The windows in the car sweat a lot. Why do car windows sweat from the inside and what to do in this case?

We remember from our school physics course what condensate is. It forms on glass and windows. Moreover, this happens not only due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

Very often you can see how droplets of moisture accumulate on the glass in winter. This is especially noticeable when the house for a long time it was not heated, and then the owners turn on all the heaters at once, and the windows fog up.

If we talk about an ordinary room, then condensation has an extremely bad effect on plaster. Even bricks are destroyed under its influence. It is not surprising that after several cold winters, pieces of the walls begin to fall off in the house.

In a car, everything happens completely differently. The windows just fog up. At first glance, this is not such a significant problem. If you are sitting in the passenger seat and looking out the side window, you can always wipe off the foggy glass with your hand. Once you fall asleep, the droplets will turn into frost, which will be extremely difficult to remove.

With a windshield it's completely different. Firstly, the driver constantly has to be distracted by wiping the window. Secondly, it is very difficult to reach the second half of the glass.

As a result, the driver is left with two options: at the risk of losing control, wipe the glass, which begins to fog up, or stop. Of course, if there is a passenger, you can ask him to remove moisture from the glass. But this option is not always available.

Fortunately, over almost 100 years of driving, motorists have been able to develop many methods for dealing with foggy windows. For example, you can install special equipment that will allow you to forget about this problem forever.

Why does the windshield of a car fog up?

Some drivers think that Windshield The car should not fog up, but this is absolutely not the case. It, like other car windows, is susceptible to moisture accumulation. However, there is special equipment that allows you to avoid this. True, it is not installed in all machines.

To prevent your car windows from fogging up, you can install heating elements yourself. After such an operation, you will have an excellent view not only from behind, but also from the front. Moreover, this will not be influenced by any factors.

More about condensation

To understand which countermeasures are the most effective when the windows in a car fog up. Let's consider the condensation process in more detail. The root cause of foggy windows is water, or more precisely, its vapor. Their content in the atmosphere varies depending on the climatic region, season and weather.

The simplest experiment is to breathe on a window for a few seconds. A whitish haze immediately forms on it. Another good example- this is a bath. You've probably noticed more than once that while taking a shower, the glass fogs up.

Drops of water accumulate not only on glass. If you look closely, you can find them on the walls too. The thing is that they are best visible on the surface of the glass. Scientifically, this process is called condensation.

Condensation is the transition of a substance from one state to another. As a result of this movement, the windows in the car fog up. This happens when cooling. Main indicator in this process it is the dew point. This is what meteorologists call the temperature of maximum saturation of air with water. At this moment, condensation is released.

Reaching the dew point depends largely on air temperature and humidity. The pattern is quite simple: the lower the air humidity, the lower the temperature must be for the windows to fog up.

This dependence is best seen in the example of winter and summer. In summer the humidity is much higher. Therefore, the dew point can be reached at relatively high temperatures.

It is not surprising that car windows fog up not only in winter, but also in summer. This happens as follows: the temperature outside is high, you turn on the air conditioning, and it starts blowing air inside the cabin cold air. The result is more than predictable - the windows begin to fog up.

Attention! When the car sits in the sun for a long time, and the air conditioner inside is running at full power, the windows will fog up in any case.

In winter, car windows fog up due to the completely opposite situation. It's cold outside the car, but warm inside. Glass is located exactly on the border of these two climatic zones.

In spring and autumn, in turn, the humidity in the air increases, and the windows fog up again. In fact, a motorist should always drive with a cloth and a passenger who will wipe his windshield. Fortunately, there are other, much more practical methods to get rid of condensation blocking your view, including side windows.

Six ways to effectively deal with foggy windows

Setting up the climate system

So, modern cars equipped with many operating modes, including climate control. That's why the first thing you should do when your windows fog up is to set your air conditioner correctly.

You need to select the window blowing mode. In this case, the air flow should be directed specifically towards the windows. To do this, simply rotate the deflector grilles correctly. It also doesn't hurt to raise the temperature slightly. As a result, the car windows will not fog up.

A running air conditioner will dry foggy windows in a few minutes. Just remember to turn off the internal air circulation before doing this. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

In some cases, this method is not particularly effective. But this is not the equipment's fault. Most likely clogged cabin filter. Therefore, the air conditioner is not able to cope with heating and drying. Fix this problem so that your car windows stop fogging up.

Important! In damp and humid weather, the cabin air filter may draw moisture. As a result, its performance deteriorates significantly.

We use special means

Do you remember the example with the bathroom mirror fogging up? There is a great way to deal with this problem. It is enough to wipe the glass with a cloth and soapy water, and moisture will stop accumulating. This technique is widely used in Japanese hotels. There, if you wash in the shower, the mirror will always be transparent.

It is not surprising that there are a number of automotive chemicals that allow you to avoid window fogging when applied. These products are available in the following forms:

  • aerosols,
  • liquids,
  • napkins.

Their operating principle is identical. They change surface tension window. A thin film is created on the glass, which is invisible to the naked eye. This is what prevents windows from fogging up.

The smallest particles of water simply slide inside without stopping on the car windows. The product should be applied to clean, freshly washed and dried windows. Then you can avoid fogging up your windows.

The anti-fog agent for glass is selected based on personal preference. You must choose a scent that will not irritate you, as well as a convenient method of application to the surface.

Traditional methods

As automobile technology developed, drivers also came up with their own alternative methods to help avoid glass fogging. Some of them are very effective, and are much cheaper.

In order to prevent windows from fogging, make a solution with the following proportions: one part glycerin to ten parts alcohol. It is not recommended to use glycerin exclusively. Yes, this substance itself forms a protective film and helps to effectively combat condensation. But there is also side effects.

If you use only glycerin as the main means to combat foggy windows, the glass will become greasy. There will be streaks on it. As a result, visibility will be greatly reduced. It’s better not to think about night trips with this treatment. The fact is that strong glare can interfere with correct orientation on the road at night.

There are several other very popular folk methods for cleaning foggy windows. You can use regular newspapers and use them to rub the windows. Printing ink can create a very reliable protective film.

Important! When you have nothing at hand, but you need to go, take simple tobacco and wipe the windows with it.

Anti-fog film

This solution against window fogging is considered very drastic, but provides a lasting and durable effect. A similar technology is used in motorcycle helmets, and it is worth noting that it is very effective.

Attention! The film is applied to foggy windows in the same way as tinting film.

Remove excess moisture

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best one. To avoid watching your car windows fog up, simply roll down the windows. The only drawback of this option is that after ventilation it will be very difficult to restore the previous climate balance inside the cabin.

Also, excess moisture is formed due to water and snow getting inside the cabin. As soon as the temperature inside rises, evaporation begins. As a result, the car windows fog up. To avoid this effect, you need to regularly add excess moisture.

To prevent your windows from fogging up, remove ice from your floor mats regularly. The floor of the car should not be wet. As a preventative measure, rugs should be dried periodically.

Attention! Sometimes a loose seal can cause raindrops or snow to get inside the car. Because of this, the car windows will only fog up more.

Some drivers put newspapers on the floor and throw them away as soon as they are soaked. This technique is not very effective, but it still allows you to avoid foggy windows.

Important! Do not store wet rags inside the car.

Regular salt reduces humidity well and helps prevent glass fogging. Just place the paper wrapper in the back seat. Salt crystals tend to attract moisture. This method will save you from condensation.

Don't speak

As strange as it may sound, the air we exhale also causes the windows in the car to fog up. It is much warmer than what is in the cabin, and also contains a huge amount of moisture.

Accordingly, if you want the windows inside the cabin to not fog up, talk less. Fortunately, if you have a normal air conditioning system in your cabin, you can avoid such drastic measures by setting the appropriate settings.


As you can see, there are many methods that can prevent your car windows from fogging up. Some require a lot of money to implement, while others cost practically nothing.

So, raise your hands, those whose car windows NEVER, NEVER sweat! What, there aren't any? It's OK! From time to time, the windows fog up in absolutely any car. Whether it’s grandpa’s old Moskvich or a brand new BMW with an anti-condensation system. Only in some cars this happens all the time, in others less often.

So let's figure out why car windows sweat and what the consequences are. And we’ll find out what to do to prevent fogging or eliminate existing sweat. Let's study all the known methods and decide which of them really work and which do not bring any practical benefit. Content:

What is the danger of foggy windows?

It is an undeniable fact that driving a car with foggy windows is very unpleasant. You can’t see anything, it’s difficult to change lanes, there’s a risk of hitting a curb or not noticing a sign and getting a fine for it.

In addition, when the windows in the car constantly sweat, this indirectly indicates high humidity in the cabin. Because of this, metal parts corrode faster, and textile elements become moldy. The air in the car becomes musty.

Even if you don’t see obvious mold, it doesn’t mean everything is fine. When exposed to dampness, fabric upholstery quickly loses its attractiveness and strength. And some mechanisms can suddenly jam at one point. A car is a very expensive thing, and it’s a shame to cry when you notice even a small scratch or trace of rust on your car.

We agree in advance with your silent protest: it is difficult to imagine that modern cars “sweat” so much as to provoke the development of mold and rust. In old domestic models this may have been the case, but in new ones you need to try very hard for the interior to begin to rot: not drying it out in time, constantly introducing dampness into it.

However the main problem wet windows are not at all a lack of comfort. The worst thing that fogged windows lead to is an increased accident rate.

You don’t have to look far for an example: you started to back up and didn’t notice your grandmother rushing to the store. Or they decided to overtake the car in front, but because of the fogged windows and mirrors they did not see that rear car overtaking also began. And what does it cost to maneuver in a parking lot! In conditions of insufficient visibility, you can damage your own car, and at the same time several strangers. It’s good if you don’t run over a child or any animal in the process.

And everyone understands: perspiration on glass is very bad and very dangerous. You cannot drive a car with foggy windows. Everyone understands, but not everyone struggles with it.

Do you know why car windows sweat? Many will now joke that it is because one of the passengers is traveling with a hangover. Yes, alcohol “exhaust” increases evaporation, but is not the main factor.

To understand why car windows sweat, you need to remember your school physics course: the appearance of condensation is always associated with either a temperature difference or high air humidity. This is why glass most often sweats in winter (when there is a large temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the glass) or during rain (when the air is saturated with water vapor).

In this regard, we can name 3 main reasons for fogging of car windows:

  • Human breathing. The more people are in the car, the more the windows sweat.
  • Intake of humid air from outside. If it’s damp outside, then when the ventilation system and heater operate, all this moisture is drawn into the cabin.
  • Dampness in the cabin. It is caused by wet rugs, damp shoes, storing wet clothes in a car, etc.

What to do? Obviously, you can get rid of glass fogging either by reducing the humidity in the cabin or by properly ventilating the car.

What to do if your car windows sweat: useless methods

So, we figured out why the windows in the car sweat. All that remains is to decide what to do about it. If you scour the Internet... Although, most likely, you have already done this and found a lot of completely useless advice that does not work in practice. All of them are aimed exclusively at eliminating the causes of glass fogging. We will look at a few of them:

Tip #1: Get into the car only with clean shoes.. Do what you want: dust off your feet before getting into the car, keep a brush or broom under the seat to clean your shoes. The main thing is not to bring dampness into the cabin. And then the glass will sweat less.

The advice is not without logic. Yes, the less dampness that enters the cabin, the better for the car. However, how do you imagine this? In the summer, will you splash around in puddles in shoe covers, and in the winter, will you pick out snow from the tread of your boots for half an hour? Or will you start a “shift” purely for driving, and carefully pack your street shoes in a bag each time? Then give slippers to passengers at the entrance.

Tip #2: Use rubber mats. They are a life saver when you don't have time to shake snow or water off your feet.

Actually, most Russians do just that - use rubber stands. Having melted, the snow forms a puddle on the rug. Then you just pour the water onto the street and that’s it. This method is again intended more to protect the underbody of the car from corrosion than to prevent perspiration. Using glass mats in your car will not make you sweat less.

Tip #3: Don't carry wet things in your car. As a last resort, pack them in a plastic bag.

In combination with all the measures, this method may play some role. But first of all, which of us always carries bags with us to pack raw items? And secondly, if the ventilation in the cabin is poor, then the windows in the car will continue to sweat.

Tip #4: Use the stove and ventilation system correctly. If it is humid outside, it is better to switch the systems to circular air circulation (recirculation) mode, that is, without capturing street air masses.

A completely stupid idea. Some “experts” even claim that when the air from the cabin is repeatedly forced through the stove, it becomes drier, which is why the windows in the car stop sweating. As practice shows, everything happens exactly the opposite: when recirculating, car windows are instantly covered with a dense layer of perspiration.

So, no matter what site you go to, everywhere they seriously recommend these very methods of combating fogging of car windows. You can follow these four tips 100%, but you will still wonder why your car windows sweat as much as before. And all because these methods DO NOT WORK!

As we have already understood, removing wet objects from the interior practically does not help get rid of condensation on car windows. Especially if you are traveling somewhere with the whole family. The more you are in the car, the more the windows sweat. You won’t tell your wife: “Darling, you and your children are causing me to have condensation on the windows, should you take a taxi?!”

So how can you reduce the humidity in your car? – Of course, with the help of the most ordinary ventilation! And also by drying the interior.

  1. Dry the interior thoroughly before driving. It would be a good idea to ventilate the car before warming it up. Then the glass will sweat less.
  2. Maintain the vehicle's ventilation system in good condition. Check to see if the filters are clogged and if the valves are working properly.
  3. When driving in rainy weather, lower the windows slightly, and at the end of the trip, keep the car doors open for a while. And in winter, some far-sighted drivers switch from the heater to cold air a few minutes before stopping. This not only helps minimize the risk of fogging on your next trip, but also prevents ice from forming on the body.
  4. If signs of fogging appear, turn on the interior ventilation to maximum, directing the airflow onto the windows.
  5. Have clean, dry wipes in the cabin for wiping glass. They are needed if you are in a hurry and cannot wait for the air to dry up the perspiration.
  6. Check air circulation in the cabin. Free movement air masses can be interfered with by curtains that are too large and thick, clothes hanging on hooks and a pile of luggage in the cabin. It is also worth checking how the ventilation shafts in the trunk work.
  7. Upgrade the trunk by cutting small openings in the side trim. Yes, sometimes the answer to the question of why the windows in a car sweat lies precisely in insufficient air exchange between the cabin and luggage compartments. Even with a normally functioning mine! In this case, slits are made in the casing, and then they are carefully covered with plastic grilles. Car owners rarely resort to such a drastic method, but those who, with pain in their hearts, decided on such fanaticism are pleased with the result.

Using anti-fog chemicals

So, the main reason why car windows sweat is insufficient interior ventilation. However, when there is no time to thoroughly ventilate the car, and there is no time to wipe the windows with a napkin, special chemical substances in the form of liquid, aerosol or mastic.

They prevent condensation from forming and prevent water droplets from adhering to the glass. Such products do their job perfectly; one application is enough for several trips. The main disadvantage of such “anti-foggers” is that they must be applied mainly to clean, dry surfaces. Otherwise the effect will be zero. The rules for applying such products are indicated on the packaging, so we will not go into details.

If you don’t want to spend money on special substances, you can easily get by with liquids like “Anti-ice” or “Anti-freeze”. The usual one gives a good effect ethanol, especially if mixed with glycerin (in a ratio of 20:1).


Let us repeat: there are many answers to the question of why car windows sweat, and the main one is poor ventilation. Meanwhile, for some drivers, the perspiration on the windows is caused by a clogged cabin filter, for others it is due to a violation of the air outflow in the trunk, and for others it is simply diesel car, which, in principle, does not warm up well, although it is blown normally. Each case should be examined individually.

If there are no problems with ventilation, ventilate the interior, turn on the airflow full power, and after a couple of minutes enjoy good visibility of the glass.

However, for greater confidence in protection from perspiration, we still recommend once again not to neglect the cleanliness of the interior: shake snow off your shoes, do not spill drinks (especially alcoholic ones) inside the car and do not throw wet things on the seats.

Foggy windows in a car significantly reduce visibility and can cause a traffic accident. Drivers most often encounter this problem during the cold period of vehicle operation.

Why do car windows sweat from the inside and what to do to reduce their “sweating”? Read on.

Why do car windows fog up from the point of view of physical processes?

Fogging of glass in a car is a consequence of the physical process of water transitioning from a gaseous state to a liquid state (condensation). When the car is parked, the air temperature inside and outside the cabin ( environment) are leveled off, as is the relative humidity.

When the driver and passengers enter the cabin, the humidity increases significantly due to the exhaled air, which contains a high concentration of water vapor. Many drivers know that the effect is greatly enhanced if there are alcohol vapors in the exhaled air.

Since the glass remains cold at the time of planting (its temperature is below the dew point), air vapor instantly condenses on it. Condensation also occurs on other elements of the cabin, but it is not significant for visibility.

Video - why car windows fog up and how to deal with it:

The most effective ways to combat air condensation to prevent your car windows from sweating:

  • heating the glass to a temperature above the dew point;
  • powerful glass blowing, leading to reverse evaporation of water;
  • application of special agents to the inner surface of the glass, reducing the deposition of vapors and transforming the structure of microdroplets.

Thus, in the cold season, the condensation process, leading to fogging of the windows in the car, is inevitable. It can be amplified many times over under the influence of other operating conditions of the vehicle:

  • V winter period car operation, the dew point temperature changes, the time for the necessary heating of the glass increases;
  • during rain, air humidity increases significantly, the likelihood of moisture getting into the interior, and due to the washing of windows by raindrops, their warming up time also increases;
  • While the car is moving, immediately after the driver and passengers have boarded the unheated interior, it is more difficult to warm up the glass due to its cooling by oncoming air flows.

Reasons influencing the increase in the effect of glass fogging in a car

In addition to the above-mentioned effect of the presence of alcohol vapors in a passenger, the following operating conditions of the car contribute to an increase in fogging of the glass in the car from the inside:

  • Increased air humidity in the cabin. Its cause may be wet carpets, seats after contact with wet clothes of the driver and passengers, water entering the cabin due to poor glass seals, plugs, loose closing of doors, remaining drops of rainwater and snow after opening the doors, drinking drinks (especially hot) in salon. All this can significantly increase the relative humidity.
  • Pollution, wear of the cabin filter. Many drivers do not change the cabin filter for years. Moisture accumulates in its cavity, especially during the summer period of car operation when the air conditioner is turned on frequently.
  • Incorrect operation of the damper regulators for the interior airflow system. In this case, the recirculation of air flows in the car interior may be disrupted, and the effectiveness of forced air ventilation is significantly reduced. In this case, practically no excess moisture will be removed from the interior while the car is moving.
  • Heater radiator leaking. Even a slight leak of antifreeze from the heater radiator or pipes, which is not detected visually and by the human olfactory organs, can increase the relative humidity in the car interior by 10 - 20%. A possible small leak in the heater radiator can be detected by a characteristic oily coating on the inner surface of the windshield.
  • Frequent car washing. If the car is not new, the door and glass seals are worn out. At the time of washing, especially under high pressure, moisture penetrates into the car, which does not have time to completely leave the cabin before the next procedure.

What to do if the car windows fog up from the inside

A set of measures to reduce the effect of fogging of car windows from the inside can be divided into preventive and operational.

Preventive measures include:

  • Timely replacement of the cabin filter. It is best to change the cabin filter during the changing seasons of the car: cold - warm and warm - cold, that is, twice a year. If the car is not operated under heavy loads, then it is enough to replace the cabin filter once a year - at the end of the warm period of operation. Clean the filter at the same time as replacing the filter. internal cavity installation location of the filter, pan and condensate drain hole.
  • Periodic cleaning of the car interior. When operating a car in the cold season, especially after prolonged rainfall, it is necessary to periodically dry non-rubber mats and seat covers, if any. They absorb moisture like a sponge. Drying can be done by placing them on a heating radiator overnight. To dry the interior, you can leave the car once a week in a dry heated garage with open doors. There are special materials such as silica gel (bags of it are sometimes placed in high-quality shoes during pre-sale preparation) that absorb moisture. To absorb moisture from the volume of the car interior, at least 1 kg of material will be required. It is dried on a heating radiator, then placed in the car interior for a day, after which it is dried again.
  • Regulation of interior ventilation. Before the cold period of operation of the machine, it is necessary to check the functionality of all regulators and valves responsible for the redistribution of heating and ventilation air flows, and, if necessary, repair them.

Video - if the car windows sweat a lot, what to do and what remedies can be used:

Prompt measures to eliminate fogging of car windows:

  • Always have a soft, dry rag in the car's interior for wiping the glass. In practice, you need to have at least two cloth napkins, one of which is stored at home to dry, the other in the car. At the end of the trip they change places.
  • Treatment of the inner surface of glass with special means. The simplest remedy is a homemade low concentration soapy water solution. It changes the surface tension of the glass material. Moisture rolls into microdrops that practically do not interfere with visibility. At negative temperature this mixture is ineffective. Some car enthusiasts make a mixture using glycerin, but it causes glare at night. You can find many special products on the car market. chemical origin. Each of them is effective in its own way; they should be selected experimentally.
  • Coating of glass with a special nanofilm. This coating is produced in motorcycle helmets. Before carrying out such an expensive procedure at a service station, you should consult with specialists.
  • Reduce the number of unnecessary things in the car. They can absorb moisture, especially various blankets, bedspreads, and fabric rugs.
  • Talk less in the car, especially while the interior is warming up.

Additional warnings

To avoid problems, do not wipe the inner surface of the glass with alcohol-containing liquid, or with products of dubious origin!

With the onset of cold weather, many drivers share the same problem: the windshield of the car fogs up, not only in rain or snow, but also in dry weather. This phenomenon is especially dangerous in winter, when an ice crust begins to form on the glass almost immediately, so it is advisable to eliminate the causes before the onset of cold weather.

Why does the windshield fog up?

Before you can overcome fogging of car windows, you will have to figure out why this phenomenon occurs. As a matter of fact, the only reason for fogging is increased humidity in the car interior. All that remains is to find out where it comes from.

  1. Firstly, moisture is contained in the air exhaled by everyone in the cabin. By the way, the well-known pun “windows sweat from the inside - drink less” has a real basis, because alcohol vapors (due to their hygroscopicity) collect a lot of moisture around themselves, which is why car windows fog up even more intensely. It is worth noting that the less people talk in the cabin, the less moist air they exhale, and the slower the moisture settles on the glass.
  2. The second reason for increased humidity in the car interior is wet clothes, mats, seats, so the problem gets worse in the rain. The moisture gradually evaporates and immediately condenses on the windows. Many car owners are perplexed: why the heater is on, the fan is running, and the windows are “tightened” even more. The reason is very simple: the hotter and more intense the airflow, the faster the moisture evaporates.
  3. The third reason leading to the problem is worn-out door and glass seals, through which water enters the interior. It’s quite easy to determine when it’s time to pay attention to sealing: if the floor upholstery and rear parcel shelf constantly get wet when it rains, it means the seals are not doing their job. In addition, their appearance can also say a lot: as they wear out, cracks and tears begin to appear in them.
  4. Another reason for the windows fogging up from inside the car (although quite rare, but still found in cars with climate control systems) is a clogged air conditioner drain hole. Instead of leaking out, the condensate remains inside the system, and the passing air is excessively humidified. In this case, to cope with the fogging problem, it is enough to clean the drain hole.
  5. In addition, the problem may lie in jammed air duct dampers, which causes air flows to be improperly redistributed. To repair them, you will have to disassemble the dashboard. The procedure is, of course, troublesome, but necessary.

How to deal with glass fogging

The most reliable way to prevent glass fogging is heating. If the rear window fogs up, everything is simple: just turn on the heating and all the condensation will evaporate. For many modern cars, the windshield is also equipped with electric heating. As for the rest, the main thing is to prevent moisture from settling. Air flows need to be redistributed so that as much air as possible hits the windows.

Modern cars have an intensive windshield blowing function, thanks to which even completely fogged glass can quickly be made transparent. Often, enough air gets onto the side windows, clearing them.

It is important to note one circumstance: the air for blowing should not be taken from inside the cabin, where it is humid, but from the street. Often the cause of foggy car windows is a clogged cabin air filter. Its permeability deteriorates, and some of the air is captured from the passenger compartment, so you need to monitor its condition and change it in a timely manner. In addition, you can purchase a carbon filter instead of the usual one. It dries the air passing through it, and the windows, not only the windshield, but also others, fog up less.

On a car equipped with air conditioning, you can turn it on in parallel with the stove, if possible. The air passing through the air conditioner becomes less humid. On a car with climate control, this function usually works automatically.

It has long been noted that the less often the driver washes the windows, the more condensation settles on them. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe them regularly. In addition, clean windows prevent glare at night when the car is illuminated by oncoming cars, thus making driving safer.

As for the rubber mats, it is necessary to regularly shake off snow, ice and water from the rubber ones, while the textile ones need to be dried periodically, especially if the car was driven in the rain. Many car owners put newspapers under their feet in winter. This also makes sense, because paper absorbs water well. You just need to constantly change them, because otherwise, it is the newspapers that become the source of increased air humidity in the car.

Using glass defoggers

There are various aerosols that prevent moisture condensation on glass, but you should choose an anti-fog agent carefully. Some compounds, when sprayed, form a greasy film on the glass, which glares strongly in the headlights. High-quality products are quite expensive, but when used correctly, they are completely invisible and do not require subsequent removal. It should be remembered that any remedy for glass fogging is an extra “chemical” that will be constantly present in the cabin, and even a high-quality composition must be used with caution.

It is better not to use the old-fashioned method of rubbing the windshield of a car with salt wrapped in a cloth, thereby eliminating the possibility of fogging, since salt water flowing from the glass will become a source of corrosion, and where the window is blown by the stove, white salt stains will appear through which you can see what -or very problematic.

Window fogging is a problem in many older cars. But even new cars may have drops of condensation on the windshield or rear window during rain or snowfall. A car window defogger will help solve the problem. How do anti-fog products work? And how to make such a product on the go, from improvised means?

Sweating of the windows inside the car often occurs during rain. It reduces visibility and poses a danger to traffic. Foggy windows block up to 35% of the light flux and thereby reduce the quality of visibility and the driver’s adequate assessment of the road situation. The cause of sweating is condensation. It collects (scientifically, condenses) on the windshield from the inside. It can also be collected on any other glass - side or rear.

Condensation is small droplets of water that settle on the glass surface. Certain conditions are necessary for them to fall out. This is the so-called “dew point”, a combination of a certain humidity and temperature. For example, with an air humidity of 62%, condensation will form at a temperature of +12 °C. But at a humidity of 95%, condensation will appear already at +20 °C. Thus, condensation is guaranteed if there is high humidity in the cabin.

Note and for comparison: the usual humidity of the air that people breathe indoors is 50 - 60%. Doctors recommend maintaining humidity in children's rooms at 60 - 70%.

The process of condensation formation can be controlled by temperature and humidity. In this case, the temperature is important not in the cabin, but on the inner surface of the glass. And also air humidity. What do these factors depend on, and how can their values ​​be influenced?

Determined by the outside air temperature. In winter and autumn it is quite low, so the glass is heated to prevent condensation. Cold glass will almost always be the site of condensation. The glass is heated with warm or hot air from the ventilation slots - this is the same with windshields. Or by transferring heat from heated wires - this is how rear windows are heated.

Condensation does not form on heated glass. If it has already formed, then when the glass is heated, the water droplets dry out within a few minutes. Therefore, in humid weather, the blowing and heating of the windows is turned on immediately, even before leaving the garage, in order to prevent them from fogging up.

The humidity of the air inside the car is the second factor that determines the fogging of the windows. When landing in the cabin, the humidity corresponds to the outdoor space. Afterwards, it may decrease if the hood works well enough.

When you get into your car during a rainstorm, you bring with you 90 percent humidity and condensation on the windows. Therefore, during rain, without waiting for moisture to appear, it is necessary to turn on enhanced exhaust ventilation of the cabin. The amount of moisture in the cabin air will be constantly replenished if 4 - 5 people travel in the car. In 1 minute, a person exhales 1 gram of water, which also remains in the cabin and can condense on the inner surface of the glass. An exhaust fan should also be running to remove moisture from passengers' breath.

A very useful and relevant article from our specialist explains how it works.

You can find out detailed information about whether you can enable it from the article by our author.

To remove condensation, it is necessary that the air circulation is turned on “from the machine”. And one more thing: for high-quality ventilation, the cabin filter and evaporator must be clean.

In order to prevent condensation, it is necessary to turn on hot air blowing on the glass and increased exhaust ventilation of the car interior.

You can also turn on the air conditioner - it will remove moisture and condensation in a few minutes. If the car is just leaving the garage, it will take time to warm up the engine. And only after this it will be possible to heat the glass with hot air. An exception to this rule would be the option of a separately operating stove. In this case, glass heating can be turned on from the start.

Moisture in the cabin: what to do?

If there is chronic humidity inside the car, it is worth checking the condition of the underbody and raising the rugs. If it is humid under them, the tendency to fog will be increased. What should I do?

  1. Dry the upholstery under the rugs.
  2. Place a porous absorbent substance under the driver or passenger seats. Cat litter is often used. Salt also works. It absorbs not only moisture, but also unpleasant odors.
  3. Check the condition of the seals and, if necessary, change them so that rainwater does not enter the car interior.
  4. Check the serviceability of the engine cooling system - it can also be a source of moisture for the interior space.

Be sure to read the article about which car to buy or how to make it yourself.

Find out what benefits it gives the driver and how to install this function correctly in our article.

Read more detailed information about it, its features and selection rules in our expert’s material.

To be fair, it is worth noting that on many modern cars the windows do not sweat. Their hood and glass blowing work quite well. Therefore, there are no conditions for condensation to form on the glass. The issue of fogging is more relevant to cars of the domestic auto industry with insufficient ventilation and clogged filters, with a faulty heating system on the rear window. Thus, the question of an anti-fog arises.

Means for treating foggy glass

To solve the problem of fogging, the automotive industry produces various glass treatment products. They are called anti-fog and anti-rain. They come in the form of aerosols or liquids and are sold in auto chemical stores at an average, affordable price.

Almost any car window defogger is alcohol-based. This is a fairly reliable product that reduces the amount of condensation on the glass and improves visibility during rain. However, there are situations when there is no ready-made anti-fog agent, but you need to go. It’s raining outside, 5 people are sitting in a car, and condensation is constantly forming on the windows. What home remedies can replace auto chemicals?

DIY anti-fog

To solve the problem at home, you can use improvised means that are easy to buy at a hardware store or those that you usually have at home. Their action is as follows - scientifically speaking, they should reduce the surface tension of the liquid. In this case, condensation on the windshield or other glass will not be retained. Drops will roll down without reducing visibility.

How can you reduce the surface tension of water, and which of these substances can be used in the car interior? How to make a homemade glass defogger with your own hands?

More details about how it is carried out correctly, which is important for the owner to take into account, can be found in the material from our author.

You can learn about why it is needed, how it protects glass from insects and how it is installed in the article by our specialist.

A detailed article from our author will tell you how to repair a car.


The simplest remedy for foggy windows. The soap contains glycerin and surfactants. They allow you to reduce the surface tension of water molecules and thereby remove condensation from the surface of the glass.

Surfactants or surfactants are found in many detergents and washing powders. Therefore, you can use not only soap, but also other detergents. Unless they contain chlorine, phosphates, formaldehydes.

To prevent condensation from forming, soap is rubbed on the inside of the glass. You can draw a grid or stripes and then rub them on the glass with a rag. Heat is necessary for good rubbing. Therefore, if you “wash” the windows in the cold, do it after driving the car in a warm interior.

Mix glycerin and alcohol, then wipe the glass with the resulting mixture - the easiest option is to make a car window defogger with your own hands. Glycerin contained in soap reduces the surface tension of water droplets. However, its separate use leads to the formation of a greasy film on the surface of the glass. Fine dust and debris stick to this film. To prevent the formation of a film, glycerin is diluted with alcohol. At the same time, alcohol itself is also a means that reduces surface tension. When combined with glycerin, it loses its pungent odor and becomes an ingredient.

The ability of glycerin to absorb alcohol odor is used in the production of moonshine. Glycerin is added to home distillate and passed off as a factory product.

Mixing ratio: 1 to 10, where 1 part glycerin and 10 parts alcohol.

Pure glycerin, without mixing with alcohol, creates a greasy film on the surface of the glass. It produces glare at night, under lamplight or from headlights. Therefore, pure glycerin is not suitable as an anti-fog agent.

By itself, ammonia reduces surface tension and prevents condensation. But its effect on the human body can hardly be called healing or positive. Ammonia is used for fainting. It speeds up breathing and increases blood pressure. In addition, it irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, causing lacrimation, coughing, headache. Even in small concentrations, ammonia can cause breathing problems.

After treating the glass with ammonia, it is necessary to ventilate the car well.

It is better not to wipe car windows with pure ammonia, but to use a mixture of ammonia and glycerin to wash them. The components are taken in the following ratio:

  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of glycerin;
  • 5 drops of ammonia.

The resulting solution is used to wipe car windows inside and out. This solves several questions at once:

  • get rid of condensation;
  • the outer surface will become less dirty;
  • raindrops will quickly roll down;
  • ice – freezes less, appears at lower temperatures.

Shaving gel

Another handy car window defogger that contains surfactants is shaving gel or foam. The glass inside the car is rubbed with gel. To do this, squeeze it onto a paper napkin and rub the glass until clean. The amount of gel is a few drops. Grind until transparent.

WD – handy auto chemicals

If an anti-fog agent is a special substance that needs to be bought at a car store, then WD is a rust remover liquid, which is often stored in a car enthusiast’s garage and is used for various purposes. You can also treat glass with WD solvent to prevent it from sweating.

Auto chemicals: how to use correctly

Store-bought anti-foggers are auto chemical items. Almost all of them are made on the basis of technical alcohol, to which chemical components are added - flavorings, thickeners, preservatives. For the auto chemicals to work effectively, the following rules must be observed.

  1. The anti-fog agent should be sprayed or applied to clean, washed and dried glass. Definitely dry.
  2. Can be applied in two or more layers, several times. This will increase the operating time of the product.
  3. Renew the substance in a timely manner, apply the solution or aerosol anew every 2 weeks.

What else should I treat with anti-fog?

Anti-sweating glass products will be very useful on other surfaces of the car. What else should be treated with an autochemical solution?

  1. Surface of exterior mirrors. Anti-fog treatment will be similar to anti-rain treatment. During rain or fog, drops will not accumulate on the mirror.
  2. The outer surface of the glass. This is true for rainy climates or during the season of frequent rainfall. And also for side windows that are not equipped with wipers. During heavy rain, water droplets will quickly roll off the frontal surface. The glass will be clean and visibility will be high.

What else should I add? Any means that improve the driver's visibility increases the safety of driving a car.

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