How to bake Easter cakes. How to bake Easter cake so that it turns out soft and tasty: valuable tips and recipe

All housewives are divided into two groups: those who agree to stay up at night and enthusiastically knead the dough for Easter cake, and those who are too lazy and don’t know how, and go to the store to buy holiday baked goods. Of course, homemade Easter cake much tastier than store-bought. However, sometimes looking at the list of products and the complex methods of turning these lists into aromatic fluffy dough, many give up. Easter baking, especially according to traditional recipes, is not for everyone. That's why simplified recipes for Easter cakes were invented, which use dry yeast and much less baking.

Here, please, to help you are 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes, and all you will need is self-confidence and a positive attitude, it’s not for nothing that in the old days they said “What’s the mood - such is the cake!”

Our site has written more than once about how to prepare for making Easter cakes. This review will only contain recipes, and they are more than simple. Of course, you won’t put as much baking into a “quick” Easter cake dough as into one that is prepared almost overnight. However, you can soak raisins and dried cherries in rum or cognac. Instead of regular vanilla, you can add a mixture of cardamom, nutmeg and cloves to make the aroma dizzy. If the aroma of vanillin is more familiar to you, buy real vanilla pods - you will understand the difference between store-bought “chemicals” and real fragrant vanilla. Do not substitute margarine for real butter. Buy homemade chicken eggs. Take Easter baking seriously, since you only make it once a year.

So, you decided to bake Easter cake, and 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes are waiting for your warm hands!

Easter cakes "Bright Easter"

For the test:
500 ml milk,
1-1.3 kg flour,
6 eggs
200 g butter,
200-250 g sugar,
11 g dry yeast,
½ tsp. vanillin,
1 pinch of salt,
300 g seedless raisins.
For the glaze:
2 egg whites,
100 g sugar.
For decoration:
multi-colored marmalade or sprinkles.

Dissolve dry yeast in warm milk, add 500 g of flour to it and place the dough in a warm place for half an hour. Separate the yolks from the whites and grind them with sugar and vanillin. Beat the whites with salt until foamy. Add the yolks, softened butter, whites into the suitable dough and gradually, stirring, add the remaining flour. Knead the dough and leave it for 1 hour to rise. Then add the washed raisins, stir and wait until the dough rises again. Fill the greased molds ⅓ full with the finished dough and leave it like that for a while so that the dough rises and fills the molds. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 150ºC until ready. Meanwhile, prepare the glaze. To do this, beat the whites with sugar until stable peaks form. Cover the hot cakes with the prepared glaze and decorate with multi-colored pieces of marmalade, chopped nuts or ready-made store-bought sprinkles.

Easter cake “Wonderful”

For the test:
1 kg flour,
2 tbsp. warm milk,
250 g margarine,
6 eggs
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. vanillin,
2 tbsp. l. dry yeast,
1 tbsp. peeled pumpkin seeds.
For the glaze:
1 protein,
½ tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. lemon juice,
1 pinch of salt.
For decoration:
100 g multi-colored candied fruits.

For the dough, mix dry yeast with 1 tsp. sugar, pour milk, stir and add 1.5 tbsp. flour. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla, add 200 g of softened margarine and mix. Pour the dough into the total mass there. Beat the egg whites until foamy and mix into the dough. Gradually add the remaining flour into it. Then add pumpkin seeds (whole or crushed), mix well and leave the dough for another 1 hour in a warm place. Grease the prepared baking pans with the remaining margarine and fill them halfway with dough. Let the dough rise and only then place the molds in an oven preheated to 180ºC. Bake for an hour. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a strong foam. While whisking continuously, add lemon juice and sugar. Pour the resulting glaze over the hot cakes, sprinkle candied fruits on top and let the glaze harden.


Easter cake "Catherine"

500 ml warm milk,
9-10 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. salt,
½ tbsp. refined vegetable oil.
200 g butter or margarine,
5 eggs
2 tsp. dry yeast,
½ tbsp. seedless raisins.

Pour a little warm milk into a 0.5 liter jar, add 2 tsp. sugar and yeast, stir and place the dough in a warm place to rise. Sift flour into a wide container, but not all of it, but about 8 cups. In a separate bowl, separate eggs, salt, vegetable oil and butter, mashed with sugar, into milk. Pour the mixture into the pre-sifted flour, then the dough and add the raisins. Knead the dough, gradually adding the rest of the flour. You will get a lot of dough, enough to make several Easter cakes. Place the dough in greased pans and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC until done. Cool the baked Easter cakes, pour glaze made from 1 egg white and 1 tbsp. sugar, whipped with a mixer. Decorate the cakes as you wish.

And to ensure that the Easter cakes turn out really right, you can try “overnight” recipes. With this method, the yeast, even dry, will be able to raise much more baked goods in the dough, which means that your Easter cakes will be the most delicious.

Kulich "Resurrection"

For the test:
3 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. warm milk,
200 g butter,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
2 eggs,
2 tsp. dry yeast,
½ tbsp. raisins,
vanillin - to taste.
For the glaze:
3 squirrels,
1 tbsp. Sahara.

In the evening, place in an enamel pan, without stirring, yeast, cut into pieces butter, sugar (those with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of sugar by adding half more to the glass of sugar specified in the recipe) and washed raisins. Regarding the latter, I would like to give advice: use dark raisins for this baking. When it sits overnight, the dough will turn out to be a very pleasant creamy color. Pour a glass of warm milk over everything, cover clean towel and leave until the morning. In the morning, add flour and vanillin to this mixture to taste. Knead the dough well and place it in greased molds, filling them halfway. Let the dough stand until it doubles in volume. Now put the cake in the oven and bake at 200ºC until done. From time to time, check the readiness of the baked goods using a wooden stick. Coat the finished cake with glaze, decorate with sprinkles and dry in an open oven.

Easter cake “Slavny” with saffron

7.5 tbsp. flour,
1.5 tbsp. milk,
1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
1.5 tbsp. melted butter,
8 eggs
1.5 packets of dry yeast,
vanilla - to taste,
2 tbsp. l. dry saffron diluted in a small amount of water,
0.5 tbsp. raisins

Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter, milk, spices and flour mixed with dry yeast to the mixture. Place the mixture in a warm place overnight. During this time, beat the risen dough a couple of times. It shouldn't turn out cool. Grease baking dishes with butter and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. Fill the molds ⅓ full with dough and leave to rise slightly. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 180-200ºC until done, checking with a wooden stick or torch. Sprinkle the finished cakes with powdered sugar and decorate as you wish.

Happy Easter! Joy to you and your families!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In order not to spend too much effort on preparing the Easter meal, you should clearly decide what and when you will cook.

It may be preferable to buy something ready-made, for example, Easter cakes. Distribute the work over different days in small portions. For example, on Thursday you make cottage cheese Easter, on Friday you make Easter cakes, and on Saturday you and the children, under your strict guidance, decorate both and paint eggs (this is a very exciting activity for them).

For those who have been fasting, you should not bother with fatty meat foods, for example, goose with apples, on the first day of Easter. The body needs to be given time to gradually enter the non-fasting time, and traditional Easter foods: eggs, Easter, Easter cake - to this best path. You can make light, low-fat meat from meat - veal or chicken broth, steamed cutlets. Good decision There will also be preparation of delicious fresh fish.

How to bake Easter cakes and Easter cakes correctly

One of the most important moments in preparing for Easter is baking paska. How could it be otherwise, since paska is one of the main symbols of the Easter table, replacing the Old Testament unleavened bread (unleavened bread). The inclusion of yeast in paska symbolized the transition from the Old Testament to the New or, figuratively speaking, the emergence of a new leaven. In addition, at the Last Supper, Christ blessed yeast bread.
I looked up how to properly bake Easter cakes and Easter cakes on Orthodox websites ABC of Faith and Orthodoxy and Peace

What is Easter cake? This is holiday bread. The best products are used for it: butter, sour cream, eggs, cream, so that in terms of content it is more like a cake. Easter cake is also rich in additional ingredients: raisins, nuts, and many aromatic spices are added to it, and decorated festively. Easter cakes are placed using the sponge method, because yeast cannot raise a mass of sour cream, butter, and eggs using the straight method.

Easter cake dough is very capricious; all its components are cooked in a very warm place, where constant temperature and there are no drafts, 25 degrees is the ideal temperature for Easter cake. Your success also depends on how well you knead the dough. It should be dense, in no case loose, like regular butter dough.

It is better not to place the dough where the heat comes from below. Be sure to preheat the oven before placing the cake in it. During baking, the heat should be moderate, not strong; towards the end it is better to reduce it. There is no need to frequently disturb the dough by opening the oven. If the cake is not yet baked, and the top is starting to brown too much, then place oiled paper on it.

Classic recipes usually involve baking a large, rich Easter cake. It can be convenient to bring it to the consecration and take it home for the festive meal. Our home practice has led us to baking a lot of small Easter cakes (the molds are iron mugs with a volume of 200 ml), it is easy for children’s hands to hold and is a pleasure to give to friends. Small cakes bake faster; it is important not to dry them out.

Easter Easter cake - subtleties of preparation

The dough from which paska is made is yeast. However, it differs from the regular one in that it requires more fat and eggs to prepare it. As a result, the dough turns out very rich, heavy and “ripens” for quite a long time, suitable.

  • The process of preparing paska can be roughly divided into 5 stages: kneading the dough from yeast, milk and flour, kneading the dough, filling the molds with dough, baking the paska and ripening it.
  • All work with the dough should be carried out in a warm place (without drafts!), otherwise the dough will not rise.
  • To knead paska, it is better to use “live”, not dry, yeast, as they provide a more active fermentation process. If there is no “live” yeast, you can replace it with dry yeast, which is marked “active”.
  • Since the paska dough is quite heavy, it needs to be kneaded for a long time: then it is saturated with oxygen and becomes “airy”. For the same purpose, flour is sifted before kneading.
  • Alcohol – dark rum or good cognac – also gives the dough a “fluffy” feel.
  • To make the paska fragrant, candied fruits, lemon zest, and vanillin are added to the dough, and the yolks give the paska a pleasant yellowish tint. If the yolk of the eggs is not very bright, then the dough can be tinted with saffron.
  • After kneading the dough, leave it for about 30 minutes in a warm place. The heat activates the fermentation process, as a result of which the dough should double in volume! After this, you can start kneading the dough.
  • All other ingredients are added to the dough, and the dough is kneaded for at least 20 minutes.
  • The finished dough is covered with a napkin and placed in a warm place.
  • When it triples in volume, knead it again and place it in molds greased with butter and sprinkled with crackers, filling them with dough to a third of the volume. The molds with the dough are again left in a warm place.
  • Begin baking paskas only after the dough has increased in volume again and almost completely (not reaching 5 cm to the edge) fills the molds. Then the paskas are placed in an oven preheated to 170°C, where they are baked until cooked.
  • In this case, it is better to try to open the oven as little as possible, otherwise the dough may fall off.
  • During baking, the paska can be sprinkled with water or steamed - this will fix its shape.
  • You can check the readiness of the paska with a wooden stick or by weight - the finished product will be much lighter than the raw one.

The finished paska is removed from the oven and cooled. Then it is removed from the mold and decorated with glaze, decorative elements, nuts, etc. The decor, in general, depends on the imagination and tastes of the cook.

It should be noted that paska is not eaten immediately. It will be completely ready only on the second day. This process is called the “ripening” of paska.

As a result, if paska is prepared correctly, it turns out tasty, “airy”, colorful and, together with bright colors, creates a unique feeling of the Easter holiday that stays with us for a long time.

Easter Kulich

Dilute the dough with three glasses of milk, six glasses of flour and yeast. Put it in a warm place. Grind five yolks with two glasses of sugar, one teaspoon of salt and aromatic seasonings (one vanilla stick, ten cardamom nuts or two drops of rose oil). When the dough is ready, put the mashed yolks into it, beat two more eggs into it, pour in half a glass of slightly warmed melted butter, add six glasses of flour, but make sure the dough is not too thick. Knead the dough thoroughly on the table, add one and a half cups of raisins into it and let the dough rise until the morning. In the morning, beat it again and let it sit. Then put half of the dough into the mold, let it rise to three-quarters of the height of the mold and put it in the oven. This amount of dough will make two Easter cakes.

12 glasses of flour, three glasses of fresh milk, 50 g of yeast, two glasses of sugar, seven eggs, half a glass of butter, one and a half glasses of raisins, a teaspoon of salt, aromatic seasonings.

Homemade Easter cake

Brew 100 g of flour in 1/2 cup of boiling milk, stirring quickly until an elastic mass is obtained.

At the same time, dilute the yeast in 1/2 cup of warm milk and mix with 100 g of flour, leave for 10 minutes.

Combine the first two mixtures, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour or more.

Then whisk the yolks, sugar and salt into homogeneous mass, beat until white.

Add this homogeneous mass to the yeast mixture, add 750 g of flour, knead the dough and leave for 2 hours to rise, after pouring warm liquid butter in small portions; let the test rise a second time.

After the dough has risen a second time, lower it to its original position, add 2/3 cup of raisins to it, having first rolled it in flour, and let the dough rise a third time. Bake in pans for 45 minutes.

1 kg of flour, 50 g of yeast, 1.5 cups of milk, 10 yolks, 3 whites, 250 g of sugar, 200 g of butter, 100 g of raisins, 3 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, 1 g of salt.

Custard Kulich

1 The night before at eight o'clock in the evening, pour half a glass of lukewarm water over the yeast and let the yeast rise. Brew half a glass of flour with half a glass of boiling milk, stir well. If it’s not brewed well, heat it up a little, stirring constantly. When the yeast is ready, mix it with the dough, add cooled boiled milk, two teaspoons of salt and two eggs (leave a little of them for brushing), add flour to make a thick dough, stir it until smooth and put it in a warm place until the morning , covering it well. At six or seven o'clock in the morning, pour half a glass of heated, but not hot, butter into the dough and gradually pour two glasses of weak warm tea mixed with three-quarters of a glass of sugar. Add almost all the remaining flour, stirring continuously. Place the dough on the table or board and beat it thoroughly until bubbles appear in it. After this, place the dough in a bowl that has been washed and coated with oil on the inside, cover the bowl with something warm and leave the dough to rise. After an hour, place the dough on the board, stir in the raisins, beat again, but carefully, and let rise in the same bowl for another half hour. Now the dough can be put into one or two oiled pans, let the dough rise, brush the top of the cake with egg and place in the oven.

12 glasses of flour, half a glass of dissolved butter, two eggs, three-quarters of a glass of sugar, one glass of milk, 50 g of yeast, two glasses of liquid tea, three-quarters of a glass of peeled raisins, salt.

2 Brew one and a half cups of flour with one and a half cups of hot milk, stir. When cool, pour in 1/2 stick of yeast and let rise. Then grind 10 yolks until white with 1/2 cup sugar, beat the whites into a foam, put both into the dough, and let the dough rise again. Pour in 3/4 cup of dissolved butter, add the rest of the flour, beat as much as possible better dough, put it in a mold coated with oil on the inside, let the dough rise and bake.

9 cups flour, 1/2 stick yeast, 10 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, 3/4 cup ghee, 1.5 cups milk and salt to taste.

Easter cake with cream

Prepare the dough: dilute the yeast and half the flour in slightly warmed cream. Place the dough in a warm place. While the dough is rising, grind the yolks with sugar until white, combine them with the butter, pureed until white. Sort the raisins, wash and dry.

Add mashed yolks with butter, raisins, chopped candied fruits, chopped almonds into the prepared dough. Stir the mixture well, add salt, remaining flour, and vanilla sugar. Knead everything well on the table, place in a large bowl (faience or enamel) and place in a warm place for 60-80 minutes until the volume doubles. After this, knock the dough out on the table again and put it in a warm place again. Form small buns from the finished dough and place each in a mold with high walls. Pre-grease the mold with oil, line its bottom and walls with oiled paper. The dough in the mold should occupy 1/3 of the height. Place the molds with the dough in a warm place for 60-80 minutes.

Bake Easter cakes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 60-70 minutes. When the top of the Easter cake darkens, you need to cover it on top with a circle of damp paper. During baking, the cake should not be shaken, otherwise it may settle. Carefully place the finished cake out of the mold onto a soft mat covered with paper and a napkin. Grease the cooled cake on top thin layer glaze. Place the remaining glaze in a paper cone bag, cut off the tip with scissors. Squeeze out the glaze and carefully apply the design onto the cake. This cake can be decorated with candied fruits, marmalade, and fudge.

Kulich royal

Dilute 50 g of yeast in a glass of cream and make a thick dough of 600 g from it wheat flour, two glasses of cream, crushed cardamom (10 grains), 1 crushed nutmeg, chopped almonds (50 g), 100 g of finely chopped candied fruits and washed, dried raisins.

Knead the dough well and leave to rise for one and a half to two hours. Then knead the dough again, put it in a tall form greased with butter and crushed breadcrumbs.

Fill the mold halfway, let the dough rise again to 3/4 of the height of the mold and place in the oven over low heat.

Easter cakes made from such rich dough are best baked in small pans.

Easter cottage cheese - subtleties of preparation

Suppose you have chosen a day when it will be convenient for you to prepare it (this depends not only on your free time, you must also take into account the fact that after preparing Easter you need to lie under pressure in the form for a day or two or even three).

For this day, you need to buy cottage cheese in advance and hang it in a gauze bag to drain excess liquid, the usual time for this is 24 hours (but in a cold place, if the cottage cheese hangs in a warm place, it will sour).

The time for such processing depends on the dampness of the cottage cheese. If you don’t have enough time, you can try to press very wet cottage cheese. A tasty and tender Easter will be obtained from cottage cheese prepared at home from milk, boiled and fermented with a small amount of acid, you can take milk and kefir in equal volumes, then there is no need to add acid, the yield of cottage cheese is 1/5th of the taken mass of milk, those. To get one kilogram of cottage cheese you need to take 5 liters of milk. It is better to do all this the day before the main process of preparing Easter, because... homemade cottage cheese is very richly flavored with liquid.

So, we have already prepared cottage cheese. Next, we decide what kind of Easter (cooked or raw) we would like to make. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Raw Easter is quickly prepared and does not require any effort or tricks. Boiled Easter is stored much better and longer (and we eat Easter foods not only on Easter day itself, but also during Easter Week and beyond).

In addition, if it seems to you that your cottage cheese has a sour smell, then you should also lean towards the option with heat treatment. Another subtlety - adding raisins or jam from sour berries also contributes to faster souring of Easter, so it is better to add them to a small, quickly eaten Easter. Be sure to grind the cottage cheese (you can use a food processor, a meat grinder or through a sieve - the latter is more difficult). Grind the sugar into powdered sugar. Buy the remaining ingredients of good quality: butter, country sour cream (or very fat), clean nuts...

Tips for making Easter cottage cheese

  1. In order for Easter to be easily removed from the Easter box while maintaining its shape, the Easter box must be lined with slightly damp gauze before filling.
  2. It is best to use thick, fatty sour cream for Easter. To remove excess moisture from sour cream, place the sour cream in a canvas bag or wrap it in several layers of gauze, gently squeeze it out, and then place it under a press for several hours.
  3. Instead of rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve, you can pass it through a meat grinder twice. Cottage cheese for Easter can be made from baked milk. The technology for its preparation is the same as for regular cottage cheese, only the milk is first heated in the oven for several hours (the longer the milk is heated, the more intense its color becomes). Easter made from such cottage cheese has a beautiful pink color and a pleasant subtle taste.
  4. Easter should be kept in the cold under pressure for at least 12 hours.
  5. If you put raisins on Easter, you need to wash them well, sort them, and dry them on a towel or napkin.
  6. Candied oranges for Easter should be finely chopped, lemon zest grated, spicy additives finely ground in a coffee grinder and sifted through a fine strainer.
  7. Almond kernels can be easily peeled if you pour boiling water over them and leave for 20-30 minutes, then the skin can be easily removed. Then dry the kernels and chop them.

So, the recipes.

Boiled Easter

1.5 kg of cottage cheese, 7-8 egg yolks (the whites go into the cream for Easter cakes), 450 g of sugar, 600 g of sour cream, 300 g of softened lard. oils Flavoring additives to choose from, in rather arbitrary combinations: vanillin, lemon or orange zest, steamed poppy seeds, nuts (any), raisins (of the latter, take approximately half a glass for the specified amount of cottage cheese). Grind the cottage cheese, grind the yolks and half the sugar until white, combine with cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. oil, stir until smooth. Cook over low heat or in a water bath, stirring constantly for about 2-3 hours, until thickened and starting to boil (options: heat on fire until hot, but do not boil, or “until the first bubble”).

Longer-cooked Easter (without boiling with large bubbles) holds its shape better and is stored well. Cool in a container with cold water, stirring continuously, add the remaining sugar, raisins, nuts, spices - in a pressed mold for a day, in a cold place, for example in the refrigerator, and on the bottom shelf, for Easter, you need to put a container to collect the drainage. Easter liquid.

Easter pink

800 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of non-liquid jam (the less syrup, the better), 100 g of butter, 2-3 glasses of fresh village sour cream, sugar - to taste and depending on the sweetness of the jam (1-2 glasses approximately). Grind the sugar into powder, grind with sour cream and butter, mix with pureed cottage cheese. The jam can be made homogeneous and added to the mass simultaneously with the other ingredients, or the syrup can be added at the stage of thorough mixing and grinding (in a mixer), and the berries at the end so that they remain whole in Easter. Before filling, line the mold with a thin napkin, press, cold, as in the previous recipe.

Easter "Chicken"

200 g cottage cheese, 100 g butter, 100 g sugar, 2 boiled eggs (yolks), vanillin. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, grind the butter, vanilla and powdered sugar separately. Now mix everything, gradually adding egg yolks, place in the mold as usual.

Easter with chocolate

Grate the chocolate or scrape it with a knife, mix with powdered sugar and set aside. Then take the cottage cheese, rub through a sieve, mix with butter and sour cream, stir well, pour a glass of chopped candied fruits, chocolate and powdered sugar into the cottage cheese, mix it all so that the mass has a uniform color. Place everything in a mold covered with a thin cloth (muslin, gauze), take it out into the cold and put it under pressure. After a day and a half, remove Easter from the mold and serve.

Two kilograms of fresh cottage cheese, 200 g of chocolate, 200 g of powdered sugar, 200 g of butter, two glasses of sour cream, one glass of candied fruits.

Vanilla Easter

Well-pressed cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, cream is gradually poured into it, mixed, wrapped in a napkin for 12 hours, the napkin is tied in knots and hung to allow the whey formed as a result of fermentation to drain. Then pour a glass of sugar and vanilla (crushed) into the cottage cheese and mix everything thoroughly. After this, the cottage cheese is placed in a pan lined with a thin cloth, covered with a board and placed under pressure for half an hour. After half an hour, the Easter is carefully removed from the bean bag, freed from the fabric, placed on a plate and decorated with an artificial flower on top. This Easter should be enough for six to eight people.

600 g of cottage cheese, three glasses of cream, one glass of sugar and half a stick of vanilla.

Useful tips

When baking Easter cakes, remember the following:

  • The Easter cake dough should not be liquid (the cakes will spread and be flat) and should not be thick (the cakes will be too heavy and will quickly become stale).
  • The dough should be of such density that it could be cut with a knife without it sticking to the knife, and when dividing the Easter cakes there would be no need to add flour.
  • The cake dough is kneaded for as long as possible so that it completely comes off the hands or the table.
  • Easter cake dough does not like drafts, but loves warmth, so Easter cakes should be placed in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees.
  • The pan for baking Easter cakes is filled only halfway with dough, allowed to rise to 3/4 of the height of the pan, and then placed in the oven.
  • The Easter cake, ready for baking, is brushed with an egg beaten with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and butter, sprinkle with nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs.
  • To ensure that the cake rises evenly, a wooden stick is inserted into the center before baking. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready.
  • Bake the cake in a humidified oven (to do this, place a container of water at the bottom) at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
  • Easter cake weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, weighing 1 kg - 45 minutes, weighing 1.5 kg - 1 hour, weighing 2 kg - 1.5 hours.
  • If the cake starts to burn on top, cover it with dry paper.
  • The finished cake is removed from the oven, placed on its side and left in this position until the bottom has cooled.

The festive mood will rise even more if everything prepared is neatly and brightly decorated, placed in a basket decorated with ribbons, greenery, flowers, or on a white patterned towel. There is a good tradition - previously, the dough for Easter cake was kneaded on the night from Thursday to Friday, baked throughout Friday, and on Saturday the cake was taken to church for blessing.

Easter is an Orthodox traditional holiday. One or two days before the end of Lent, fragrant Easter cakes are baked and eggs are decorated for the upcoming celebration, where the Easter cake symbolizes the Resurrection of Christ. Such baked goods reflect a certain belief of Christians that Jesus is sharing a meal with them at the table. According to legend, after the resurrection, the apostles put bread in the place of Christ at supper.

Before the onset of this holiday, Easter cakes of different sizes appear in almost all stores. You can buy baked goods with candied fruits, raisins, or just aromatic ones. But for the last few years I have preferred to cook them myself, just like, for example,. And it’s not even that homemade tastes better. And most of all, I like the cooking process itself.

There are quite a few ways to bake this treat. And today I will be happy to tell you and show you step by step recipes with illustrations of how to bake the most delicious Easter cakes.

It usually happens that if the baking is successful, then the housewife writes down the entire process in a cookbook she has at hand. We invite you to add more valuable recipes to your list. You can also appreciate home cooking methods.


For the Easter cake:

  • Wheat flour - 1 kg
  • chicken eggs - 6 pcs
  • dry yeast - 11 g
  • milk - 1.5 cups
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • butter - 300 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 8 g
  • raisins – 150 gr
  • cardamom powder - 1 teaspoon or zest of one lemon
  • cognac – 50 ml
  • salt - to taste.

For the glaze:

  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Two days before starting to prepare the Easter cake, soak a pinch of saffron in 50 milliliters of cognac.

Sift the flour twice to make the dough airy and fluffy.

Pour in one packet of dry yeast and add one glass of flour, previously sifted twice and pour in milk at room temperature, mix the whole mass thoroughly and cover with a lid, put it in a warm place for 30 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise approximately twice.

Add vanilla and regular sugar there. Using a mixer, bring until smooth so that all the sugar has dissolved.

By this time, the dough should have already doubled in size; combine it with the egg mixture. Pour in warm melted butter (just do not pour in hot butter under any circumstances), add salt and gradually begin to add the sifted flour and stir with a spoon.

After adding all the flour, the dough should be quite liquid; there is no need to add additional flour, but use as much as indicated above.

And now we begin to thoroughly knead it with a mixer, for 7-10 minutes, until the gluten is released. The dough is smooth, homogeneous and thicker.

Using a medium grater, carefully remove the zest from the lemon without touching the white part. Pour it into the total mass and add pre-washed and dried raisins there.

And now we begin to knead the dough thoroughly with our hands, until the raisins seem to start jumping out of it, this indicates that it is ready. It took me 12 minutes.

Cover the pan with a towel and put it in a warm place without drafts until it rises.

Place the multicooker on the table, grease its bowl vegetable oil Using a brush, turn it on to the “Heating” mode and put all the dough we prepared into it. After 5 minutes, turn it off and leave the future cake to rise. After about 30 minutes we check how much it has risen, I got it as in the photo. Approximately 3 cm to the top.

Turn on the multicooker to the “Baking” mode for 1 hour 30 minutes. After the time has passed, take out the cup and remove it from it. The top of the cake will not be baked, don’t worry about it.

While our baked goods are cooling, we will prepare the glaze, for this we need to add lemon juice to a cup with chicken protein, and while whisking with a mixer, add one tablespoon of powdered sugar.

You don't need to beat the egg whites until they reach peaks; you just need to dissolve the powdered sugar.

We cover the top of the cake with the finished glaze and until it hardens, sprinkle with various sugar powders, with various decorations.

This is how I got the cake cooked in the microwave.

Glaze with gelatin for Easter cake: recipe to prevent it from crumbling


  • Water - 3 tablespoons.
  • sugar - 100 gr
  • gelatin 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Stir half a teaspoon of gelatin with hot water, but not boiling water, until smooth.

Place one hundred grams of sugar in a saucepan and add two tablespoons of water. Place over medium heat and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add the swollen gelatin here and bring to homogeneity. Remove from the stove and let cool.

Then whisk thoroughly until a thick glaze appears.

You should immediately brush the resulting glaze onto the cakes, as it hardens quickly and needs to be decorated immediately.

This is how beautiful it turned out.

Easter cake in the oven step by step with photos


For the Easter cake:

  • Milk – 120 ml
  • egg - 4 pcs
  • dry yeast - 1 pack
  • flour - 4 tablespoons
  • butter - 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • sugar - 210 gr
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • salt - to taste.

For the glaze:

  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 80 g
  • lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

In a deep cup, combine warm milk, a packet of yeast, add four tablespoons of flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly until smooth and let it brew in a warm, unventilated place for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, the dough is ripening, we need to beat four eggs and 200 grams of sugar.

Then combine the beaten eggs with the dough and add salt and a bag of vanillin. Mix everything again.

Add 100 grams of butter and 50 milliliters of vegetable oil to the dough. Now knead it thoroughly with your hands.

Cover it with cling film and put it in a warm place for 3-4 hours to rise.

In the meantime, soak the raisins in hot water for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water and dry until completely free of moisture.

Now use your hands to gently mix the dried raisins into the batter. Since my molds are not large, I divided it into three equal parts and placed it in them as in the photo.

Then place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for approximately 50 minutes. Take it out of the oven and let it cool a little.

While it's cooling, we'll make the glaze. Mix one egg white with 80 grams of powdered sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Beat everything with a mixer until stable peaks form. Then we cover the cake with it and sprinkle with confectionery topping.

In this recipe, I covered the cake with a thick layer of glaze, where it set for me longer than about 3-4 hours. If you want, you can make the layer thinner.

My baked goods are ready and turned out delicious.

A simple recipe for a delicious Easter cake


For the test:

  • Milk – 250 gr
  • live yeast - 30 g
  • flour - 600-700 gr
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • butter - 200 gr
  • raisins – 150 gr
  • walnuts - 100 g (optional)
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • vanillin

For the glaze:

  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

Add 30 grams of yeast, one tablespoon of sugar to warm milk, then mix everything and add 200 grams of sifted premium flour.

Bring until smooth, cover with a towel and put in a warm place without drafts for 15-20 minutes.

Separate the whites from the yolks in different dishes and beat the yolks with one glass of sugar and a pinch of vanillin.

And beat the whites into a fluffy, white foam.

In the meantime, the dough has risen and add whipped yolks, melted warm butter to it, and then transfer the whites and bring everything until smooth.

Gradually add the remaining flour, while mixing thoroughly. Then we transfer the dough to the work surface and bring it to such a state that it does not stick to our hands.

Grease a deep bowl with vegetable oil, put our dough into it, cover with a towel and put it in a warm place to infuse for about one hour.

After it fits, lay it out and begin to form a rectangular layer. Sprinkle on top of previously washed and dried raisins and, in my case, nuts.

We combine the dough with raisins and nuts in this way.

And just like that.

After which you need to rinse thoroughly. Divide the dough and place 2/3 of the total volume into prepared pans. Cover them with a towel and let them rise.

And then put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes until cooked.

We prepare the glaze in this way: Beat the chicken protein into a bowl, add all the sugar in several additions, constantly whisking with a mixer and pour in lemon juice. Gently brush the cooled cakes with glaze and sprinkle with confectionery.

The baked goods turned out so beautiful.

Very tasty Easter cake that does not go stale for a long time


  • Milk – 80 ml
  • fresh yeast - 15 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • candied orange peels (or raisins) - 70 g
  • honey - 35 g
  • flour - 410 gr
  • butter - 120 g
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

For the dough, mix 80 milliliters of milk, yeast, honey and 60 grams of flour, mix well and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes until bubbles appear on top.

Beat three eggs into a bowl, add a bag of vanilla sugar and 50 grams of regular sugar, salt to taste and bring to a homogeneous mass.

Mix with the dough and gradually add 350 grams of sifted flour. Next, knead the dough with your hands for 10 minutes.

Now add finely chopped candied orange peels, maybe raisins and mix thoroughly.

Cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Line the cake pan with parchment paper and grease it with butter. Divide the dough into two equal parts and place it on the bottom of the prepared pan. Cover the top with film.

Preheat the oven to 100 degrees for 5 minutes, then turn it off and put the filled forms in it and leave it warm until the dough rises to the brim.

Carefully remove the molds and brush the future Easter cakes with lightly beaten egg or prepared glaze. Then place it back into the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40-50 minutes.

Immediately separate from the paper and let cool at room temperature. Easter cakes are ready.

Easter cake cooked in a bread machine


  • Flour - 420 gr
  • dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons
  • milk - 100 ml
  • butter - 160 gr
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • raisins – 120 gr
  • sugar - 5-9 tablespoons. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In this recipe we will prepare Easter cake in the Mulinex bread machine. Pour milk, eggs into a special bowl from this device, add butter, add flour, salt to taste, add sugar and yeast.

We turn on the “Sweet bread” mode, the weight is a kilogram, the crust is medium and after about half an hour the oven will beep and you can add the remaining ingredients like raisins.

And this is what we got as a result. This method of cooking does not take much personal time and this device will prepare everything for you.

Recipe for Easter cake with cottage cheese and honey


For the test:

  • Flour - 350 gr
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 155 gr
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • dried apricots - 5 pcs.
  • tangerine zest - 1 tsp
  • butter - 50 g
  • milk - 60 ml
  • cottage cheese - 2500 gr
  • salt - to taste.

For the glaze:

  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • confectionery topping - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

Pour dry yeast, 1 tablespoon of flour and the same amount of sugar into warm milk, mix well until completely dissolved.

Cover with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Beat the eggs into a suitable container, leave one white for glaze and add sugar.

Add a pinch of salt and beat.

Add a packet of vanillin, then warm melted butter and bring until smooth. We put the cottage cheese there, followed by the dough and mix well, kneading the cottage cheese with a fork.

Gradually add flour, the dough should be soft and sticky.

Cover it with a towel and leave in a warm place for one hour.

In the meantime, we need to soak the dried apricots in warm water. Then drain the water, dry with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.

The dough has risen, put tangerine zest and chopped dried apricots on it

Punch down the dough, wrap it in cling film and leave for another 30 minutes in a warm place. Then we put it in molds and leave it to rise for about half an hour, under a towel.

All that remains is to put it in a preheated oven to bake for 35-40 minutes. In the meantime, we will prepare the glaze.

Mix powdered sugar with egg white and beat with a mixer until thick white foam appears, pour in lemon juice and bring until smooth.

After the cakes are cooked, remove them from the oven and let them cool. And then we begin to grease with glaze and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles on top.

The next day the cakes will be ready when the fudge has hardened and you can try them.

Easter cake without yeast (video)

Bon appetit!!!

I am proud to announce that I am keeper of an old family recipe Easter cake :-). This is how my great-great-grandmothers baked, and this is how I have been baking for 20 years. Everything is verified to the smallest detail, along the way I will tell you small and very important secrets, read carefully. I’ll say right away that I’m publishing here only half of the inherited recipe (in the sense that my grandmothers and great-grandmothers took 2 times more ingredients :-)), but it’s still a LOT. I give it away to family, friends and acquaintances! (in the photo below is my Vovka with another pastry).

First, I’ll list all the products, because you not only need to buy them, but also warm them to room temperature in advance.


  • 10 eggs
  • 0.5 l sour cream
  • 250 g butter
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 0.5 l milk
  • 0.5 cups sunflower oil
  • flour (determined by eye, approximately 2 kg 300 g)
  • salt (1 teaspoon)
  • vanilla (bag)
  • 100 grams of yeast (not dry, regular fresh)
  • Colored decorations (balls, flowers, hearts)


I must warn you that preparing Easter cake is a long process. Only one dough matures in about 2.5-3 hours! Here detailed instructions, a novice housewife can handle it.

In a glass bowl, crumble the yeast, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons. spoons of flour, 200 g of warm milk. All this needs to be lightly stirred and placed in a warm place for 15 minutes. The picture on the right shows how the mixture turned into “living” foam.

Now take another bowl. You need to beat 3 eggs well with two cups of sugar, 0.5 cups of sunflower oil and 0.5 liters of sour cream.

Combine the first and second parts of the dough, heat the remaining milk (300 g) to about 50 degrees and pour into the mixture.

Sift the heated flour (I always place a bowl of flour on a stool next to the preheated oven) and pour into the mixture until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. I use about 600-700 g of flour at this stage.

Place the dough in a warm place for 2.5 or even 3 hours. Lower and knead every 30 minutes.


After 2.5 - 3 hours, add 250 grams of softened butter, the remaining 7 eggs and 1 glass of sugar (you need to beat separately until the sugar dissolves, and then combine with the dough). Throw in a teaspoon of salt (I use coarse). At this stage I move it all into a 10 liter plastic bucket, otherwise it will run away :-).

Add flour gradually. The dough should not stick to your hands and dishes, but should not be too heavy. You need to knead for a long time and very intensively, then put in a warm place and let it rise TWICE. Each time, wait for the dough to double in size, carefully lower it and knead again. After the second stirring, you need to add 1 cup of washed and dried raisins.

I used to bake in empty tin cans from canned peas and fruits. I lined the walls and bottom with oiled paper. Now in every supermarket you can buy ready-made paper molds of different sizes. The bottom of these molds has holes, so even after baking, you don’t have to take the cakes out, they won’t get soggy. A wonderful invention! Easy to store and give as a gift :-).

Let's bake!

Attention! Our butter dough rises very well, so we fill the mold only 1/3 full. We wait 30-40 minutes. During this time, Easter cakes grow more than 2 times even without an oven. Place it in the oven very carefully...

Preheat the oven in advance and bake at 180 degrees. How long to bake? Small (the size of a standard can of green peas) - 25 minutes. Larger forms - 35 minutes. In any case, pierce it with a long wooden stick and assess readiness.

I place the finished Easter cakes sideways on a soft bed (covered with two layers of kitchen towels). My grandmothers taught me this. Apparently, this way our Easter cake has a better chance of maintaining its height. If baked in tin cans with paper, carefully free the cakes from the “shackles”. I remind you that we do not touch the paper molds.


While the beauties are cooling, beat the white of one chilled egg with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. Don't repeat my mistakes! You can’t get a strong foam with a blender, beat it only with a regular mixer. Now you need to spread the top of the Easter cakes and sprinkle with colored balls.

I got 12 different sized (but identical in taste :-)) Easter cakes!

Dear readers of the site “Holiday Again”! If someone asks you how to bake Easter cake, feel free to send it to my website, you won’t be ashamed. Everyone to whom I gave this old family recipe was pleased with the result.

Today I want to tell you how to bake Easter cake at home in the oven, the recipe is accessible and quite simple. I think every housewife would be pleased to treat her guests to her own home-baked Easter cake.

Unfortunately, many recipes involve using huge amounts of eggs and butter in preparing the dough. In addition, quite often expectations do not give the desired result: lightness of the baked dough and delicate taste.

To make Easter cake tender, tasty and beautiful, you don’t need to use a lot of ingredients in its preparation.


  • eggs – 2 pieces +1 egg to separate the whites from it;
  • sugar – 150 grams (and another 1 glass of sugar for preparing glaze for decorating Easter cakes);
  • milk – 0.5 liters;
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • premium wheat flour - 800 g (and another 50 g for sprinkling the cutting board);
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • butter or margarine – 60 g;
  • refined sunflower oil – 30 g (for greasing the baking dish);
  • colored sprinkles for baking (for Easter cakes) – 1 pack (can be replaced with colored coconut flakes).
  • about 1 cup raisins

Yield of finished Easter cakes: 1250 g.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade Easter cake

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add the yolk that remains after separating the white from one egg, also add sugar and whisk them until the mixture turns light (considerably white).
  2. Heat the milk to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Combine milk with egg mixture.
  3. Add dry yeast to milk. Stirring, distribute them into the milk-egg mixture.
  4. Add 300 g of wheat flour and half a teaspoon of salt to the resulting mixture.
  5. Stir until smooth.
  6. The mass should be in a deep container, because the mass will increase several times during fermentation; place in a warm place for fermentation, covered with a clean towel. After 2 hours, the mass will turn into a dough for Easter dough.
  7. After 2 hours, add another 500 g of wheat flour and margarine heated until soft. The margarine should not be hot, but you can use it slightly above room temperature - it will be evenly distributed during kneading. Knead a soft, slightly sticky dough.

  8. If desired, you can add well-swollen and strained raisins to the dough while kneading it.
  9. Leave the dough in the kneading container in a warm place until it has risen 2-3 times. When the dough rises for the first time, you need to knead it a little so that it sits and can rise a second time. Do the same with the dough one more time.
  10. Knead the finished dough, which has risen for the third time. (It should no longer stick to your hands.) Cut the dough with a knife into portions, based on the size of the mold in which the cakes will be baked. The portion size should be 1/3 of the mold.
  11. Grease the baking dish generously on all sides with refined sunflower oil so that a two-millimeter layer of oil is visible at the bottom of the mold. You can use paper forms (then you only need to grease the bottom).
  12. Preheat the oven to 30-50 degrees and then turn it off.
  13. Knead each portion of dough onto a board, sprinkling it with a thin layer of flour. Form balls. (One piece of dough - one ball). Place the balls into baking pans. Place the molds in a warm oven for 10-15 minutes to proof. Let the dough rise well.
  14. Turn on the oven, set its temperature to 160-180 degrees and bake for 40-60 minutes.
  15. While the homemade Easter cakes are baking, you need to prepare a protein glaze for them according to the recipe below. The readiness of Easter cakes is determined by their bright ruddy color.

Easter cake decoration

Step 1: beat the white of one egg with a mixer or a whisk from a glass of sugar until a thick white foamy mass. If necessary, add a little sugar while whipping to thicken the protein foam. Can be tinted with food or natural coloring.

Step 2: Remove the baked cakes from the oven. Remove them from the pans while hot and quickly brush them with egg white icing, immediately adding colored sprinkles (or other decorations) before the icing sets. On hot Easter cakes, the glaze quickly becomes dry and the powder stops sticking to it.

If the glaze is not dry enough, then the cakes should be placed in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for a few minutes to dry it. In this case, you need to make sure that the glaze does not turn yellow or brown or burn.

It is advisable to cool the finished baked goods completely before serving. As you can see, baking Easter cake at home in the oven is not at all as difficult as it might seem, and the recipe is quite accessible.

Happy upcoming holiday!

Video recipe for making cruffin cakes

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