Remote power switch: reliable protection of the battery from discharge. Certified ip65 mains switch (add) How the mains switch works

Due to my skills, sometimes I have to repair electrical equipment and wiring in the cars of neighbors and friends. As a rule, these are not Cruzaks or Cayennes, or supercars stuffed with electronics.

These are ordinary, working machines. Both Russian and bourgeois. And tractors and even motorcycles. The ignition switches are usually directly connected, half the light bulbs do not light up, instead of fuses there are usually pieces of wire, paper clips, coins, nails - anything you want to conduct current. In many cases, the wiring is melted in many places and is covered in snot. What can you do, the services of a good auto electrician are not cheap, so they do whatever they can.

But none of the owners think about the fact that the car burns to the ground in an average of 5 - 8 minutes. Personally, I have seen twice how quickly this happens.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that all car owners I know and don’t know install a ground switch. First of all, for the purpose fire safety, but it also won’t hurt as an additional anti-theft agent.

To quickly install a reliable mass switch you will need:

1.Thick copper wire with terminals
2. Automatic from 63A to 100A
3. Electrical tape

In stores, you can still find power switches here and there, but there are few truly good and high-quality ones; they are mostly cheap Chinese ones made of plastic, which will inevitably melt when a powerful current passes.

In rural conditions, it is impossible to find a power switch at all. Under Soviet rule, it could have been unscrewed from some old tractor or lawn, but now this is unrealistic.

After conducting several experiments and approximately calculating the currents and load power during operation of a car starter, I began to use ... for this purpose. conventional 220V circuit breakers from electrical panels. The only subtlety is that you need to find a machine with 63, 80, or 100 amperes. I tried installing 40A and 50A circuit breakers, but sometimes they cannot withstand the starter current surges and turn off. In this way I installed mass switches on many car models.

Here, for example, the photo shows the installation of such a machine in an old NIVU. For clarity, the cladding and sound insulation have been removed.

The standard ground wire goes from the battery through a hole in the body to the machine on top, and an extended ground wire bought in a store is screwed into the machine from below, and the other end of this wire, with a large terminal, is screwed to the engine. Another wire from the battery, with a small terminal, is screwed to the car body.

Something like this. Simple, inexpensive and reliable.

An indispensable condition when installing the main switch: it must be located inside the car in an inconspicuous, but convenient location. Installing a switch under the hood or near the battery does not make sense, because if something closes and, God forbid, catches fire, you simply will not have time to open the hood and run.

I read the comments. Apparently, most people know about circuit breakers that they exist. How they work or their parameters is a completely dark forest. Moreover, there is not even knowledge from Wikipedia.
And instead of creating a bunch of comments, I’ll write one big one.

For the author
I’m not the first to write - such a discharge of the battery is abnormal. We need to look for the problem.
And as noted below, the generator current may well be greater than the maximum permissible long-term current for the machine (in this case, 71.2A).

Here's more general information:


Well, the starting current indicated on the battery is 640A, apparently it doesn’t bother the author either

This is the nameplate limit value of the battery. This is not the value that you need to focus on in this case.


Again, the discharged part of the battery (even 13%) in the cold begins to undergo sulfation, that is, irreversible degradation of the battery.

Is not a fact. There was a battery lying around at our university that had been standing in an unheated room for 2 or 3 years (remnants of old research). Its capacity was only 10% of the nominal value.
As a result of repeated charges/discharges with a very low current, it was possible to bring it back to life with a capacity of 95%. They drove it for another week and there was no drop in capacity. Then they disposed of it.
Sulfation is not irreversible, but in terms of time it is pointless (1.5 months of constant charges/discharges were spent on restoration).


A little theory.
Each automaton labeled A, B, C, D, K and Z has certain exact values ​​(). I will focus on B, C, D, as the most frequently encountered and applicable (the rest are often developed by companies for specific purposes).
Each switch has two categories of two main indicators according to international standards:

Overload current
- Short circuit current


Maximum failure current
- Minimum current guaranteed operation

In general, these values ​​are as follows for overload after 1 hour (thermal energy triggering) for circuit breakers up to 63A (type B,C,D)
Maximum failure current = 1.13 rated current
Minimum guaranteed operation current = 1.45 rated current

For short circuits, these values ​​differ for switches (so-called electromagnetic tripping without delay):
type B - 3*In and 5*In
type C - 5*In and 10*In
type D - 10*In and 20*In

No one can or will guarantee what happens between the lines. In principle, the switch can operate immediately from the minimum value or not operate until the maximum. And you need to look based on your own requirements.

Example of current-time lines of 63 A circuit breakers from Siemens B, C, D series 5SY

Now for the errors in the comments:

kvazimoda24, george_vernin

Speaking about current, first of all we are talking about the protective function of the machine itself. It is rated for 63 amps and at higher currents, it will open the circuit

It won’t go out - it will need more than 100 amperes in this mode - electromagnetic protection.

There the value is even greater, the figures are given above.


But after several operations, the “sensitivity” of the thermal relay may increase.

After several operations in a row - it is possible, but if we are talking about “it worked, turned it on - everything is in order”, then the behavior will not change during the declared period of operation (should not be the case with a normal manufacturer).
But, firstly, they are not available in all machines, and secondly, they work at least ten times more than the nominal value, so if it doesn’t work, then everything is in order.

Depends on the letter of the machine, I described in detail above.


Doesn't it bother you that the starter current is more than 200A maybe?

installing a machine at 60 amperes, while starting currents can reach 200-300 amperes, is not the right decision.

The starting current for C63A can be no more than 315 A. This is exactly how they often set it (after all, he must also turn off the short circuit, so D is not always suitable).

BigBeaver, Ezhyg

That is, if you put a 64 A / 12 V switch into a network with a voltage of 230 Volts and a consumer eating 64 Amps, nothing will change?

I didn't say that. To be precise, there is not enough data to answer this.

The machine is designed for alternating current, this is the same as a constant in a car, but variable.

The link I provided above to ABB (this one) describes the S200 series machines that can be used in DC voltage from 24V. The only thing is that the electromagnetic trigger operates for currents 1.5 times higher.
In principle, almost any machine can be used without problems at 60V from major manufacturer no problem. In the case of ABB - from 24V.


150A, depending on the letter on the machine, it will be knocked out with either a 50 or 100% probability on such a starter.

You can take a look at the chart above from Siemens. Such a machine can knock out after 7 seconds at 150 A regardless from the letter.


on this collective farm it will easily drop a couple of volts if you turn on all the lights and heating

The resistance of a 63A machine is somewhere around 0.003-0.004 Ohm. At 200 A this is 0.8V. It's unpleasant, but as long as the battery is new, it's not critical.


A conventional machine is designed for a supply cable with a cross-section of 6-10 squares, the mass leaving the battery is about 25-40 squares, i.e. in order to stuff it into the machine, I obviously had to cut the cross-section of the wire

What about Google? As a rule, a 63A circuit breaker allows you to connect up to 35 mm² single-core or 25 mm² multi-core. Your 6-10 is for machines with 16A-25A, maybe 40A (but only with open routing of cables and wires, since the machine must protect the wire from overload).


The C63 circuit breaker goes back and forth, it operates within 10 s at currents of 315...630A.

Siemens has up to 10 seconds in the version above (5SY switch), here you need to look at a specific manufacturer or even the lineup(Siemens also has longer ones for the same letters, but they are few).

Mains switch

If you are going to send a VAZ or another brand of car for a long period of downtime, you must follow certain rules. One of the items is installing a battery disconnect switch. It will keep the battery in working condition for a long time, preventing liquid leakage. In addition, the presence of this unit will serve as a serious obstacle for those who try to commit theft. Let's look at how to install a power switch on a VAZ car with your own hands. At the same time, we warn you: if you do not have sufficient skills, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Where to begin

Before installing the mass switch, you need to select it in accordance with the technical characteristics of the car. This can be done in a specialized organization. Services in this direction are provided by an online store operated by VDS-Torg LLC. The company supplies the market with spare parts for buses “Bogdan”, “Etalon”, “Ataman”, as well as for trucks"Tata", "Isuzu". Here the interested buyer finds:

  1. Only certified goods.
  2. High level of service.
  3. Individual approach to the client - all his wishes are taken into account, optimal options for spare parts are offered based on price and technical characteristics Vehicle, on which they are planned to be installed.

A reliable main switch can be found in spare parts catalog "Bogdan", including over 1000 items of goods, here is a good model. All components are new, supplied directly from the manufacturer. The price of parts and components in the VDS online store is confirmed with the manager.

Pay attention to technological nuances

A good switch is equipped with fuses and serves to de-energize the car battery. It is this circumstance that poses an additional problem for potential hijackers. If you decide to purchase a power switch, make sure it is new. Don't use a used one! In this state, the VM will easily damage the electrical system of the machine.

When the battery is de-energized, there is a high probability of shutdown car computer. This, in turn, threatens failures, such as erasing from memory information necessary for full operation. How to prevent such a development of events, what energy source to buy and how to connect it - these issues should be discussed with professionals.


So, you purchased a ground switch for a VAZ car. Now it’s just a matter of small things – the connection process. For this purpose we are preparing workplace and the necessary tool:

  • keys;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • brushes;
  • probes.

Disconnecting the terminal from the battery ground. This will prevent short circuit, which can provoke not only a burnout of the car’s electrical system, but even an electric shock. The operation is not difficult, since the terminal wire is painted black and marked with a minus sign.

Disconnection from the positive terminal of the battery. The wire of this terminal is red and marked with a “+” sign.

Disconnection is carried out carefully. At the same time, the level of the electrolyte fluid of the battery is checked and its terminals, both positive and negative, are cleaned with a brush. The ground terminal is retained - it will be needed when the car returns to active use.

Work directly with the switch. This unit is connected to the negative terminal of the battery using a key of the appropriate size. After tightening, you must make sure that the fastening is secure. The wiring terminal, in turn, is connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and the switch is connected to the ground wire.

After the system is assembled, it is tested. This is done with the mains switch turned off (otherwise the fuses will blow). After you are sure that the system is working normally, you can turn on the VM.

Instead of an afterword

Conclusions based on reviews of battery mass switches for VAZ cars are divided into positive and negative:

The table shows that the negative aspects are rather hypothetical than critical.

The work of installing a battery mass switch on a VAZ car is not difficult at first glance, but it involves many nuances. If you doubt that you will do everything correctly, entrust it to car service specialists. This will eliminate all errors that could lead to wiring burnout.

If you decide to do the work yourself, carefully consider the algorithm. Select not only the main switch for the appropriate VAZ car model, but also the necessary equipment. The instructions will serve as a good assistant in your work. It is attached to each main switch intended for use on a VAZ vehicle. It not only describes how to install it, but also shows electrical diagrams.

There is no need to tell experienced drivers about the benefits of the mass switch. This device protects the battery from discharge during long periods of parking, as well as when correct installation acts as a simple anti-theft system.

Figuring out how to install the mains switch correctly is not difficult. But if you're not particularly good at electrical diagrams, it is better to leave this work to professionals or get preliminary advice from them.

How to install a battery disconnect switch on a car?

The main switch is mounted next to the battery or directly on it and performs the function of preventing the leakage of electrical charge from the battery. If there is also a fuse on the switch, the car’s electrical system is not completely de-energized. In this case, the alarm siren remains powered, central locking, on-board computer and a radio tape recorder. But if an attacker takes on the job, his attempt to start the engine will most likely end in failure, because the starting current of the starter blows the fuse and the car system is de-energized.

Therefore, if you have already started looking for how to install a mass switch, you should contact a specialized store where you can find several suitable options. The simplest is a terminal with a built-in switch. But here it is important that it can withstand the load coming from your battery. Otherwise, damage or even fire may occur.

If you have decided on the model of the mass switch, experts will best tell you how to install it. To do this, disconnect the terminal from the ground and the positive terminal of the battery. The next step is to disconnect the terminal from the wire. Just save it in case you no longer need the mains switch in the future.

Check status battery, electrolyte level, check it Maintenance. The mains switch should be connected to the negative terminal of the battery and securely fastened. Also connect the power wire to the positive terminal.

The ground wire is connected to the switch in accordance with the instructions included in the delivery kit. Turn off the device and try to start the engine. If everything is working properly, after turning off the ignition, turn on the power switch. If you were able to properly connect the remote master switch, all vehicle systems will be powered when you turn the key, but attempting to start the engine will cause the fuse to blow.

How to connect the mains switch on a car with a modern electrical system?

In many new models, an unplanned battery disconnection can lead not only to resetting the computer, radio and clock, but also have a negative impact on the quality of engine starting. Therefore, if you are not fluent in the science of electrical engineering, it is better to leave this work to specialists or order modifications from a dealer.

But even in such a situation, you can find a way out. To do this, it is enough to install a cheap source of electricity, which will allow you to store security codes and important information. In extreme cases, you don’t have to disconnect the battery, using small clips that will act as improvised fuses and store the necessary information in the device’s memory in the event of a short circuit.

A simple circuit of a ground switch for a car.

Many motorists, when parking their car for a long time, want to disconnect the battery from the on-board network, and in order not to constantly remove the terminals, they independently install all kinds of mechanical switches in the engine compartment, because in serial passenger cars There are no such switches.

The contacts of mechanical switches must be designed to carry a current of several hundred amperes and have a very low transition resistance, so the use of conventional network switches or toggle switches in this situation is not acceptable. For these purposes, there are special car mass switches, for example, VK-318, or in some articles found on websites, the RAD-1 remote mass switch device is mentioned, although we were unable to find information on the RAD on the Internet. (Maybe, of course, we were looking in the wrong place, but still...).

The circuit that we want to propose does not have mechanical contacts, and its main advantage is that this mass switch can be controlled remotely using a small toggle switch or a button with fixed positions, installed in any place convenient for you. It can be installed inside the car, and in order to turn off the mass it is not necessary to open the hood lid.

This diagram was published a long time ago in one of the radio engineering magazines, so we will not reinvent the wheel and redraw it in our own way, it is quite informative and intelligible, so we are posting a scan for you schematic diagram in the original as is without changes.

The figure shows that a powerful thyristor and diode are installed on an aluminum corner with dimensions indicated. On the vertical side (as shown in the picture) there is a hole through which it is attached in the engine compartment to the car body, not very far from the battery.

The thyristor works like a key; when the toggle switch is turned on, it will be open. But there is one “but”... As you know, a thyristor can pass current only in one direction (from the anode to the cathode), and in order for the battery to receive recharging from the generator while driving, a diode with the opposite polarity is installed in parallel with the thyristor.

Attaching the angle to the car body must have good electrical contact, and the wire connecting the thyristor to the tip must have a fairly impressive cross-section; you can use the one that connects the negative terminal of the battery to the car body; otherwise, there are no critical requirements. Some craftsmen advise placing the device in a metal box and painting it in the color of the car body.

The parameters of some powerful thyristors are shown in the following image, to enlarge which click on the picture.

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