Road accidents: what is it, causes, types. Definition of road accidents in legislation: types, participants, documents drawn up Accidents collisions road incidents

Every year, millions of accidents occur around the world involving cars, which have long been recognized as the most dangerous form of transport. Road accidents occur for different reasons and have different consequences. They are classified according to these principles. The division of road accidents into types also occurs depending on the characteristics of the incident.

Read in this article

What does the concept of “road accident classification” mean?

Accidents involving cars, motorcycles, public transport and other types of self-propelled moving devices are very diverse. Their growing number requires measures to reduce this phenomenon. After all, thousands of people die in road accidents and hundreds of thousands remain disabled.

But to prevent accidents, they need to be studied, which requires systematization. The classification of road accidents is its element. This is their division into types. There are several ways to classify accidents:

  • according to the mechanism of occurrence;
  • by consequences;
  • for reasons of occurrence;
  • preventable if possible.

The classification of an accident is also important for those involved. The responsibility of each of them sometimes depends on this.

Types and their causes

The main classification of road accidents involves the division into 9 types. Knowledge of the types and causes of road accidents is included in the list of requirements for drivers of vehicles of all categories. The reasons for accidents are divided into:

  • Objective. These are the ones that do not depend on the driver. For example, the condition of the road and the conditions on it, weather conditions.
  • Subjective. This includes everything related to the behavior of road users and the condition of vehicles. These are violations of the rules technical issues cars, carelessness, negligence.


Mechanical contact between two or more vehicles in motion is called a collision. This type also includes an accident in which one car was driving and the other suddenly stopped. If there was a railway vehicle among the participants, the accident is also classified as a collision.

This type of incident occurs:

  • Lobov. Such a collision is the most dangerous. It happens most often due to traffic violations involving driving into the oncoming lane.
  • Rear In this case it is usually guilty. And there can be more than two participants.
  • Lateral. Collision is less dangerous than previous types, but is more common. The reason is ignoring traffic rules in terms of providing advantage on the road.
  • Tangent. This is the most without dangerous look collisions. Occurs due to driver negligence.

Head-on collision

As for a collision involving rail transport, the driver of the car is almost always at fault. And these accidents are the most dangerous, since the train does not have the ability to quickly brake to prevent accidents.


This type of car accidents makes up 15% of the total; it happens more often on country roads, where you can reach high speeds. Capsizing occurs due to:

  • speeding, especially on sharp turns, bad roads with a slope;
  • slippery surface due to adverse weather conditions;
  • sudden exit of the car from a side skid;
  • improper securing of the load, which overhangs the machine to one side;
  • puncture of the wheel causing side skid.

All factors contribute to the violation of the vehicle’s position and its stability when moving. A car falling on its side, front or back occurs due to an increase in centrifugal force and inertia.

Rollovers are a very dangerous type of accident that can result in fatalities. It can be caused not only by an impact, but also by an instant fire of the car after it.

Hitting a standing vehicle

A collision between a moving vehicle and a stationary vehicle is called a collision. A trailer or semi-trailer can also act as a static object. The situation arises under various circumstances: in a parking lot, when leaving a yard, when stopping at a traffic light, changing lanes from one lane to another, etc. The reasons for colliding with a stationary vehicle are:

  • traffic violation;
  • inattention of the driver of a moving car;
  • parking or parking a static vehicle in the wrong place;
  • poor view of the road and side of the road.

The consequences of such a collision can be either minor or fatal. It all depends on the force of the impact, the speed of the moving vehicle and the position of the stationary vehicle.

Hitting an obstacle

This type of accident involves the participation of only one vehicle. The vehicle may hit a road pole, bridge support, tree, building, curb, etc. The causes of this type of accident are:

  • violation of rules;
  • bad weather conditions that prevent you from seeing the obstacle in time;
  • driver inattention.

The danger of such a collision is comparable to the consequences of a head-on collision. An accident can result in the death of people, but it can also result only in damage to the vehicle.

Colliding with a pedestrian

Collision of a car with a person walking on the sidewalk or crossing roadway by a person is called a collision. Also called an accident in which a pedestrian collides with a moving vehicle, which is much less common. There are several reasons for this type of accident:

  • ignoring traffic rules by a motorist;
  • violation of rules by a pedestrian;
  • car malfunction;
  • difficult weather conditions.

Hitting an animal

Passenger fall

A person can fall out of a moving car or fall in the passenger compartment if this was caused by the actions of the vehicle driver or an unfastened seat belt. This happens if the speed of a car or its trajectory changes sharply. Both of these cases are classified as road accidents. The reason for this is ignoring traffic rules by the motorist and passenger, non-compliance with the rules for transporting people, and circumstances that forced sudden braking of transport.

Other types of accidents

  • Hitting a person who is not a participant in the traffic. A car from the roadway can fly into a residential area where there are people. This happens due to violation of rules, faulty brakes or unfavorable road conditions.
  • Dropping load. This happens due to its unreliable fastening, that is, due to a violation of the rules. Such an accident can result in death, serious injury and damage to the vehicle, and creates the risk of other types of accidents.

These are not all cases that can be classified as “other”.

Classification based on preventability

Many accidents could have been avoided if all road users followed the rules, controlled technical condition their cars. There are other factors that influence the ability to prevent accidents. Situations are divided into:

  • Dangerous. In this case, the situation on the road is such that an accident is likely, but not completely possible. There is a chance to avoid it if drivers take the right actions.
  • Emergency. The road situation is such that no amount of maneuvering by motorists will prevent the accident.

All types of road accidents, classified according to the mechanism and characteristics of their occurrence, can be classified as both dangerous and emergency. It depends on the quality and characteristics of the road, the driver’s skills, the speed and condition of the vehicle, and many other important nuances. Collisions, like run-overs and rollovers, can sometimes be avoided, but in other cases they cannot.

Road accidents are also classified according to the severity of the consequences, dividing them into fatal ones, causing bodily injury and causing material damage. But many of them have subjective reasons for their occurrence, that is, ignoring traffic rules, drunk driving, inattention. If you remove everything that interferes with road safety, there will be much fewer accidents.

Useful video

About the classification of road accidents, watch this video:

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Incidents and accidents, unfortunately, happen very often these days. This happens due to the large number of cars, inexperience of drivers, external reasons and other factors. Therefore, today we will talk about the concept, analysis, classification, basic and other types of road transport, their characteristics, causes, consequences and types of liability.

Traditional division of road accidents by type

So, how many types of accidents are divided into and how are they classified? Distinguish the following types Road accident.

3 main factors of road accidents


This type of accident, collision, is one of the most common cases of accidents. In such an accident, a mechanical vehicle collides with another vehicle, with an animal or with.

Collisions between two MTS occur as follows.

  1. Frontal.
  2. Rear.
  3. Lateral.
  4. Tangents.

It is important to know:

  • The most dangerous of them are frontal ones. Most often they happen due to movement.
  • A rear-end collision can involve multiple vehicles. The most common reason is .
  • Side collisions are considered less dangerous, but are very common. Usually happens at intersections due to.
  • Tangent collisions occur due to inattention during. Of all types, these accidents are the least dangerous.


  • In most collisions with railroad vehicles, the car driver is at fault. Such accidents are almost always fatal, because the driver does not have the opportunity to stop the train.
  • Collisions with animals most often occur outside the city at night. In these accidents, the car can receive severe damage, sometimes irreparable.

A specialist will tell you more about classic types of accidents in this video:


Depending on the object, there are the following types.

  • . A moving vehicle hits a person on the roadway or sidewalk.
  • To the obstacle. In this case, a collision occurs with a stationary object.
  • For a cyclist.
  • Currently MTS.
  • For horse-drawn transport. The car ran over a draft animal or its cart.

Collisions occur due to the carelessness of both drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. The situation with collisions in poor visibility conditions is getting worse.

Now let's talk about rollovers as a type of accident.


It happens more often on country roads where high temperatures are allowed. These accidents are unpredictable. Passengers, especially as a result of being hit by a car, can suffer severe injuries, even fatal ones.

In addition, the car may catch fire. The damage from such accidents is significant, often the car can no longer be restored.

A specialist will talk about the reasons for the formation of different types of accidents in the video below:

A fall

Falling from overpasses and bridges occurs as a result of force majeure, and as a result of the driver losing control. As a rule, the driver (under the influence of alcohol or drugs). In such accidents, even when falling from low heights, people rarely survive. These accidents are characterized by severe consequences, because random people who were at the scene of the fall may also die.

Falling loads can cause... Loads that are poorly secured pose a safety hazard traffic. The suddenness of the situation is especially treacherous. The load falls from the car in front, and the driver of the car behind simply does not have time to react.

Read below about the types of injuries and damage to a car in an accident and the detailed classification. We talked about the types of topographic analysis of road accidents separately.

Statistics on different types Road accident

A traffic accident in 2020 is clearly and unambiguously defined in the traffic rules by the corresponding term. But on the road, situations and circumstances are completely different. Therefore, sometimes it is very controversial whether this or that road accident incident or not. In the article we will look at such typical and not very controversial situations and provide an analysis of why this is an accident and why not.

Official interpretation for 2020?

Of course, the first thing that needs to be given is the definition of the term. It is given in paragraph 1.2 of the Rules:

A road traffic accident is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, damaged vehicles, structures, cargo or other material damage was caused.

Last change to the term road accident

Back in 2001, this term was last changed, and the change was fateful, although actually insignificant. Other material damage was added to the list of conditions for the occurrence of a traffic accident.

Before the change After change
A road traffic accident is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles were damaged, cargo, structures. A road traffic accident is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures were damaged, cargo or other material damage caused.

Before this, if, for example, the cars themselves were not damaged, but as a result of the incident the driver’s phone was broken, then this was not considered an accident.

Important note!

Accident or not: comments on the definition of paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules

So, in order for a particular situation to be considered an accident, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. a car involved in an accident must move,
  2. the vehicle must participate in the process of road traffic,
  3. the car must participate in this event,
  4. the consequence of the situation must be any of the following conditions:
    • material damage (damage) to property was caused,
    • the car (any) must be damaged,
    • harm caused people's health,
    • there was a loss of life.

Points by numbers - all conditions must be met for it to be considered an accident. Further subparagraphs of paragraph 4 - any one condition must be met. All the last conditions, based on the phrase “in which,” must be fulfilled in direct connection with the event that occurred. That is, if a car, for example, drove into a pole, and at the other end of the street a pedestrian fell and injured his knee, then the crossing incident is not formally an accident.

Driver's responsibilities in case of an accident

Whether a particular situation is an accident or not affects the driver’s obligation to comply with paragraphs 2.5, 2.6 and 2.6.1 of the Road Traffic Rules. These points briefly oblige any driver in the event of an accident:

  1. put up a sign emergency stop,
  2. turn on the emergency lights,
  3. if guilt is not in dispute, the damage is less than 100 thousand rubles, there are no wounded or dead, draw up a European protocol,
  4. otherwise call the police and follow directions.

All these points do not need to be completed if the “scramble” you got into is not a traffic accident by definition. For failure to fulfill these obligations, you may face punishment ranging from a fine of 1,000 rubles to deprivation of rights under Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

Let's now look at typical incidents that prompt questions from its participants whether it is an accident or not!

Hit in a parking lot: accident or not?

So, an incident such as being hit by a standing car in a parking lot essentially led to damage; the car was involved in the event. The only question is whether the car was moving or not - after all, this is also a prerequisite for considering such a situation an accident.

And the answer to this question is quite simple:

  • if both cars were standing - for example, the impact was due to the opening of the door, maybe someone simply kicked someone else’s car, which led to a dent, then this is not an accident (the condition under 1 point above is not met),
  • if at least one of the cars was driving at that time, then this is a traffic accident.

In the latter case, alas, the traffic police may also refuse to come to the scene and file an accident. It also makes no sense to draw up a European protocol - the insurance company pays only for road accidents under compulsory motor liability insurance.

In such a situation, you should call the local police officer to record the damage and the event itself and then seek compensation for damage directly from the culprit.

The following incidents are also not traffic accidents:

  • car arson by pedestrians,
  • hijacking,
  • any other damage caused to a stationary car not by a moving car, but by another person.

A is an accident if the car drove into any structure: a bus stop, a building, road signs or other structures.

Lightly rubbed in (with mirrors)

Another important subtlety of the 2020 traffic rules is the question of whether or not to consider a situation where the contact occurred only slightly as an accident? But, if you look again at the conditions in paragraph 4 above, the answer to it becomes simple - if there is no damage or anything else material damage(obviously, injuries and, moreover, death of people are unlikely here), then there is no accident.

For example, you slightly rubbed in the mirrors with another car. If, as a result of this, the latter simply folded (or did not fold), there is no damage to them (and not only visible, but not at all), then this is not an accident. You can drive away without worrying about anything.

But in practice in 2020, there are often cases when the second participant suddenly discovers damage later, when you have already left. In this case, he or she returns to accident scene, calls the police and complains that... the other participant (that is, you) has disappeared. And in this case, you may face deprivation of your right to drive. Therefore, in such situations, it is better to take a receipt stating that there is no damage, and all participants in the incident decided that there was no accident.

Everyone knows this abbreviation. Even most children understand the meaning of the term road accident. It is used when it comes to an emergency situation on the road. At the same time, the concept and definition of a transport accident in traffic regulations is more multifaceted, so it is impossible to bring all situations together. This review material will tell you what incidents are classified as road accidents, who is legally a participant in the accident, and how to act if you find yourself in such a situation.

Definition of the concept

The abbreviation RTA stands for road traffic accident. The definition of the concept is enshrined in Art. 2 Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995 and in clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation. A traffic accident is an event that was caused by the movement of a car on the roadway and with its participation. The result of the incident may be harm or property damage.

The main signs of an accident follow from the definition:

  1. Only a situation in which a car was directly involved is recognized as an accident. So, if a bottle was thrown from a car window and hit a pedestrian, this will not constitute an accident. However, transport accidents include situations in which a bicycle in motion falls on a pedestrian - the incident will be considered an accident.
  2. Only an event in which a moving vehicle is involved is considered a traffic accident. So, if there was an accident. If a pedestrian falls on a car, the incident is not considered a traffic accident.
  3. A situation is an accident if it causes damage to property or human life and health. So, if the cars slightly touched each other, without even scratching the coating, a traffic accident did not occur. There is no need to call the traffic police. If the collision resulted in damage to cars, other property or people, it is considered that an accident has occurred.

If we interpret the definition literally, it turns out that at least 2 vehicles must participate in the event. However, if there is a collision with a pedestrian or damage to property, the accident may occur with the participation of only one vehicle.

Who are recognized as participants

This provision allows you to begin the search for the culprit. Therefore, speaking about accidents, it is worth finding out who exactly is a participant in an accident according to the law. In current normative legal acts does not contain a definition of the concept as such. However, it follows from the term itself.

A participant in an accident is a subject who, as a result of action or inaction, took part in a road accident. This means that, in addition to drivers, the following may be involved in an accident:

  • passengers;
  • pedestrians;

Participants are conditionally divided into 2 categories:

  • guilty;
  • victims.

An accident always happens due to someone's fault. Usually the driver of one of the vehicles is recognized as the culprit of the incident. Identifying the victim is more difficult. First of all, they are recognized as the driver of the second car. However, pedestrians and passengers may be injured during the incident. They may also be recognized as victims.

The main causes of road accidents

Based on statistical data, experts have identified the causes of road accidents and their consequences. About 85% of road accidents occur as a result of violation of the provisions of traffic rules of the Russian Federation. At the same time, drivers are the culprits in 70-75% of cases. The causes of injuries and accidents in road transport are:

  • driving a faulty car;
  • distractions;
  • traffic violation;
  • car driving ;
  • driving a car in adverse weather;
  • bad road;
  • driver fatigue;
  • exceeding the set speed limit.

Conventionally, the causes of road accidents are divided into 2 categories - objective and subjective. The first includes traffic situations that arose due to reasons beyond the driver’s control. These include:

  • poor street lighting;
  • poor quality road surface;
  • technical condition of the vehicle;
  • lack of road signs.

The subjective reasons that cause accidents and disasters on the roads include situations that were directly caused by the driver’s actions. The category includes the actions of the person driving the vehicle, driving style, violation of traffic rules and vehicle operating rules. Typically, accidents and disasters on the roads occur as a result of a combination of factors. Therefore, it is important to clearly identify the causes of the incident in order to understand what responsibility each participant in the incident will bear.

Types of accidents - classification and characteristics

Types of road traffic accidents are established by law. To find out how many types of transport accidents are divided into, you should refer to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 328 of June 18, 1996. It contains the main types of incidents and their characteristics. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, there are 9 main types of road accidents, the list of which includes:

Vehicle collision damage and accident injuries can vary greatly depending on the type of accident that occurs. Moreover, no matter how many types transport accidents are divided into, the consequences of each of them can be very serious.

Statistics of road accidents in Russia and in the world

Statistical data allows us to assess the existing problem. To assess its scale, it is recommended to find out how many people die in car accidents in the world and in the Russian Federation per year. According to statistics posted on the official website of the traffic police, the number of deaths as a result of road accidents in Russia in 2018 amounted to 16,412 people, and 192,959 participants in accidents were injured. A total of 151,291 road accidents occurred during this period.

Global traffic accident statistics are quite ambiguous. According to WHO, about 3,000 people die every day in car accidents. About 100,000 accident participants receive severe injuries. Every year, about 1.25 million people become victims of road accidents. The value of the indicator was established back in 2007 and since then has remained approximately at level 1. Road accident statistics by country are as follows:

Alcohol intoxication is often the cause of road accidents. Statistics of road accidents caused by a drunk driver different countries shows that in 2020 in Russia, a little more than 3,800 people became victims of drunk drivers or those who refused to undergo examination. Another 22,900 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. In the USA and Australia, about 33% of all fatal accidents are caused by drunk drivers, and in New Zealand - 31%. At the same time, the World Health Organization is also not satisfied with the anti-alcohol legislation in some EU countries - France, Finland and Spain. On average, in developed countries, drunk drivers account for approximately 20% of fatal accidents.

How to act in case of an accident

Once in an accident, drivers often panic and don’t know what to do. The procedure is set out in clause 2.5 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. It says:

In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, and not move objects related to the incident.

Further actions directly depend on whether people were injured as a result of the accident, or whether the damage was caused only to property. The procedure for the first situation is set out in clause 2.6 of the Russian Traffic Regulations.

The norm contains the following information:

If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

  • take measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance medical care and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims along the way, and if this is not possible, take them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, register sign vehicle (with presentation of an identity document, or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • record and wait for the police to arrive.

If damage is caused only to property, in accordance with clause 2.6.1 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, the driver is obliged to record the incident using photos and videos, and then remove the vehicle from the roadway if it interferes with the movement of other cars. The law requires you to film:

  • the location of the machines in relation to each other;
  • position of the vehicle to infrastructure facilities;
  • car damage;
  • traces on the road left by cars involved in an accident;
  • items related to the accident.

If the participants in the accident cannot reach a common opinion regarding the identification of the culprits or other nuances of the incident, it is necessary to write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident, and then contact the police for further instructions.

If the circumstances do not cause disagreement, there is no need to contact the authorized body. The action plan in this situation could be as follows:

  • draw up documents about the incident by visiting the nearest traffic police post or police station, having previously recorded the incident using photos and videos;
  • draw up documents without involving authorized persons by filling out the form in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the rules of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for vehicle owners;
  • do not complete documentation if only the property of the participants in the accident is damaged, but this option may result in problems with receipt or agreement.

At the same time, the exact procedure for action after an accident depends on the individual nuances of the current situation.

Possible consequences

If a driver causes an accident, he may be held liable for 1 of 3 types of liability. Civil liability arises regardless of whether harm was caused to the life and health of people. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the culprit of the incident must compensate for the damage caused. The obligation to compensate can be imposed on several persons at once - on the person who was driving and on the citizen who provided the transport. The owner of the car can avoid civil liability only if the car was stolen.

If the actions of a citizen cause a threat to traffic safety, as well as human life or health, the person responsible for the incident may be held administratively liable. In accordance with Article 12.24, for causing minor harm a fine of 2500-5000 rubles is imposed. or deprivation of rights for 1-1.5 years. If damage of moderate severity was caused, the amount of the penalty will increase to 10,000-25,000 rubles. An alternative could be. A citizen will not be able to drive a car for 1.5-2 years. Clause 6 of the Rules for determining the severity of harm caused to human health states:

The severity of harm caused to human health is determined in medical institutions of the state health care system by a doctor.

If the victim was seriously injured or died, the person responsible for the incident will be prosecuted. The punishment is fixed in Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It says:

Violation by a person driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle of the rules of the road or the operation of vehicles, resulting through negligence in causing grievous harm to human health, is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years with imprisonment. the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without such.

Being in a state at the time of the accident alcohol intoxication increases the severity of punishment. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the driver will be subject to forced labor for up to 3 years or imprisoned for up to 4 years. If the actions of a citizen resulted in the death of a person, the duration of service will increase to 4-5 years. The alternative would be imprisonment for a term of up to 5-9 years. In all situations, driving license for 3 years.

Prevention of transport accidents

The state is trying to prevent the occurrence of some emergency situations. The authorized bodies have repeatedly raised the question of how to reduce the influence of the human factor on the occurrence of road accidents and reduce the number of accidents. In accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons are obliged to allow only drivers with appropriate qualifications to drive vehicles. Additionally, organizations must take part in ensuring road safety in order to prevent road accidents.

Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 dated January 15, 2014 contains a list of requirements for the professionalism of drivers. Additionally approved driver training program transport companies. Action plan for the prevention and prevention of accidents on motor vehicles in mandatory should include the provision of appropriate lessons. The result of the training is a test.

Yuri-129, next time take a receipt (in simple written form) stating that there are no claims against you. In this case, from ALL drivers involved in an accident. This time, more likely, a couple of days adm. You will most likely get away with arrest.

So the problem arose. In the scheme, I am the first, the culprit is the fourth. Initially, the person standing behind (the second one) did not notice that his license plate was slightly bent and did not clarify any circumstances with me. And then, apparently, upon arrival, the traffic police noticed this and apparently pointed to the license plate. This is where I turned out to be a violator, although from a conversation with the traffic police officers, the license plate is not damaged, but is slightly bent.

This is where I turned out to be a violator, although from a conversation with the traffic police officers, the license plate is not damaged, but is slightly bent.

The curvature is straightened in two minutes. Mat. no damage - no accident.


Please tell me. Two cars are parked in the parking lot. A child gets into one. And the rear door hits a car building next to it. Is this a traffic rule?

I was hitching a ride and hit my head while driving. I felt unwell only on the 2-3rd day; I consulted a doctor about headaches. No concussion, diagnosis: head contusion. Is this an accident? And how many explanatory notes do you need to write in order for the cops and traffic cops from 2 cities to leave you behind - from the place of departure and the place of arrival? I not only don’t remember the vehicle number, I don’t even know the brand

The axle of the car was torn out and the wheel fell off, hitting a woman standing at the bus stop on the back, what will happen now, because this fault was inside the car and what can the woman present to the driver.

Gesha, an injury to a passenger while a vehicle is moving is a traffic accident.

I don’t think that the traffic police and the police will pay attention to this incident for a long time.

Good luck on the roads!

Love, in this case, the damage was caused by the vehicle and the driver is obliged to compensate for it (under compulsory motor liability insurance or independently).

Good luck on the roads!

Good evening. This is the situation: early in the morning I was driving along the highway in March and found myself in an area of ​​heavy fog and ice on the road. I drove 50-60 km/h right lane. In the left lane, a Lada with a trailer lost control at high speed and turned across the road, because I wasn't driving fast, I almost stopped on his trailer. I went out and looked (he didn’t come out) - he had no damage, my hood was slightly dented, and then I realized that we were on the highway on ice and in fog, and I had a wife and child in the back seat child seat and I see that a car is flying towards us and does not see us, at the last moment it turns left and flies into oncoming traffic. Then I understand that the next car, especially if it is a truck, will sweep us away. Panic: 2 thoughts in my head or urgently getting my people out of the car - I’m afraid I won’t make it in time or drive a little back and hug the shoulder on the right for safety. I get into the car, fasten my seat belt and suddenly there’s a terrible blow, I don’t remember much, the car is trash, my daughter has broken ribs, my wife has 9 ribs and 4 vertebrae, she’s already been on sick leave for six months. It was a loaded truck. Question: The driver of the truck says that I was moving backwards, I don’t remember this, there was a blow before I did anything, and does this fact have any significance in determining his guilt? Thank you and if possible with links to articles.

Alex, Hello.

I'm sorry, it's an unpleasant situation.

Driver truck could have violated clause 10.1 of the traffic rules:

10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel. The speed must provide the driver with the ability to constantly control the movement of the vehicle to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

You may have violated clause 8.12 of the traffic rules:

8.12. Vehicle movement in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must seek the help of others.

If one of the participants had a video recorder, then its recording will help to better understand the situation.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon

Please advise on the following situation: when leaving the enterprise parking lot, the back of the van touched the barrier post at the exit. I didn’t see the moment of contact, I only heard some kind of knock, but I didn’t see anything criminal in the rear-view mirrors and drove on. Later, in the parking lot, I discovered orange paint on the side, very similar to the paint from the rack. Is this considered an accident and what can I be charged with? It is quite possible that there are surveillance cameras and the moment of contact could well have been recorded.

Thanks in advance for clarifications.

Andrey, Hello.

The described situation is an accident, because Judging by your description, the barrier has been damaged.

Fleeing from the scene of an accident may result in deprivation of rights for 12-18 months or arrest for up to 15 days.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. Tell me how to evaluate this situation. Our car was parked near the house. While my husband was out for lunch, they scratched our car. We found out that the girl fell on our car while passing by on a bicycle. The girl's parents did not agree to solve the problem voluntarily and we went to the police to document the damage. Did we do the right thing?

Julia, Hello.

A bicycle is a vehicle, therefore the situation is an accident. In this case, it was necessary to call the traffic police to the scene of the incident, one of the participants of which fled.

Good luck on the roads!


My children and I overturned in a car, but no one or anything was hurt except my car. It was not possible to call the traffic police because... the phone was broken. Worried about the well-being of the children, I left the scene of the accident and took them to the hospital in my car. What can they charge me with?


2.6. If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

take measures to provide first aid to victims, call emergency medical services and the police;

in emergency cases, send the victims along the way, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, registration plate of the vehicle (with presentation of an identification document or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;

clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;

write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

Are children injured in a traffic accident?


no, everyone is fine


Only bruises

Vitaly, You indicated that you took the children to the hospital. Was their injuries somehow recorded there? Or did they simply report that there were no injuries?

If there are no injuries, then paragraph 2.6.1 applies. You wrote that only your car was damaged. If this is really the case, and you did not hit any pole or bump stop, then it turns out that you were the only one injured in the accident and agreed with yourself to compensate for the damage (clause 2.6.1 allows this). After this, it was possible to leave the scene of the accident.

Good luck on the roads!



I am accused of leaving the scene of an accident. My car and the bus casually touched the outside mirrors. I didn’t understand what it was, I heard a small knock on the right. I had no idea that there was an accident. And naturally he continued his movement further. How can I prove that I did not leave the scene of the accident because I did not know that it happened. I have both OSAGO and CASCO insurance. I'm 62 years old, not a kid. There's no point in leaving.

Sincerely, Vladimir Vasilievich.

My car and the bus casually touched the outside mirrors.

The bus mirror broke, or what?

How can I prove that I did not leave the scene of the accident because I did not know that it happened.

There is only one way - to prove that there was no event - an accident. It is with your participation and this particular bus.

Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations: “Road accident” is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused.

KatyaSs, if the victim plans to paint the car, then it makes sense to contact a service station with this question. For high-quality repairs, the door is repainted entirely, i.e. you need to pay for painting one part.

If you have a problem with parking, then install front and rear parking sensors. In a more expensive version you can add rear camera, then - the front one. .

If the problem is that your car is being touched, then this issue can only be solved with walls (a garage or a parking space).

Good luck on the roads!

Hello, is it considered an accident if a fire occurs in a car approximately in the engine compartment while driving on the road?

Alik, Hello.

This situation contains all the signs of an accident: the car was moving, the event occurred with its participation, the vehicle was damaged. Those. this is an accident.

Good luck on the roads!


I'm a taxi driver. My passenger got out of the car and ran away. Now he is going to court to get compensation from me. Is this incident considered a traffic accident?

Andrey, if the passenger was injured or the car was damaged, then this is an accident.

allowed a collision with a toy terrier dog belonging to R

after which, in violation of the requirements of paragraph 2.5 of the Traffic Rules

left the scene of a traffic accident.

These circumstances served as the basis for attracting Volkov

IN AND. to administrative liability provided for in part 2 of the article

It is impossible to agree with the judicial decisions taken in the case.

3 on the street Timme in Arkhangelsk, does not meet the signs of road

traffic accident in the sense given to this concept in Article 2

Law on Road Safety and in paragraph 1.2 of the Road Rules

movement, and is not such.

The conclusion of the courts about the presence of V.I. Volkov in the act. objective

parties to the administrative offense provided for

offenses cannot be considered justified

Federation about administrative offenses proceedings in the case of

an administrative offense cannot be started, and what has been started

production is subject to termination in the absence of composition

administrative offense.

Good evening! Is it an accident situation - the husband was leaving the yard, the car turned from the road into the yard without giving way and stopped. The husband drove on and scratched the car a little with the bumper, there was no collision or impact. And this became clear later. For this, the husband was deprived of his rights. Was there an accident and was he legally deprived of his license? Thank you

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