Seminar for beginning classroom teachers. Seminar “Creativity of the class teacher or how to achieve success and avoid failures in the educational activities of the class teacher”

Seminar class teachers"Raising a healthy person"
Form of implementation: group
“Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” Socrates
1. Consider the concept of a healthy student.
2. See the real picture of the physical health of students and find out the causes of diseases.
3. Determine the forms of training and education of students, subject to maintaining health.
4. Motivating students for a healthy lifestyle.
Seminar structure
Methods and forms
Expected results
1. Introduction

Formulation of the problem
2 minutes Kl. leaders must understand the goals of the workshop
2. Definition of concepts

Individual work
5 minutes Definition of the concept of “healthy student”
3. Study the problem
10 minutes
Class leaders receive information about the health status of school students;

Find out the causes of diseases
4. Solving the problem

Small group work 10 minutes
Cl. leaders suggest ways to reduce student illnesses
5. Final discussion

Debate 15 minutes The health of students is the concern of parents, teachers, doctors, and the students themselves.
6. Conclusion

Summary 3 minutes
From a healthy student to a healthy personality.
Seminar progress

I. Introduction
One of the most important social problems of our time is the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children. This is not accidental, because children make up the majority of the younger generation and are our future, the future of the entire country.
Today we gathered for a seminar on the topic: “Raising a healthy student.” What do you expect from this seminar?
(Teachers express their opinions, I write them down on the “Our Expectations” poster).
II. Definition of concepts
A state of health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. The health of children depends on factors such as the condition environment, living conditions and upbringing of a child in a family, in an educational institution.

A significant factor shaping children's health is the system of education and training, including physical education, mental health care, and the organization of medical care.
For many years, health in society was understood as the absence of disease. From this it followed that a doctor should be in charge of human health. However, it turned out that no one can help a person improve his health if he himself does not want it and does not work on it. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in the younger generation an attitude towards health as a life value, which is an important part of the basis of personal achievements.
Here are the definitions of health given by the World Health Organization (WHO).
“Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.”
But what is said in the book by Shatalov G.S. “Philosophy of Health”:
“Health is a state of mind, emotional, psychological and physiological spheres of a person’s life, which creates the most favorable conditions for the flourishing of his personality, his talents and ways of life.”

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow, secondary school No. 426 Methodological topic “Organization of a healthy socio-cultural environment for the formation of a socially active, resilient individual, capable of independently and responsibly building their own life, being able to put into practice behavior patterns learned in the process of education and self-education” “The Art of Education” has the peculiarity that to almost everyone it seems familiar and understandable, and otherwise easy - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that education requires patience..., but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also necessary.” K.D. Ushinsky. 1. Providing assistance in increasing the competence and professional skills of each class teacher, improving the forms and methods of organizing educational work. 2. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents. 3. Ensuring the implementation of uniform fundamental approaches to the education and socialization of students. . 4. Coordination of planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities of class groups. 5. Study and generalize interesting experience of working as a class teacher. 6. Formation of high spiritual and moral qualities in students. 7. . Increasing the level of education of students MO class teachers GBOU secondary school No. 426 is an association of class teachers of primary, middle, senior levels, which coordinates their scientific, methodological and organizational work. Organizes collective planning and collective analysis of the life activities of class groups. Coordinates the educational activities of class groups and organizes interaction in the pedagogical process. Develops and regularly adjusts the principles of education and socialization of students. Organizes the study and mastery by class teachers of modern educational technologies, forms, and methods of educational work. Discusses social and pedagogical programs of class teachers and creative groups of teachers, materials for summarizing advanced teaching experience work of class teachers. Evaluates the work of members of the association, petitions the school administration to reward the best class teachers. 1. The work plan of the Moscow Region is approved for a period of one academic year at a meeting of the association (if necessary, adjustments can be made to it). 2. The class teachers’ educational plan is part of the school’s annual work plan. 3. Meetings of the Moscow Region are held 4-5 times per academic year. 4. Meetings of the MO are recorded (issues discussed by the MO, decisions and recommendations are indicated). 5. Reports, messages made at meetings of the Ministry of Defense, notes on the development of educational activities are submitted to his methodological “piggy bank”. 6. At the end of the school year, an analysis of the activities of the MO is presented to the school administration.  Opening speech by the chairman of the Moscow Region about the problem and purpose of the meeting.  Speech on the topic of the meeting.  Exchange of experience as a class teacher.  Review of methodological literature.  Recommendations.  Current issues. Analysis of work Objectives Study and generalization of experience Calendar plan Work on Preparation of certification of creative work Improvement of teachers' work, professional Schedule Performance of skills in conducting open events  Methodological sessions  Didactic stands  Trainings  Review of ideas for the personal development of a child  Business games  Workshops, seminars  Master class  “Brainstorming”  Express - questionnaire on the diversity and multi-capacity of activities. wide range of responsibilities. the joy of communication, the circle of your children. the desire to be needed by their students, the joy of small achievements and big victories in raising a person. My class project The class teacher's portfolio Diagnostic materials Minutes of parent meetings Methodological materials A collection of educational activities A systematic approach is fundamental in the activities of class teachers. The main directions of the systematic approach 1. The student and morality 2. The student is a patriot and citizen 3. The student and his health 4. Communication and leisure of the student 5. Aesthetic education 6. The student and his family 7. Career guidance 8. Etiquette rules September - “Home, in which I study" October - "Teacher is a long-range profession, the main one on Earth" November - "You must be a citizen" December - "Father Frost's Workshop" January - "Be healthy" February - "Dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland" March - "In the world beautiful" April - "The Earth's native beautiful corner" May - "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" Cyclogram of the work of the Moscow Region Seminars for class teachers - 1 time a year Meeting of class teachers on parallels - 1 time per month Consultations for class teachers - 1 time per week: assessment practice aimed at studying the individual psychological characteristics of the student and the socio-psychological characteristics of the children's team in order to optimize the educational process. The main conditions for communication between teachers and all students, and especially with leaders, are the following: 1. Confidentiality rules. It means the following: it is prohibited to declassify what a participant in a class entrusts to other participants. 2. Rule of equality of participants. It means that everyone has equal rights: the right to speak out, the right to be heard, the right to ask for help. 3. Rule of sincerity. “Either I say what I think, or I remain silent” 4. Rule of tolerance. It means that the opinions, tastes, and passions of each participant must be respected by everyone. If you can't be a pine tree on a hilltop, be a little tree in the valley. But only the best tree. Be a bush if you can't be a tree. Be the grass by the road and give rest to the weary traveler, If you cannot be a bush. If you can't be a whale, be the most beautiful perch in the lake! If you can't be captain. Someone must be a sailor too. There is a job for everyone on the ship of life, just find your job. If you can't be the sun, Be a star in the sky, Just find your job and try to be the best.

Workshop on the topic “Forms of extracurricular work on moral education.”

Epigraph: Raising children is a risky business, because in case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great work and care, but in case of failure, grief is incomparable to any other. Democritus

Every person, while studying at school, deals with people who have chosen the profession of a teacher. A teacher today is a spectrum of functions, the main one of which is the education of a person in the broadest sense of the word. And if we are talking about education, then, first of all, we are talking about a teacher who combines the qualities of a psychologist, an educator, and a psychotherapist, since it is to him that students turn with their troubles and joys, conflicts with parents, they confide in him children's secrets. How can a teacher organize everything correctly? What forms of work with the class should be a priority for the class teacher? What functions are the main ones in each direction? What diagnostic and correction methods will help make the work of the class teacher effective? We will try to answer these and other questions during our seminar, which is dedicated to moral education. The moral education of children concerns not only class teachers, but every teacher. Any teacher is obliged to introduce children to moral behavior.

Goal of the work:

  • To form in students a moral attitude towards people around them;
  • To form in students an awareness of the value of human life;
  • Enriching the emotional world of students with moral experiences and developing their moral feelings;
  • Systematic accumulation and enrichment of the experience of moral behavior of students through the organization of their practical activities;
  • Organization of moral self-education of students.

What can the class teacher do in this direction?

  1. Develop a desire to know, understand and act in accordance with acquired moral knowledge in real life situations;
  2. Develop the ability to fight and survive in extreme situations. Give examples of other people surviving in similar situations.
  3. Cultivate the student’s interest in himself and the desire to improve himself.
  4. Develop strong-willed qualities student, the ability to critically reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Collaborate with parents and teachers in this direction, using active forms of interaction.
  6. Form a positive attitude towards the customs and traditions of your people, your family; the ability to listen and hear, look and see, realize and draw conclusions about oneself.

Basic concepts of the direction “Morality”

Moral choice, moral education and behavior, outstanding people and their moral values, self-actualization, self-realization, life values ​​and rules, knowledge of ethical teachings, moral experience.

The activity of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned process, built on the basis of the charter of a general education institution, other local acts, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, a person-oriented approach to students, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of a general education institution and situations in the class team. In order to perform their functions pedagogically competent, successfully and effectively, the class teacher must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children of a particular age, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern technologies education. Therefore, today our workshop is devoted to the forms of work of the class teacher in the direction of"moral".

IN modern education The moral education of students acquires no less, if not greater, significance than knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the activities of the class teacher should be aimed at teaching children to love people and life, introducing them to national and universal values. And the forms of work of the class teacher are determined based on the pedagogical situation that has developed at school and in a given class, from traditions. The number of forms is endless: conversations, trainings, discussions, games, competitions, hikes, excursions, competitions, etc. But a special place in the activities of the class teacher is occupied by the classroom hour - a form of organizing the process of direct communication between the teacher and students, during which, in this case, moral problems can arise. The formation of a moral personality is influenced by many social conditions and biological factors, but the decisive ones are pedagogical, as the most controllable, aimed at developing a certain kind of relationship. In this regard, the main role in the moral education of students is assigned to the class teacher. And the following forms of extracurricular work will help the class teacher in developing personality:

  1. thematic cool watch;
  2. moral self-improvement trainings;
  3. discussions on moral issues;
  4. organizing a cycle of moral conversations;
  5. studying the moral heritage of a universal human nature: the golden rule of morality, the commandments of the Sermon on the Mount;
  6. studying the moral heritage of the country's writers and poets;
  7. excursions, acquaintance with historical and memorable places of the country, city:
  8. holiday congratulations to classmates, teachers, surprise moments, competitions;
  9. methods for studying the moral development of personality.

Of course, it's hard to guess full list forms, universal in this direction, because educational work can be structured in different ways. Nevertheless, we will try to present the most common and traditional forms of educational work that are suitable for a significant part of teachers. All presented forms can be carried out with the participation of both one class and for a specific link or parallel.

Let's start with the initial link, namely in primary school the foundation for the development of a moral, spiritually rich personality begins.

Therefore, we propose the following methodology “Storage of Human Qualities”.

Goal: to study the level of moral development of the individual and the team, as well as its subsequent development.

Progress: the technique is designed for younger schoolchildren and is carried out in the form of a game (explanation of the technique).

This technique allows children themselves to set goals for the development of their personality and team.

  • the former are like drought;
  • the second - a little rain;

And then give the task:

Even with the help of a game, you can activate the moral development of younger schoolchildren; also with the help of a game, a child naturally enters into a situation of moral content and at the same time activates the moral consciousness, feelings, and behavior of children. Also, play is the most attractive activity for a child, in which he can express himself and “ask” in a playful way and at the same time acquire a certain moral experience.

So, game - dramatization

The goal is to realize oneself in positive manifestations that are unusual for oneself or, conversely, to realize the negative aspects of one’s behavior. In this case, a dramatization of A. Barto’s poem “Like on Mother’s Name Day.”

Progress of work: analysis and comprehension of stage material. After reading, analyze each phrase and then try to play. It is important that children feel the drama behind the comedy. And it is important for the teacher to trace what feelings this dramatization aroused: laughter (is it meaningful?), pity, condemnation -?

Game simulation- this is the creation of imaginary situations of moral choice. This kind of situation allows not only to diagnose the level of moral development of a child, but also stimulates his self-awareness, requires the child to independently design his actions, penetrate into the internal state of the portrayed character. All this develops a very important ability in the child - the ability to empathize.

Empathy is understanding based on another person's experience. And this is one of the components of a person’s moral model.

For example: the game “Washing Machine”.

In elementary school, the moment of determining the level of morality in students is very important, and then an even more significant task is to guide the child in the right direction, also to begin to develop in students sensitivity, understanding of the state of another person, kindness, the ability to show good manners, politeness, in short, this laying a morally high foundation.


The younger the children, the more important it is that the thoughts and feelings that arise in their minds are recorded in figurative form on paper. Children love to draw, and it is drawing that helps them understand and express their world, to realize the essence of many phenomena. For example: hold a class hour in which to talk about mercy, during which you introduce a passage from the scriptures of Buddhism, in which all people, according to the degree of manifestation of mercy, are divided into 3 groups:

  • the former are like drought;
  • the second - a little rain;
  • still others - the rain, which covers everything around.

And then give the task:

Draw your feeling of people being “like a drought”, “a little rain”, “a rain that covers everything around”. Then compare these drawings and draw conclusions. Color painting, of course, plays a big role in summing up the results.


So that students can feel the meaning and need for a friendly attitude towards each other, and then practice expressing kind feelings towards others, we invite them to line up in two parallel lines facing each other and imagine that they are washing machine, through which each player will pass. The task of the “machine” is to “wash” the one who passes through it, to make him more joyful and happy. To do this, you can pat him on the shoulder, shake his hand, accompanying your actions with words of praise and approval. With any rough movement or word, the car “breaks down”. The game starts again. The discussion after the game will help students understand the feelings that arose when they received benevolent and unkind influences, as well as what they themselves experienced when performing certain actions.

The next age is grades 5-6 (10-12 years old).

For this age, the main thing is to work with terms and concepts that form the theoretical basis of the “Morality” direction. Approximate topics for classroom hours for grades 5-6:

  1. What is morality (form of conduct - conversation)
  2. Origin of morality (dispute)
  3. Moral teachings of the world (conversation)
  4. The ABC of Morality (conversation with dramatization elements)
  5. Trust and Honesty (discussion)
  6. A series of class hours “I am in the world... The world is in me...”, which includes the following topics: “Frivolity. Reasonableness. Laziness. Hard work. Stinginess. Generosity. Thrift. Tact. Philanthropy. Misanthropy."

These developments will help us in the moral education of students, since the changes that have occurred over the past few years in our society make a theoretical revision of the value system urgently necessary. Changes in the youth subculture - ignoring the experience of previous generations, the opinions of adults, distrust of ideals, priority material assets over the spiritual, selfishness, individualism, the growth of sexual non-traditional orientation in relationships - all this influenced the content and structure of the educational activities of the modern school. Therefore, one cannot but agree with V.G. Belinsky: “There are many types of education, but moral education should stand above all.” And psychologists generally believe that after school, all school sciences, as a rule, will be forgotten, leaving only general ideas in memory. Another thing is morality, moral standards, because for future life a person must have a perfect command of the laws of morality. Therefore, starting from the 5th grade, the class teacher is obliged to organize thematic hours of communication in the direction of “Morality” by means of making children aware of universal human values. Also in grades 5-6, such an aspect as changing the teacher, and often the class staff, is important. Therefore, when a student finds himself in a new team, he will not immediately get used to it and it may happen that the child begins to have very big problems when communicating with classmates and stressful situations. First of all, the class teacher should help. In order to unite the team and introduce children to each other, we propose to conduct the following psychological trainings:

"Ode to Myself"

Goal: clarifying your merits, understanding your life and personal participation in it.

Assignment: Take a piece of paper and try to think about yourself and your life. You have the opportunity to write an ode to yourself - a song of praise, write in such a way that your merits are listed and it is clear that you are not living in vain.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion.


We suggest topics for conversation:

  • Woe to people who do not know the meaning of their lives.
  • When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him.
  • A life that leaves no lasting traces is erased with every step forward.

These trainings will help the teacher find out for himself how students comprehend their lives and what strengths they have. Children will also get to know each other and exchange feelings.

Next are grades 7-8. This is the age of 13-14 years, which is characterized by adolescence. This is a difficult age. Therefore, when conducting classroom hours in the direction of “Morals,” much attention should be paid to the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards the world around us, and most importantly, to practice students in the ability to find compromises when resolving conflict situations.

Approximate topics and forms of communication hours recommended for a given age:

  1. Non-conflict, respect, tolerance (role play debate)
  2. Hand conflict (research)
  3. How to Avoid Conflict (Role Play)
  4. Hello man! (discussion)
  5. Everyone has their own scarlet sails in life (conversation)
  6. About goodness (conversation)
  7. Tell me about me (round table)
  8. Is it easy to grow up (conversation).

It is also mandatory for the class teacher to conduct a diagnosis of tolerant behavior, which will help identify conflict students. We propose to carry out the following exercises and games to prevent conflict behavior, which Lilya Sabitovna will talk about - social teacher gymnasium.

We offer the following recommendations for grades 9-10. These are already quite independent guys who often have to take important decisions, the consequences of which will manifest themselves for many years. These should be their own decisions. But we teachers must try to orient, unobtrusively and thoughtfully assess what is happening around.

Approximate topics and forms of communication hours:

  1. Man, like a star, is born (conversation)
  2. The idea of ​​a decent life (conversation)
  3. About mercy (conversation)
  4. Immersion in the world of your Self (discussion)
  5. What is happiness? That I live (dialogue)
  6. The meaning of life is what gives it value! (dialogue)
  7. About loyalty and duty (conversation)
  8. I'm at peace. The world is within me (conversation with diagnostic elements).
  9. The world is huge (literary conversation)

These developments will help class teachers give the right direction to high school students in their future lives and teach them how to reason about people’s destinies.

We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life during his school years. A good memory remains of that teacher with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, and was an interesting person. Most often, this is the class teacher. He really is the closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school.

The activities of a modern class teacher are the most important link in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to students. It is determined by modern tasks that are set before educational institution the world community, the state, parents - the maximum development of each child, preserving his uniqueness, revealing his talents and creating conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection.

The class teacher predicts, analyzes, organizes, collaborates, and controls the daily life and activities of students in his class. The modern class teacher in his activities uses not only well-known forms of educational work, but also includes in his practice new forms of work with the student body. The forms of work are determined based on the pedagogical situation. The number of forms is endless: conversations, discussions, games, competitions, hikes and excursions, competitions, socially useful and creative work, artistic and aesthetic activities, role-playing training, etc.

What should a modern class teacher be like? What is its role in the modern educational process?

The teachers discussed all these questions at the theoretical part of the seminar “New approaches to the work of the class teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”, after listening to the reports:

  1. Innovative activities and approaches to the work of the class teacher within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard (Safonova N.V., Deputy Director for HR);
  2. Technology for preparing and conducting class hours (Lezina Yu.Yu., Deputy Director for MR)
  3. The secret to the success of a modern class teacher (Kamenshchikova L.A., teacher-mentor, class teacher)
  4. “System-activity approach in educational work” (Goryaeva L.B., teacher-methodologist, class teacher).

Prepared for teachers teaching materials (Assessing the effectiveness of a class hour in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard , Technologies of educational work , Forms of conducting a class hour) to prepare open class hours in accordance with the requirements of the standard, which will be held from February 15 to 20 as part of the month of defense mass work.

Also within the framework of the seminar, teachers spoke (Markova L.V., Ivanov D.G., Iskakova G.Z. and Burbak N.N., who attended course events in the village of Yar-Sale on the topics:

  • “Correctional and developmental training and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Disabilities”
  • “Methodological support and preparation of teachers to work with gifted children.”

Topic of the seminar - workshop: System for preventing bad habits among minors

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: Municipal educational institution "Semigorsk secondary school"

The purpose of the seminar-workshop: increasing the competence of teachers on preventing the use of psychoactive substances by students.


1.Develop the ability for cognitive structuring and comprehension

situations, positivity and rational thinking.

2. Learn to develop an active life position.

3.Together with colleagues, solve the problem of drug use prevention

PAS by minors.

Decor: poster with Albert Einstein's statement "Our times are marked by amazing successes" scientific knowledge. How can you not be happy about this? But we must not forget that knowledge and skill alone cannot lead people to a happy and decent life. Humanity has every reason to value the proponents of moral values ​​higher than the discoverers of scientific truths.”

Equipment: Three personal computers, color printer, scanner, Internet access, multi projector.


Demo material:

Presentation “System of preventive work with minors”

Handout: teaching materials and visual aids in electronic and printed form. Three sheets of Whatman paper, three markers, cards (“bricks”) with useful and harmful activities, envelopes with assignments, cards; cards - tasks; blank sheets A - 4.

Progress of the seminar - workshop:

I. Theoretical part

Leading: It’s no secret that smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are quite “contagious” diseases that have taken the form of an epidemic. So isn't it time to think about developing immunity?

The theme of the seminar-workshop is “System for the prevention of bad habits among minors” (Slide 1, 2,3)

Question: How to induce a negative attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances in schoolchildren?

Parable: A traveler walking along the river heard desperate children's cries. Running to the shore, he saw drowning children in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a man passing by, he began to call him for help. He began to help those who were still afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called him for help... But he, not paying attention to the calls, quickened his steps...

“Are you indifferent to the fate of your children?” - the rescuers asked.

The third traveler answered them: “I see that you two can cope. But I’d better run to the turn, find out why children fall into the river and try to prevent it.

Speaker : the school as a social institution has a number of unique opportunities for the successful prevention of bad habits. She can: (Slide 4)

  • Instill in students healthy lifestyle skills;
  • Influence the level of aspirations and self-esteem of children;
  • Work together with the teenager’s family to control the situation;
  • Involve specialists - doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.

There are three main areas of school work to prevent the use of psychoactive substances: (Slide 5)

1. work with children:

1) educational work— improving the cultural level, organizing the wise use of schoolchildren’s leisure time, developing a network of clubs and electives.

All training program average secondary school provides an opportunity to communicate scientific information about the physiological and social consequences of drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking in the study of various disciplines. In the lessons of literature, biology, social studies, history, chemistry, life safety, etc., teachers must find convincing facts that show students the harmful effects of narcotic substances on human health and everyday life.

An important role in preventive work has an alternative activity to the use of surfactants - this is additional education. Analyzing the employment of schoolchildren in clubs and sections over the past three years, it can be noted that there is a gradual increase in the percentage of students participating in leisure activities. Thus, in the 2011-2012 academic year, the coverage of school students involved in clubs and sports sections was 93%, in 2012 - 2013 - 95%. Now - 98%. The employment rate of registered students is 100%.

2) health education- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, development of the physical education movement, eradication of bad habits.

It has been proven that systematic physical activity of a person leads to the production of endorphins, which increase emotions and relieve depression, fears, inferiority complex and self-doubt. Therefore, it is especially important to include regular exercise in the program for the prevention of drug addiction and other bad habits. physical culture, sports and tourism.

3) Public control measures- involving the public in the work.

As part of the Prevention Days, the following participants participate in activities with students:

Medical staff

Department of Internal Affairs employees

Specialists of USZN and TsZN.

When implementing work in this direction, you can use a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms of work: (Slide 6)

  • Physical education minutes in every lesson
  • Daily morning exercises
  • Dynamic breaks conducted by high school students and teachers
  • Health Day (once every quarter)
  • Prevention Day (2 times a year)
  • Themed classroom hours
  • Round tables
  • Master classes
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, thematic wall newspapers
  • Role-playing games
  • Business games
  • Group trainings
  • Psychological theater
  • Brainstorm
  • Discussions
  • Design and research technology
  • Stock
  • Propaganda brigades
  • Laboratory of adolescent issues
  • Interactive games
  • Creation of videos, films, presentations
  • Prevention films
  • Virtual excursions

2. work with teaching staff

Understanding the importance of this problem, the school conducts:

Teachers' councils, pedagogical readings, pedagogical workshops, round tables, training seminars, school methodological associations of class teachers.

3. work with parents

The healthy lifestyle that a schoolchild is taught must be implemented every day at home, that is, reinforced and filled with practical content. To teach parents this, you can use such forms of robots as:

  • Parent readings.
  • Parents' evenings.
  • Thematic, group and individual consultations.
  • Parent trainings.
  • Parent rings.

Thus: (Slide 7) Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances will be effective, will lead to a reduction in the risk of using psychoactive substances and an increase in the quality of a healthy lifestyle if:

Both traditional and modern approaches are used in preventive work

Preventive work is carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children

Children and adults are provided with objective information about psychoactive substances; their impact on humans and the consequences of use.

Coffee pause

II. Practical part

Leading : Today at the seminar-workshop we will understand the problem of preventing bad habits together. To do this, I suggest that all seminar participants divide into three groups and sit at tables separate from each other according to the statement they like. (Annex 1).

(The selected aphorisms reflect the different characters and styles of behavior of people). At the end of the seminar - workshop I will give brief description choice.

Task 1. “Brainstorming”

Each group receives a creative task on a card (Appendix 2), a piece of Whatman paper and a marker.


  • Express as many ideas as possible;
  • Do not repeat yourself, name only new ideas;
  • Don't evaluate ideas.

The groups work on the task for 15 minutes. Then each group nominates its representative, who tells what conclusion their group came to, working using the “brainstorming” method, highlights the problem, demonstrates the completed Whatman paper, and the rest of the participants complement.

  • The teacher must take the first step to meet the teenager and be on a level with him in communication. As a Russian writer said: “Never show that you are smarter than a child; sensing your superiority, he, of course, will respect you for the depth of your thoughts, but he himself will immediately withdraw into himself with lightning speed, hide like a snail in a shell.”

Task 2. Exercise “Wall of Health”

And now we will assemble with you the “Wall of Health”. On our table there are multi-colored bricks on which many interesting and useful activities are written, but among them there are bad habits. (Play sports, read books, eat a lot of sweets, eat a lot of fried and smoked foods, do morning exercises, watch a lot of TV, take care of your clothes, toughen up, smoke, wash your face, play for a long time computer games, spend a lot of time outdoors, brush your teeth, don’t brush your teeth, drink alcohol, eat right, follow a daily routine, study on time, play music, draw, bite your nails, help your mother). Each of you will choose the brick you like and, after reading, decide whether to attach it to the “Health Wall” or throw it in the trash.

Teachers, accompanied by music, take turns coming to the table and, having made a choice, attach bricks to the image of the wall. (Appendix 3).

Conclusion: Primary prevention of surfactant use must be carried out in a comprehensive and differentiated manner.

Task 3. Role play

Each group chooses an envelope with a task in which the family category is indicated (Appendix 4).

The task of each group is to conduct an individual conversation with the “parent” on the prevention of substance abuse, and two people from each group are selected to play the role of teacher and parent, and they role-play the situation. The rest of the group helps.

PROBLEM: My son was seen drunk at a disco.

Each group plays out the situation

  1. How did the prosperous family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  2. How did the dysfunctional family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  3. How did the single-parent family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  4. « a child is a person who brings something to the world;

child - a person who has not achieved independence

and responsibility, and therefore we are responsible for it;

a child is a mystery that is impossible and unnecessary to guess.

For all these reasons, a child is of increased value. The child was given to us so that we could love him.” S. Soloveichik.

A child’s use of psychoactive substances often begins in conditions that we ourselves create. Of course, not consciously, but does that make it any easier? If in the end it turns out that our own children pay for our mistakes in education.

Task 4. Creative workshop

Each group is given a task within 30 minutes to prepare and defend:

Group 1 - Prevention bulletin. (Appendix 5)

Group 3 - Booklet “Advice for Teenagers” (Appendix 7)

For work, colleagues are offered computers, a color printer, a scanner, Internet access, and methodological and visual material in electronic and printed form.

Result: After the seminar-workshop, the finished printed products will be reproduced and distributed among school students and parents.

At the end of the seminar-workshop, I give a brief description of the choice of aphorisms and draw the attention of teachers on what basis like-minded people gathered at each table. (Appendix 8).

Thus: It should be clearly understood that for productive work in the field of prevention of psychoactive substances, an important role should be given to specialists who must operate with modern methodology. In educational institutions, proactive, targeted, systematic work in this direction is necessary.

Work on the formation of psychological immunity to psychoactive substances in children will be more effective and efficient if the teacher enjoys sufficient authority among students. If hearts and souls are drawn to him, then the desire to imitate him, his style of behavior in certain life situations will be limited. The principled views of such a teacher, openness in communication, and the ability to conduct frank conversations on topics that concern the younger generation make the teacher’s influence maximum.

Leading. Parable ( conclusion).

In one distant country there lived a sage; he knew the answers to many questions, and hundreds of people came to him for advice and help. In the same country there lived a young man who, quite recently, was still a child and was just beginning his life’s journey. But he thought that he already knew everything, could do a lot, and didn’t need to listen to other people’s advice. He decided to trick the sage - he caught a butterfly, squeezed it between his palms and asked the sage: “What do I have in my hands - living or non-living?” If the sage answered “living,” he would squeeze his hands harder, the butterfly would die, and the sage would be wrong, and if the sage answered “non-living,” the young man would unclench his hands, the butterfly would fly out, and the sage would be wrong again . But when the young man approached the sage and asked his question, an old man looked at him carefully and said: "ALL IN YOUR HANDS…"

Analysis of the seminar - workshop

The workshop was held on April 26, 2013 for class teachers of the Semigorsk Secondary School. 11 class teachers attended the workshop. This event was held in the school library. The room was prepared in advance for the seminar: a poster was attached, equipment was installed: personal computers, color printer, scanner, Internet connection prepared, cards, teaching aids, albums laid out. Tables have been arranged, wet cleaning has been done and the classroom has been ventilated. Preliminary work included conducting a sociological survey among school students on the use of psychoactive substances.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve three main tasks: educational, developmental and educational.

The purpose of the seminar-workshop: increasing the competence of teachers on the issues of preventing the use of psychoactive substances by students.

During the seminar-workshop, the following methods and forms of work were used: a report accompanied by viewing a presentation, work in groups, brainstorming, role-playing, and a creative workshop.

The workshop consisted of two parts - theoretical and practical.

At the first stage of the event, all organizational aspects were carried out and a goal was set.

Stage II consisted of the theoretical part of the seminar-workshop, where knowledge on preventing the use of psychoactive substances among minors and working with parents on this problem was systematized. This stage of the seminar had a traditional form.

The innovation of this event was the creative activity, which consisted of the production of prevention bulletins, recommendations for parents and booklets with advice for teenagers. The result of this creative activity was the distribution of these printed materials by class teachers among school students and the population of the village. This project was in demand and relevant. Residents respected the work of the teachers - thanked them and studied this material with interest. School students also showed interest in the information offered. High school students expressed their suggestions and wishes, as well as topics for new newsletters.

At stage III, teachers defended their projects, drew conclusions about the event and conducted reflection.

At the seminar-workshop, the class teachers listened with interest and attention to the proposed material, emotionally played a role-playing game, gave their own examples, and played along with the characters in the plot. We brainstormed energetically. We were able to identify the problem and find solutions.

Since the problem of preventing the use of psychoactive substances, not only schools, but also families need to solve it together. Therefore, it was decided in the next academic year to compile school project parental education, since this problem can only be achieved through targeted interaction between family and school.

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