How to recover from alcoholism using folk remedies. Folk remedies for alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious illness that affects all areas of the patient’s life. According to statistics, more than 60% of families break up precisely because one of the spouses has an excessive craving for strong drinks. The main difficulty in treating alcoholism is the patient’s unwillingness to admit that he has become dependent on alcoholic beverages and cannot cope with the problem on his own. If such a person agrees to treatment, it is only at home, which is also quite good.

In most cases, outpatient treatment alcohol addiction is carried out using medicinal methods, but this does not mean that the patient will not have to make efforts to achieve the result. Quite the opposite - the final result depends on how seriously a person and the people around him take the doctor’s prescriptions.

The possibility of home treatment is determined by a narcologist. The main selection criterion is the advanced state of the problem and the stage of alcoholism diagnosed in the sick person. Relatives of such patients should understand that therapy at home is not a serious method, so you should not expect magical results from this approach for stage 3 alcoholism.

In total, there are 3 stages of addiction. The chosen treatment tactics depends on what stage the patient is at.

First stage (initial)

At the initial stage of alcoholism, the patient can still be helped using medication. The main symptoms of pathology, which should be a signal for an immediate visit to a narcologist, are:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages more than 3 times a week;
  • lack of a protective reaction of the body (vomiting, nausea from drinking alcohol);
  • increasing the amount of alcohol consumed to become intoxicated (instead of 100 ml of vodka, 300-400 ml are required for intoxication);
  • periodic memory problems (a person does not remember what happened to him while drinking alcohol);
  • constant search for reasons (most often far-fetched) for drinking.

The person becomes irritable, although he does not yet reach the point of aggression. There may also appear external signs: dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the face and limbs, redness of the skin.

Second (middle) stage

At this stage, the disease is steadily progressing, and it is almost impossible to persuade a person to stop. A person becomes resistant to increased doses of alcohol, while in most cases he remains able to work. Periods of drunkenness are becoming longer and are no longer limited to one day. A pre-drunken state often occurs when alcohol is consumed for 2-3 days in a row.

Simultaneously with the physical need, the patient develops a psychological dependence (the “alcohol – good mood” relationship is developed), which can only be combated with the help of a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist.

Third (final) stage

The third stage is a period of complete social and physical degradation of a person, which ends with the development of deadly diseases (the most common of them is cirrhosis of the liver). The patient experiences frequent episodes of delirium tremens (medical name: delirium delirium) – a state of psychosis that occurs after quitting binge drinking. A person becomes socially dangerous because he ceases to control his actions and actions. Most domestic crimes are committed precisely in a state of alcoholic delirium.

Drug treatment for stage 3 alcoholism is ineffective. To return the patient to normal life, long-term therapy in specialized drug treatment clinics is required, but even placing the patient in a hospital does not guarantee a positive result.

The statistics for successful treatment of alcohol addiction at home are as follows:

Important! It is possible to combat drunkenness with the help of medications only at stages 1 and 2. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist, as some medications have contraindications and can cause serious side effects.

Drug treatment of alcoholism: classification of drugs

Drugs that can be used to treat alcohol syndrome at home are divided into three groups:

  • means that help fight the craving for drinking (suppressing psychological and physical dependence);
  • medications that cause aversion and aversion to alcohol;
  • drugs to reduce intoxication caused by long-term alcohol intake.

These medications may be prescribed separately or in combination with each other. The treatment regimen must be selected individually, since there are no universal methods for treating alcoholism. Drugs that give consistently good results in one patient may not be suitable for other patients, so therapy should be monitored by a specialist at all stages.

Drugs that cause physical aversion to alcohol

Medicines in this group can only be taken after consultation with a specialist. The most important condition for therapy using these drugs is complete abstinence from alcohol. The fact is that if a patient receiving therapy with such drugs drinks even a small amount of alcohol, severe intoxication of the body occurs, requiring emergency treatment. medical care. If a person does not receive resuscitation measures in a timely manner, there is a high risk of coma and death.

Relatives cannot always control the behavior of a person suffering from alcohol addiction, so it is important to know the symptoms of intoxication caused by mixing strong drugs and alcohol. It is possible to determine that a patient has taken a “strong” drink and needs urgent help based on the following signs:

  • severe fountain vomiting;
  • entry of bile acids into the oral cavity;
  • attack of asphyxia (suffocation);
  • cold clammy sweat.

Important! These symptoms are very dangerous for a person’s life, so drugs that cause disgust should not be prescribed unless the patient has a strong and conscious desire to quit the addiction.


Enough effective drug for the treatment of alcoholism, produced in the form of drops. The active ingredient is cyanamide. If the patient takes even a minimal amount of alcohol, cyanamide will enter into chemical reaction with ethanol and will actively participate in metabolic processes. At the same time, the level of acetaldehyde in the patient’s blood will increase. It is this effect that causes a persistent aversion to the smell and taste of alcoholic beverages.

Accept this remedy need 2 times a day. A single dosage is calculated individually and can range from 12 to 25 drops. It is important to take the drug, observing a strict time interval between doses of 12 hours.

The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and the presence of positive dynamics (if there is no positive dynamics, the drug is discontinued).

Treatment with Kolme drops is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age, as well as patients with the following diseases:

  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart (heart defects, coronary disease);
  • cirrhosis and other severe liver damage;
  • renal failure;
  • respiratory diseases (including bronchial asthma).

To achieve a lasting therapeutic result, one course of therapy is usually sufficient.

But Colme has been absent for a long time Russian market and it cannot be bought in pharmacies. Similar to Colma in chemical composition Mizo drug. The drug causes short-term sensitization of the body to alcohol, which is manifested by a number of unpleasant sensations (nausea, hyperemia of the skin, profuse sweat, increased heart rate). The drug is safe, has no taste, color and odor, which allows for unnoticeable administration. Its droplet shape makes it easy to add to food or drinks.


Esperal is the most popular drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence in an outpatient setting.

The most popular drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence in an outpatient setting. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and a gel intended for implantation into the skin (the specialized Esperal gel is used only in drug treatment hospitals). The active ingredient of the drug is disulfiram. Its action is similar to cyanamide: when interacting with ethanol, disulfiram enters into metabolic processes, as a result of which ethanol molecules are not broken down and enter the blood unchanged, causing severe intoxication.

The maximum result is observed 12 hours after taking the tablets. The effect of the drug lasts for 14 days after stopping treatment, so it is important to maintain an interval of at least 2 weeks between therapy with disulfiram and cyanamide.

You need to take Esperal once a day in the morning. Single dose – 500 mg (1 tablet). Gradually the dose should be reduced to 250 mg. At the final stage of treatment, the patient takes 125 mg until the drug is completely discontinued. The final stage is long and can reach 1-3 years. The medication should be taken daily.

Important! 7-10 days after the start of treatment, the patient is given an alcohol test, on the basis of which the treatment regimen is adjusted.

Treatment with disulfiram-based medications is contraindicated in persons with diabetes mellitus. mental illness, epilepsy and other severe pathologies of a neurological nature (including convulsive syndrome), as well as liver diseases. In case of insufficient production of thyroid hormones and kidney problems, Esperal is prescribed with extreme caution and taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

"Tetlong 250"

Another drug based on disulfiram. "Tetlong 250" has proven itself in the treatment of chronic forms of alcohol dependence. The product is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, which can be administered at home (it is important to follow the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician).

The injection is placed deep into the gluteal muscle, and the medicine is administered slowly. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 injections per year (approximately 1 injection per month).

During treatment, the patient may experience side effects, for example:

  • sore and dry throat;
  • periodic desire to cough;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear.

Important! The appearance of any side effects during treatment is a reason to consult a doctor. In most cases, the listed reactions go away on their own, but sometimes the patient requires correction of the treatment regimen.

Drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol


A drug that acts on opioid receptors and blocks their sensitivity. Over time, the patient stops enjoying alcohol, and as a result, a new positive habit is formed that requires consolidation.

"Vivitrol" is available in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is prepared for intramuscular administration. The patient receives 1 injection per month. The duration of treatment is determined strictly individually. Before administering the drug, the patient must undergo a sensitivity test to the components of the drug.


A universal and very effective drug for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence. It is often used to break binge drinking and eliminate hangover symptoms. After taking the medicine, the patient’s cerebral circulation improves, the level of intoxication decreases, the headache goes away, and the tremors of the limbs stop.

“Proproten-100” is produced on the basis of purified antibodies to a brain-specific protein, so it has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and a person’s psycho-emotional state. Brain tissue is better supplied with oxygen, signs of hypoxia disappear, and resistance to toxic substances increases.

For the treatment of alcoholism, the drug is taken once a day before meals. Single dosage – 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, but the exact duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

This product belongs to the group of food additives - an additional source of magnesium, selenium and other mineral salts, as well as B vitamins. The drug is taken as a course of treatment (for 30 days). During this time, it is possible to normalize the functioning of internal organs, improve blood circulation and cleanse the blood of toxins and other dangerous substances.

Reducing cravings for alcohol is achieved through general improvement and health promotion, as well as normalization of mood. You need to take Balansin 1 tablet per day.

Supportive (auxiliary) therapy

Simultaneously with the use of medications to eliminate addiction, it is important to provide support for internal organs that are literally working to their limits, especially if a person has been abusing alcohol for a long period. Taking additional medications can reduce the degree of intoxication and restore metabolic processes in organs and tissues.

In addition to the main therapy, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Zorex";
  • "Glucose";
  • "Biotredin".

To relieve pain, you can use Paracetamol or ibuprofen-based products. Glycine will help restore brain function, improve the condition of blood vessels and the conduction of oxygen to muscle fibers.

We must not forget about vitamins. People with chronic alcohol dependence experience an acute shortage of beneficial elements, so it is important to ensure an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals. Considering that the initial period of treatment is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea, it is unlikely that you will be able to diversify your diet, so you need to consult your doctor about choosing a vitamin and mineral complex. It can be taken after a course of injections of B vitamins, since the body depleted of alcohol needs them most.

Treating alcoholism at home: basic rules

  1. Alcohol cessation must be complete. This applies not only to the addicted person, but also to his family members. If someone drinks in the house, or a bottle of wine is hidden in the bar, the patient will not be able to cope with his desire.
  2. Adequate consumption of clean water is essential to combat alcoholism. Drinking plenty of fluids will help quickly remove toxins from the body and improve the patient’s well-being, which will have a positive effect on reducing cravings for alcohol.
  3. Food should be high in calories and varied. Fatty foods, smoked foods and marinades should be avoided, as they negatively affect the affected liver. But you shouldn’t give up sweets - carbohydrates will help improve your mood and cope with headaches (within reasonable limits, of course).
  4. At least 8-10 hours should be allocated for sleep. If conditions permit, it is recommended to introduce daytime naps to the patient. To successfully combat addiction, the body must restore the strength spent on drinking.
  5. Exercise and walking are an essential part of the treatment strategy. Walking will help eliminate tissue hypoxia, which affects almost all alcoholics, and exercise will have a positive effect on metabolic processes and muscle tone.

Alcoholism is a scourge modern society, which is difficult to fight. Of course, if a person drinks on holidays and weekends, this cannot be called severe alcoholism. We are talking about a disease in which after drinking a glass a person cannot stop for several days, often does not remember what happened to him, and causes trouble for loved ones. It is for this reason that methods of treating alcoholism with folk remedies at home are relevant today.

Important! Alcoholism greatly affects human health. The heart, nervous and hematopoietic systems gradually fail. Then problems with breathing, digestion, kidneys, and liver occur.

Decoctions that really help

St. John's wort

Medicinal herb with excellent effects. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to four large spoons. Leave on the fire for half an hour, making sure that the broth is at a constant boil. After cooling, drink several large spoons before meals. Treatment takes 15 days and should result in a dislike of alcohol.


Centaury root needs to be crushed and taken in an amount of 20 g. Boil in 0.2 liters of water for ten minutes. Then wrap the vessel and set aside the broth for half an hour. Pour a spoonful into a glass of vodka and give it to the alcoholic to drink, but do not inform them that the vodka contains other ingredients. The fact is that this herb is relatively poisonous; in combination with alcohol, it causes vomiting and severe nausea.

Important! Do not pour more than a spoonful of broth into vodka: this will lead to severe poisoning of a person. Before using the product, you should consult a doctor, since an alcoholic may have concomitant diseases for which this herb is contraindicated.

Collection of herbs and juniper berries

To prepare the next decoction, when treating alcoholism with folk remedies at home, take lovage, cyanosis, horsetail, and thyme herb. Juniper berries are added to this collection. You should thoroughly crush the ingredients, take a tablespoon of herbs, and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Boil for five minutes, leave for 60 minutes. Drink a few tablespoons of the decoction before and after meals for a month.

Lovage root

Crush the roots finely and take four large spoons. Pour a liter of water overnight, boil for 15 minutes in the morning, then cool. You need to take the decoction in the amount of a whole glass before meals, three times a day. Treatment lasts 60 days, if necessary, the course must be repeated. During the period when the decoction will be drunk, drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Moss clubmoss

The plant is not so common in traditional treatment, but it helps against alcoholism due to its toxic properties. Grind ten grams of dry herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Take strictly half a glass, no more: it causes severe poisoning.

Rosemary leaves

Some people use rosemary exclusively as a spice, while others treat alcoholism. You need fresh leaves, which are crushed to make a quarter cup. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 0.20 hours and pass through cheesecloth. Drink 50 ml ten times throughout the day.

Naked licorice and wormwood

This is a good blend of herbs. To 40 g of licorice root and centaury herb, add 10 grams of wormwood, horsetail and thyme. Everything is crushed as much as possible. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and heat for 15 minutes over low heat.

Thyme with wormwood

For 80 g of ordinary fresh thyme, take 20 g of fresh wormwood. Grind and dry, pour a liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 12 minutes. Leave for an hour and drink up to three times a day before meals, 80 ml. The course of treatment lasts 50 days, then you need to take a break and repeat the treatment.


You need to pour 40 g of grass into a glass ordinary water, put on fire for 10–15 minutes. Take carefully orally, no more than a large spoon, up to six times a day.

Thyme combined with oregano

Take two tablespoons of thyme and oregano. All you need to do is pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave. Then boil for 16 minutes. Drink a glass of warm decoction when intoxicated.

Sour sorrel

There is a lot of this herb in the garden and in the wild. To treat alcoholism with folk remedies at home, you need to pour 200 grams of the crushed root of the plant into a liter of water. Leave overnight, then boil for 10 minutes and cool. Drink 200 ml before meals. For the treatment of chronic alcoholism, the course should be 10 days.


You will need the root of this poisonous plant. Pour a glass of water into a teaspoon of crushed root. Boil for five minutes. Give to drink to induce aversion to alcohol. Suitable for secret treatment when the alcoholic does not want to get rid of addiction on his own.

Attention! The plant is poisonous, beware of overdose. Before starting treatment, consult your doctor so as not to harm the person even more.

Oat decoction

Add 300 grams of unpeeled oats to three liters of water. Put on fire and boil for half an hour, then drain the water. Add 100 grams of calendula flowers, set aside overnight. Take a glass up to three times a day, before meals.

Tea and coffee

Important! Healing drinks are taken without sugar. If there is perspiration, increased urine output, the drink begins to work. You need to drink it warm for a course of two weeks.

The best collection of herbs

IN equal sizes Take wormwood and herb in the usual form of yarrow, add St. John's wort, mint, angelica, thyme and regular juniper. Be sure to brew in a teapot made exclusively of porcelain. For 20 g of mixture, one mug of water is enough.

Coffee with hoof

Preparing this option for treating alcoholism with folk remedies at home is also not difficult. To coffee prepared on the stove in a Turk (a small cup, like espresso coffee, is enough), add a pinch of crushed coffin powder. One-time use is sufficient. A repeat is possible in a couple of days.

Honey as a way to get rid of

The lack of such a trace element as potassium in the body is a consequence of alcoholism. The natural product contains a lot of potassium, so regular honey can reduce the craving for drinking alcohol.

Important! Some people say that the best remedy There is nothing better against disease than bee venom. But this is a dangerous option traditional treatment, which must be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

As for honey itself and other beekeeping products (death, propolis) - this is a good aid to get out of binge drinking. You can add dried apricots, nuts and raisins to honey.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for treating alcoholism have become widely used due to their effectiveness.


Soda is often used as a remedy for binge drinking in the initial stages of alcoholism or as an aid for hangover syndrome. To get a person out of a binge, you need to give him a soda solution to drink (1 tsp per 200 ml of water). For deeper cleansing, drink 3 glasses and induce vomiting.

To get rid of a hangover, you need to prepare 5 g of soda per 500 ml of water (for very bad conditions, take 10 g). Seal the patient with this solution. Do not forget that frequent consumption of soda leads to gastritis.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf therapy is very simple. To do this, you need to pour 1 whole bay leaf with vodka, and give the resulting tincture to a dependent person to drink. This is the most common method that shows results after the first time.

Other recipes:

  • Pour 12 g of leaves into 300 ml of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink the resulting decoction throughout the day;
  • Pour 2 bay leaves and one plant root with 250 ml of vodka, place in a dark place to brew for 2 weeks. After the time has passed, drink the tincture at one time. The method is fraught with poisoning and should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Will hypnosis help?

Of course, home hypnosis is a complex matter and beyond the capabilities of a beginner. But, if they want to get rid of the habit, many turn to various hypnotists who come to their home. You need to understand that hypnosis does not affect the consciousness of every person. Plus, it’s difficult to find a good specialist.

During the treatment of alcoholism with such a folk remedy as hypnosis, a specialist instills in a person necessary settings and reflexes. Then the installed settings are triggered by the smell of alcohol, not to mention the taste of a drink with alcohol.

Treatment without the knowledge of the patient

In fact, if the patient does not want to get rid of this disease and alcohol addiction, treatment is unlikely to produce long-term results. It is even more dangerous and unethical to treat a person without his knowledge. Therefore, any folk remedies are an addition to the main treatment.

Herbal tea recipe

  1. 3 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over thyme, cover with a lid, let steep for 2-3 hours, then strain.
  2. The course of treatment is a week; if the patient drinks during this period, vomiting will begin every time.

Tincture recipe

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Pour 500 ml of 60% alcohol into powdered red pepper (capsicum).
  2. Let it brew for 1 week.
  3. Add 2-3 drops of tincture per liter of alcoholic beverage.

Causes vomiting and aversion to alcohol.

Female alcoholism

When treating female alcoholism, complex therapy with medications can give a good result. Recommendations of traditional healers for getting rid of alcohol addiction:

  • in 3 medium sour apples stick 5 nails in for a day, then take them out and stick them into the next 3 apples, and eat those from which the nails were pulled out during the day (course of treatment is 6 weeks);
  • 1 tsp. green tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let steep for 5-10 minutes, drink 4 times a day.

Doctors do not confirm the effectiveness of these methods in the fight against female alcoholism, but these recommendations can often be found on the Internet.

Beer alcoholism

Therapy to combat beer addiction can be carried out using honey:

  • eat 6 tsp. honey;
  • after 20 minutes, consume honey in the same amount;
  • then repeat the procedure after 2 hours.

The next day, do the same; if the patient asks for a drink, you can give him a little (no more than 100 ml). On this day it is already necessary to eat in small quantities between doses of honey. Thus, due to the replenishment of potassium deficiency, an aversion to alcohol appears.

Important! Use the recipe if you are sure that you are not allergic to honey.

As you can see, there are many options for treating alcoholism at home. Some methods, for example, various decoctions, do not require agreement with the addicted person. The alcoholic thinks that the body has begun to reject alcohol. However, such treatment is unpredictable and can lead to poisoning and deterioration of human health.

Alcoholics are coded and treated in drug treatment clinics. To avoid such an unpleasant fate, you need to gather your willpower and try to get rid of the oppressive addiction yourself, using folk remedies for alcoholism as an auxiliary weapon. Medications used to treat alcohol addiction are unsafe, and they are not available without a prescription from a narcologist. Folk recipes are simple, accessible and tested through the experience of more than one generation.

To drink or not to drink

How to determine the line between moderate drinking and developing addiction, which should become a signal about the desired cessation of drinking altogether. Alcoholism in its early stages is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • desire to drink for no reason;
  • the desire to drink even small doses of alcohol more than three times a week;
  • disappointment and irritability if an attempt to take a dose of alcohol fails for some reason;
  • aggression towards relatives who suggest not drinking at all, or at least today;
  • Priority in communication is given to people who frequently drink alcohol.

Important! If you feel something like this, do not create illusions - this is alcoholism, just a child. If you don’t stop it now, after a while he will grow up, mature, and you won’t be able to cope with it, especially on your own. Encodings are not always effective, and you will have to be treated with toxic medications. The family will fall apart or the relatives will tolerate the alcoholic, hoping for a miracle. Experienced alcoholism dies at the same time as its owner.

The first thing you need to do to free yourself from drinking is to be determined to overcome your addiction. Secondly, find a suitable tool to help you achieve your plans. In search of a reliable assistant for independently combating drunkenness, there are two ways:

  • drugs recommended by traditional medicine;
  • traditional methods of treating alcoholism.

When the craving for drunkenness and alcoholism has not completely consumed a person, it is advisable to prefer folk remedies for drunkenness that are gentler on the body, but especially effective in the initial stages. Herbal decoctions and infusions, and other drugs made from natural ingredients, will not only reduce alcohol dependence, but also cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, improve overall well-being and vitality.

Getting rid of alcoholism using folk remedies

When using folk remedies to treat alcoholism, you can choose one of the anti-alcohol recipes or use several drugs at the same time. Prepared medicinal products against alcoholism are divided into milder ones, used in the early stages of a developed addiction, and more effective ones, capable of liberation from alcohol addiction even in advanced forms of the disease.

Drugs belonging to the first group of folk remedies for alcohol have a less pronounced anti-alcohol effect with a significant restorative effect on the body. Drugs from the second group can cause a persistent aversion to alcohol, comparable to the effect of anti-alcohol tablets, but some prescriptions for alcoholism should be used with caution due to possible intoxication with the components of the drug if the dose is exceeded.

Recipes for drugs used in the early stages of alcoholism

The folk remedies for drunkenness described below are suitable for those who independently decided to “quit.” Most folk medicines are designed for long-term gradual elimination of cravings for alcohol while simultaneously improving the overall health of the body.

  1. Bay tincture. Place two medium bay leaves into a glass of a forty-degree drink and keep it in a warm room for at least two weeks. The resulting laurel tincture is taken in a tablespoon immediately before meals. The frequency of use of the tincture corresponds to the number of meals. Taking alcohol simultaneously with the course of treatment provokes unpleasant dyspepsia (diarrhea, nausea, possible vomiting). After a week's course, it is recommended to take a ten-day break. During the period of interruption of taking laurel tincture, you can use another traditional medicine for alcoholism.
  2. Bearberry infusion. A glass of hot water is poured into 2 tablespoons of the leaves of this plant, brought to a boil, removed from the heat and covered with a warm cloth for 10-15 minutes. The cooled drug is filtered and cooled. The infusion is taken at least 5 times daily. A two-month course will show effectiveness against beer addiction.
  3. Curly sorrel decoction helps to get out of binge drinking, relieves hangover intoxication. As a self-medication, the decoction is taken at least 5 times daily without fear of overdose (the product is completely non-toxic). This is how it is prepared. The root of the plant (a tablespoon) placed in half a liter of water is boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which it is infused under a warm cloth for 3 hours. The cooled and strained broth is ready to combat drunkenness and alcoholism in the first stages.
  4. Herbal infusion. Chopped creeping thyme, wormwood and centaury are taken in a ratio of 4:1:1 and mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for an hour and filtered. The infusion should be drunk before meals (1-2 tablespoons). The product gradually forms the body’s rejection of any alcohol-containing drinks, while simultaneously promoting cleansing of toxins.

  1. Complex infusion. You will need peppermint, St. John's wort, wormwood and yarrow in equal volume parts, which are mixed thoroughly. Chopped juniper berries and angelica root are added to the herbal mixture. A dessert spoon of the resulting substrate is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is allowed to brew for 10 minutes. The strained anti-alcohol drug is drunk four times a day, a quarter glass. The product has a mild anti-alcohol and detoxifying effect.
  2. Anti-alcohol medicine made from oat grains and calendula flowers. Pre-washed oats are poured into an enamel pan (3 l) to half the volume. The grains are poured with water so that it covers the oats on a finger, put the tank on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour. The resulting broth is drained, adding one and a half glasses of calendula flowers. The liquid with the added calendula is brought to a boil again, removed from the heat and wrapped in a warm cloth. After 10-12 hours, the product is ready (after straining). Take a glass of it with meals, which leads to an aversion to alcohol on the 4-5th day of treatment.
  3. Lamb decoction. Pour boiling water (200 g) into two tablespoons of chopped plant branches, then cook for half an hour over low heat. The resulting decoction is added to alcohol when there is a strong desire to drink. The consumed alcoholic drink is immediately rejected by the body through the gag reflex. Several such “sessions” develop an aversion even to the smell of ethanol.

If an addict wants to stop drinking, they can help get rid of alcohol addiction on their own using the listed folk remedies for alcoholism. The most effective drugs that are used even to discourage hardened alcoholics from drinking a bottle without their knowledge will be described below.

Folk remedies with increased anti-alcohol effectiveness

Treatment of alcohol addiction with folk remedies is also possible at the stage of stable addiction, when the patient’s consciousness is altered and the person, who has lost criticism of his condition, does not realize the seriousness of the problem. It is impossible to get the consent of hardened alcoholics to treat addiction, so as a way out, you can try discreetly mixing one of the folk remedies listed below into food or drink.

Important! The agents listed below are potent, so the recommended dosage must be followed.

  1. A drug made from the chitinous shell of crayfish. The shells of boiled crayfish are ground to the smallest particles. The resulting substrate is quietly added to the patient’s food at each meal, half a dessert spoon. Having consumed alcohol during the period of treatment with chitin for crayfish, the addict experiences severe nausea, often ending in one or a series of vomiting attacks. The drug is used until the patient completely stops drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. Tincture of walnut inflorescences. The inflorescences are collected at the moment of flowering. To prepare the product, use fresh and shade-dried inflorescences. The glass bottle is filled ¾ full with plant substrate, after which vodka is poured to the top. The tincture will be ready after ten days of aging, when it is filtered and bottled. The further task of relatives who are not indifferent to the problems of an alcoholic is to place the bottle with the tincture in a visible place. The addict will find the tincture and drink it without persuasion. The result will be this: instead of the desire to drink more, there will be an aversion to any alcohol. By gradually drinking all the tincture to your alcohol-dependent relative, you will develop a persistent aversion to ethanol in his body.

  1. Infusion of wormwood and thyme. Each of these plants is capable of causing a strong anti-alcohol effect, but together they form an “explosive mixture” that causes the body to reject alcohol-containing drinks. The infusion is easy to prepare. You need to take both components in equal volume fractions and mix. Take about three tablespoons of a mixture of these herbs for a glass of boiling water. The drug is infused for about an hour, after which it is cooled and filtered. The product is mixed into food and various drinks no more than a teaspoon three or four times a day (no more). The course of driving an alcoholic away from alcohol is one to two weeks. Trying to drink alcohol during this period will bring the addict intolerable nausea and other very unpleasant digestive disorders.
  2. Oleander tincture. After grinding, the leaves of the plant (5-6 pieces) are poured with half a liter of vodka (it is better to use a homemade drink). After ten days of aging, the tincture is ready. The patient is given the drug at the time of a hangover, no more than 50 ml. Traditional healers promise that by giving an addicted relative a liter of this anti-alcohol remedy, loved ones will see changes for the better.

Now you know how to cure alcoholism with folk remedies. Which of the described drugs to choose is up to you to decide, based on your alcohol history and health status. Considering the complex physiological reactions that can arise from a patient’s intake of alcohol while using certain folk remedies, consult a traditional medicine specialist before self-medication.

Like any psychoactive substance, alcohol causes physical and mental dependence. The first can be cured without the person’s knowledge, but in order to rid him of cravings for alcohol, the support of loved ones and a healthy environment in the family is required.

Traditional methods should be used with great caution. Violation of the recipe and dosage will lead to extremely negative consequences, including hospitalization and death.

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    How to help a reluctant relative

    • arrhythmia;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • poisoning;
    • stroke;
    • disruption of the nervous system;
    • asphyxia.

    The patient may experience worsening chronic diseases caused by regular drinking: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems.

    There are three main types of recovery from alcoholism at home:

    1. 1. With the help of magic, spells and lapels. Often this method is promoted as time-tested, “traditional”. As a rule, it is chosen on the advice of friends or after viewing an advertisement that guarantees a quick healing result. Such tricks are designed for those who have lost hope of curing alcoholism in a loved one.
    2. 2. A pseudoscientific method based on supposedly declassified developments of the special services, which help even senior Kremlin officials fight the disease. Fraudsters promise to use an electromagnet to suppress the area of ​​the brain responsible for drinking alcohol. In addition, the traditional set of such healers includes miracle bracelets, necklaces, infrared irradiators, and special tablets, the effects of which have been “proven by numerous scientific studies.”
    3. 3. Coding. Through hypnosis, the patient is forever instilled with a complete aversion to alcohol. Unlike the two previous methods, this method is really effective, although not always.
    4. 4. Folk recipes. Some of them - for example, tincture of green bugs - have come down to us since the times of Ancient Rus'. Relatives mix various plants and herbal infusions into food or drinks, which cause nausea, vomiting, fever, and others. painful sensations when drinking alcohol. Over time, the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. Proponents of the method claim that the effect will last until the end of life, however, with the help of folk remedies, only physical dependence can be relieved. This type of assistance in a professional environment is called the method of conditioned reflex therapy for alcoholism.

    Getting rid of physical addiction

    Treatment should preferably be carried out under the supervision of qualified professionals. However, often binge alcoholics refuse to recognize themselves as such, so desperate relatives carry out procedures for getting rid of addiction on their own without the consent of the patient.

    Treatment with medications

    Most people prefer to solve the problem of alcoholism without turning to doctors. Many people choose medications that can be divided into those that relieve hangovers and those that relieve cravings for alcohol. Among the first are paracetamol, aspirin, and also succinic acid. These medications, available in any home medicine cabinet, can relieve the discomfort that occurs with a hangover.

    Drugs that relieve cravings for alcohol are not widely used in Russia. An analogue of the American “Gold Standard” is Proproten-100, but experts say that it does not have the effect stated in advertising. There are also drugs that cause alcohol intolerance. The most famous of them:

    • Lidevin;
    • Esperal;
    • Colma;
    • Teturam;
    • Tetlong 250.

    High prices and inaccessibility in countries Customs Union are the main disadvantages of medications to combat alcohol addiction.

    Coding without the knowledge of the patient

    The coding method for alcoholism is based on the theory that the patient can be given the appropriate setting during sleep, when suggestibility supposedly increases.

    The procedure is repeated every night until the suggestion begins to take effect. Despite its apparent simplicity, in some cases the method gives positive results.

    Folk remedies

    The effectiveness of folk remedies depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The main advantage of the method is gradual weaning from alcohol. This is how the patient comes to an independent decision to stop drinking. An alcoholic believes that his body cannot cope with alcohol. Suffering from complications and pain, he decides to get rid of bad habit without unnecessary persuasion.

    Preventative methods

    The degree of intoxication of the body decreases if a person drinks a lot of alcohol. Ordinary dishes of meat, fish, smoked meats and fried foods help if an alcoholic is in the first stage of the disease, or in cases where a healthy person sometimes goes on a binge. For a chronic drinker with experience, the snack does not have the desired effect.

    Green tea helps reduce the risk of developing the disease if you drink 4-5 cups per day. The body is cleansed of toxins, and the craving for alcohol decreases. Only loose green tea is suitable for treatment. Analogues in sachets do not contain enough nutrients.

    Another remedy for maintaining poor health at home is honey. It strengthens the immune system, enriches the body with microelements and vitamins, including potassium, the lack of which provokes cravings for alcohol. Bee honey should be taken 1 teaspoon every half hour on the first day after quitting the binge. After a few days, reduce the dose and frequency of administration. During the first week you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of honey.

    Lemon juice with sugar and water will help improve the condition of an alcoholic. It contains vitamin C and antioxidants, which facilitate the elimination of products formed during the breakdown of ethanol. Detoxification is easier if you take lemon juice on an empty stomach every day. At the same time, the desire to get hung up with new doses of vodka disappears. Sour apples have a similar effect.

    Important! The latter method is contraindicated for people suffering from heartburn, ulcers and gastritis.

    Potent methods

    To treat people suffering from alcoholism for several years, methods are used that cause an acute reaction of the body to alcohol, even in cases where the patient does not want to change his life.

    Dung mushroom

    This is an effective method that is most often recommended to friends through word of mouth. After drinking alcohol, a person suffering from alcoholism begins to experience nausea, vomiting, headaches and discomfort.

    The found mushroom is cut into small slices, the pieces are placed in a frying pan and dried over low heat, adding more in the process. vegetable oil. After all the moisture has been removed from the mushroom, the slices are crushed in a coffee grinder. 1 tbsp. l. dung beetles are added to the dish unnoticed by the drinker. A person who has tasted food mixed with mushroom powder reacts painfully to subsequent drinking:

    • the complexion becomes purple and then purple;
    • the tips of the ears and nose turn pale;
    • a feeling of thirst appears, alternating with nausea;
    • body temperature increases;
    • vision decreases;
    • speech becomes incoherent;
    • Sometimes side effects occur in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

    The reaction occurs one and a half to two hours after drinking alcohol and goes away after the same period of time. The course of treatment with dung fungus lasts up to 10 days. The maximum permissible dose is 3 g per meal, but not more than twice a day. Dung beetle is extremely toxic, so it is necessary to follow the dosage recommendations and promptly respond to the occurrence of severe side effects, otherwise the treatment will not bring the desired result.

    Tincture of green bugs

    This is an old and very effective method. To prepare, you need to find several insects living in raspberry bushes, add them to vodka and leave for 3 days. The bugs must be removed before giving the bottle to the drinker.

    To obtain the effect, it is enough for the patient to take 50 g of the resulting mixture daily. The inevitable aversion to alcohol lasts from two weeks to six months.

    Clefthoof root

    This is one of the most effective ways to combat alcoholism. 1 tbsp. l. dried crushed roots of the coffin are poured with 250 ml of water, the liquid is placed on low heat and waited for 5 minutes, then the broth is cooled for an hour. After this, the mixture is filtered and refrigerated for 6 hours.

    1 tbsp. l. The resulting infusion is added to a bottle of vodka. After taking the mixture, the alcoholic feels nausea and a general deterioration in his condition. With regular use, a persistent gag reflex from alcohol is developed.

    Important! Clefthoof is a poisonous plant. It is necessary to ensure that the patient does not take more than 2 tablespoons at a time.

    Thyme infusion

    Dried thyme (creeping thyme) is sold in any pharmacy. There are many recipes for tinctures from this plant. For example, 15 g of thyme is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. The resulting solution is filtered and diluted with water to a volume of 500 ml.

    The infusion is taken 50 ml half an hour before meals.

    Red pepper infusion

    Not to be confused with pepper, which alcoholics love to drink!

    Recipe: 20 g of ground red pepper is poured into 500 ml of 60-degree alcohol, the liquid is tightly closed in a container and left in a cool, dark place. The mixture is shaken from time to time, and after 15 days the liquid is filtered.

    Red pepper infusion works best dissolved in wine or a wine drink. It is enough to add a few drops to a glass or shot glass. The effect is similar to that produced by a dung mushroom or an infusion of thyme: a person feels a severe headache, feels nauseous and vomits, which causes the craving for alcohol to disappear.

    Sweet syrup

    Helps relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare, take 80 grams of tansy flowers and 2 tbsp. l.yarrow flowers, then infuse the plants in 2 liters of water for 24 hours. The resulting liquid is put on fire and removed a few seconds before boiling, the cycle is repeated after 6 hours, then the broth is filtered, 4 tbsp is added. l. honey, 6 tbsp. l.sugar and boil for 5-7 minutes. The finished product is filtered, the foam is removed and allowed to cool.

    The syrup is stored in the refrigerator. It should be given 25 ml daily (half an hour before meals and before bedtime). The duration of treatment is 8-10 weeks. If necessary, the cycle is repeated after a month.

    Herbal decoctions and infusions

    A relatively safe method that helps in the treatment of addiction. Wormwood and centaury are mixed in equal proportions and a decoction is made. Taking such a drink, the alcoholic gradually feels disgusted with drinking.

    You can get a person out of binge drinking with the help of a decoction of sorrel roots. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. root of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The broth is kept in a sealed container over low heat for 5 minutes, the resulting mixture is infused for 3-4 hours. The medicine is taken 6 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

    Another known folk remedy is hazel catkins, which appear in the spring. They fill a 500 ml jar or bottle, after which the container is filled with vodka. The mixture is infused for 9-10 days. The finished tincture is filtered.

    Oat decoction helps restore the liver and affects the perception of alcohol. Take 1 kg of oats, wash it well, then add 2 liters of water. The liquid is boiled over low heat for half an hour, then the broth is drained and 100 g of calendula is added. The mixture is poured into a container with an airtight lid and left for 11-13 hours, wrapped in a blanket. The solution is taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

    To normal sauerkraut add 3 tsp. green tea. In addition, for every kilogram of cabbage you need to put about 300-400 g of beets, celery, and carrots in a jar. Eating such pickles allows you to recover from alcohol addiction.

    Folk recipes for beer alcoholism and female drunkenness

    Beer alcoholism is not as dangerous as addiction to strong alcoholic drinks, but it is still a disease. To treat it, a grape diet is used. The principle of action is similar to replacing cigarettes with seeds or caramel candies: grapes are eaten until the craving for beer disappears completely.

    Depending on the degree of addiction, it takes from 2 months to six months. Intoxication from constant drinking of beer is relieved with apples and pumpkin juice, which has a beneficial effect on the liver.

    Among folk recipes To treat alcoholism in women, a collection of 3 herbs is used. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the thyme, cover tightly with a towel and wait 15-20 minutes. The cooled solution is taken 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

    To prepare bearberry infusion, grind 20 g of plant leaves and mix with 250 ml of boiling water, put the liquid on low heat and wait 15 minutes. The decoction is taken 1 tbsp. l.every 2 hours.

    To convince a woman of the need to take tinctures, we can say that these medications improve complexion and help get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes.

    Getting rid of mental addiction

    An alcoholic can develop an aversion to alcohol on a physical level, but treatment with medications and folk remedies gives only a short-term effect. Sooner or later the patient experiences a relapse. To overcome addiction, a person needs the support of loved ones.

    The convalescent person should not be burdened with work. The more responsibilities, the sooner the temptation to drink will appear. It is also not recommended to play psychological games with a patient: praising a sober person and scolding a drunk person.

    Relatives should know that the drinker is not able to control the amount of alcohol consumed and build full-fledged relationships with loved ones. Creating a healthy environment in the family should fall on the shoulders of spouses and children. You cannot start quarrels and scandals, issue ultimatums or in any way blackmail the patient. If faced with a choice - to quit drinking or leave the family - an alcoholic can easily choose the latter.

    Final recovery is facilitated by playing sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude and breaking previous contacts with drinking buddies. For additional advice, relatives should contact competent specialists: psychiatrists and professional narcologists. They will give recommendations on the behavior of loved ones during the treatment period.


Any type of alcoholism is an addiction that has a destructive effect on physical health human, spiritual. First, brain poisoning occurs, followed by complete dependence, which destroys families and people’s destinies. In society, they try to avoid alcoholics, and people suffering from the disease try to cure it on their own, at home. Treating alcoholism at home is quite effective method struggle, and many patients emerge from the pit of binge drinking and hangover.

How to treat alcoholism at home

Treating alcoholism at home will be effective if the patient himself wants to achieve results. It is impossible to cure addiction without the consent of the alcoholic in any way. A motivating factor is needed, and then methods of getting rid of alcohol such as tinctures, decoctions, teas, and other drinks are used. The course of getting rid of addiction lasts different times and is selected individually, but for some patients a month is enough.

First, you need to get rid of the company of friends who provoke a person to drink alcohol. You may even need to leave the city for a change of scenery. It is advisable to introduce the person to a former alcoholic who has already successfully completed this method of treatment and can easily do without drinking alcohol. If the patient is determined to be treated, all means have been prepared to combat alcoholism, you should come up with an activity that will distract the patient, occupational therapy.

Detoxification at home

When a person goes on a binge, he consumes more than a liter of any alcohol for at least several days. At such moments, the body begins to suffer from intoxication. The method of dealing with binge drinking is quite simple - it is necessary to detoxify, that is, remove all toxins and dangerous substances from the body. To relieve the patient from feelings of anxiety, a feeling of insanity and a terrible hangover, you can use some of the folk remedies.

First aid for binge drinking is to drink plenty of tea, mineral water, and juices. It is necessary to offer food that will normalize the gastrointestinal tract: fermented milk products, low-fat broths. It is advisable to drink not only water, but also vitamins. You can give an injection of vitamins B1, B2, B6. The following folk remedies will help against alcoholism: tea with herbs, motherwort tincture, valerian.

Drug treatment of alcoholism

The easiest and fastest way is drug treatment for alcoholism. The effectiveness is not affected by the psychological mood of the addict; this effect perfectly complements other means of treatment. All medications today are divided into three types:

  • relieve hangovers;
  • relieve cravings for alcoholic beverages;
  • cause aversion to any alcohol.

Coding for alcoholism at home

Many people who suffer from alcoholism are afraid of judgment from strangers and even loved ones. People often turn to groups like Alcoholics Anonymous for help after detox. Not everyone can go to the clinic; in this case, they call specialists to get coded at home. When a narcologist comes to a home, he always talks to the patient and finds out the exact reason for his addiction to alcohol. Before treatment (coding), the doctor asks you to take several tests to understand the overall picture of your health.

Coding for alcoholism can take place in two ways: medication and psychological. Drug treatment at home with medications is the most popular method, because it does not require special equipment. The psychological method for recovery from alcoholism is both longer lasting and more effective. It is suitable for people with a stable psyche.

How to treat alcoholism

Treatment of alcoholism at home occurs in several stages. Initially, the patient’s body must be brought back to normal, cleansed of toxins. For this purpose, medications, injections and vitamins are used. Then you can effectively use the help of narcologists, coding (psychological or medicinal) and folk remedies. The choice of how to treat alcoholism at home depends only on the desire and condition of the patient.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

If a hangover turns into a binge or has an incredibly painful effect on a person, it is necessary to resort to medicinal methods- IVs. It is advisable to call a narcologist who has a certificate, his own equipment, and medications. The composition of the detoxification drip includes: glucose, saline solution or Hemodez. There must be vitamins. Sometimes the doctor suggests a double drip, but it is important to know the exact condition of the kidneys. If they cannot remove a certain amount of fluid, a double drip is prohibited.


To get out of a binge or get rid of a hangover, medicine has offered options for pills that can help. In order not to harm the body, it is recommended to use only those medications prescribed by the doctor. In case of alcohol poisoning, not all tablets can cope with the removal of toxins. The following will be effective: Thiamine, Clonidine, Benzodiazepines, Tiapride, etc. You should not select and take medications on your own without specifying a prescription and exact doctor’s instructions.

Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies at home

Treatment of alcoholism at home can be based on folk remedies. When the patient’s body has already been brought back to normal and taken out of the binge, it is recommended to start using traditional medicine. The most popular methods in the fight against alcohol poisoning There are recipes with honey, apples, bay leaves, and various tinctures. Options and indications vary greatly:

  1. Honey: on the first day the patient is given 6 teaspoons of honey good quality, after another 20 minutes, you need to repeat the dose, and after another 20 minutes, 6 spoons again. After 2 hours you need to repeat the entire scheme. This treatment lasts two days. The next day after the first dose of honey, we give the patient a light breakfast, which ends with 4 tablespoons of honey. Treatment is based on the belief that alcoholism causes a person to lack potassium, which makes them want to drink alcohol. Honey removes this deficiency.
  2. Bay leaf: pour 250 grams of vodka into a glass, add bay root and two leaves. Whether to strain the mixture or not is up to you. Afterwards everything is infused for two weeks. They say that this tincture discourages the desire to drink alcohol and causes a terrible disgust for it. This is an old folk method that helps fight addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  3. Apples can be considered an interesting way to treat alcoholism at home. They say that you need to put 6-7 nails in each apple and leave them for a day. After this, give the patient three apples a day for six weeks. The apples must be sour. Even if the remedy does not completely help, the condition of the alcoholic’s body should improve significantly.

Treatment of alcoholism with herbs

People try to resort to folk remedies when drug treatment does not help. Many claim that a specific collection of herbs can relieve addiction and cure alcoholism (sorrel, peony, European hooffoot). The following recipe is considered the most effective collection of herbs:

  1. Take creeping thyme – 4 tsp, wormwood – 1 tsp, centaury herb – 1 tsp.
  2. One tablespoon of the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and left for two hours.
  3. 30 minutes before meals, the patient should be given 1-2 tablespoons. drink 3 times a day. The course lasts 3 months.

How to get rid of a hangover at home

U modern man no time for a hangover. It is advisable to get rid of it quickly and effectively. The first thing to do is drink a lot of water and get a good night's sleep. If this is not possible, a contrast shower and a hearty breakfast (preferably hot soup) can help. If food does not go well, then it is better not to provoke the body into nausea and vomiting. Great option for the gastrointestinal tract there will be fermented milk products. You can restore the water balance with brine or kvass.

What to do if you have alcohol poisoning

If the stage of poisoning is not so critical and does not go away with complications, then alcohol poisoning can be dealt with at home. It is better to offer a patient who is experiencing nausea or vomiting several glasses of drinking water to help flush the stomach. Next, it is worth using an effective method - sorbents. Activated carbon is considered the most popular; there are analogs based on lignin (natural wood), which you can drink from 1-2 pcs. Sorbents absorb harmful substances and toxins. It is recommended to use white coal: this will reduce stomach irritation.

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