Regulations on the business center. Job description in a process-oriented organization

How to “breathe life” into a job description?

For many domestic organizations, a job description is practically the only regulatory (organizational and administrative) document that defines the tasks to which the efforts of its employees should be directed. The deep-rooted habit of a formal attitude towards this management tool on the part of both managers and staff of Soviet and then post-Soviet organizations turned it into a “dummy”, used in most cases as a legal justification for the dismissal of an employee for “inadequacy of the position held.” How to “breathe life” into a job description, while obtaining an effective tool for managing an organization?

Experience with many Ukrainian enterprises shows that in most cases they apply the traditional “bottom-up” approach to describing an organization, that is, by first analyzing all the work performed to understand the potential and essence of the company’s business.

The regulatory documents created in this way largely diverge from reality and, as a result, are rejected by the staff, depriving the organization of an effective management tool. What do such organizations lose?

First of all, the job description is a valuable source of information for improving the entire management system. Without objective data on the discrepancy between the existing and required competencies of personnel, the company loses the opportunity to assess the internal potential of the team and correctly formulate its competitive position, and therefore to work adequately in the market. Secondly, the job description is a guide to action for the organization's employees - it provides information about what tasks are expected of them, how they participate in achieving the company's goals, and on the basis of what criteria the results of their work will be assessed. Thus, ineffective job descriptions do not create conditions and do not motivate staff to work towards achieving the company's goals.

Being the basis for selecting employees for relevant vacancies, the job description affects the effectiveness of the formation of the organization’s human resources potential.

From strategy to documentation

How can you change the current order of things? The example of the Ukrainian company, which is given below, can be considered as a “classic option” of transition to a management system aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the company, and turning the job description into an effective management tool.

We will talk about the project of transforming the management system of a Ukrainian enterprise into a process-oriented one. A whole range of measures were implemented here, starting with the formulation of development goals, optimization of the product portfolio, and the allocation of strategic business units, which, naturally, left its mark on the management system, organizational structure and led to personnel changes. Thus, the need arose to rework the documents regulating the company’s activities, primarily the regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Sequence of document development,
regulating the activities of the organization

Building a business model

When determining the change strategy, the owner identified two business centers (two main types of products) on which the company’s business should be built and set the task of integrating it with another group of companies, which became the basis for building the business model of this company. Initially, a business process model and a corresponding organizational model were created at the macro level, with sufficient detail to normal operation companies during the transition from the old management system to the new one (Fig. 2, 3).

Figure 2. Macro-level business processes (displayed in the IDEF0 standard)

Figure 3. Organizational structure (separation of business centers and support centers)

As can be seen from these figures, the created organization management system is process-oriented: all work that creates consumer value is concentrated in business centers, and there are separate divisions - supporting centers in which supporting processes are implemented. Consequently, business centers only carry out work that is directly paid for by the consumer - from determining their needs and expectations to producing and distributing the corresponding products to them. Support centers are designed to ensure the efficient operation of business centers by managing company personnel, guaranteeing legal, physical and information security, developing technological innovations, providing basic production with electricity, heat, steam, etc.

After the new macro business model was built, personnel were moved across the created structural units. The basis for the reshuffle of senior and middle managers was the results of a management audit conducted by third-party experts. The owner formulated requirements for the managers of the enterprise - to know what qualities a manager should have from the point of view of corporate culture, and to determine his ability to implement positive changes. From these requirements, the consultants formed a set of indicators/criteria (competencies), namely: “leadership”, “understanding the essence of business”, etc., according to which a management audit was carried out (evaluation of company managers), and then based on a comparison of requirements for positions and competencies of managers, staff/managers were reshuffled and staff training plans were developed.

Regulations on structural divisions

After changing the organizational structure and moving personnel, a situation arose in which the new management system existed without documents confirming and regulating its work. Top managers expressed concerns about the possibility of chaos in the relationships between the new structures. Therefore, the next step was to concentrate efforts on documenting the management system. Three priority regulatory documents were identified: regulations on the board of directors, regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions of managers and specialists of the company.

The Regulations on the Board of Directors essentially replaced the job descriptions of directors of the company's business areas - the rules and principles of company management were described here, and the range of issues resolved at the level of the board of directors was defined.

Built using case modeling tools, business processes formed the basis for provisions on business centers and support centers. The regulations on departments required some detail in the description of business processes. A distinctive feature of the created organizational structure was that the boundaries of business processes at the macro level in most cases coincided with the boundaries of structural divisions, which greatly simplified documentation new system management. Work on the description of business processes confronted the company's managers with the need for close communication - otherwise it would be very difficult to accurately describe the relationship ("inputs" and "outputs") between the processes (Table 1).

Table 1. Fragment of the regulations on business center No. 1 (description of business processes)

Business process owner Title of work within the process Process Provider Incoming resources Description of work Process results Process client
Business process No. 1 “Identification of consumer needs/monitoring of satisfaction of needs”
Business process No. 2 “Product creation”
Business center technologist No. 1 2.1. Bringing product characteristics in line with consumer requirements · Business process No. 1 ISO system standards Technologists of center No. 1 ensure that product characteristics meet consumer requirements, collaborating, if necessary, with technologists of the quality center Production technology Business process No. 3
control center
· State standards
· Process “Managing the strategy of business center No. 1” · Specifications
2.2. Analysis of incoming inspection results Process
"Incoming control"
Control center
· Conclusions on the compliance of raw material characteristics with regulatory documentation and contract terms Technologists from Center No. 1 analyze the findings provided and make a decision on the use of raw materials Solution Business process No. 3
Business process No. 4 “Production of products”
Business process No. 5 “Marketing and sales”

What is new for this company, as well as for any other that would use a process approach to management, is the emergence of the concept of “business process owner.” The fact is that in a process management system, administrative subordination is secondary - the administrative head plays only a coordinating role in the work of individual specialists or departments. The main role in the process management system is played by the owners of business processes. A business process can pass through several departments. And in this case, the owner of the process, who is responsible for its result, must have the right to influence the activities of these units. For example, in the “product creation” process, both marketers and technologists from the business center, as well as technologists from the supporting center - the quality and development management department - take part. Who should be responsible for the result of this process, for the compliance of the created product with the client’s requirements? Hence the need arises to distinguish between “administrative” and “process” subordination of departments or groups of specialists, which is later included in job descriptions. In the example considered, the owner of the process is a business center technologist who is responsible for a specific group of products. The head of the marketing department, the shop manager and the chief technologist play the role of administrators in this process (see Table 1).

The development of the next type of regulatory documents - job descriptions - turned out to be the most labor-intensive step, since it required the involvement of even more employees in their creation, greater detail of business processes and the decomposition of the company's goals into components.

Job Descriptions

The new job description includes the following sections: general provisions, main job responsibilities/involvement in business processes, competency requirements, powers and responsibilities.

In chapter " General provisions"The name of the position, the division to which it belongs, and its purpose are indicated. For example, the goal of the director of one of the business centers was formulated as follows: "The director of business center X manages the development of center X as a business, ensuring the achievement of the strategic goals of the company and meeting its mission." In addition, this section indicates to whom he reports "administratively" (to which division he belongs organizationally), to whom "processually" (in which business processes he takes part), the activities of which divisions/groups of specialists he manages "administratively", for the results of the activities of which departments/groups of specialists (participating in the business process of which he is the owner) is responsible.

The section “Main job responsibilities” (Table 2) describes the work in business processes performed by an employee holding a certain position, incoming and outgoing information flows (document flow), clients and suppliers of business processes. This approach to describing responsibilities has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the job description for personnel, as it clearly establishes the boundaries of the position: with whom does the person contact when implementing a specific task, what information does he use, and to whom does he convey the results of the work.

Table 2. Fragment of the job description of the director of business center No. 1

Business processes in which it participates

Work performed as part of a business process

Document flow

Incoming document

Duration and frequency

Outgoing document

Duration and frequency

Business process “Strategy Management”

Development and implementation of business strategy:

1. Based on the information received, sufficient for making strategic decisions, the director formulates strategic goals/mechanisms for achieving them for profit center No. 1, accompanying them with evaluation indicators

2. Manages the achievement of strategic goals using specified values ​​of evaluation indicators

· -BSC level of the Board of Directors;

· target product attributes;

· predicted changes

· …

· …

· BSC Business Center level;

· 1 time every 3 months during the stabilization period;

· Once a month during the transformation period

· If necessary due to changes in the business environment, the deadlines are reduced

The job description must also reflect the competencies that an employee must have to effectively perform the tasks assigned to him, which are set out in the section “Competency Requirements.”

In order to formulate the requirements that a company employee must meet for a given position, it is first necessary to clearly define how the employee will be able to achieve the goals set for him. For example, one of the necessary conditions for the effective activity of directors of business centers of a given company is their understanding of the essence of business (business sense), which is defined as “the perception of an enterprise as a business, a focus on achieving its main goal - making a profit and taking on obligations to implement extraordinary tasks necessary to achieve this goal." This understanding of the essence of business suggests that the director of a business center must, at a minimum, master the elements financial analysis and be interested in innovations in modern methods management. Another example of the required competence of a business center director is communication and effective interaction, “in the manner of communication - openness, consistency and clarity, the ability to listen carefully and push the interlocutor to new ideas, the ability to eliminate barriers and promote effective relationships between employees, the ability to transfer knowledge to others ". A clearly defined list of required qualities and abilities is not only a guideline for an employee (a target that he should strive for), but also an opportunity to evaluate the real competencies (opportunities, potential) that the company has today. Constant monitoring of personnel allows you to develop training and development programs in order to ensure that the actual competencies of employees match the requirements placed on them. When achieving goals, the employee is rewarded.

“Powers” ​​characterize the employee’s ability to use various resources (labor, information, financial, material, technical, energy, etc.) and the right to make decisions necessary to implement job responsibilities and achieve the goals set for him. For example, the director of business center X has the right: “to issue orders, instructions for all divisions of center X, aimed at achieving the goals set for Center X, to dispose in cash center X in the manner determined by the charter and current legislation of Ukraine, etc."

Based on the fact that the main tool for managing a process-oriented organization is the BSC system (Balanced Scorecard, a comprehensive system of evaluation indicators), the “Responsibility” section sets goals for the achievement of which a company employee is personally responsible. The system of evaluation indicators is formed as follows: the board of directors formulates the general strategic goals of the company's development and establishes a number of indicators by which their achievement is measured (Table 3). Based on the resulting system (Board of Directors level BSC), the goals of each business center and supporting centers are developed with corresponding evaluation indicators, guided by the principle of the “contribution” of each business center to the achievement of the ultimate goals of the entire business. This is followed by a breakdown of goals and evaluation indicators into subgoals - from the level of individual centers to the level of specific work. By periodically analyzing the achievement of established indicators by managers - evaluation indicators, senior management can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of their work.

Table 3. An example of constructing a system of evaluation indicators (strategic decision-making level - board of directors)

BSC -- board level

Corporate strategy

Strategic goals/mechanisms


Targets for 2001

Financial prospects


1. Increasing income

- % income growth

Market prospects

Increasing market share

8. Increase sales to existing customers

Annual sales per strategic customer

Market share (%)

Quality of business process execution

Large Volume Execution necessary work existing resources

11. Optimization of critical business processes

Average time to complete non-standard orders

Business losses from ineffective organization of business processes

Perspectives on learning and innovation

Creating market understanding competencies and a bottom-up initiative support system

14. Development of strategic competencies

Profit per employee

Achievement of BSC by every top manager

By the way, in the company described, the indicator system does not yet work. And the main reason for this is the lack of information about markets and consumers (real and potential) and the lack of objective information about internal reserves - sources of reducing production costs, including through optimization of its structure. Therefore, you first need to decide on the product portfolio and calculate the cost of each of the selected groups.

Another difficulty is that in order to track indicator values, it is necessary to build a system for collecting and analyzing information, which is easiest to implement using a simple personalized software product(consultants suggested solving this problem using Excel tables). And only after this can evaluation indicators be included in job descriptions, making it possible to use them as a tool for managing the achievement of the company’s strategic goals, developing an effective system of personnel motivation, etc.

The following sections may also be included in the job description: the procedure for appointment or dismissal, the procedure for replacing in absence, the work schedule, the procedure for assessing the compliance of achieved indicators with established indicators, the procedure for remuneration and punishment based on assessment results, etc.

Advantages of "process" job descriptions

The use of “process” job descriptions contributes to the creation of a management system that makes the business more “transparent” and easier to manage, and allows management to be relieved of the burden of turnover. It becomes easier to control work results, manage information flows, and provide decision-making procedures with basic information support.

In addition, the job description developed according to the described methodology can later be used for:

  • building a system for assessing (certifying) the achievement of goals by staff, and then a reward system;
  • planning the relocation (movement) of personnel, career growth, setting tasks for personnel selection and solving other issues related to effective management in organizations;
  • determination of areas of responsibility and cost accounting centers in business planning and management accounting;
  • certification according to ISO 9001 standards (one document implements the two most difficult requirements - process mapping of the business and the formation of a system of indicators, assessing its effectiveness,
  • development of technical specifications for implementation automated system management. With a sufficient level of detail in business processes and the correct use of the modeler, the cost of services of consultants implementing the system can be significantly reduced.

The use of the proposed process-oriented business management system is complicated by the fact that, like any other system, it must keep up with changes in the external environment, changing at the same pace. However, how much will it cost to rebuild the management system if each time it must be accompanied by changes in regulatory and normative documents, which, as a rule, is a very labor-intensive process? How should an organization that strives to be flexible in a rapidly changing external environment act without losing business controllability? Obviously, the answer lies in automating the processes of adapting the control system to changes in the external environment. The acquisition and development of inexpensive software offered on the market today will allow, in the event of a change in the company's strategy, to change elements of business processes and automatically generate new "job responsibilities cards for business processes."

The transition to process management, of course, is not the only way to implement positive changes; moreover, such a path to perfection is not the fastest and easiest. However, in any case, some elements of the presented methodology can be successfully used by domestic companies in management practice, for example, a system of evaluation indicators - as a basis for bonuses for top managers, the concept of “competence” included in the job description - to strengthen cultural values, and a process description company - for its subsequent optimization (reengineering of business processes), etc."

The concept of “competence” (core-competence) implies the transmission of the company’s distinctive competitive advantages, those that its employees should have - not only knowledge and skills, but also methods of communication, ethical principles, models of internal corporate behavior, etc.

This topic was discussed in the article “A Balanced System of Evaluation Indicators as a Business Management Tool”, “Capital Market”, 1999

“The goal of the company as the basis for personnel motivation”, “Capital Market”, No. 13-14, 2000

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I. General provisions

1.1. The access and intra-facility operating mode is a set of internal regulations, safety instructions and fire safety, other regulations aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the business center. The safety of his property.

1.2. Responsibility for establishing and organizing the intra-facility regime rests with the management of the business center, and monitoring its compliance with the management of the private security company and the senior security shift.

1.3. Persons who violate the requirements of the internal regime are subject to disciplinary and administrative liability if the violation they commit does not entail criminal or other liability. In some cases, persons who grossly or repeatedly violate the requirements of the intra-facility regime may be denied access to the territory of the business center.

II. Access mode

2.1. Two checkpoints are equipped for the passage of people and equipment into the territory.

2.2. Entry into the territory of employees of the organization - tenants, visitors - is permitted only if they have a pass of the established form - permanent, temporary or one-time (guest card).

2.3. The document giving the right to remove (bring in) material assets is a material pass and a work order, and the bringing in of property is a consignment note.

2.4. If it is necessary to carry out work outside work time, on weekends and holidays, officials of organizations submit an application in advance to the head of the business center, where they indicate a list of persons involved in work, the start and end time of work. The approved application is submitted to the security shift supervisor.

2.5. Vehicles are allowed through the checkpoint using personal or guest passes. Drivers of vehicles with a permanent pass occupy a parking space according to the number indicated in the pass; the pass is placed on the dashboard of the car, so that all the data indicated in the pass is visible. Drivers of vehicles who have received a guest (one-time) pass occupy a parking space indicated by the senior security guard, who makes an entry in the log indicating the car number, time of entry (exit), and company name. A one-time pass is placed on the dashboard of the car (parking with a one-time pass is allowed for no more than two hours).

2.6. In case of natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies, special vehicles with personnel (police, firefighters, etc.), as well as emergency teams, are allowed into the protected area without hindrance.

2.7. Accompanying documents for property imported into the territory are presented by the driver or forwarder who is assigned to introduce this property.

2.8. The following are not allowed on the territory:
- persons who are drunk or under the influence of drugs;
- persons who do not have documents giving them the right to stay on the territory;
- persons who have grossly or repeatedly violated the requirements of the internal regime.

III. Intra-object mode

3.1. The following is prohibited on the territory:
- make fires and smoke in unauthorized places (smoking is strictly prohibited in offices, corridors, toilets and staircases);
- store fuels and lubricants and oily rags indoors;
- store property in corridors, staircases, evacuation routes;
- leave cars unattended, with engines running, with keys in the ignition; with valuables and documents in the cabin;
- leave cars overnight without permission from the facility administration;
- open objects and premises that are under guard (alarmed) without the permission of the guards, without notifying her about it;
- stay beyond the time specified in the pass;
- be without documents or passes;
- drink alcoholic beverages;
- re-equip premises, install air conditioners, heaters and any equipment with energy consumption of more than 1 kilowatt without agreement with the management of the business center;
- post advertisements without the consent of the management of the business center;
- disrupt public order;
- stay after 21.00 without permission from the head of the business center.

3.2. When leaving the rented premises, employees are required to check that all electrical appliances are turned off, put official documents in safes, and set the premises to alarm. The security guard is required to check whether the premises are armed with an alarm system. In the “Book of Acceptance and Renting of Premises,” a company employee signs for the rented premises, and a security guard signs for accepting him under protection. In the morning, upon arrival of a company employee to work, he must check the premises and sign for his arrival.

3.3. Security officers monitor compliance with the internal regime by periodically walking around the territory and buildings (at least once every 3 hours). All violations of the regime are immediately reported to the shift supervisor or business center management.

IV. Passes, their types and purpose

4.1. Passes issued to employees, tenants and visitors are divided into permanent, temporary and guest (one-time). Decor, appearance passes and other details of passes are established by the management of the business center.

4.2. The following validity periods are established for passes:
- for permanent passes - for the period of renting premises or activities labor relations with an employee of a company (enterprise) renting premises;
- for temporary passes;
- for a period of no more than a month, issued to the heads of organizations (for all employees) who have entered into a rental agreement for premises, after which the temporary pass is handed over;
- for guest (one-time) passes - issued for a one-time visit, as a rule, only during business hours, with the details of the identity document, entry and exit times recorded in the log.

4.3. Registration and issuance of permanent and temporary passes is carried out and taken into account by the deputy director of the business center, guest (one-time) passes only at the central checkpoint (Bolshaya Pochtovaya Street) - by security.

4.4. In the event of loss or damage to a permanent pass, its owner is obliged to immediately submit an application addressed to his immediate superior, where he sets out the circumstances of the loss (damage) of the pass, indicating the time.

4.5. Temporary passes are issued:
- persons hired for temporary work;
- persons of third-party organizations performing work on the territory of the business center;
- employees of firms (enterprises) that entered into an agreement before issuing permanent passes;
- persons undergoing a probationary period.

4.6. A guest (one-time) pass is issued to each person individually and gives the right to enter the territory only once on the day of issue.

4.7. Guest (one-time) passes are issued to security shift supervisors with the permission of the business center management or tenants.

4.8. The following procedure for visitors to enter the territory is established:
- the visitor contacts the tenant or the service to whom he is directed by telephone;
- a representative of the tenant or service contacts the checkpoint security by phone;
- the security officer invites the tenant or service to send a representative to accompany the visitor, if it is impossible to provide an accompanying person, the security guard issues (issues) a guest (one-time) pass to the visitor based on the identity card;
- the specified access procedure is valid on weekdays until 21.00;
- after 21.00, visitors are allowed into the facility only if accompanied by a representative and only by personal order (written or oral) of the head of the business center or his deputy.

4.9. When allowing visitors with guest (one-time) passes, a mark is made in the visitor's log by the checkpoint controller, and when leaving the territory, guest (one-time) passes are handed over with a note about the visitor's exit in the log.

4.10. Guest (one-time) passes are kept by the senior security guard.

V. Procedure for passing material assets and documentation

5.1. The removal (removal) of all material assets and documentation from the territory is carried out using material passes or waybills that have an authorization inscription (seal, stamp), regardless of whether the material assets are temporarily or untimely exported (removed). IN material documents All data of exported (removed) material assets are clearly recorded: Name, quantity (weight, footage, type of packaging, number of places) in words for each name.

5.2. Documents for the export (removal) of material assets are drawn up and signed by responsible persons determined by order of the head of the business center. Documents for the export (removal) of material assets are valid within the periods specified in them, and only for one-time removal (removal).

5.3. Employees of third-party enterprises and organizations working on the territory of the business center are required to fully comply with the requirements of the established access and on-site regime.

5.4. If a discrepancy is detected between the presence of exported (removed) material assets and the records about them in the accompanying documents, the transport and the person exporting them are detained for verification, which the security guard at the checkpoint reports to the security chief (shift supervisor) to take the necessary measures.

5.5. The export (removal) of various documentation (service, technical, etc.) is fully subject to the requirements and rules established for the export (removal) of material assets.

VI. Safety system

6.1. The security of the business center is carried out by a security service, it ensures access control for vehicles, tenants and visitors, and prevents unauthorized entry of unauthorized persons into the territory.

6.2. The security service can provide services on a contractual basis to ensure the safety of inventory and security of rented premises.

6.3. Tenants are prohibited from inviting third-party specialists for installation and maintenance technical systems security of premises using non-certified security alarm systems.

6.5. The tenant is obliged to inform the security service about all cases of offenses on the territory of the business center.

6.6. The tenant undertakes not to allow unauthorized persons into the rented premises. All unauthorized persons present on the premises must be reported to the security service by phone 8-495-797-68-31; if necessary, call the duty station of the Department of Internal Affairs “in the Basmanny District” at tel. 8-499-261-60-05 or tel. 8-499-261-41-41.

VII. Operation of engineering equipment

7.1. The engineering equipment of the business center includes power supply systems, water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, sewerage, alarm systems, low-current networks, and lifting mechanisms.

7.2. In case of detection of a malfunction and/or emergency situation with engineering equipment, the tenant is obliged to immediately notify the authorized person of the lessor, or a security officer.
For technical service questions - 8-916-121-85-36 or 8-905-541-85-71
For questions regarding power supply - 8-963-963-88-79 or 8-926-177-29-59
After 18-00 or if it is impossible to contact the above mentioned persons, report all system malfunctions to security 8-495-797-68-31

7.3. The tenant is obliged to ensure unhindered access of specialists to utility networks and equipment in the rented areas when carrying out repairs and maintenance work. maintenance, as well as installation and dismantling of engineering systems and communications.

7.4. The tenant bears financial responsibility for the integrity of the equipment, engineering systems and communications available to its employees and visitors, and in case of damage, it undertakes to compensate for the resulting damage.

7.5. If there are transit utilities and networks in the premises (or passing through them), the tenant is obliged, in the event of emergency situations, to provide immediate access to the rented premises for employees of the lessor's operating organizations or employees of the city's municipal and emergency technical services at any time of the day.


on the activities of the “Business Incubator” of the Municipal Fund for Support of Economic and Entrepreneurship Development of the Luga District “Social and Business Center”

  1. General provisions

The Regulations on the activities of the “Business Incubator” of the Municipal Fund for Support of Economic and Entrepreneurship Development of the Luga District “Social and Business Center” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) are internal normative document, developed in accordance with legislation Russian Federation and the Charter of the Fund, defines the goals and objectives of the “Business Incubator”, the main types of services, as well as the procedure for interaction in the course of activities.

Address of the “Business Incubator”: 188230, Leningrad region, Luga, Kirova Ave., 56, room. No. 24,27,30,31,32,36,37 and a conference room.

  1. Basic concepts and definitions for the purposes of implementing this provision.

2.1 “Business incubator” is a structural subdivision of the Municipal Fund for Support of Economic and Entrepreneurship Development of the Luga District “Social and Business Center” (hereinafter referred to as MFPREiP LR “SDC”), created to support entrepreneurs by providing jobs in non-residential premises and providing consulting, information services, including on preferential terms.

2.1. The managing organization is MFPRE and P LR "SDC" - a legal entity that manages the activities of the Business Incubator.

2.2. Small business entity - a business entity corresponding to the category of small business entity established Federal law dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”;

2.2. A resident of the “Business Incubator” is a small business entity that has passed the selection procedure with a positive result in accordance with the regulations on holding a competition for the placement of small businesses in the “Business Incubator” and has entered into an agreement on the provision of jobs in the “Business Incubator”.

2.3. Project - a plan, idea of ​​a small business entity aimed at creating a product and/or service that corresponds to the acceptable areas of activity of residents « Business incubator".

2.4. “Business Incubator” services - services provided to residents of the “Business Incubator”, including in the form of consultations, information services, organization of events, access to information resources and infrastructure of the “Business Incubator”.

2.5. Conference hall - premises of the Business Incubator, equipped with appropriate multimedia equipment and intended for holding specialized events for residents and partners of the Business Incubator.

2.6. Equipped/unequipped workplace (hereinafter referred to as workplace) - a workplace in a non-residential premises, which is in the free use of MFPRE and PLR "SDC", allocated for the placement of a "Business incubator", provided by the Managing organization to small businesses operating for less than three years, in accordance with the agreement concluded following the results of a competition for the placement of small businesses in the “Business Incubator”.

  1. Goals and objectives of the “Business Incubator”.

3.1. The “Business Incubator” operates with the aim of creating favorable conditions for the development of small businesses and improving the investment climate in the territory of the Luga municipal district.

3.2. The main objectives of the Business Incubator are:

Stimulating the creation of new enterprises;

Stimulating the creation of new jobs;

Promoting entrepreneurial activity, expanding the range of activities;

Comprehensive and qualified services for small businesses at an early stage of their development, including the provision of consulting, information, and accounting services;

Increasing the competitiveness of small businesses;

Development of business activity of the population of the Luga municipal district.

  1. Activities of the Business Incubator.

4.1. To carry out the activities of the “Business Incubator”, non-residential premises are allocated in MFPRE and PLR “SDC”. Nos. 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37 and a conference room equipped/unequipped with furniture and office equipment.

A “business incubator” must meet the following basic requirements:

Availability of at least 6 jobs;

Availability of a computer, printer (individual or collective access) and telephone with access to a city line and long-distance communication;

Availability of at least one equipped (furniture, whiteboard and telephone) meeting room;

Availability of at least one equipped room (furniture, whiteboard, projector and telephone) for conducting lectures, seminars and other training sessions;

Availability of an Internet channel for at least 60% of Business Incubator jobs.

4.2. The jobs provided in the Business Incubator are for office/production purposes.

4.3. A resident of the “Business Incubator” can be a small business entity, from the date of registration of which no more than 5 years have passed

4.4. One small business entity may be provided with no more than two jobs in the Business Incubator, provided that the area occupied by one Resident does not exceed 20 square meters.

Concluding an agreement on the provision of workplaces with the winner of the competition does not give the Resident the right to register the address as legal address.

4.5. “Business incubator” provides the following basic services:

Providing for the use of small businesses workplaces in non-residential premises of the Business Incubator in the manner and on the terms determined by these regulations and the agreement on the provision of workplaces in the Business Incubator, concluded following the results of a competition for the placement of small businesses in the Business Incubator - incubator";

Carrying out technical operation of the building (part of the building) of the “Business Incubator”;

Consulting services on taxation, accounting, lending, enterprise development, business planning;

Organization of seminars and trainings with the invitation of specialists in areas of activity;

Internet access.

The conditions for Residents’ access to the services of the Business Incubator are based on the principle of equality of all small businesses that have passed the competitive selection. None of the Business Incubator Residents can be provided with preferential conditions for access to services provided in accordance with these Regulations.

4.6. Along with the preferential cost of workplaces provided for use and a set of basic services, the Business Incubator provides the Resident with paid services, the formation and sending of tax and accounting reports .

4.7. The amount of payment for each provided workplace in the Business Incubator is approved by order of the head of the Managing Organization and is established using benefits.

4.8. For small businesses, the cost of providing a workplace in the Business Incubator is:

In the first year - no more than 40% of the approved cost of the workplace;

In the second year - no more than 60% of the approved cost of the workplace;

In the third year - no more than 100% of the approved cost of the workplace.

4.9. The management organization provides management, security and other services for the technical operation of the premises and the building of the Business Incubator as a whole and centralized payment for these services.

4.10. The types, cost and volume of other services are determined by agreements in specific areas of cooperation concluded between the Residents of the Business Incubator and the Managing Organization.

4.11. Financial operations of the Business Incubator are maintained by the accounting department of the Managing Organization.

  1. Grounds and procedure for providing jobs in the “Business Incubator” to small businesses.

5.1. The basis for concluding an agreement on the provision of workplaces in non-residential premises of the Business Incubator for the use of small businesses is the results of a competition between small businesses.

5.2. Conditions for admitting small businesses to participate in the competition:

The period of activity of a small business entity from the moment of state registration until the moment of filing an application for participation in the competition does not exceed three years (small business entities that have passed no more than one year from the moment of registration have advantages);

The type of activity of a small business entity corresponds to the specialization of “Business Incubator”;

A business presentation is submitted to the competition, confirming the feasibility of placing a small business entity in the “Business Incubator”;

There is no debt in settlements with the budget.

5.3. The competition for placing small businesses in the “Business Incubator” is held by a competition commission (hereinafter referred to as the competition commission ) no more than once a month and no less than once a year, as applications are received. Member of the competition commission in mandatory representatives of the MFPREiP LR "SDC", the administration of the Luga municipal district and the State Public Institution LR "Luga Employment Center", representatives of the public are included.

The regulations on holding a competition for placing small businesses in the “Business Incubator” and the regulations on the competition commission are approved by the head of the Managing Organization and agreed upon with the head of the administration of the Luga municipal district.

5.4. The “Business Incubator” does not allow the placement of small businesses carrying out the following types activities:

Financial, insurance services;

Retail/wholesale trade;


Lawyer services, notary;

Medical services;


Production of excisable goods;

Extraction and sale of minerals;


5.5. The maximum period for providing jobs in the Business Incubator for use by small businesses should not exceed three years.

  1. Rights and obligations of the Managing Organization.

6.1. Managing organization:

Approves the provision on Competition commission on the selection of applicants for placement in the “Business Incubator”;

Approves the regulations on holding a competition to place small businesses in the “Business Incubator”;

Approves the cost of a workplace in « Business incubator";

Determines the conditions for concluding agreements with small businesses;

Provides settlement of disputes related to the placement of small businesses in the Business Incubator;

Coordinates with the head of the administration of the Luga municipal district the regulations on the Competition Commission for the selection of applicants for placement in the “Business Incubator”, the regulations on holding a competition for the placement of small businesses in the “Business Incubator”;

Ensures transparency of the activities of the competition commission for the provision of jobs in the Business Incubator.

A well-thought-out plan is the basis of any business, and strict adherence to it is the key to success in any enterprise.

We present to your attention some justifications for the need to have clear business plan before the start of the business center construction project. In addition, its main structural elements are described here and possible mistakes and errors in its preparation are indicated.

Economic background

Against the backdrop of improved conditions for entrepreneurship, which were noted in the IFC (International Finance Corporation) “Doing Business” rating, more and more enterprising people are deciding to open their own. A growing economy, and accordingly, an increase in demand and purchasing power of the population, makes this idea more and more attractive. Nowadays, many people who want to earn money for themselves open thousands of small businesses and companies every year, and naturally there is a steady demand for basic conditions and amenities for doing business. After all, in addition to a registered legal address, an entrepreneur needs a full-fledged office and a set of mandatory services. With the increase in the share of enterprises operating in the field of information services and technology, the need for a comfortable and modern office with a good Internet line also increases; such enterprises require practically nothing else to carry out this activity.

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There are practically no alternatives to renting

Of this significant number of people starting to organize their own business, the overwhelming majority are not ready to spend money on buying a permanent office and prefer to rent it. They are more interested in a comfortable and presentable premises for ongoing work and negotiations with the necessary range of services near the city center than what they can possibly afford to purchase on the outskirts.

Against this background of constantly increasing demand, it has become especially relevant and profitable to provide these services through the construction of modern business centers with the subsequent leasing of space.

This investment option is currently considered one of the most profitable and promising, but in order to implement this project as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need a clear and well-thought-out business plan. Of course, the determining factors at the time of forming the project strategy will be:

  • business center level;
  • location and conditions in a particular region;
  • construction cost or overhaul;
  • ability to connect to public infrastructure;
  • availability of banking financial instruments.

After working through these issues, it is advisable to begin to develop the business plan itself, which, in order to become effective, must have a very specific structure and form.

Return to contents

Basic provisions

1. Brief initial description.

This contains an explanation and justification for the very idea of ​​​​building a business center and its attractiveness. In addition, for completeness of perception of the whole picture, the total planned capital investments, deadlines and projected profitability are shown.

2. Main description.
This section identifies the project's goals by priority: investment and payback; plan to conquer the office rental market segment; meeting the demand for these services; creation of new jobs, etc. It explains the advantages and disadvantages of the location of the business center, its total built-up area, the names and purposes of individual premises and areas.
For example: offices, conference rooms, shops, services, parking lots, etc.

3. Services provided.
This item is dedicated to detailed description range of services provided, the main of which is the direct rental of office and retail premises. It’s worth starting with a detailed listing of areas and premises, their description, including purpose and capacity. This section contains a list and commercial justification for additional services, such as Wi-Fi and telephony, catering, parking, security, etc.

4. Assessment of the market for office real estate rental services.

The purpose of this section is to justify the competitiveness of the services provided against the background of the existing market of the region where the business center is planned to be located. To do this, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the quality and cost of similar services of potential competitors, list those closest in level to their brief characteristics. Part of the section should be devoted to analyzing consumers and their needs.

5. Project marketing.
Based on the content of the previous section, final conclusions are drawn about the state of the office rental market and a specific plan for promoting the service is presented.

6. Management and maintenance.
We are talking here about the structure and number of management and service personnel, their hierarchy, indicating the responsibilities of a person in a specific position, work schedule, planned wage, and finally, the total cost of maintaining the entire team.

7. Financing

A detailed plan for providing the project with funds and its subsequent maintenance. Specific amounts of financing and their sources are indicated, and their percentages are shown for clarity. If you are involved in the project borrowed funds, you must specify the terms of lending and repayment. In addition, the plan must include ongoing maintenance costs, and, as a result, a payback schedule for the project must be presented.

8. Assessment of probable risks.
A business center project requires large capital investments, and the primary task is the efficiency of spending these funds and minimizing possible losses from unforeseen situations. Therefore, all possible risks should be carefully identified and assessed, be it legal problems arising due to imperfect legislation, technical issues construction or subsequent operation of equipment, as well as errors in assessing the profile market environment due to a sharp change in its conditions.

A high-quality business plan should contain accurate figures and calculations, which are influenced by many factors, but to get an idea of ​​the approximate costs, we can give an example of a typical business center with an area of ​​45,000 sq.m., located in one of the largest cities. This class “A” complex, made of reinforced concrete and including a conference hall, shops, cafes, underground parking, required about $9 million in initial investment and then subsequent financing of ongoing tasks over 10 quarters.

Document's name:
Document Number: 118-PP
Document type:
Receiving authority: The government of Moscow
Status: Active
Acceptance date: February 17, 2009
Start date: February 17, 2009
Revision date: April 02, 2019

On the creation of a state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Business incubator "Zelenograd" and ensuring the functioning of the Entrepreneurship Development Center of the Zelenograd administrative district of the city of Moscow with the placement of a business incubator...



On the creation of a state-owned enterprise in the city of Moscow
"Business incubator "Zelenograd" and providing
functioning of the Entrepreneurship Development Center
Zelenograd administrative district of the city
Moscow with the location of a business incubator at the address:
Zelenograd, Yunosti st., no. 8

Document with changes made:
Decree of the Moscow Government of May 19, 2009 N 464-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 31, 06/02/2009);
Decree of the Moscow Government of August 4, 2009 N 724-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 45, 08/18/2009);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, December 27, 2016) (came into force on January 1, 2017);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 04/03/2019).

In accordance with the Federal Law of November 14, 2002 N 161-FZ "On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises" Moscow Government
(Preamble as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by decree of the Moscow Government.


1. Accept the proposal of the Department for Support and Development of Small Business of the City of Moscow to create, within the departmental subordination of the Department of Support and Development of Small Business of the City of Moscow, a state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Business Incubator "Zelenograd".
by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

2. Please note that the name of the state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Business Incubator "Zelenograd" has been changed to the state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation" (hereinafter - KP "Zelenograd Development Corporation").
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

3. The Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow, together with the Prefecture of the Zelenograd Administrative District of the City of Moscow, the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow and the Zelenograd Development Corporation, shall ensure the preservation of the intended purpose of the non-residential property at the address Zelenograd, st. for at least 10 years .Yunosti, no. 8.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 27, 2016 N 950-PP, by Decree of the Moscow Government of April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

4. Assign the duties of the Zelenograd Development Corporation to:
by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 27, 2016 N 950-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1. Carry out the functions of a management company, ensure the functioning of non-residential facilities assigned to it with the right of operational management, in accordance with the approved concept (clause 7).
(Clause 4.1 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.2. Carry out the functions of operation and maintenance of property transferred to the Zelenograd Development Corporation under the right of operational management.
(Clause 4.2 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.3. Provide small and medium-sized businesses located in non-residential facilities assigned to them with the right of operational management a range of services in the manner prescribed by this resolution.
(Clause 4.3 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.4. Provide the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow and the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow with the necessary information (reports) on the functioning of non-residential facilities assigned to it with the right of operational management, on concluded lease agreements and the availability of vacant space in the business incubator non-residential premises for placement of small businesses, as well as reports in the form established by order of the Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2005 N 127 “On approval of lists, forms and deadlines for the submission of documents by the winners of the competition for the selection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the provision of subsidies and subventions to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance activities carried out within the framework of the provision of state support for small businesses by the constituent entities Russian Federation".
(Clause 4.4 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

4.5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - ..

5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 950-PP dated December 27, 2016..

6. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 950-PP dated December 27, 2016..

7. Approve the Concept of functioning of the CP "Zelenograd Development Corporation" (Appendix 1).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

8. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 950-PP dated December 27, 2016..

9. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 950-PP dated December 27, 2016..

10. Entrust the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow with the functions of the authorized government body of the city of Moscow, responsible for the activities of the Zelenograd Development Corporation.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

11. Establish that the provision of non-residential premises to small and medium-sized businesses is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Competition Commission for the provision of non-residential premises, taking into account the requirements established by Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

12. The Prefecture of the Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow shall provide the necessary assistance to the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow and the Zelenograd Development Corporation in ensuring the functioning of the business incubator.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

13. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2010 - Moscow Government Decree No. 724-PP dated August 4, 2009..

14. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Moscow Government N.A. Sergunina.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

Mayor of Moscow

Appendix 1. Concept of functioning of the state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation"


* The title as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 27, 2016 N 950-PP. - See previous edition..

1. General Provisions

1.1. The concept of the functioning of the state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation" determines the basic principles of the functioning of the enterprise, the procedure for selecting small and medium-sized businesses when placing them in non-residential facilities assigned to it with the right of operational management, the procedure for providing services to small and medium-sized businesses.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP. - See previous edition)

1.2. The operational management of the state enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation" includes non-residential facilities located at the following addresses:

- Zelenograd, Yunosti street, no. 8;

- Zelenograd, Sosnovaya Alley, building 6A, building 1, 2;

- Zelenograd, building 330, 1st floor, room IV, rooms 1-4.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

1.3. The non-residential facilities include:

- a business incubator, which is located at the address: Zelenograd, Yunosti St., 8, on the 5th-10th floors, with an area of ​​3031.5 sq.m.;

- office area - all other premises located at the address: Zelenograd, Yunosti St., 8;

- production and technological zone - premises located at the address: Zelenograd, Sosnovaya Alleya, building 6A, building 1, 2, Zelenograd, building 330, 1st floor, room IV, rooms 1-4.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

1.4. The intended purpose of non-residential facilities is maintained for at least 10 years.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

1.5. The organization of the activities of non-residential facilities is carried out by the state enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation" (hereinafter also referred to as the Management Company), which has the right to use non-residential facilities in the manner determined by legal acts of the city of Moscow
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

1.6. In its activities, the Management Company interacts with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow, the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow, the Prefecture of the Zelenograd Administrative District of the City of Moscow, other executive authorities of the City of Moscow, and infrastructure organizations supporting small and medium-sized businesses.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

2. Goals and specialization of the business incubator

2.1. The main goal of the business incubator is to create favorable conditions for the development of small businesses in the scientific, technical, innovation and production spheres by creating a material, technical, economic, information and social base for the formation, development, preparation for independent activities of small innovative and production enterprises, industrial development of scientific knowledge and high technology.

2.2. The specialization of the business incubator is scientific and technical, innovation, production.

2.3. The activities of the business incubator are carried out taking into account the priority areas for the development of science and technology for the city of Moscow.

2.4. The activities of the business incubator are aimed at:

Creating conditions for attracting highly qualified personnel to the scientific and production sphere of the city of Moscow;
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

Increasing the number of operating high-tech enterprises;

Increasing the number of people employed in the innovation and production sectors.

2.5. The activities of the business incubator are carried out in cooperation with educational and scientific organizations located on the territory of the city of Moscow.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

2.6. The business incubator supports entrepreneurs at an early stage of their activities by leasing non-residential premises and providing consulting, accounting, legal and other services.

2.7. For placement in a business incubator, small businesses are invited on a competitive basis to develop promising types of products and technologies that can be brought to serial production, are in demand on the market and are capable of ensuring sustainable growth rates in sales volumes and the enterprise’s own capitalization during the period of its presence in business incubator.

3. Basic list of basic and additional services of a business incubator

3.1. The business incubator provides the choice of a small business entity with a set of basic services necessary for hosting and supporting the activities of small businesses, including:

Provision and operation of production, office and warehouse premises adapted to the needs of small enterprises;

Consulting services in the field of financial management, lending, accounting, civil, corporate and tax law;

Providing meeting rooms and equipped hall (furniture, whiteboard, projector, telephone) for lectures and seminars;

Services for maintenance and repair of computers, office equipment and Internet access;

Marketing services (assistance in conducting marketing research);

Organization of participation in Russian and international exhibitions;

Wide dissemination of information about products produced by small enterprises at seminars, conferences, etc.;

Cleaning services and services for the operation and repair of engineering and technological systems;

Catering services;

Providing parking spaces.

3.2. Taking into account the specialization of the business incubator, small businesses are provided with a range of specialized services aimed at innovative growing companies:

Expertise of projects and assistance in preparing business plans;

Attracting investments from venture funds and other investors (business angels);

Consulting on the protection and management of intellectual property;

Training on innovative management and project management;

Access to electronic databases.

3.3. For start-up small businesses located in a business incubator, additional services are provided aimed at reducing costs associated with starting a business activity (organizational and financial costs):

Collective secretariat services (receiving telephone calls, faxes, receiving and sending postal correspondence and others);

Providing rental of computers;

Organization of a center for the collective use of expensive office equipment (color printer, scanner, fax, multifunctional copier);

Accounting and legal services.

3.4. The range of services provided by the Management Company to small businesses located in the business incubator is provided in accordance with the prices approved by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

3.5. Rent rates for small businesses under lease agreements for non-residential premises in a business incubator are set in the following amounts:

- in the first year of lease - 40 percent of the market rental rate determined on the basis of the opinion of an independent appraiser;

- in the second year of lease - 60 percent of the market rental rate determined on the basis of the opinion of an independent appraiser;

- in the third year of lease - 100 percent of the market rental rate determined on the basis of the opinion of an independent appraiser.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

3.6. The state enterprise of the city of Moscow "Zelenograd Development Corporation", in agreement with the Department of City Property of the city of Moscow in accordance with the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ "On the Protection of Competition", provides for rent non-residential premises in the office and production-technological zones according to the market value of the annual rent per square meter of non-residential space, established on the basis of the conclusion of an independent appraiser, based on the results of competitive procedures.
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 27, 2016 N 950-PP)

4. Principles for selecting small and medium-sized businesses for the provision of non-residential premises in a business incubator and production and technological zone

(The title as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.1. The selection of small and medium-sized businesses for placement in the business incubator and production and technological zone is carried out on a competitive basis.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.2. The competitive selection of applicants from among small and medium-sized businesses for the provision of non-residential premises in a business incubator and production and technological zone is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Competition Commission for the provision of non-residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the Competition Commission). The regulations on the Competition Commission, its composition, the procedure and timing of the competitive selection are approved by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 2, 2019 N 300-PP.

4.3. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 950-PP dated December 27, 2016..

4.4. In order to ensure the efficiency and competence of decisions made, the Competition Commission has the right to forward incoming applications (business plans) of small and medium-sized businesses for examination to the Expert Council created at the business incubator.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

The Expert Council may include representatives of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Venture Investments in Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the City of Moscow, the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, private venture funds , individual investors specializing in the early stages of supporting innovative technologies (business angels).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.5. Small and medium-sized businesses applying for the provision of non-residential premises in a business incubator and production and technological zone submit the following materials to the Management Company:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.5.1. Application for placement in a business incubator and (or) production and technological zone (according to the established form).
(Clause 4.5.1 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.5.2. Copies of constituent documents (for legal entities).

4.5.3. A copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities) or a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs(for individual entrepreneurs).

4.5.4. Information confirming inclusion in the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses.
(Clause 4.5.4 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.5.5. Business plan containing:

Description of the product resulting from the implementation of the entrepreneurial project;

Data about the project developers and manager (education, business experience);

Preliminary financial plan;

Preliminary list of needs for business incubator services.

4.6. Consideration of applications from small and medium-sized businesses for placement in a business incubator and production and technological zone is carried out taking into account the following criteria:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

Type of activity, its compliance with priority areas for the development of science and technology for the city of Moscow;

Competitiveness of the manufactured (developed) product;

Financial and economic indicators;

Environmental safety of the project (compliance of enterprise technologies with environmental safety requirements);

Creation of new jobs.

4.7. With small businesses that become winners of the competitive selection, the Management Company of a non-residential facility enters into appropriate lease agreements for non-residential premises based on the availability of free premises in the business incubator and requests from small businesses.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

4.8. The size of the area of ​​non-residential premises leased to one small business entity cannot exceed 15 percent of the total area of ​​the business incubator.
(The clause was additionally included from January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP)

Appendix 2. Regulations on the Tender Commission for the provision of non-residential premises to small businesses in a business incubator


resolution of the Moscow Government
dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

Appendix 3. Composition of the Tender Committee for consideration of applications of small and medium-sized businesses applying for lease of non-residential premises in a business incubator

The application has become invalid since January 1, 2017 -
resolution of the Moscow Government
dated December 27, 2016 N 950-PP.

Appendix 4. Amendments to Appendix 1 to the resolution of the Moscow Government of June 20, 2006 N 420-PP. 4. Action plan

4. Action plan

Subprogram 2. Strengthening market
small business positions

Section 2.1.

Property support for small businesses

clause 2.1.1 of the action plan

Providing small businesses and infrastructure organizations with non-residential premises

Providing small businesses and organizations with infrastructure to support small businesses in the city of Moscow with non-residential premises that meet modern functional, technological and environmental requirements, involving small businesses in investment construction processes
property complexes

Preparation, together with the prefectures of administrative districts, of technical specifications for the construction of facilities to accommodate small businesses (technology parks, multifunctional business centers, business incubators, etc.).

Selection, together with the prefectures of administrative districts and the Moscow Committee for Architecture, of land plots for the placement of small business facilities. Preparation of acts of permitted use of land plots.

Development of pre-design and design and estimate documentation for the construction of small business facilities.

Competitive selection (creation) of management companies. Attracting small businesses as co-investors for the construction of facilities for small businesses.

Carrying out work related to the design, organization of construction and commissioning of facilities for small businesses.

Creation and development of production and technological facilities for small enterprises in Moscow, including logistics and distribution centers.

Preparation of the necessary documentation for the repair of non-residential premises of organizations of city and district infrastructures for supporting small businesses.

Carrying out current and major repairs of non-residential premises, technological equipment and commissioning of facilities of urban and regional infrastructure organizations. Technical equipment of the business incubator building of the multi-functional small business technology park at the address: Tvardovsky St., 8.

Providing a subsidy to compensate for the costs of the CP "Business Incubator "Zelenograd" at the initial stage of operation at the address: Zelenograd, Yunosti St., no. 8.

Expected results

The number of real estate objects is at least 50.

Total area, thousand square meters, not less than 1000.0.

Creation of new jobs, thousand people, not less:

2007 - 5.0

2008 - 1.3

2009 - 15.0

Volume of attracted investments, million rubles:

2007 - 5600

2008 - 500

2009 - 1530

Construction of facilities, thousand sq.m:

2007 - 60.0

2008 - 15.0

2009 - 285.0

Resource support (million rubles)


Moscow budget,

including subsidies

Other sources (raised funds)

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On the creation of a state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Business incubator "Zelenograd" and ensuring the functioning of the Entrepreneurship Development Center of the Zelenograd Administrative District of the city of Moscow with the location of a business incubator at the address: Zelenograd, Yunosti St., 8 (as amended as of April 2, 2019 of the year)

Document's name: On the creation of a state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Business incubator "Zelenograd" and ensuring the functioning of the Entrepreneurship Development Center of the Zelenograd Administrative District of the city of Moscow with the location of a business incubator at the address: Zelenograd, Yunosti St., 8 (as amended as of April 2, 2019 of the year)
Document Number: 118-PP
Document type:
Receiving authority: The government of Moscow
Status: Active
Published: Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 13, 03.03.2009
Acceptance date: February 17, 2009
Start date: February 17, 2009
Revision date: April 02, 2019
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