The best charger for a car battery. Best car chargers

Every motorist has to deal with a battery failure. Often the cause of failure is battery drain. To restore battery capacity, there are special devices called chargers. It is desirable for every car enthusiast to have this useful electrical appliance. Today there is big choice various devices for charging the battery. To purchase the optimal model for yourself, it is important to know how to choose a charger for a car battery.

Charging a car battery and their features

Cars can be equipped with two types of batteries. Each type requires a specific approach when charging.

  1. The most popular battery models in passenger cars are acid (lead) devices. These current sources require constant systematic recharging.
  2. Less common are alkaline batteries that are made from nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh), lithium-ion (Li-On) and nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) plates. To charge new alkaline batteries, a complete three-time charge and discharge cycle is used.

All chargers work on the same principle. The devices reduce the 220 V mains voltage to the 12 V battery level.

Types of devices for charging batteries

In terms of functionality, two main types of devices for charging batteries should be distinguished.

  1. The charger or jump starter is intended only to restore battery capacity. The device is connected to the battery using long wires, which allows charging directly on the car.
  2. Charge starting devices can operate in two modes:
    • restoration of battery capacity is similar to chargers;
    • starting the engine with a completely discharged battery.

When connecting a starter charger to charge the battery, you must disconnect the power source from the on-board network.

Currently, various modifications of charging devices are produced. car batteries. Here a lot depends on the qualifications of the motorist.

  1. For beginners, an automatic charger is better. The principle of operation of such a device is automatic control charging cycle. As soon as the battery capacity is restored to 100%, the device will turn off automatically. In the future, automation will include a device to maintain fully charged Battery
  2. The five-stage memory independently performs the following actions:
    • charges up to 80%;
    • produces 100% charge with a decreasing current;
    • carries out preventive maintenance of the charge level within 95-100%;
    • eliminates battery defects such as plate sulfation thanks to the pulse mode;
    • performs battery diagnostics.
  3. The eight-stage device has broader capabilities:
    • removal of sulfation using the charge-discharge method;
    • checking the performance of the battery;
    • charging the battery to 80% capacity;
    • additional charging with reducing current up to 100%;
    • checking the battery's ability to hold a charge;
    • elimination of electrolyte stratification at maximum battery charge;
    • maintaining battery capacity at the upper capacity limit;
    • performing preventive charging at 95-100%.
  4. Multifunctional stationary converters allow you to service all types of batteries (acid, traction, alkaline), and can also be used as uninterruptible power supplies in a home network (220 V).

Preparing to purchase a memory device

A car enthusiast who wants to purchase a charger must answer several questions for himself. They will narrow the range of electrical appliances and simplify the selection procedure.

  1. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the car battery that will be serviced. The charger must produce a current of at least 10% of the battery capacity with an output voltage of 12 V.
  2. Now you need to determine the price range that suits the car owner.
  3. An important issue when choosing a charging device is the operation of the car in winter. If the car rarely travels cold weather from the garage, just choose a simple charger. If you need to travel daily, it is better to consider purchasing a starter charger.
  4. When the question arises of how to choose a starting charger for a car, you should get acquainted with the Boost function. When this mode is turned on in frosty weather, the battery is recharged within a few minutes. After this, you can start the car engine.
  5. Which memory manufacturer should you prefer? Inexpensive models of domestic or Chinese production are suitable for simple battery charging. If the device will be actively used, it is better to purchase a charger from a well-known manufacturer.

Selection of memory according to technical characteristics

When choosing a charger for a car battery, you should pay attention to the following technical specifications device.

  1. The charger current must be sufficient to fully restore the battery capacity. The maximum current is set at 10% of full capacity battery So, to charge a battery with a capacity of 55 A/h, the current on the device is set to 5.5 A.
  2. For experienced motorists, a charger with the ability to adjust voltage and current is suitable. Switches can be smoothly changing or discrete. The regulator, which smoothly changes the current parameters, allows you to accurately set the required parameters. Thanks to this option, it will be possible to most effectively restore the battery by increasing or decreasing the current.
  3. The output voltage of the charger must correspond to the parameters of the battery and the vehicle's on-board network. Most cars and minibuses have a 12 V mains voltage. trucks A charger with an output of 24 V is required.
  4. Some devices have several charging stages. Thanks to combined devices, it is possible to completely restore the battery capacity. In a simple three-stage mode, the following occurs:
    • DC charging;
    • constant voltage charging;
    • keeping the battery charged.
  5. The charging stand must operate over a wide temperature range. This is especially important if you have to charge the battery in an unheated garage in winter.
  6. Automatic control of the device will simplify the task for novice car enthusiasts. It is enough to connect the positive wire of the charger to a similar terminal on the battery, and negative wire connect to the “-” terminal, and the charger can be turned on. The automation will independently select the battery recovery mode and turn off in time after a full charge.

The best charger manufacturers

Motorists today are offered many charger models. How to choose a battery charger from all the different devices?

The modern automobile market offers car enthusiasts both domestic developments and products of world leaders. The following companies are considered among the most popular manufacturers among Russian motorists.

Making a charger yourself

You can make a simple device for charging a car battery with your own hands. This option is suitable for those car enthusiasts who know how to use a soldering iron and understand electrical circuits. To create a portable compact device you will need the following components:

  • step-down transformer with a power of 15-20 W;
  • diode bridge consisting of 4 elements (1 A, 30 V);
  • capacitors;
  • resistors;
  • circuit breakers;
  • voltmeter (0-25 V);
  • ammeter (0-10 A);
  • switches;
  • housing made of plastic or metal;
  • LEDs for lighting and signaling.

Any charger requires minimal care from the owner. With a careful approach, both domestic and Chinese devices will work for a long time. Like any tool, the charger should have its place in the garage or home, where dust, dirt and moisture do not penetrate. Basic recommendations for using a charger look like this.

  • Before turning on the device, you should inspect the ventilation holes to prevent overheating of the charger.
  • The current parameters in the garage network must correspond to the technical characteristics of the charger.
  • Before connecting the charger to the battery, you need to clean the battery leads and terminals of the device.
  • When connecting the charger to the battery, it is important to observe the polarity. The positive wire of the device is connected to the “+” terminal of the battery, and the negative terminal is attached to the “-” terminal.
  • While charging the battery, it is prohibited to disconnect the charger terminals from the battery terminals.
  • Do not start the car engine while the charger is turned on.
  • After the capacity is completely restored, the charger is first turned off, and then the wires are disconnected.

The charger is an important device for battery maintenance. The money spent on purchasing this product will subsequently be repaid by the trouble-free and long-lasting battery operation.

If such devices had appeared on stage forty years ago, they would have been booed. Because everyone knew: a real charger is a heavy box with a huge transformer inside, various kinds of twisters, a voltmeter and an ammeter outside. Everything else is not serious.

A modern charger is, as a rule, a rather nice automatic box with a minimum of controls. Or even without them at all. At the same time, for some reason many are very similar to each other. But are they the same at work?

We tested eight devices taken for testing at two temperatures: -10 and +20 ºС. Let us say right away that you should not believe the statements of individual manufacturers regarding performance in severe frosts. Firstly, the intensity of the charging process in the cold drops very much: at -25 ºС charging current The 55th battery will be only 4–6% of the figure at plus twenty-five. And attempts to increase the charge voltage are fraught with destruction of the active mass and corrosion of down conductors. Secondly, with more low temperatures the insulation of the power wires of the presented devices hardens and breaks. Thirdly... However, two reasons are quite enough.

We compiled kilograms, millimeters and volts with amperes into a table, and supplemented the photo gallery with comments for each instance. In general, we can say that the devices honestly issue the stated charging programs. The reasons for quibbling were the fuses instead of electronic protection, the lack of clear inscriptions on the body and the inflated price compared to its “colleagues” with approximately equal talents.

8th place


Approximate price, rub. 4950 It looks very nice. Everything is intuitively clear, except for the term RECOND: you can’t figure it out without instructions. However, you can do without this mode to restore discharged batteries. There are no complaints about automation and circuitry. In general, everything is excellent, except for the price. Well, no way!

7th place


Approximate price, rub. 4200 Let us immediately blame you for the lack of inscriptions in Russian. But there is an LED to illuminate the space. The entire process is automatic and does not require intervention. Charging is provided through the cigarette lighter socket. By the way, the product can be hung on the wall if desired. Overall not bad, but the price ruined everything.

6th place


Again they offended the Russian language: all the inscriptions on the device are not ours. However, there is nothing to read: I connected it and forgot it. There is protection against polarity reversal, sparking, overcharging and short circuit. But its authors should be ashamed of the shameful unit of measurement of capacity “Ah” in the instructions. That's right: Ah!

5th place

, China

Approximate price, rub. 3000 There is a heavy transformer inside. Just don’t believe the inscription on the box: the device is not a launcher at all. Look at the thin wires with “crocodiles” - what a start with them! It’s not for nothing that it is sold on the Internet as a regular charger. It works fine, but I'm not happy with the fuse. And it looks like someone adapted a suitable case for a different filling.

4th place

, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 1070 The product is the simplest in appearance and technically uncomplicated. A fuse as protection against incorrect connection is not the most user-friendly solution. There is no recharging mode during storage. But, based on the principle “it couldn’t be simpler,” many will be attracted by the complete lack of bells and whistles. The price, which is several times lower than others, is also an important factor.

3rd place

, China

Approximate price, rub. 3220 Perhaps the most presentable look. At least put it under the tree! The pictograms are clear and do not require translation. Works with 6- and 12-volt batteries. “Crocodiles” without wires look funny: the consumer must screw them on himself. There is a “hanger” on the wall for ease of use. But the fuse as “foolproof” is outdated and inconvenient.

2nd place

Universal charger device "SOROKIN" 12.94, “made for Russia”

Approximate price, rub. 2000 The cute, foolproof device can work with both 12- and 6-volt batteries. The charge is carried out cyclically, in several stages, and a “desulfation” mode is provided for almost dead batteries. The kit includes various connecting wires, including those for plugging into the cigarette lighter socket. In general, not bad.

1 place

Berkut Smart Power SP-8N, China

Approximate price, rub. 2650 The Chinese "Berkut" has become quite comfortable in Russia: even the inscriptions are in Cyrillic. It's simple: turn it on and use it. There is protection, the current is solid, the automation works, there are modes to choose from, the price is average, the appearance is modern. No comments, everything is fine.

A car charger is a very primitive device, consisting of only a few elements and capable of performing only one function: recharging a smartphone from the cigarette lighter while the car engine is running. However, despite the simplicity of a car phone charger, the choice of this accessory must also be approached very responsibly. Motorist using charger Low quality, risks being without means of communication at any moment - if a charging failure occurs during a long trip, this will become a real problem for the driver.

How to choose a car charger for a smartphone: basic criteria

First of all, the motorist must decide what he needs: full car charger or USB adapter. An adapter is an adapter from a cigarette lighter to a USB cable.

The adapter has a significant drawback: it turns into a completely useless thing if the motorist forgot the USB cable at home. Therefore, when contacting a communication store, the driver is recommended to take a full-fledged charger - it costs only a little more in retail than a USB adapter.

Other criteria for choosing an ASU include the following:

Output current. To charge smartphones you need a current of at least 1 A, and taking into account modern smartphones this may not be enough, so the best option is 2 or 2.4 A per port. If you choose a charger with a current strength from 2 A, then the motorist will be able to recharge both a smartphone and a tablet. Worry about the fact that the smartphone is dated 2 A If it burns out, it shouldn’t: modern gadgets are equipped with special charging controllers - devices that do not allow excess current to pass through. In addition, a similar controller is installed in high-quality chargers.

Output voltage. There is such a rule: the voltage prescribed in technical characteristics ah of a car phone charger should not exceed the value indicated on the gadget’s battery by more than 5%. Otherwise, the ASU will overheat and very soon fail.

Wire length and type. Experts unanimously recommend taking an ASU with a twisted wire. The likelihood that the twisted wire will break (which could lead to a fire) is extremely low. In addition, the twisted wire is adjustable in length - very useful property, considering how diverse the interiors of modern cars are.

Wire fastening. It is worth making sure that there is a corrugated sheath at the place where the wire comes out of the adapter. Here's what we mean:

The corrugated sheath prevents the wire from breaking at bend points. The fastening of the wire to the plug must also be protected by it.

Number of ports. This criterion is relevant if the motorist chooses a USB adapter. Optimal number of ports – 2 : both must have a current of at least 2 A. You can consider an ASU with a 1 A port, but only if the device is old or from the budget category.

In addition, we should not forget that in 2019 the vast majority of smartphones have a Type-C connector, so you can consider a charging option that has one USB-A output and a second.

Buying adapters with a large number of ports is advisable only for those motorists who are the heads of large or simply large families. Otherwise, the driver will pointlessly overpay for the accessory, because some of the ports will be idle.

Design. The driver should pay attention to the fact that there is no metal ring around the central contact of the AZU.

Since the charging body is most often made of plastic, the metal ring will sooner or later break off the thread and remain in the car’s cigarette lighter. A stuck part can short-circuit the contacts inside the cigarette lighter, which can lead to a fire. To be fair, it should be noted that AZUs with metal rings are now on sale very rarely, although previously a significant part of the chargers had just such a design.

A useful advantage from a design point of view is the presence of an LED, thanks to which the driver can be sure that the charger is working correctly. And in the dark, finding a charger is easier than trying to connect the cable by touch.

Otherwise, as far as design is concerned, the motorist should rely on his own opinion. For example, he may prefer a charger with an LED display informing about the state of charge and voltage of the car’s battery.

However, such an accessory will cost approximately more than a regular adapter.

What to buy: original or Chinese copy?

Buyers of expensive gadgets, as a rule, do not spare money on the best accessories - as long as nothing threatens their new mobile device. Such clients insist that they be provided with original chargers, cables and USB adapters, because they believe that universal chargers can cause damage to the device’s battery. But are they right?

More likely no than yes. If an iPhone XS buyer asks to sell him an original memory device, the consultant will probably offer an accessory from the company Belkin- but not Apple. By visiting the online store of the official retailer of Apple equipment in Russia Re:Store the buyer will find the company's ASU accessories in the catalog Deppa, MOMAX, Juicies, Anker– but again there is no charging made by Apple.

You won’t be able to find the original on the Apple company’s website either. In fact, this means that Apple does not produce its own RAMs. Belkin and other famous ones, of course, produce excellent accessories, but in relation to the iPhone this company is still a third-party manufacturer.

Anker PowerDrive 2 PD/PIQ A2229H12 (Black)

Price: from 2,590 rubles.

The stylish and compact model from Anker has an excellent set of useful functions. The device has two outputs - a classic USB connector and an additional Type-C output. For ease of use at night, a blue backlight is provided - it allows you to see the AZU in the dark and at the same time will not distract the driver from driving the car with bright light.

Both connectors support Power Delivery and Power IQ functions, which are responsible for selecting the right power for different gadgets. In addition, the ASU is equipped with protection against overheating, overload and short circuit. For those who are worried about their device, and this is especially true for owners of expensive phones from Apple, Samsung and other famous manufacturers, this charger will be best choice– you don’t have to worry that the battery will be damaged in any way or the device will burn out due to a power surge. There is no cable included, so it is recommended to use a proprietary cable from the smartphone manufacturer.

Anker PowerDrive 2 Elite A2212011 (Black)

Price: from 1290 rubles.

A simplified version of the previous model, which differs in the material used. Carbon fiber makes the body ergonomic and visually interesting. The model has illuminated ports, there are two of them, type - USB A. Both outputs support PowerIQ technologies (automatic power selection depending on the smartphone model) and VoltageBoost (speeds up the process of increasing battery capacity). In addition, there is protection against overheating, short circuit and overload. Great option for those who are looking for not the most expensive, but stylish and safe car charging for your mobile phone.


A driver choosing a car charger for a gadget should not pay attention to the price of the accessory and not look for the original charger, since in most cases they do not exist. It is much more important to look at the characteristics, as well as the level of safety, which comes down not only to the build quality, but to the materials used and the presence of protective controllers. Of course, a good charger costs a decent amount, but at the very least it is stupid to buy a car charger for 300-500 rubles for an iPhone for 100 thousand rubles.

The generator that supplies energy to the car battery does not cope 100% with its work and its power is usually not enough to fully restore the charge of the batteries. Because of this problem, it is usually necessary to visit stations several times a year Maintenance, which is not always convenient. To be autonomous in solving this problem, you can purchase battery chargers. We present to your attention a ranking of the ten best chargers according to users who bought this useful accessory for their car.

TOP 10 rating of the best chargers for car batteries

1. "Ctek MXS 7.0"

The best device for recharging car batteries in terms of performance quality, price and available functionality. Before you start recharging, you can use it to carry out diagnostics and determine what charge capacity it will be able to hold. accumulator battery. The device is capable of operating at low temperatures, and an additional function that allows you to cope with the stratification of the electrolyte inside the battery will help regenerate energy even in the event of a complete and deep discharge.


  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 120 Ah;
  • Thoughtful functionality;
  • Automated eight-step charging procedure;
  • Works in unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 5 years.

❌ Cons:

  • Not detected.

Typical user review: Cold winter. The battery in the neighbor’s car is “dead”. They connected “my precious.” We smoked and talked. Started up without any questions.

Video review of Ctek chargers 👇

2. "Ctek M300"

The professional-class device is characterized by its versatility: it can recharge the batteries of cars and maritime transport. Does not generate galvanic type current, therefore it is completely safe for metal parts of the machine structure. It works very quietly, there is a special mode for working at night, which further reduces noise. The recharging program is multi-stage and fully automated, which will allow you to regenerate energy even in completely discharged batteries.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 500 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 25 Amps
  • Protection level: IP 44 (for outdoor use).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Minimal noise;
  • Durability and quality of work performed;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 5 years;
  • Universal unit;
  • Low noise.

❌ Cons:

  • High price.

3. "Ctek MXS 5.0 POLAR"

Another version of the Swedish charger, the main feature of which is considered to be the ability to work in low temperature conditions: the device is able to function in temperatures of thirty degrees below zero. The unit is suitable for charging passenger cars, snowmobiles and ATVs. For operation in adverse weather conditions, the kit includes a well-insulated long cable. Like other battery chargers from Ctek, the device charges in an automatic eight-cycle mode and reanimates batteries after a long period of inactivity.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Protection level: IP 65 (protection from moisture, splashes and dust).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Operates at very low temperatures;
  • Durable;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Five-year warranty.

❌ Cons:

  • Does not cope well with charging high-capacity batteries.

4. "Bosch C7"

A good German charger, with fairly good charging capabilities and good functionality. When connected, it automatically recognizes the type of device and selects the charging method. Protection against accidental short circuit is provided and can operate at fairly low temperatures.


  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: 12V – up to 230 Ah, 24V – 120 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 7 Amperes;
  • Protection level: IP 65 (protection from moisture, splashes and dust).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Suitable for two types of batteries with different voltages: 12 and 24V;
  • Provides short circuit protection;
  • The case contains special mounts for placing the device on vertical surfaces, for example, on a wall.

❌ Cons:

  • The basic kit does not include an adapter for connecting to a car cigarette lighter.

5. "Ctek CT5 TIME TO GO"

A compact tool for charging passenger cars, with convenient control indicators: with their help it is much easier to control the charging process. After switching on, it works in automatic mode; upon completion of work, it will inform you about this using sound signal. It took fifth place due to its slow charging speed compared to its competitors.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible current: 5 Amperes;
  • Protection level: IP 65 (protection from moisture, splashes and dust).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Reliability of operation;
  • Capable of reviving long-discharged batteries;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Compactness;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 5 years.

❌ Cons:

  • Slow charging speed.

6. "Ctek MXS 5.0"

As can be seen from customer reviews, the products of the Swedish company are very popular and therefore half of the rating of the best chargers is occupied by models from this company. The “Ctek MXS 5.0” version has absorbed the best features of its more powerful brothers in the line and is in fifth place only because of lower technical characteristics: for example, charging cannot operate at such low temperatures as a unit from the “POLAR” series And it charges the battery a little slower. But it costs less.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 110 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 5 Amperes;
  • Protection level: IP 65 (protection from moisture, splashes and dust).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Durable;
  • Reliable in operation;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 5 years;
  • Reanimates the battery after a long discharge;
  • Acceptable price.

❌ Cons:

  • Low power.

7. "Ring Automotive RECB206"

The best starting charger for the price, designed for batteries with a voltage of 6/12 V. After switching on, it works automatically; a diode indication is provided on the case to monitor the charge level. The case is ergonomic, cables with clamps can be hidden inside it. At low temperatures it may malfunction and charges slowly, but these shortcomings are more than compensated for by the cost of the device.


  • Battery compatibility: for 6/12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 70 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 6 Amperes;
  • Security level: not provided.

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Suitable for charging 6V batteries;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • It is possible to control the charge level.

❌ Cons:

  • Does not work well at low temperatures;
  • Low power.


Powerful starting and charging unit for batteries of vehicles of any class: from small cars to heavy construction equipment. It operates in two modes and is suitable for regenerating electricity in batteries with 12 or 24 V voltage.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12/24V lead-acid and gel batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: 12V – up to 500 Ah, 24V – 250 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 25 Amperes;

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Very powerful;
  • Fast charging;
  • Works in two ranges.

❌ Cons:

  • Rigid, uncomfortable cable;
  • There are complaints about it breaking down quickly after purchase;
  • Low level of security.

9. “Autoelectrics T-1050”

A domestic device for charging passenger car batteries with a simple design, functionality, but a very good price. Its retail price is 2100-2300 rubles. The case is all metal, but there are holes on the side for ventilation, so the level of security is minimal. The case has fastenings for grounding the device. Compared to other competitors, it charges quite slowly and may fail at low temperatures


  • Battery compatibility: for 12V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 90 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 5 Amperes;
  • Protection level: IP 20 (use only in buildings).

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Minimum price;
  • Simple design.

❌ Cons:

  • Low charging speed;
  • Does not work well at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Poor functionality.

10. "ORION PW 415"

Also a model from a domestic company that provides battery charging with a voltage of 12 or 24V. Weighs a little less than a kilogram and is quite compact. Can be used as a pre-launch unit. Powerful, ensures fast battery charging. It's inexpensive, but there are a lot of complaints about the build quality.


  • Battery compatibility: for 12/24V lead-acid batteries;
  • Maximum permissible battery capacity: up to 160 Ah;
  • Maximum permissible current: 15 Amperes;
  • Protection level: from overheating.

✅ Pros and features of the charger:

  • Inexpensive;
  • Works in two ranges.

❌ Cons:

  • Poor build quality.

The battery is an important element of any car that requires care and timely maintenance. While driving, the battery is charged from the generator, but this is not always enough for its normal operation. Short trips around the city, very coldy, connecting powerful energy consumers - all this can lead to the fact that at the most inopportune moment the car will not start.

Starting device

The device charging current is indicated in the range, for example, from 6 to 12 A, or from 15 to 40 A. The higher maximum value, the more current can be supplied when charging, therefore, the charge will be replenished faster. It is recommended to proceed according to the following algorithm: the charging current should be 0.05 - 0.1% of the battery capacity. Let's say you need to charge a 77 Ah battery. A simple calculation is made: 77x0.05 = 3.85 (A). This means that a battery of such capacity should be charged with current.

Additional functions

The simplest starting devices have signal LEDs to monitor operation. At chargers and starting-chargers traditional type has a pointer or digital indicator to control the charging current. It is not needed automatically, since the process does not require control - there can only be LEDs on the panel, for example, connections to the mains.

Stand By mode maintains the functionality of the vehicle's on-board system in the absence of a battery. Useful if your car has a lot of sensitive electronics.

Boost mode charges the battery at accelerated mode on increased current. It will help in an emergency when you urgently need to recharge the battery before a trip. A timer - an addition to the Boost function - is needed to select the time for accelerated charging. After the process is completed, the current supply stops automatically.

Pulse charging in automatic devices allows you to maintain a full battery charge for several months. It will be useful for storing the battery when the car is not in use. You don’t even have to remove the battery or disconnect it from the on-board network.

Desulfation - mode y pulse devices, which involves working with current in a pulsed mode to reduce the risk of sulfates appearing on the lead plates of the battery. Helps extend the life of lead-acid batteries.

The memory function saves charge cycle settings during a temporary power outage. After resumption of supply, the process continues with the same parameters and from the same stage at which charging was interrupted.

Reverse polarity protection will be useful for all batteries. It provides for the presence fuse, which is triggered when closed or incorrect connection terminals to the battery. Protects both the device itself and the battery from damage.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

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