The traffic cops don't go where to call. How to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident? What to do in case of an accident? Actions of the person responsible for the accident

Accidents on the roads are an inevitable companion of our lives. Regardless of which of the participants in the accident is more guilty, in situations where calling a traffic police representative is inevitable, they must be aware of all the intricacies of their further behavior.

And it all starts with a call to the traffic police...

How to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident from a mobile phone?

At any point Russian Federation you can call at any "EMCHE" number 112, which will already switch to the nearest traffic police department.

You can also contact the police by the well-known number 102. The call is free.

  • 020 – for clients of Megafon, MTS and Tele2;
  • 002 – for Beeline users;
  • 902 – this number was allocated by Motiv and Skylink.

Large mobile operators also provide lines for which you don’t have to pay for calls. For example, you can call the police at the following numbers:

In addition, all settlements of the Russian Federation have their own traffic police units. Information about what numbers they can be reached at is available in local telephone directories.

Mandatory cases for calling traffic police officers in case of an accident

First, let's determine in which cases it is necessary to call a patrol car:

  1. If due to an accident passengers were injured and pedestrians.
  2. When an incident is triggered two or more vehicles, including a car with a trailer.
  3. If you suspect inadequacy behavior of one or more accomplices (excessive aggressiveness, being under the influence of drugs or).
  4. If a visual inspection shows that sum material damage exceeds a quarter of a million rubles, and for Moscow and St. Petersburg – 400 thousand.
  5. When causing damage to municipal property - buildings, fences, lamp posts, etc.

What information should be reported?

It is important to remain calm and precise in your communication as much as possible, as every detail can be critical. Here are the main points you should not forget:

  • how many cars became involved in an accident;
  • are there any victims? In this case, it is advisable to roughly assess the severity of the injuries they received;
  • if an accident occurs on the road, its name, exact kilometer, and also what settlement is nearby are reported;
  • when something happens within a populated area, it is advisable to indicate as a guide any notable objects - large shopping centers, famous administrative buildings, train stations, railway crossings, numbers of nearby buildings, etc. Any additional information, for example, about the presence of traffic jams, will also be useful and will allow the traffic police car (Ministry of Emergency Situations, or emergency medical care) choose optimal route and get to the scene of the accident faster.

Procedure for a driver involved in an accident

The first actions after an incident must be carried out by drivers literally on “autopilot”, as prescribed by the Rules traffic:

  • a collision occurs - immediately turn on the hazard warning lights;
  • the next action is to put up an “emergency stop” sign, and within the city limits it is located 15 m behind the vehicle, and on highways - at twice that distance;
  • there are victims - call an ambulance, and, if necessary, a team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • the next step is to call the traffic police;
  • notify the company with which the auto insurance contract has been concluded.

Rules for drawing up a protocol by traffic police officers

Upon arrival at the site after a visual inspection and interview road accident participants and witnesses, traffic police officers first identify the culprit of the accident and draw up a report in a form approved by law. The final decision usually rests with the judiciary. The protocol states:

  • names, patronymics, surnames of drivers involved in the incident;
  • registration data for each vehicle;
  • liability policy numbers;
  • information about the damage the damaged vehicle received.

In addition, the traffic police officer will accept one of two possible solutions- will decide to initiate a case on administrative offense or issue an official refusal. With one of these documents, the injured motorist will go to his insurance company.

In what cases is the Europrotocol drawn up without the participation of the traffic police?

The rule applies only in cases where:

  • collided no more than two cars, and drivers refrain from mutual claims;
  • none of the participants are serious not injured;
  • both sides have a valid ;
  • there are no barriers related to the above-mentioned maximum amount of damages.

In case of minor damage and the absence of impeding circumstances, this civilized method of solving the problem is considered the most optimal.

Be attentive and careful on the roads and may you never need the information received today!

Reading time: 6 minutes

IN modern world Full of dynamics and movement, any road user is not immune from getting into unpleasant situations. Then you need to quickly figure out where to call in case of an accident. The simplest answer is to number 112 (911).

What to do if you get into an accident

Whatever the accident and in whatever place it occurs, it is necessary to immediately stop the vehicle and not move it. After turning off the engine, you need to use the hazard warning lights. Depending on the section of the road, determine the distance at which the sign is installed emergency stop.

Even in cases where drivers of other Vehicle will offer to clear roadway, you cannot give in to their persuasion. For traffic police officers, securing the vehicle directly at the scene of emergency contact is of paramount importance.

Do not touch, pick up or dislodge objects related to. Accurate preparation of a protocol and diagram of an incident requires taking into account the smallest details. A raised mirror or a displaced fender liner may affect the reconstruction full picture what happened. Subsequently, this may make it more difficult to identify the guilty and injured party.

Next, you need to report the accident by phone to the traffic police department. Employees of this service, having gone to the site, record the emergency, existing mechanical damage and describe the situation. A reliable picture of the incident is reflected in, and.

These documents must be verified and signed by those involved in the incident. They need to ensure that the most accurate data is entered into the protocol.

In addition, there is a general and more detailed procedure that prescribes.

Important phone numbers

Statistics indicate that the first actions of those involved in an accident come down to attempts to report the incident by phone. However, frantically clutching the device in their hand, many do not know where to call in the event of an accident.

Someone calls relatives or experienced comrades. Someone is looking for support by reporting unpleasant news to their other half or to the insurance company. Some people understand that they need to call the traffic police. But they cannot figure out how to do this in a specific situation (for example, in a suburban incident).

Who to call if you are involved in an accident depends on the level of the accident and its consequences. It happens that in some cases it is enough to contact only the insurance company. Then the situation is resolved quite simply: the required telephone number is indicated in the policy.

If, as a result of an accident, there is a threat of the vehicle catching fire, and it is not possible to remove some of the participants in the accident from the car, then you will have to call various services.

Rescue services

Thanks to mobile communications any emergency service can be called by dialing 911. If you cannot contact through this number (there is not enough money in your account), you need to dial 112. This is a single number for the duty dispatch system to provide emergency assistance to the population.

By describing a specific situation and its consequences, you can help the officer on duty decide who to call in case of an accident and what special services to send to the scene of the accident.

If a vehicle catches fire or such a situation is suspected, the fire department must be called. To do this, you need to dial number 01 from a mobile or landline phone. The same number is also valid for calling rescuers (Ministry of Emergency Situations). You should speak as calmly, clearly and specifically as possible. The information is provided to the operator in the following order:

  • first of all, the exact address of the incident and its location are called (if communication is suddenly interrupted, firefighters will know the approximate place to provide assistance);
  • the object of fire is specified;
  • additional information is transmitted (how convenient it is to approach the object, whether the situation is threatening);
  • last name, first name, telephone number.

The fire brigade is alerted immediately after the address is reported. All other information is transmitted via radio. Therefore, you need to calmly wait for the end of the conversation, which will be confirmed by the operator.

If there are victims

What is the best number to call in case of an accident, even with seemingly minor injuries, is an ambulance. Often in a traffic accident, victims do not realize the severity of their injuries. In a state of painful shock, the body releases a huge dose of adrenaline into the blood. This leads to temporary blocking of pain receptors. Ambulance doctors will be able to get you out of this state and provide qualified assistance.

Victims are provided with independent first aid in cases of urgent need, based on the basic knowledge acquired. There is no need to show excessive initiative. The method of transporting victims to the hospital should be determined by qualified doctors depending on the nature of the injury. In addition, traffic police officers may regard such attempts as an attempt to leave the scene of the incident without permission.

The telephone number for calling an ambulance has been known since childhood - 03. But dialing it from mobile devices has certain features:

  • if the mobile layout does not allow you to dial two-digit numbers, after entering the required digital combination you need to additionally click on the “asterisk” symbol – 03*;
  • Beeline (VimpelCom) users can simply dial 003;
  • MegaFon and MTS subscribers will call an ambulance at 030;
  • Operators Sky Link and Tele2 Russia provide combination 903 for emergency calls for medical assistance.

Examination of road accident participants by medical professionals on the spot and appropriate recording of their condition may be necessary in further legal or insurance proceedings. Therefore, even in situations that at first glance are not very difficult, it is better to call doctors.

Cellular traffic police

If the incident occurred far from landline communication points, how to call the traffic police (traffic police, traffic police) to accident scene from a mobile phone? Various cellular operators offer their own combinations of numbers - analogues of the usual number 02. In this case, the operators of the police department will call the traffic police officers or tell you which number you can contact them at.

Traffic police officers are called to the scene of an incident via cell phone in one of the following ways:

  • 002 (provided by Beeline);
  • 020 (for MTS, MegaFon subscribers);
  • 902 (for Sky Link and Motive users).

All operators have taken care of how to call the traffic police in case of an accident from a mobile phone for free, even with a zero or even negative balance. There is no monthly fee for calls to such numbers.

Regular traffic police numbers

Don’t forget about the existence of landline phones or street payphones, then you will know how to call the traffic police (traffic police) in case of an accident and what phone number to use when you don’t have a mobile phone at hand. Call employees law enforcement You can call 02. There is no charge for calls to this number from landlines and street payphones.

If payphones are located at a sufficient distance from the scene of the accident, the participant in the incident should not leave and run around looking for a means of communication. It is better to ask someone about this service and explain to him where to call in case of an accident and where to call the traffic police.

If the incident happened on a section of the road remote from populated areas, then you can ask for such a service by stopping the driver of any vehicle. Having reached the nearest communication point, he will be able to transmit the necessary information via a regular telephone to the traffic police officers. Just in case in such a situation, record the number of the stopped car and the driver’s personal information.

In Moscow

Things are somewhat different with calling traffic police officers in Moscow. In order to decide which phone number to call the traffic police (traffic police) in case of an accident in the capital, you need to accurately determine the location of the accident. The corresponding services in each district have separate numbers. Moscow traffic police officers can be called at the following phone numbers:

  • 246 66 44 (Center);
  • 111 14 74 (Southern District);
  • 333 00 61 (Southwestern district);
  • 499 39 44 (Northwestern district);
  • 439 35 11 (Western District);
  • 178 63 55 (South-Eastern District);
  • 168 78 77 (Eastern District);
  • 452 30 86 (Northern District);
  • 533 03 44 (Zelenograd district).

Insurance agent

Current legislation does not require a mandatory call to an insurance agent after an accident. But in practice, a timely call to the insurance company or its agent helps resolve many issues. It is advisable to do it as early as possible: it often depends on this.

Call insurance company important in situations where traffic police officers are expected to arrive. Insurers will record the fact of the claim and provide advice on the specific situation. Insurance company agents will advise what to say to law enforcement officials and...

The insurance agent will explain the details and nuances in completing the necessary insurance. Large companies send their own representative to the accident site: he will ensure that the necessary documentation is completed properly.

What's next

According to modern requirements, a simplified procedure for registering an accident can be carried out without calling the traffic police officers. The main conditions for such cases: the absence of victims and the presence of mutual understanding between the participants in the incident.

The presence of victims, disagreements between participants in an accident, and the infliction of significant material losses will require the involvement of traffic inspectors. In such situations, assistance to the victims is provided as a matter of priority, and then all other issues are resolved.

In any of the options for recording the incident, you should record the position of the cars from different angles using a camera or mobile phone camera. All objects related to the accident must be captured by the lens.

Under different circumstances of the accident, the preparation of mandatory documentation has its own specifics. More detailed information about registration of an accident can be found . It must be taken into account to ensure the most objective results.

Driver's actions after an accident. What to do and in what order: Video

Road accidents are common situations that can involve not only car owners, but even pedestrians. In most cases, significant damage is caused to cars or people, so traffic police officers are certainly involved.

Every vehicle owner should know what actions he must take to ensure that the accident is properly processed.

Each participant in the incident must perform the correct sequential actions:

  • the car stops, and it is important to do this immediately after the collision so that the traffic police have a clear picture of the incident;
  • on each car the emergency lights turn on;
  • Emergency stop signs are installed 15 meters from cars, indicating to other drivers that there are obstacles on the road;
  • If there are victims of the accident, they are promptly provided with first aid.

Important! If there are no casualties, and minor damage to cars is caused, then vehicle owners can draw up a European protocol and also have the right to negotiate in other ways without involving police officers.

How to call a traffic police inspector correctly

If the participants in the accident cannot come to a compromise, then the traffic police officers will certainly be called.

You can make a call from a mobile phone, and for Different mobile operators have different phone numbers:

  • for MTS dial 020;
  • for Beeline – 002;
  • for Megafon – 020;
  • for Tele2 – 02.

If both participants do not have Cell phones, then they can use a landline telephone, for which they dial 02. The operator can not only send a patrol service to the scene of the accident, but even call an ambulance.

Important! If there is no connection on the road, then number 112 is dialed, and the call is available even if there is no signal.

If it is not possible to make a call at all, then you should stop any car passing by to ask the driver to call the above numbers.

In what cases should you call the traffic police? Answers in this video:

What to say on the phone during a call

When calling a traffic police inspector, you must provide important information over the phone:

  • exact address of the scene of the incident;
  • presence of casualties;
  • number of cars participating in;
  • other important information that the operator may need to correctly and promptly dispatch the traffic patrol service.

Important! If there are victims as a result of an accident, then for each person this situation is stressful, so during the call you need to calm down and answer questions correctly, since this determines how quickly the person will arrive ambulance and traffic police officers.

How quickly do traffic police officers arrive?

It is impossible to say exactly when the inspector will arrive, since often many accidents occur on the streets of one city at the same time, so some car owners often wait for a long time for the traffic police.

Important! During the call process, the operator will ask about the presence of victims, and if there are any, then usually the inspector goes to such calls first.

What are the standards for traffic police officers when arriving at the scene of an accident?

If there are no injuries, and two cars were involved in the accident, and the damage caused does not exceed 25 thousand rubles, then it is possible for people to draw up a European protocol. In this case, they do not have to wait at all for the inspector to arrive.

However, many people do not trust this method of registering an accident, and also do not know how to fill out a protocol. In this case, all that remains is to call the traffic police.

Important! The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a special Order, which states that it takes no more than 20 minutes to arrive at the scene of an accident, but this applies to situations where there are victims, and an accident occurred in the capital, St. Petersburg or on a federal highway.

The work of traffic police officers at the scene of an accident.

In the regions, this time is 25 minutes, but if there are no victims in the accident, then there are no standards for traffic police officers, so they can arrive at the scene of an accident even after a few hours.

Actions of those involved in the accident while waiting for the inspector

After an accident, it is important not only to call the traffic police, but also to perform other mandatory actions:

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Thus, while waiting for the inspector, it is recommended to perform certain actions in advance that will allow the traffic police officer to quickly understand the situation.

What actions are carried out by the inspector

As soon as the traffic police officer arrives at the scene, he performs the correct actions specified in methodological recommendations and in the Resolutions.

How to properly report a traffic accident? Watch the video:

He will certainly implement:

  • the entire picture of the accident must remain unchanged, so the inspector must make sure that the participants did not change the location of cars or other objects;
  • he will find out whether there are victims;
  • it is determined whether there are witnesses to the accident, and if there are, then it copies the recorded contact information of these people;
  • if one of the participants in the accident tries to escape, the inspector records the car number and its distinctive features, after which this information is transferred to the police so that it is possible to detain the offender;

What punishment faces a driver who leaves the scene of an accident? Read

  • documents are drawn up, which include the protocol and drivers’ explanations.

Important! The inspector does not have the right to forcefully require witnesses to provide any information.

What documents are prepared by the inspector?

The traffic police officer must prepare the following documents:

  • protocol, and copies of this document are given to all participants in the accident for signature;
  • an accident diagram is drawn up, and it must contain all the nuances of the incident;

How to draw up a road accident diagram? What should you consider when compiling it? Step-by-step instruction

  • explanations of each participant and witnesses, and they are compiled in writing.

Important! Drivers can make their own additions to the documents, and they must also make sure that the information specified in the papers is accurate.

What should the inspector do if there are victims?

If there are victims as a result of an accident, then the inspector’s actions consist of performing the following steps:

  • an operational investigation team is called to the scene of the incident, and it certainly includes an expert and an investigator, as well as an operative;
  • if necessary, call an ambulance;
  • The investigative group is responsible for processing the documentation;
  • the investigator interrogates both the participants in the accident and existing witnesses;
  • explanations must be completed in writing;
  • In addition to standard documents, a certificate of the accident, an examination report of the participants in the accident, intended to identify their possible intoxication, and a report of the accident site must be drawn up.

Important! If it is not possible for the investigation team to come to the scene of the incident, then all documents can be drawn up by a traffic police inspector.

Procedure in case of an accident.

No one is insured against road accidents, so the likelihood of getting into an accident is quite high. Therefore, all car owners should know the basic recommendations that they should follow in the event of an accident.

These include:

  • know the traffic police phone number;
  • do not modify any items related to the accident;
  • quickly find witnesses to an accident, from whom contact information is certainly taken;
  • do not get confused in the presence of victims, and also provide them with first aid;
  • competently draw up and record the scene of the incident.

Thus, when an accident occurs, in most cases it is necessary to call a traffic police inspector.

It is important to know which phone number to call to do this, what to tell the operator, as well as what actions to perform while waiting for the traffic police officer. In this case, the accident will be properly documented.

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