable, but not forced, to remove it after replacing winter “shoes” with summer ones. But traffic police officers have no right to fine in this case.

Rules for installing the “Spikes” sign

According to Part 8 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, all studded cars must have a standard sign. Its shape should be like an equilateral triangle of at least 20 centimeters. In addition, according to GOST, it is required to have a red outline inside (the width of the strip is ten percent of its length), a large letter “Ш” in the center and a white background.

According to the rules, it is required to install a car sign behind a motor vehicle. There is no information on installation in other regulations. Therefore, you can install it:

  1. On the rear window;
  2. On the door;
  3. On the trunk;
  4. On any part of the bumper;
  5. On any side of the body;
  6. On any part of the awning.

Legal requirements are not without reason. This rule is aimed at possibly avoiding a traffic accident and maintaining the safety of all motorists.

What time of year should I mount this sign?

Motorists are required to “change their shoes” twice a year: from early December to March and from June to August. The sign must be attached at the moment the studded wheels were installed.

Note: Driving on summer tires on Russian roads is prohibited by law from December to February, as is the use of studded tires from June to August inclusive. The rest of the time, the driver decides to ride on one tire or another, based on weather conditions.

Why is this so important?

  • Firstly, the braking distance of a studded vehicle is shorter than that of a car of the same model without such tires. From this we can conclude that the driver driving behind such a car will not be able to slow down in time and not crash, even if he has extensive driving experience and keeps a sufficient distance.
  • Secondly, due to poor-quality wheel studding, which can manifest itself as studs flying off during operation of the car, the car driving behind may suffer. In particular, this is caused by such factors as the speed of the studded car, the flight of flying studs, the proximity of the cars to each other, and more. In addition to flying spikes, fragments of stones can often fly out from under such vehicles.

Note: Due to the lack of an identification mark indicating the presence of spikes on the car, its deformation or damage, the motorist is often denied a diagnostic card when undergoing maintenance. Therefore, the sticker with the sign must be visible at least 12 meters away. On tinted windows, it is better to place it on the outside of the rear window.

Liability in case of an accident

If you ignore the relevant legal requirements, an unpleasant or disastrous situation may arise. If the accident occurred due to the fault of a careless driver who did not notify other drivers with the appropriate sign, the other injured person has the right to go to court and hold him accountable. Judicial practice shows that carelessness plays a role in the case of paying for car repairs and compensation for moral or physical damage. It is likely that the blame will lie not only with the driver who did not notify the other about the studded wheels, but also with the car owner who did not keep his distance. However, the second one will be in a more advantageous position.

Around the capital and region, there was talk among motorists that traffic police inspectors began issuing a fine for the absence of a “Spikes” sign in the amount of 500 rubles. In this regard, many drivers have questions about the legality of such actions on the part of the road inspection.

The fine for not having a “Spikes” sign is 500 rubles.

Fine for not having a “Spikes” sign

The sign, which is a white equilateral triangle with a red border and set with the apex up, has a contrasting image of the letter “Ш” in black in the center. The side of the triangle must be at least 2 inches. The width of the red stripe bordering the perimeter is ten times less than the side of the triangle. In accordance with the requirements of clause 8 of the Regulations on permission to operate vehicles, this sign must be installed at the rear of the vehicle in a visible place if the vehicle has winter tires with studs.

This requirement is caused by the need to ensure road safety in winter, when the braking distance of cars is extended due to reduced adhesion of tires to the road surface. According to driving rules, a driver who sees a triangle with the letter “Ш” on the rear window or body of the vehicle in front must increase the distance, since the braking distance of the front vehicle with studded tires will be much shorter than expected, and a short distance may not be enough to deal with it.

This is what the “Studded tires” sign looks like

In addition, increasing the distance will increase the safety of vehicles behind from possible contact with a stud flying out of the tire when the wheel speed of the front vehicle increases during slippage. Thus, the requirement to install a warning sign “Ш” when switching to studded tires is dictated by safety considerations and is specified in the Appendix to the Traffic Regulations, that is, legal.

On the legality of a fine for the absence of a “Spikes” sign

How it was before April 4, 2017

Until April 4, 2017, the fine for the “Spikes” sign issued by traffic police inspectors in the amount of 500 rubles on the basis of Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was unlawful. This paragraph of the law literally states what can be applied for in the amount of 500 rubles. Namely, it applies when there is a fact of driving a car, the operation of which is prohibited.

In the detailed List of faults and conditions that prohibit the operation of vehicles attached to the Regulations, there was no such item as a prohibition on leaving without an installed “Spikes” sign. It turns out that the law obliged drivers to install the “Ш” sign on their car if they had studded tires on the wheels, but did not prohibit its operation without this sign. Consequently, the inspectors’ reference to Article 12. Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the imposition of an administrative penalty of 500 rubles was unfounded, and it could be appealed in accordance with the established procedure. In fact, previously the need for the “Ш” sticker was advisory in nature.

In addition, it can be noted that not a single legislative act specifically specified the requirements for the procedure and location of installation of the sign. There was only a description of him and a general requirement that he should be at the back of the car. Automotive accessory stores sell ready-made sticker signs, which sellers recommend sticking to the upper or lower corner of the rear window on the inside. However, it should be noted that in difficult weather conditions these places are most often covered with snow, mud and are beyond the reach of the windshield wiper. That is, these are not the best places to install a sign. In addition, if the rear window is tinted, then the sign should be stuck on the outside of the glass, which significantly reduces its service life.

Place on the rear window where you can install the “Studded tires” sign

What happened on April 4, 2017

On April 4, amendments to the traffic rules, signed by D. Medvedev on March 27, 2017, came into force. More precisely, two government resolutions were signed: dated March 24, 2017 No. 333 “On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090” and dated March 23, 2017 No. 326 “On amendments to the Rules for passing examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses.”

According to the resolution of March 24, the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” was supplemented with clause 7.15.1 - absence of the “Spikes” sign. That is, now the absence of this sign on the glass is qualified as a malfunction for which it is prohibited to operate the vehicle, and the inspector, on the basis of Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, can impose a fine of 500 rubles. But the inspector does not have the right to detain the vehicle and send the car to the impound lot.

By the way, this sign is not the only one that, under certain conditions, must be displayed by the driver. For example, there is a yellow square with an exclamation mark in the middle, called “Attention, novice driver!”, which must also be displayed at the rear of the car by a driver with less than 2 years of driving experience. Now a fine of 500 rubles is also imposed for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign.

You cannot ignore administrative fines, because bailiffs will still find a way to collect the required amount from you to the treasury. In addition, late payment threatens with additional penalties and more serious consequences. All that remains is to pay the fine on time.

Video: Can an inspector fine you for not having a “Studded Tires” sign?

Every driver needs to remember that the sign was introduced to ensure traffic safety in difficult winter driving conditions, and saving on such trifles as purchasing and installing a sign is fraught with more significant costs for restoring your own and someone else’s car. After all, if you don’t have a sign, then during an accident, the driver of the car who hits you from behind can point this out to the arriving inspector and accuse you of not providing the necessary safety conditions. In such cases, the damage is divided equally between both sides of the conflict.

IN a car is not the same as ON car (and UNDER the glass - not ON the glass).

Go back to school, learn Russian!) And prepare money for a fine!)

Let's say they stopped on spikes without a sticker. How will the traffic cops fare with proving the fact that I am on spikes if I write in the protocol that I am without spikes?? Will witnesses be constantly slowed down or photos (in which nothing is visible)?


Alexei, if you decide to use this option, then please write here about the results of communication with traffic police officers.

Good luck on the roads!

Necessarily. That’s how I drive, they stopped me once, but they didn’t ask about the sign, only documents. By the way, According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine/warning is provided EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE ABSENCE OF THE "SH" sign.From a legal point of view, lack of visibility, etc., etc., etc. are not grounds for a fine. What are IDPS officers guided by in their activities? Regulatory documents or your own opinion? What will the court be guided by?

From a legal point of view, the lack of visibility, etc., etc., etc. are not grounds for a fine. What are IDPS officers guided by in their activities? Regulatory documents or your own opinion? What will the court be guided by?

Why didn’t you include common sense in this list?

Not common sense, but inner conviction(as it is written). And the inner conviction is usually that the inspector cannot lie, because... he is on duty, and the suspect’s arguments were invented by him in order to avoid responsibility.

I meant that common sense is clearly lacking in those drivers who mount the sign behind dull tinted glass, or even in the trunk. Like, what, in the back of the car, as prescribed...

Hello! What if the tires are not studded?

Salute, comrades! How do you then think that if there is no studable inscription on the tire, then there is no need for the letter Ш???

Or maybe it’s not a tire at all? After all, there is no “tire” inscription on it!

Feel sorry for the emoticons???

What are the inspectors doing? They stupidly read the traffic rules, where it says “studded tires”... Doesn’t the wording confuse anyone?

So I wasn’t too lazy and tried to figure it out... Anyone who has time, google GOST 54916 and meanwhile Hedgehog, in all seriousness, goes to look for such an inscription on his winter coat...

Sorry, but it seems to me that this is what is called “turning on the fool.” They will listen to you, laugh and decorate you.

I don’t understand, is it really so difficult to stick a sign? Why these adventures on the fifth point?

But nevertheless - good luck!

One cannot argue with such a point of view. But I have a different opinion...

This fall, the inspectors already had enough opportunities to mock, laugh, pretend - it’s just one thing to “turn on the fool” and quite another thing to allow one to make a fool out of oneself...

This is a lyric. To the point: I didn’t find such an inscription on my Cooper Water-Master. I also looked through almost the entire assortment of spikes at MetroCC - yes, not the most specialized store, I was just passing by - the designations indicated in GOST, at first glance, are very rare; More precisely, I managed to find at least something from only one manufacturer, if there is interest, I’ll post a photo...

By the way, Oleg, didn’t you Google GOST???

If anyone has the drive, give me some criticism, I seriously believe that I have found the antidote to “nonsense with a capital S.”

The puzzle is complete, everything is logical: the sign is needed only by owners of studded tires, of which there are not very many among the general mass. And, I hope, the vast majority of rustling wheels fall under the definition appearing in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, namely: tires with anti-skid studs.

In short, if the inspector claims that you are “driving an MTS with studded tires”, but in fact the marking does not contain studable or studdet (special bow to the authors of GOST 54916 for this very spelling), then you will have to pay special attention to an employee who is probably simply not competent enough the fact that these are only “tires with anti-skid studs”, and they do not scatter spikes, do not affect the braking distance, do not smell like melon and, accordingly, do not require additional designation proudly shod in their car.

I respect your meticulousness and scrupulousness, but I think that they deserve better use, sorry.

Thank you for the kind words))

Are there any other thoughts on this matter on the forum?

Maxim, it would be interesting to hear your opinion about the interpretation of the word “studded”...

Sorry everyone for being so persistent...


Who has time - google GOST 54916

Control shot

Thank you, Alexey!


inspectors monitor compliance with what?


8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

..."Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles having studded tires;

What are studded tires?

GOST R 54916-2012 Pneumatic studded tires...

3 Terms and definitions

But if there are no such markings on the tire, it cannot be used at all?

TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF THE CUSTOMS UNION TR CU 018/2011 On the safety of wheeled vehicles...

5. Requirements for tires and wheels

5.1. Vehicles must be equipped with tires in accordance with the vehicle manufacturers' operational documentation...

5.4. Tires with anti-skid studs, if used, must be installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

5.5. It is prohibited to operate vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs in the summer (June, July, August). It is prohibited to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that meet the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this appendix during the winter period (December, January, February). Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle. The terms of the operation ban may be changed upward by regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union

So I examined my tires - there are no markings about studding on them, but there are studs, which means they are just rubber with anti-skid studs, and not studded - that is, I can ride on them except for three summer months (I’m not really going to), but You don't have to post a sign...

Do I get it right?

It’s really a crazy idea, but I stuck it on myself just in case, as a fireman.

Moreover, he is healthy, as is correct according to GOST. 20 by 20.

dobriEjik, I completely agree with Oleg, what he told you about)

GOST 3.3 studded tire: A winter tire subject to studding with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

You bought a tire with studs. Is it winter? Yes, because either a snowflake is drawn or the corresponding letter is written. Are the spikes installed? Yes. So what kind of tire is this? That's right, both according to logic and according to definition, studded! (It makes no sense for the factory to apply any other special inscription, since this type of tire always reaches the consumer with studs).

And clause 3.2 applies to tires that are still without studs, but with indicated places for studs, and such tires are distinguished by the indicated inscription. (That is, the consumer is free to install the spikes he needs himself).


That is, excuse me, but in your opinion this logic is not correct:

just three definitions

3.1 winter tire: A pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire in terms of its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the vehicle's movement.

3.2 winter tire subject to studding: A winter tire on the tread lugs of which a stud pattern is applied or there are holes for anti-skid studs specified by the tire manufacturer, and on which the mandatory inscription studable or studdet is applied.

3.3 studded tire: A winter tire subject to studding with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

putting this together we get that

A studded tire is a pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire with respect to its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the movement of a vehicle, on the lugs of which the tread pattern is marked. stud pattern or there are holes for anti-skid studs, specified by the tire manufacturer, and on which the mandatory inscription studable or studdet is applied with anti-skid studs installed in the protrusions of the tread pattern.

No, it's not reinforced concrete???


I specifically searched Google for at least one "Ш" sign in other countries. Not anywhere, not in any country. Why this idea at all?

Oleg-123, Hello.

If the tires are not studded, then the “Spikes” sign is not needed.

Good luck on the roads!



studded - this is when the spikes are installed. You can drive in the summer (if there are any spikes left, you need to take them all out), but on asphalt at speed it holds worse than in summer; but it rows better in the mud.

And if all my spikes fall out, is it studded? I turned it into a summer one and will drive it until the tread wears off!?

Well, in my opinion, it won’t be particularly summery))

There is an opinion (again GOST 54916) that

winter tire: A pneumatic tire whose tread pattern, tread rubber or design is primarily designed to achieve better performance in snow conditions than a conventional (road) tire with respect to its ability to initiate, maintain or stop the vehicle's movement

Since April 1, 2017, information about changes in traffic regulations has been on the lips of Russian motorists. One of the main questions that has since bothered domestic drivers is the following: is the spike sign mandatory or not in 2017. Previously, car owners rarely thought about this, since the law did not provide for the use of the corresponding sticker. According to the new rules, which came into force on April 4, absolutely all drivers, before “changing” their vehicle for the winter, must worry about purchasing the Spikes sign. We will tell you below why it is important to install this sign and how to do it correctly.

The legislative framework

A new approach to the responsibilities that a driver must observe on the roads of Russia, changes in the rules for operating vehicles - this is the most important information that every current or future car owner should know about. The law, which has undergone changes and has been in force since April 4, 2017, is not the only reason for reviewing one’s attitude towards the use of identification marks. The list of documents regulating this issue is somewhat broader and includes the following:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Road Traffic Rules” (dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 (as amended on March 24, 2017), namely, the main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation (clause 8);
  • Traffic rules for 2017 (clause 2.3.1);
  • Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Article 12.5, Part 1)

Independent production and installation of the “Spikes” sign

In accordance with the legislation, including amendments that have been in force since April 4, 2017, certain requirements are imposed on the “Spikes” sign. The updated set of DD rules specifies the general appearance and location of its attachment. All this is thought out so that other drivers are likely to be warned that the “shoes” of your car are studded, and, consequently, its braking distance is shortened. All this does not exclude it at all, but on the contrary makes it possible to make the appropriate sticker yourself - the main thing is that 3 important conditions are met, namely:

  1. The “Spikes” sign must necessarily have the shape of a triangle (equilateral) with the letter “Ш” inscribed in it. The background of the sticker is white, the border is red, and the inscription is black;
  2. The length of each side of this sign is at least 20 cm.
  3. The requirements for the red border stipulate that its width must reach 10% of the specified length of the sides of the triangle (that is, 2 cm).

On many resources from the Internet you can download ready-made forms and print the sign yourself on A4 paper. Just don’t glue it with tape, but use three special suction cups (one for each of the vertices of the triangle). Firstly, the adhesive tape will leave marks on the glass, and secondly, reusing the template is unlikely to be possible. And although the law does not stipulate the need to remove such a sticker in the summer, when the wheels of your car can take a break from studded tires, it is still advisable to do this so as not to mislead other road users and not force them to keep a distance between themselves and others. your transport.

Responsibility of the car owner for failure to comply with the rules for using the vehicle

For driving on studded wheels without a sign warning other drivers about it, the car owner bears administrative responsibility. Changes in the rules of DD, effective from April 4, 2017, provide for a fine of 500 rubles(Article 12.5, paragraph 1). Correct and permissible operation of vehicles involves the mandatory use of special tires in winter - driving on wheels with spikes. One of the best, as the experience of car enthusiasts shows, is European-style tires. You can purchase and install such tires at any popular car dealership.

Inspection and identification marks on a car: to install or not to install (“before” or “after”), that is the question

As mentioned earlier, the fine for a spike sign in 2017, or more precisely, for its absence on the visible rear of a vehicle, is 500 rubles. The technical inspection procedure, which is mandatory on the territory of the Russian Federation, involves checking the vehicle’s compliance with many requirements, including the presence of such a designation as the “Spikes” sign. This procedure will not end successfully and the car owner will be denied a technical card if spikes are found on the wheels of the car and the sticker indicating this is missing. Let us repeat that the presence of a sign with the letter “Ш” in the summer, when the car is “shod” with regular tires, is not considered a violation, but it is advisable to remove it for the entire time until the need to change tires arises. If you still have not purchased the “Spikes” sign, quickly correct this omission and use the sticker for its intended purpose, as soon as you start preparing your car for winter.

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