What are the labia? Female genital organs

All women by nature have different external characteristics and, of course, this also applies to every representative of the fair sex different types labia Some people are quite happy with them, while others suffer from psychological and physical discomfort caused by their irregular shape.

Types of female labia majora

The shape of the labia is formed in utero. But throughout life it can undergo both significant and small changes. The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital fissure and labia minora from the external aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

As such, the types of labia majora are not classified in any way. They just come in normal size and thickness, asymmetrical, or underdeveloped, which do not block access to the vulva.

Types of labia minora in women

Much more options structure occurs in the labia minora, in contrast to the labia majora. Normally, they represent thin (up to 5 mm) longitudinal folds of skin, passing into the mucous membrane and located lengthwise. Near the clitoris, the lips are divided into medial and lateral legs, stretching from the top to the entrance, ending at the bottom with a posterior commissure that connects them.

The labia minora are located inside the labia majora, and when closed they do not extend beyond them. But this is the classical norm, and in life everything often happens just the opposite. In some cases, deviations from common truths are a pathology, while others have a good chance of being considered a type of norm.

The types of labia minora, or rather the classification of their changes according to shape, are as follows:

  • Elongation– with maximum lateral stretching, their size is more than 6 cm. This is degree 4; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm is the normal size of the labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is no more than 1 cm when stretched.
  • Prothusia– zero, when in a standing position the small lips do not protrude beyond the large lips; first degree, characterized by protrusion of 1-3 cm; and the second – protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • Scalloped edges– smooth or carved edges of various shapes, which also differ in color.
  • True hypertrophy– increase in all parameters – thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • Absence of small lips generally occurs in little girls and women with hormonal abnormalities.

All changes in the labia depend on factors such as excess or deficiency of hormones, childbirth, weight loss, and injury. If the size and shape cause inconvenience not only during sexual intercourse, but also in everyday life, they resort to plastic surgery.

Labia (labia) are a pair of female reproductive organs, which are divided into small (internal, pudendal) and large (external or external). Each of these organs has an individual structure and function. Together with the vagina and clitoris, they form the vulva.

Although in fact these are just small folds of skin, their importance for the normal functioning of the female body is great. The labia minora cover the vagina, protecting it from infections, maintaining a certain temperature and normal humidity. Too large or, conversely, small sizes of these protective folds can cause diseases of the genital organs, discomfort, and dry mucous membranes. Therefore, the aesthetics of the external genitals for every woman is no less important than the beauty of the face and figure.

External labia

The outer labia (also called “labia majora”) are two folds of skin located on the sides of the genital slit. Their main function is to protect the vagina from pathogenic factors. environment, as well as maintaining the required temperature in the female reproductive organs. Since they contain a minimal number of nerve endings, they are not erogenous zone. In the thickness of the external labia there are Bartholin glands, adipose tissue and venous plexuses. On the outside there is pronounced hair. Very often their skin is subject to increased pigmentation. During sexual stimulation, the labia majora, along with the vaginal walls and clitoris, become engorged with blood. When stimulated, the Bartholin's glands (located near the vaginal opening) secrete fluid that provides lubrication for sexual intercourse.

The area between the vaginal opening and the anus, below the labia majora, is called the perineum. It ranges in length from 2 to 5 centimeters.

According to reviews from women and gynecologists, the labia change during pregnancy. This is considered a natural and normal process that is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Thus, when carrying a child, blood circulation in all pelvic organs increases, which leads to an enlargement of both the labia minora and the outer labia. Swelling of the external genitalia and discoloration are one of the likely symptoms of impending conception. About seven days after fertilization, the lips swell and become juicy and elastic. During pregnancy, varicose veins and various seals are often observed in the thickness of the labia majora, which usually disappear before childbirth.

Labia minora

Labia minora is part of the female reproductive system and consists of two “lips” or folds of skin on the outside of the vaginal opening. Each labia minora has two legs - outer and inner. The outer legs are attached to the back of the clitoris, and the inner legs are attached to the head of the clitoris (at the back). The main role of these small folds is to protect the clitoris, urethra and vulva.


Healthy women have labia minora that are light to dark pink, and sometimes brown or purple. A woman's overall skin tone does not always match the color of her private lips. So some women who have a dark brown complexion have light pink folds, while some women with a very fair complexion have private skin that is dark brown or purple. Pretty much any combination is considered normal, but if the area becomes dull or begins to change colors, it could indicate a skin disease or rare cancer. After pregnancy and childbirth, surgical operations, infectious diseases that cause tissue changes, their size usually increases.

Average statistical norms for the structure of the labia

Their physiological structure is the same in women, but the anatomical features are individual in each specific case. The types of labia are different: in some women they are large and thick, in others, on the contrary, they are thin and stretched. The appearance of the labia minora depends on factors such as:

  • genetics;
  • ethnicity;
  • body mass;
  • age;
  • features of intrauterine development;
  • presence of vaginal diseases;
  • the presence of mechanical influences;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • surgical interventions;
  • religious beliefs (circumcision);
  • hormone imbalance.

According to research, in 80% of cases, the anatomy and structure of a woman’s labia depends on genetic factors. The narrow and short labia minora often predominates among the French, Italians, and Greeks. Small sizes are also observed among Germans and Spaniards. Women living throughout the African or American continent often have narrow vaginas with long labia.


These folds protect some of the most sensitive parts of the female genital anatomy. They cover the clitoris, which contains many sexual nerve endings, and are the shield of the vestibule of the vulva, which contains the openings of the urethra and vagina. The anatomical function is to seal the vaginal opening and protect the vagina from foreign bodies, drying out and the penetration of microbes. In addition, together with the fat pads of the outer labia, they provide mechanical protection.

In women, the opening of the urethra (urethra) is located at the top, between the labia, and they can act as a kind of regulator, directing the flow of urine in a certain direction and acting as a barrier, preventing urine from entering the vaginal cavity. However, with the excessive length of the labia minor and its deformations, emptying the bladder is accompanied by a random scattering of urine in the most unexpected directions.

During vaginal intercourse, the labia minora can help stimulate the entire vulva, clitoris, and vagina area of ​​the woman and her partner's penis. Stimulation of the clitoris can occur through the tension of its frenulum when pulling the inner labia with fingers or during friction.


The labia minora are often asymmetrical, which in practical terms means that they are usually slightly different sizes or lengths and one side may hang lower than the other. In most cases, this does not indicate any problems, and is in fact considered “normal” for most women. During puberty, a woman experiences many hormonal and subsequent changes in appearance. One of these changes occurs due to higher level estrogen in the body is an increase in the labia minora. In some cases this is genetically determined. Due to injury, constant friction, or in the case of chronic infections, Labia minora may increase in size. Pregnancy is a new, wonderful stage in a woman’s life, in which a rush of blood to the genital area can lead to a subsequent increase in the length and width of the labia minora.


For many women, the initial symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, especially itching, burning, swelling, discomfort, begin with irritation here and then spread to the vulva and vagina. Other symptoms that may occur are pain in the lower abdomen, burning when urinating, increased vaginal discharge that is thick, yellow, green, etc. The most common causes of inflammation of the labia minora are STDs, thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Being very sensitive in their structure to any irritation and everything with a location in the area of ​​natural excretion (vagina, urethra, anus), where traces of urine, vaginal discharge, smegma and even feces may be present, the labia minora can suffer from inflammatory processes such as vulvitis It often begins in these folds of skin because... they are often wet and subject to constant mechanical stress. The likelihood of inflammation can be reduced by proper regular hygienic cleansing of the external genitalia, using water and proven products designed for women's delicate areas. It may also be interesting to sometimes carry out such a procedure as “vaginal cleaning” - general cleaning of an intimate area.

The vigorous rubbing of little girls' labia while cleaning themselves, coupled with a lack of estrogen in children's bodies, can lead to a condition known as "fused labia minora" or synechiae. They interfere with the normal process of urination, and urine can accumulate, causing pain and inflammation.


Many girls who are about to be examined by a gynecologist (at school, a clinic, during a medical examination at a antenatal clinic, etc.) are concerned about how the doctor will react to enlarged (long, dark, different sizes) labia? Is this defect recorded in the medical record, and are parents informed about the discovery? As for gynecologists, during medical examinations in one day they see dozens of variants of the structure of female intimate organs. Moreover, according to statistics, approximately 30% of all girls have enlarged labia minora. The gynecologist is not interested or concerned about this at all, since this is not a disease, but a variant of a normal structure, unless, of course, we take clinical cases of obvious hypertrophy. During a medical examination, the doctor has the task of identifying signs of various types of infections, the state of development of the reproductive tract, etc. And which labia the gynecologist usually does not note in the medical documentation. So there is no reason to worry.


For many women, unsightly anatomical variations in the genitals are a source of significant distress. Hormonal influences, tissue weakness, genetic factors or age-related changes may cause these deviations in external form. Enlarged labia minora and sagging external lips are perceived as especially undesirable. Inconveniences such as pain when wearing tight clothing during sports activities (horse riding, jogging, cycling), intussusception (recession) of the labia during sexual intercourse, as well as hygienic difficulties, can stimulate women to correct them. The strongest motivation is sometimes the psychological suffering experienced, which can affect sex life.

Every girl has many secrets that attract men. But there are also mysteries that the girls themselves want to solve. They often ask themselves this question: what do the labia look like? It is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

Labia majora and labia minora

It should immediately be noted that the labia majora and minora. The visible ones include the labia majora, which look like two folds of skin. They are distributed from top to bottom: from the pubic area to anus. The labia majora are covered with hair. Most often, girls are bothered by the appearance of the labia minora, which are located inside the labia majora, so they are difficult to see. They are also folds of skin that run parallel to the labia majora. There is no hair on the labia minora.

Shape, size and color

Women are unique - this fact should be taken into account when considering such parameters as the shape, color and size of the labia minora. The female labia are: smooth, jagged, short, long, thin, thick, slightly wrinkled and wrinkled. Moreover, all these forms are normal from a medical point of view. This is female nature - uniqueness is manifested in everything.

The size of skin folds is also different for all women. A certain standard of normal length is 5 cm with lateral extension. If the length exceeds 5 centimeters, then the labia are considered long.

It's not so simple with color either. Each person has a different skin color, so the color of the labia minora is difficult to compare with any color standard. It all depends on the pigmentation. It has been noted more than once that the lips on girls’ faces are not always pink. They can be red, brown. The same goes for the color of the labia - each has its own color.

So what should the labia look like? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Only certain factors or symptoms can help identify a pathology or disease.

Pathology, disease or normal

Quite often, girls tend to think that long, asymmetrical lips are some kind of pathology. This is not entirely correct. The human body itself is asymmetrical, therefore the labia cannot be perfectly symmetrical either. And elongated labia are recognized as a defect, but certainly not a developmental pathology. This intimate problem can be solved through surgery.

You need to sound the alarm if you experience pain, itching or swelling in the labia area. There are a lot of diseases that can attack this sensitive area. This can be vulvovaginitis (inflammation), candidiasis (burning and itching), vulvodynia (burning and discomfort), and bartholinitis (swelling and pain).

Does age affect the labia?

What do the labia minora look like in women of different ages? With age, the labia also change. In little girls, the development and formation of the labia occurs. During girlhood, the “flower opening” phase begins - the lips acquire their unique shape and size. After childbirth or upon reaching adulthood, atrophy of the labia is possible.

It's amazing how the labia can look completely different and still be healthy. We just need to remind you that any discomfort in this area should not be ignored. You should immediately contact a specialist.

IN modern times representatives of the fairer sex direct all their efforts and efforts to creating and maintaining a beautiful appearance; very often the aesthetic appearance of the external genitals worries them much more than their physique, skin color, etc. Many people are interested in what types of labia there are and what structure they should have. In medicine, women's genitals can be of different shapes and colors, with different edges. Their shape is individual, so it is simply impossible to find two identical intimate areas. There are no strict beauty standards here, but for some reason many women remain dissatisfied.

External genitalia

A woman’s genital organs are external, which include the pubis, labia minora and majora, the beginning of the vagina, as well as the clitoris, and internal (vagina, ovaries, the fallopian tubes and uterus). The external organs have many nerve endings and are well supplied with blood, so they are considered to be a highly sensitive erogenous zone. The labia are folds of skin and mucous membrane that extend from the pubis to the perineum and serve as a protective barrier for the internal genital organs of the fairer sex. In anatomy genitourinary system there are such as small (a pair of folds that have a base located inside the large ones) and large (a pair of folds located outside).

Labia large

These lips are two folds of skin that are located on the sides of the genital slit. They play a protective role, protecting the woman's vagina from negative impact external environment, and also help maintain a certain temperature regime in the genitals. Therefore, they contain a large amount of fatty tissue, a plexus of veins, as well as Bartholin’s glands, and hair grows on them on the outside. The skin on the lips has a different shade than the rest of the skin of the body. When considering, it is worth noting that they are small in size, and in some cases are smaller than the labia minora. All this depends on the anatomical characteristics of a person and is not a pathology. An important point here is maintaining intimate hygiene, since the sebaceous and sweat glands can become inflamed and form cysts or boils. Doctors identify these big ones:

Normal length and thickness;

The folds are asymmetrical;

Organs that are poorly developed.

Labia minora

These lips are part of the vulva and consist of two folds of skin that are located under the large lips, they do not have hair and are the same color as their inner side (most often bright pink). In front, each of the lips has two legs: internal ones, which, when connected to each other, form the frenulum of the clitoris, and external ones, which create the clitoris itself. Thus, the types of labia minora are different, it all depends on changes in the genitourinary system throughout life cycle. Among the changes in medicine it is customary to highlight:

Elongation, in which the skin ridges are greatly stretched;

Protrusion, when the internal tabs protrude greatly;

Scalloping, which is characterized by a change in the color and shape of the lips.

Reasons for changes

Many women are interested in what types of... But not everyone knows that all changes are the result of hormonal imbalance when female body androgen levels increase. The shape of the labia, which was given at birth, can also change as a result of following weight loss diets, childbirth or age characteristics. Thus, sagging, increased folding, and impaired elasticity and firmness may be observed. Surgical interventions, childbirth, and infectious diseases lead to changes in tissue, which can result in an increase in the size of the lips. It also depends on where the entrance to the vagina is located, how developed the clitoris is, etc.


In medicine, there are several factors that influence the appearance of the labia in women:

Body weight and age of the woman;

Genetic predisposition and ethnic group membership;

Injuries, diseases of the vagina, surgery and childbirth;

Intrauterine development;

Hormonal imbalance;

Great physical activity.

Eighty percent types of labia, photo usually found in anatomy textbooks, depend on genetics.


Currently, doctors have not established clear boundaries that determine the color and shape of the lips; they are individual in each case. But aesthetics suggests that a beautiful female vagina is one that has small sized vaginal openings that, when opened, will resemble a butterfly in shape. Beauty can also be determined by the following parameters:


Closed entrance to the vagina, covered clitoris when not aroused;

Pink lips, lack of pigmentation;

The labia minora are located inside the labia majora and have an extensibility of no more than two centimeters.


In modern times, medicine can help solve problems that do not suit a woman, through drug treatment and plastic surgery. If there are diseases of the genitourinary system, drug treatment prescribed only at the initial stages of their development. In this case, the doctor prescribes antiseptics and antihistamines, for example, Doxycycline, Diflucan, etc. These drugs eliminate itching and pain. The restoration of hormonal disorders is facilitated by treatment with hormones and special diet. If drug therapy does not help eliminate the problem, doctors resort to surgery.

The female genital organs are divided into external (vulva) and internal. The internal genital organs ensure conception, the external genital organs are involved in sexual intercourse and are responsible for sexual sensations.

The internal genital organs include the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. To the external - the pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, vestibule of the vagina, large glands of the vestibule of the vagina (Bartholin's glands). The boundary between the external and internal genital organs is the hymen, and after the onset of sexual activity - its remains.

External genitalia

Pubis(venus tubercle, lunar mound) - the lowest part of a woman’s anterior abdominal wall, slightly elevated due to a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. The pubic area has a pronounced hairline, which is usually darker than on the head, and in appearance is a triangle with a sharply defined upper horizontal border and a downward-pointing apex. The labia (labia pudendum) are folds of skin located on both sides of the genital slit and the vestibule of the vagina. Distinguish between labia majora and labia minora

Labia majora - folds of skin, in the thickness of which there is fat-rich fiber. The skin of the labia majora has many sebaceous and sweat glands and during puberty the outside is covered with hair. The Bartholin glands are located in the lower parts of the labia majora. In the absence of sexual stimulation, the labia majora are usually closed at the midline, providing mechanical protection for the urethra and vaginal opening.

Labia minora located between the labia majora in the form of two thin, delicate pink folds of skin that limit the vestibule of the vagina. They have a large number of sebaceous glands, blood vessels and nerve endings, which allows them to be considered a sexual sense organ. The labia minora meet over the clitoris to form a fold of skin called the clitoral foreskin. During sexual arousal, the labia minora become saturated with blood and turn into elastic ridges, narrowing the entrance to the vagina, which increases the intensity of sexual sensations when the penis is inserted.

Clitoris- the female external genital organ located at the upper ends of the labia minora. This is a unique organ whose sole function is to concentrate and accumulate sexual sensations. Magnitude and appearance clitoris have individual differences. The length is about 4-5 mm, but in some women it reaches 1 cm or more. At sexual arousal the clitoris increases in size.

The vestibule of the vagina - a slit-like space limited on the sides by the labia minora, in front by the clitoris, and behind by the posterior commissure of the labia. From above, the vestibule of the vagina is covered with the hymen or its remains. At the vestibule of the vagina, the external opening of the urethra opens, located between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The vestibule of the vagina is sensitive to touch and at the moment of sexual arousal it is filled with blood, forming an elastic elastic “cuff”, which is moistened by the secretion of the large and small glands (vaginal lubrication) and opens the entrance to the vagina.

Bartholin's glands(large glands of the vestibule of the vagina) are located in the thickness of the labia majora at their base. The size of one gland is about 1.5-2 cm. During sexual arousal and intercourse, the glands secrete a viscous grayish protein-rich liquid (vaginal fluid, lubricant).

Internal genital organs

Vagina (vagina)- the internal genital organ of a woman, which is involved in the process of sexual intercourse, and during childbirth is part of the birth canal. The length of the vagina in women is, on average, 8 cm. But in some it can be longer (up to 10-12 cm) or shorter (up to 6 cm). The inside of the vagina is lined with a mucous membrane with a large number of folds, which allows it to stretch during childbirth.

Ovaries- female gonads, from the moment of birth they contain more than a million immature eggs. The ovaries also produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Due to the constant cyclical changes in the content of these hormones in the body, as well as the release of hormones by the pituitary gland, the maturation of eggs and their subsequent release from the ovaries occur. This process is repeated approximately every 28 days. The release of the egg is called ovulation. In close proximity to each ovary is a fallopian tube.

Fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) - two hollow tubes with holes running from the ovaries to the uterus and opening at the top of the uterus. There are villi at the ends of the tubes near the ovaries. When the egg leaves the ovary, the villi, with their continuous movements, try to capture it and drive it into the tube so that it can continue its journey to the uterus.

Uterus- a hollow organ shaped like a pear. It is located in the pelvic cavity. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges as the fetus grows. The walls of the uterus are made up of layers of muscle. With the onset of contractions and during childbirth, the muscles of the uterus contract, the cervix stretches and dilates, and the fetus is pushed into the birth canal.

Cervix represents its lower part with a passage connecting the uterine cavity and vagina. During childbirth, the walls of the cervix become thinner, the os of the cervix expands and takes the form of a round hole with a diameter of approximately 10 centimeters, due to this it becomes possible for the fetus to exit the uterus into the vagina.

Hymen(hymen) - a thin fold of the mucous membrane in virgins, located at the entrance to the vagina between the internal and external genitalia. Each girl has individual, unique features of the hymen. The hymen has one or more holes of various sizes and shapes through which blood is released during menstruation.

During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen ruptures (defloration), usually with the release of a small amount of blood, sometimes with a feeling of pain. At the age of over 22 years, the hymen is less elastic than at a young age, so in young girls defloration usually occurs more easily and with less blood loss; there are often cases of sexual intercourse without hymen rupture. Hymen tears can be deep, with heavy bleeding, or superficial, with minor bleeding. Sometimes, if the hymen is too elastic, ruptures do not occur; in this case, defloration occurs without pain and bloody discharge. After childbirth, the hymen is completely destroyed, leaving only individual flaps.

The lack of blood in a girl during defloration should not cause jealousy or suspicion, since it is necessary to take into account the individual structural features of the female genital organs.

In order to reduce pain during defloration and increase the duration of sexual intercourse, you can use lubricants containing drugs that reduce the pain sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa.

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