Where is the Volvo XC90 assembled? Volvo cars starts xc60 production in china What country is volvo factory in

Europe can boast quality machines. One of them are cars of the company of Swedish origin Volvo. The giant of the automotive industry is engaged in the production of trucks and cars Vehicle, as well as accessories.


Many people confuse which country produces Volvo. This is due to the company's extensive product line.

The Scandinavian Peninsula is home to one of the most recognized manufacturers of reliable vehicles. Volvo's first manufacturing country is Sweden. Since 1927, it is here, in the city of Gothenburg, that best cars, details and nodes.

The company specializes in the manufacture of:

  • trucks;
  • passenger cars;
  • agricultural and forestry machinery;
  • engines for various purposes.

The concern successfully carried out its activities in the automotive industry. Until 1999, the company was engaged in the production of passenger models, but then Volvo Personvagnar became the property of Ford, another giant in the production of cars, and later to the Geely concern (China). Today there are several activities of the concern.

Despite the fact that the owner of the Volvo Cars range is located in China, the main production facilities for cars and trucks are still located in the European Union.

European factories of the concern

  • XC90;
  • V60;

At the facilities of Gothenburg, cars are made for the markets of Europe and the USA. The share in the total output of all vehicles is about 11%.

Not far away, in the city of Shevde, Volvo power plants are produced. The engines are distributed all over the world, to the countries where the parent company's facilities are located. The conveyors of the city of Olofström produce body parts of the Scandinavian brand.

In addition, high-quality products are made in other European countries. So, in Belgium, at the Volvo Cars Ghent plant, located in the city of Ghent, the following models are assembled:

  • XC60.

It is the units assembled in Ghent that have the reputation of the highest quality assembly. All thanks to the fact that the enterprise is fully equipped with a closed type of production. The plant produces about 33% of the machines of the total output.

In Thorsland and Uddevalle in Switzerland, models roll off the assembly lines, which account for the lion's share of the total production - 20%:

  • XC70;
  • S80;
  • XC90;
  • V601;
  • C70.

In addition to the plants presented above, the concern owns the production of buses in the UK, produces vehicles for various purposes in the USA and China. Assembly factories operate in India and Malaysia.

In Copenhagen, the Volvo concern has a research center where they develop and test innovations in technical nodes transport. A team of specialists is working on the creation of new models and the introduction of innovations, every day making the comfortable, bladeless and environmentally friendly vehicles of the Swedish brand even better.

Factories in Asia

Since 2013, the company has been producing vehicles at the factories of the cities of Chengdu and Chongqing in China. Here they make cars for the domestic market of the country. The opening of a production base in the country made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of car models due to the absence of customs duties. More than half of all production falls on the Chinese market. They make the following car models:

  • S90.

Since 2015, the concern has been exporting cars to the United States manufactured in Chinese factories.

Volvo in the USA

The largest consumer market for Volvo vehicles is in North America. The inhabitants of the continent have long been accustomed to the reliability of cars and their high technical specifications. The largest plant for the production of passenger vehicles of the brand is a plant located in Ghent. It accounts for about half of the company's total turnover.

However, today the concern has its own plant in South Carolina, it manufactures models of the 60th, but it is planned to release the 90th class. This made it possible to fill the American market with reliable and recognized cars. Previously, Volvo had only a research center in the United States.

Russian plant Volvo

Russia has become another market where the company has introduced its facilities. Today in Kaluga, the production of trucks of the following series has been launched:

Suppliers of component parts to the plant are Sweden, Belgium and Germany, France and India. The Volvo Trucks concern, whose policy is aimed at selling products in the countries where they are produced, provides the Russian market with reliable freight transport.

The Russian manufacturer plans to produce up to 7,000 trucks per year. Despite the effects of the crisis, Kaluga has maintained a well-established truck manufacturing business and continues to provide employment to thousands of workers.

The company makes big bets on heavy engineering and special vehicles. The Kaluga plant is the most modern and modernized of all Volvo Trucks units.

The largest acquisition in the history of the Chinese auto industry: the Chinese concern Geely buys the Swedish company Volvo from the American Ford. The agreement was signed yesterday in Gothenburg, in the presence of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, who arrived in Sweden on an official visit in connection with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and Swedish Vice Premier and Industry Minister Maud Olofsson. Deal value: $1.8 billion, all necessary funds for the acquisition have already been received, at the same time Geely has also raised the capital necessary for the further development of Volvo car production.

Swedish media reports emphasize that "the agreement provides for the preservation of Volvo's independence, the continuation of its commercial plans and further development." Upon completion of the transaction, the company's headquarters will remain in Gothenburg, Geely will also retain Volvo's factories in Sweden and Belgium. In addition, the new owner expects to build a Volvo plant in China "to saturate the Chinese market with the company's cars." The agreement states that Geely will maintain good relations with Volvo workers and employees, its trade unions, distribution agencies, and especially with consumers. “Volvo will be managed by Volvo management. The enterprise will be granted independence in a strategic perspective. It will operate on its own business plan. We are committed to maintaining the brand's identity and see Volvo as a Swedish company with a strong Scandinavian tradition,” said Geely Chairman Li Shufu.

Volvo, like some other assets, Ford wanted to sell since 2008, when this company and many of its competitors - both in the US and around the world - faced serious financial problems. “The main goal of the deal is to find a new owner who shares Ford's vision of Volvo's future. We needed to find a new owner who could grow the business and at the same time take special care of the unique features of the Swedish brand. And who is also responsible for the company's employees and the society in which we operate. We have found, and I am pleased to announce this, such an owner in the face of Geely,” says Lewis Booth, vice president of Ford.

Volvo was acquired by Ford in 1999 for $6.5 billion. In total, 22,000 people work for Volvo worldwide, 16,000 of them in Sweden. Now the Swedish manufacturer assembles about 300,000 cars a year - a new plant in China should do the same. The trade unions gave their final consent to the signing of the agreement only last Saturday, after a meeting with Li Shufu and his explanations about the new leadership's plans for the future. “We are pleased to have entered into an agreement with Ford that allows us to preserve and enhance the heritage of the famous Volvo brand. The brand will remain true to its core values ​​of safety and contemporary Scandinavian design,” said Li Shufu. According to him, the strategic goal of the Chinese corporation is to achieve the production of 2 million cars a year by 2015. The acquisition of a well-known brand raises the prestige of the Chinese auto industry. In addition, Volvo will open the more expensive segment of the European market and its distribution network to manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom.

Volvo cars have always been associated with excellent quality and unconditional reliability. But this was considered before, until the history of the company began to change dramatically.

At some point, everyone thought that the brand might disappear altogether. After returning to the market, it seemed that Volvo would never be the same again. There will not be the same quality, the same indicators of reliability.

As it turned out, the worries and doubts were in vain. Currently, Volvo still continues to produce new cars that are distinguished by excellent assembly, rich equipment, fairly high prices and a thorough approach to.

At the same time, for many, the question of where exactly these cars are produced remains open. This is explained by the sale and resale of the company's shares, the transfer of the brand from one hand to another. This is expected to confuse consumers. And when the concept of China sounds next to Volvo, it completely scares you away from buying the once best Swedish cars.

Excursion into history

When it comes to the country of manufacture of Volvo, the first thing that comes to mind is the birthplace of the brand. Namely Sweden. Yes, the company originated in this country, and several production facilities are now operating here. But Volvo's influence has expanded since its inception, allowing assembly to branch out into several countries at once.

Currently, the company has several main areas of activity:

  • production passenger cars mobiles;
  • production of trucks;
  • supply of parts and spare parts;
  • assembly and delivery of engines;
  • production of components for trucks, etc.

If speak about trucks, then here we are talking about a branch of the company, which is called the Volvo Track Center and is based in Kaluga. In fact, this subsidiary has no direct relation to production.

But it all started with a relatively small Swedish factory in the city of Gothenburg. It was here in 1927 that the first car under the Volvo brand rolled off the assembly line.

For over 70 years, Volvo has been an integral part of the Volvo Group. But in 1999 the brand was sold. At that time, he became the property of the American auto giant in the face. Although the Americans did not manage to keep the Swedish brand for a long time. This was due to unprofitability and unprofitability of the further maintenance of the company. As a result, Ford management decided to get rid of Volvo by putting it up for sale.

After 11 years of ownership, Volvo was transferred from Ford to the Chinese automaker Geely. It was a difficult period for the company, as low profitability, weak sales figures were replaced by a transition under the leadership of a Chinese automaker, which at that time was not yet sufficiently recognizable. Everyone was afraid that this would lead to a drop in quality, a significant decrease in positions and a fall in the Volvo rating.

But in practice, everything turned out differently. Since 2010, when the Chinese bought Volvo from the Americans, the period of formation and revival of the brand began. Geely managed to correctly build a development strategy, invested money in Volvo, which fully paid off with the start of the production of new and updated cars.

The new owners set a goal to radically change the model range, significantly increase production capacity, and globally strengthen Volvo's position in the global market. And they have succeeded so far.

Now more than 2.3 thousand dealers are engaged in the sale of cars under the Volvo brand, which are concentrated in 100 countries. By the end of last year, the total staff of the car company around the world totaled over 38 thousand people.

During the same 2017, the company managed to sell almost 600 thousand of its cars of different classes and segments. And it turned out to be the 4th year in a row when Volvo shows sales records. The results of 2018 promise to be no less successful, but the results of the annual report have not yet been summed up.

As for the financial component, the operating profit for the last year amounted to 14 million kroons against 11 million in 2016. Annual revenue reached 210 million crowns, although a year earlier this figure was at that time a record 180 million.

The main headquarters is located in the homeland of the brand, that is, in Sweden, in the city of Gothenburg. Here the company develops its products, carries out marketing operations and planning, and also deals with administrative processes. And in 2011 we opened 2 offices in China. They are more focused on working in the domestic market. The Chinese headquarters took over the functions of sales, marketing, purchasing and development, as well as some other support functions.

Automobile manufacturing

Since buyers are interested in where the Volvo CX90, CX60 and a number of other cars are assembled, it is necessary to understand in more detail the geography of the brand's production.

Initially, all Volvo cars were produced in Sweden. But then production was taken up in other countries. At the same time, the plant in Gothenburg, which originally produced Swedish cars, still remains the main enterprise, where models such as the XC90, V60, S80, etc. are now successfully assembled.

To understand where Volvo is produced and assembled for Russia and other countries, you should study the geography of the automaker.

I would like to immediately note that in Europe cars are sold that are focused specifically on the European market. Asian and American assembly lines are focused respectively on the US and Asian countries. The exception is the plant in Chengdu, which is located in China. The company opened here in 2013. It assembles cars, which are then sold directly at home, that is, in China, and are also sent for sale in the United States.

Since 2014, another Chinese factory has been operating. It is located in the city of Daqing. A little later, a factory was opened in Luqiao. The most recent facility to assemble Volvo is the Charleston plant in South Carolina, USA.

Volvo for Russia

It is worth understanding in more detail where cars are assembled under the Volvo brand for Russia. It is a mistake to assume that the process of assembling Volvo cars, which are intended for the Russian market, is established in China. Cars assembled in Sweden or Belgium go to Russia.

To find out exactly where the same Volvo XC90 or another model officially presented in Russia is assembled, you should look at. If the VIN code uses the characters 1 or J, then the car was assembled in Sweden. If you see the number 2 on the wine code, then the car was assembled in Belgium, the city of Ghent.

So far, only at the level of rumors, the plant is expected to appear on the territory of Russia. If this happens, then the most likely option is to organize an assembly line. That is, components will be supplied, and domestic enterprises will undertake the final assembly. This scheme is practiced with many imported cars, so Volvo can be one of them.

In the meantime, you should rely on cars shipped from Europe. There is objectively nothing wrong with this, since the European assembly is different high quality and precision. Whether domestic specialists will be able to maintain the same level, if the rumors about the appearance of Volvo in Russia become reality, is a topical and open question.

In order to sum up some results and determine where various Volvo cars, such as the XC90, XC60 and other popular models, are assembled, it is worth considering the entire current geography of the brand.

  • Gothenburg. This city is the main springboard for the Swedish brand, since it is here that the headquarters of the company is located. Plus, one of the most productive factories operates in Gothenburg. Every year, a large number of machines roll off the assembly line and are distributed around the world for subsequent sale. Among them is Russia;
  • Shevde. Currently, this company, located near Gothenburg, is engaged in the production of power plants. Volvo is distinguished by reliable and productive engines that have repeatedly won prestigious awards. This is all the merit of specialists working in the Swedish Skövde;
  • Copenhagen. Volvo also has branches in Denmark. There is a research and development center here. That is, here they are invented, introduced into production, tested and modernized;
  • Olofstrom. Swedish city known for its high quality production of Volvo body parts;
  • Gent. One of the main production facilities of the Volvo brand is located in Belgium. A full production cycle is carried out here. In terms of build quality, the specialists from Ghent are considered the best in their field. Indeed, the machines coming off the assembly line in Belgium are distinguished by an excellent fit of all parts. This is not to say that other plants are much worse in this component. But for some reason it is considered that the best Volvo cars they make it in Gothenburg and Ghent;
  • Silicon Valley. Another research and development center. Located in the American Silicon Valley;
  • Charleston. The newest enterprise, where the full cycle of production of Volvo cars is carried out. Opened in 2018, the plant will meet American demand for Swedish cars. Volvo has always been popular in the North American market, but previously cars had to be shipped from other continents. Geely's solution will largely solve the problem of long-term delivery of cars to end consumers;
  • Daqing. A relatively new plant operating in the Chinese city of Daqing. It appeared after the acquisition of the Volvo brand by Geely. The cars assembled here are mainly focused on the local market. The enterprise has been operating since 2014;
  • Zhangjiakou. Also a Chinese city, where the production of power plants for the entire line of Volvo cars is concentrated;
  • Luqiao. A plant in China, which is engaged in the full cycle of production of cars of the Swedish brand;
  • Chengdu. At the moment, this is the last among the presented Chinese factories, where the production of cars of several models from Volvo has been launched. The company started serial production in 2013;
  • Kuala Lumpur. This is Malaysia, where the Chinese from Geely organized an assembly plant that deals with Volvo cars. All the necessary components are supplied here, and the Malaysians only assemble everything together;

Bangalore. Another assembly plant opened in India. Thus, representatives of the Chinese concern Geely are trying to expand their own influence, as well as meet the demand in the emerging market for reliable cars Volvo. As in Malaysian Kuala Lumpur, in Bangalore they only assemble from ready-made components.

You can clearly see that the Volvo brand has expanded not several continents at once, but a number of countries. In the USA, Europe and Asia there are own enterprises, research centers, assembly lines.

Not everyone expected that after the sale to the Americans and the subsequent sinking of the Volvo brand, the transfer to Chinese owners would have such a positive impact on the development of the company.

But Volvo really managed to regain its former positions. Moreover, many experts are sure that now the brand is only on early stages its formation after the probable once disappearance. Everything is going well, sales are growing, new models are appearing and great updates to already proven Volvo models.

The opening of an enterprise, even in the form of an assembly plant, in Russia will be another big step for Volvo. Among Russians, there is a fairly large demand for cars of this brand.

It is worth remembering that not so long ago, meetings were held between representatives of Russia and Volvo. The result of negotiations between the contact group and the plant in Kaliningrad was a trial run of a conveyor for assembling Volvo cars. As a result, 8 station wagons were assembled, which are produced under the name XC70. But after that, it was not possible to agree on cooperation. This is just the first try. Negotiations should resume soon. The probability of signing a contract between the parties is quite high.

We should not forget about the impressive achievement in the form of the opening of the Volvo Track Center in Kaluga. Although the direct relation assembly trucks Volvo does not have the capacity to manufacture passenger cars, yet the Russians have experience of cooperation with representatives of the Swedish brand. In addition, excellent trucks are assembled in Kaluga, the quality of which has no complaints. This fully satisfies the needs of the domestic market. Also, assembled Volvo trucks are delivered from Kaluga to neighboring CIS and Baltic countries.

Despite the rather high price, advanced technologies, excellent build quality, reliable engines and advanced security systems largely justify the inflated cost.

Today, a brand such as Volvo (Volvo) is world famous. But how did it all start?

Vovlo: brand history

The history of Volvo (Volvo) began in 1924 with a meeting of college classmates Assar Gabrielson and Gustav Larson. Together they founded a car company. In this they were helped by the company SKF, which specialized in the production of bearings.
In 1927 their first offspring Volvo OV4/Jacob was created. It was a convertible equipped with a 4-cylinder petrol engine. A little later, they released a sedan and its extended version. As a result, about one and a half thousand cars were sold in two years.
When Gunnar Ingelau takes over as president of the group, the dawn of the company's operations begins. Things were going uphill. Swedish cars were exported to the United States of America.
The production also increased. Innovative technologies were introduced, such as the three-point seat belts by Niels Ivar Bolin. Has also been improved brake system and deformation zones.

Volvo: country of origin

The history of the Volvo brand began in Sweden. When polling passers-by to the question: “Volvo - whose car? Country of manufacture of this brand? the results were as follows:
70% - Germany;
20% - Sweden;
15% - USA;
5% do not know the answer to this question.

Volvo concern today

In 1999, the concern sells car factories to Ford. And even later, in 2010, Ford Motor sells the brand to the Chinese company Geely. The history of Volvo has gone through more than one crisis. But, having survived them, the brand expanded production. In the automotive industry, it was re-profiled and left the production of passenger cars. Today on the market you can see a wide range of products and services under the Volvo brand:
vehicles (trucks, buses, etc.);
automotive equipment;
construction equipment;
space components.
The Volvo car brand is now associated by many with good safety and build quality. Combines excellent style, power and reliability. "I'm rolling!" - this is how the brand name is translated, which fully justifies it. Anyone who already is or was the owner of a car of this brand recommends it to others.

The first production Volvo rolled off the Gothenburg factory in 1927. Since then, Volvo Car Group has been a world leader in innovative and safe vehicles. Today Volvo is one of the most famous and respected automotive brands, the company's sales market includes about 100 countries.

Volvo Cars was part of the Swedish Volvo Group until 1999, when it was acquired by the American concern Ford Motor Company. In 2010, Volvo Cars was bought out Chinese concern Zhejiang Geely Holding (Geely Holding). The new owner contributed to a radical update model range Volvo, a significant increase in the company's production capacity and strengthening the position of the Swedish automaker in the global market.

The Volvo brand is owned by Volvo Trademark Holding AB, jointly owned by Volvo Cars and the Volvo Group.

The corporate and brand development strategy - Designed Around You - is focused on the needs of people and underlies the production and business activities of the company, as well as the basis of its corporate culture.

About 2,300 dealers (most of them independent companies) sell Volvo cars in about 100 countries. As of December 2018, Volvo Cars employed around 43,000 people worldwide.

Volvo Cars makes premium cars different types: sedans (S60, S90), station wagons (V40, V60, V90), cars off-road(V60 Cross Country, V90 Cross Country) and crossovers (XC40, XC60, XC90).

In 2018, Volvo Cars sold 642,253 vehicles. This year was the company's fifth consecutive year of record sales. The largest sales market is China, accounting for 20% of total sales in 2018. It is followed by the US (15%), Sweden (10%), the UK (8%) and Germany (7%).

For the 2018 financial year, Volvo Car Group posted an operating profit of SEK 14,185 million (2017: 14,061 million). Revenue for reporting period amounted to 252,653 million Swedish kronor (208,646 million).

Volvo Cars is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, where resources are concentrated for product development, marketing planning and administration of the company's current processes. Since 2011, Volvo Cars has had offices in Shanghai and Chengdu, China. The headquarters of the Chinese division of the company in Shanghai is engaged in sales, marketing, purchasing, development and other support functions. There is a technology center on its territory.

In addition to the main factories in Gothenburg (Sweden) and Ghent (Belgium), engines for Volvo Cars have been produced since the 1930s by a factory in Skövde (Sweden). The production of components for the body since 1969 has been established at the plant in Olofström (Sweden). In addition, the company's assembly plants operate in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Bangalore (India), and in Shanghai, Stockholm and Lund (Sweden) and Silicon Valley (USA) have research and development centers. Finally, Volvo Cars has design centers in Gothenburg, Camarillo (USA) and Shanghai.

In 2013, mass production was launched at the plant in Chengdu - Volvo cars are produced here for the Chinese and American markets. In 2014, a second plant in China, in Daqing, began operation, and car engines are also produced at a plant in Zhangjiakou (China). Also, the production of Volvo cars is carried out at a plant in the city of Luqiao (China). In June 2018, the opening of a new Volvo Cars plant in South Carolina (USA) took place.

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