Hyundai Solaris has a timing chain or timing belt. Timing chain or belt - which is better for Hyundai Solaris Engine on Solaris

Hyundai Solaris uses several drive systems at once (with a volume of 1.4 and 1.6 liters), so the operation of the gas distribution mechanism (timing) on ​​this car plays a particularly important role. The smallest interference in the operation of the timing will be tangibly reflected in the work of the entire power unit. Traction power will decrease. So, if it's time for a scheduled repair, replacing the Hyundai Solaris timing chain should be done first.


It should be noted that Hyundai Solaris was extremely lucky in the sense that the developers thought of equipping the timing chain with a chain, not a belt. Cars with a belt equivalent in class and power require replacement of this element at least 60,000 (km). The chain is much stronger than the belt, the manufacturer Hyundai Solaris does not regulate the recommended mileage for changing the chain at all.

Experts note that in Solaris, timing replacement (meaning chains) is most often carried out at around 85,000 - 100,000 (km).

The prerequisites for inspecting the technical condition of the chain and replacing it (if necessary) are the following signs:

  1. Car won't start after stalling
  2. You can hear distinct knocks in the engine

What will be needed for the repair?

If the Solaris circuit is being replaced not in a service center, but on our own, then we immediately prepare:

  1. New chain
  2. New oil seal for crankshaft
  3. Tube of heat resistant sealant
  4. A set of wrenches (both open-end and cap ratchet) + a set of screwdrivers
  5. engine stand
  6. Engine oil drain tank + coolant drain tank
  7. Special tool for fixing the pulley on the crankshaft

Belt change process

I would like to immediately note such a moment that replacing a timing belt for a Hyundai Solaris costs at least 200 US dollars in a service center (it can go up to 250-300 dollars). This is only work, that is, without taking into account the price of the belt, oil seal and sealant. Therefore, this guide will help you save your hard-earned money. Focus on the photo and read the description carefully.

  • Removing the wiring from battery
  • Remove the cover of the main cylinder block (cylinder head)
  • Dismantling the splash protection of the engine
  • We set the piston on the first cylinder (it is closest to the driver) to the position of top dead center (TDC)
  • Replacing the timing chain Hyundai Solaris is carried out further. Drain the oil from the engine
  • We substitute a reliable stop under the engine (preferably through some thicker rubber heel)
  • We unscrew the fasteners of the bracket on the right support of the power unit (bolt and two nuts)

  • We unscrew the nut on the stud of the right support of the power unit
  • Removing the right support bracket
  • We get acquainted further with the Solaris topic: timing replacement. Weaken the tension of the accessory belt
  • Removing the belt from the pulleys

  • We unscrew the upper fixing bolt on the power steering (GUR)

  • We move the power steering to the side
  • Loosen the tension on the accessory belt (note that the thread on the tensioner is reversed)

  • Removing the belt from the pulleys
  • We unscrew the bolts securing the right support to the engine (4 pcs)
  • Remove the bracket
  • How is the Solaris circuit replaced next? - We unscrew the bolt on the auxiliary roller to the belt of auxiliary units and dismantle it

  • Drain the fluid from the cooling system
  • We hold the pump pulley and unscrew 4 mounting bolts from it. We remove the pulley

  • We unscrew the 5 bolts securing the pump to the cylinder block and remove the pump

  • We fix the crankshaft pulley with a special tool and unscrew the clamping bolt. We remove the pulley

  • We press the block of the wire harness and remove it from the current generator
    Timing replacement Hyundai Solaris (chain) is carried out further. Separate the holder and harness from the generator
  • Open the cap of the generator terminal and unscrew the nut that holds the power wire of the generator
  • We recline the power wire from the generator
  • We unscrew the fixing bolt at the base of the generator + unscrew the fixing bolt of the generator to the bracket (top)
  • We dismantle the generator

  • What else do you need to know about Hyundai Solaris timing chain replacement? - Unscrew the mounting bolts on the generator bracket and remove the bracket
  • Remove the cover of the gas distribution mechanism (held by 14 bolts)

  • We wring out the tensioner shoe (you can use a screwdriver)

  • We unscrew the fixing bolts of the timing chain tensioner (2 pcs) and remove the tensioner
  • Replacing the timing chain Hyundai Solaris is coming to an end. We turn the camshaft a little clockwise and at this moment remove the chain (this is if the chain is intact, not broken)
  • We put a new chain, focusing on the marks (there are marks on the chain itself and on the gears)

  • We assemble the engine elements in the reverse order
  • Please note that you need to change the oil seal on the crankshaft, and it is also necessary to remove the old sealant and lay a new one in all flange connections
  • We start the car and do a test drive.

To better understand the topic, check out the video about the Hyundai Solaris, how to replace the timing chain:

date: 15.10.2018

Timing on Solaris

Thanks to the functioning of the timing, fuel and air are supplied to the cylinders, the timing contributes to the removal of exhaust gases. The composition of the timing on the Hyundai Solaris includes a chain, levers, shaft, channels and valves.

The movement of the camshaft is transmitted from the crankshaft, the connection between them is carried out by a chain. In the designs of previous Hyundai models, belts are provided. Car owners are concerned about what is more efficient on Solaris chain or timing belt ?

timing belt

Most car enthusiasts are looking for HyundaiSolaris chain or timing belt, the latter is definitely not provided for in the Korean sedan. The belt is available on previous models of the Asian manufacturer such as.

The belt has advantages over the chain, the main of which is considered to be silent operation. The cost of the belt and its replacement is not high, and the chain and the work of replacing it are quite expensive. The belt does not require lubrication, which is considered an indisputable advantage.

The belt has many disadvantages:

  • Fast wear. Periodically it is necessary to carry out replacement;
  • The complexity of the replacement process;
  • The high cost of replacement, amounting to 15 thousand rubles.

Valve train chain

In the engine compartment of the Hyundai Solaris there are only two types of motors, which differ only in volume. These power plants belong to the Gamma series, where only the timing chain is used.

The chain works more stable, it is reliable and durable. It does not provide for replacement, and its maintenance in most cases is limited to lubrication. During operation, extraneous noises are heard, which certainly refers to the minuses. When a chain breaks or stretches, nearby parts often get damaged. Yes, and the work of replacing the chain costs a lot of money.

How to change the timing chain or belt on Solaris

The designers foresaw possible inconveniences and placed the chain in a block and equipped it with two tensioners instead of the traditional one. This design allows you to keep the chain in place and protects adjacent elements from possible mechanical damage. Chain is almost non-existent Maintenance and has a long working life. still do not stop arguing about what is better for Hyundai Solaris timing chain or timing belt.

Motorists are ready to replace certain elements of the engine more often, so long as the car does not give out unpleasant extraneous sounds. Noisiness for individual car owners is not a problem and their circuit noise is not annoying. Vehicle is not selected by the timing mechanism. Regardless of the presence of a chain or belt, you enjoy driving a high-quality Korean car.

As you know, the balanced operation of the gas distribution mechanism directly affects the performance of the motor. Accordingly, all its elements, in particular, the belt, must always be in working condition. In this article, you will find out which is better for the Hyundai Solaris Timing: a chain or a belt and you can watch a video of replacing components.

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When is it time to change?

Two types of engines are installed on Hyundai Solaris cars: G4FA and G4FC. The volume of the first is 1.4 liters, the second - 1.6 liters. They are arranged in the same way, do not carry any structural differences and belong to the Gamma class.

Unlike other types of motors, the gas distribution mechanism on the Gamma is equipped with a chain, not a belt. For Solaris owners, this is a considerable advantage, since the drive belt must be replaced every 60 thousand kilometers. Replacing the circuit, in turn, is not regulated by the Solaris manufacturer. As a rule, it changes in the event of an overhaul of the engine or in the event of its breakage.

In practice, the failure of the chain is fixed no earlier than after 250-300 thousand kilometers.

Step-by-step instruction

Such a replacement process requires certain knowledge and experience. If for the first time you are faced with the need to change the chain, then it is better not to do it yourself, but to give your car for repair at a service station. For those car owners who want to replace the element on their own, we suggest using this material.

What to cook?

You will need:

  • key-heads;
  • spanners;
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • pliers.


  1. First, disconnect the battery and remove the cylinder head cover. You will also need to dismantle the engine protection, and then set the piston of the first cylinder to the TDC position.
  2. Drain motor fluid from ICE.
  3. Place a reliable stop under the motor, and then unscrew the screws that secure the right support of the unit. Then you need to unscrew the appropriate screws to dismantle the right motor support mount.
  4. With a key, you should turn the tensioner roller to loosen the belt. Then dismantle drive belt auxiliary devices from shafts.
  5. After that, it is necessary to dismantle the fixing screw of the power steering pump, move the device to the side and unscrew the fixing screw of the tensioner. This is done by turning the pin clockwise, since it has a reverse thread. Remove tensioner.
  6. Next, you should unscrew the fixing screws of the lower bracket of the right support and remove it. After that, remove the screw securing the belt roller and remove the roller itself.
  7. Then you need to drain all the antifreeze that is in the system. The drain procedure may take more than 20 minutes. Next, while holding the antifreeze pump pulley, remove the four screws securing it. Remove the pump shaft, and then unscrew and pull out the screws securing it to the BC of the motor. The pump together with the sealing rubber can be removed.
  8. Loosen the screw securing the crankshaft pulley, remove the pulley itself. Then you need to disconnect the block with wires from the generator. Unscrew the nut, then remove the generator itself.
  9. Now you should unscrew all the screws. Remove the cover, and then dismantle the tension pins and the tensioner of the mechanism chain itself. Turn the camshaft pulley clockwise.
  10. After that, the chain itself can be removed. Install the chain following the reverse order. When installing, make sure that the set bolt on the crankshaft is at the top. All contacting elements of the tensioner must be cleaned of remnants of the old sealant. Then these components should be lubricated with a new sealant.
  11. Install the timing chain tensioner. Make sure that the marks on the camshaft gears and on the chain match. Perform all further steps in reverse order. You can learn more about changing a component in a video.

Video "Do-it-yourself timing chain replacement"

You can watch the timing chain replacement video using the Hyundai Getz car as an example, the procedure is generally similar to the Hyundai Solaris model.

The gas distribution mechanism (or timing) is responsible for supplying fuel or air to the combustion cylinders, as well as for removing exhaust gases. The timing mechanism of the Hyundai Solaris consists of:

  • camshaft;
  • chains;
  • leverage;
  • intake and exhaust valves;
  • channels.

The camshaft is powered by a crankshaft, to which it is connected via a chain. Many other cars have a belt. Consider the pros and cons of these two details.

timing belt

And despite the fact that many are still looking for a timing belt in Solaris, it is not in this car. Belt installed on earlier versions cars Hyundai, for example, Hyundai Getz with Alpha engine type.

One of the advantages of the belt is the absence of noise during operation. The belt itself and its replacement are relatively inexpensive compared to the chain. And it doesn't need to be lubricated.

But there are many more cons. First, the short term of work. It will definitely have to be changed 2 times a year to avoid gaps. Secondly, it is much more difficult to change the belt yourself, so it is recommended to contact services where prices are not always pleasing with their numbers. And this is the main disadvantage. The average price for replacing the timing belt is 15,000 rubles.

Valve train chain

Two types of engine are installed on the Hyundai Solaris, which differ only in volume: 1.4l and 1.6l. These engines are from the Gamma series, on which the Solaris timing chain is used instead of a belt.

Unlike a belt, a chain is strong and reliable. It does not need to be changed, in some older models of cars, only lubrication is included in its maintenance. But during operation, you can hear extraneous sounds, which is a minus. If it stretches or breaks, it can scratch other elements of the mechanism in flight. This is not counting the fact that the replacement of the chain itself is not a cheap pleasure.

However, the manufacturers took into account these nuances and “hid” the chain in the block, and instead of one tensioner, they made two. When the chain is stretched, this allows you to keep it in place, preventing injury to other parts of the mechanism. Also, the chain does not require maintenance and can easily work out up to 250-300,000 km. Many motorists continue to debate which is better: a belt or a chain.

Many are ready to change the belt, rollers, pump and antifreeze every six months, but at the same time enjoy the silence during the trip. Others prefer not to bother with the car, even if the chain is a little audible. However, we choose a car not by the timing mechanism, so whether it is a belt or a chain, just enjoy a pleasant and comfortable ride with the Hyundai Solaris!

The performance of the car directly depends on the balanced operation of the engine. And in the engine, the gas distribution system plays a huge role. Both a belt and a chain can be used as a drive in it. It all depends on the make of the car. The Hyundai Solaris uses a chain drive. The chain favorably differs from the belt in that it breaks extremely rarely. Much more often it stretches, but this does not bode well. A stretched chain can fly off the sprockets, and this situation will not be much different from a broken belt. In this case, the valves will meet with the pistons. It will bring nothing good to either one or the other. After that, the car will have to be overhauled.

When to change the chain

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to monitor the chain in order to detect defects in time. But what symptoms will indicate that it is time to take an interest in the state of the chain:

  • the car does not want to start;
  • when the motor is running, extraneous noise is heard;
  • fuel began to be consumed somewhat more actively.

If you have found something like this, it means that it is time to pay attention to the condition of the chain drive. The manufacturer does not regulate the frequency of checking the circuit in any way, but it is better to do this after 25,000 km. But the chain transmission service interval is regulated, and it is 140-150,000 km. Of course, the chain may wear out earlier. The reason for this can be extreme driving, poor operating conditions of the car, and so on.

Replacing the chain can be carried out at a service center, or you can do it yourself. Replacing the chain yourself is good because you can save money here. Also in this case, the motorist gets the much-needed experience. But, I must say that the work is quite laborious, and, perhaps, it is better for you to entrust it to professionals. But which of the tools you need to prepare for self-repair:

  • a set of necessary heads;
  • keys;
  • jack;
  • pliers;
  • a set of screwdrivers with different tips;
  • rag.


Of the consumables, in addition to the chain itself, you will have to buy new tensioners, dampers and oil seals. Do not forget that work can only be done when the engine is cold. So let's start.

1. Open the hood. Disconnect the left terminal from the battery. We remove the protection of the engine. The piston of the first cylinder is set to the dead center position.
2. Drain the engine fluid from the engine.
3. Unscrew the left support of the unit. We substitute an emphasis under the engine, after which we unscrew and dismantle the right support of the propulsion system. Remove the cover from the timing system.

4. Using the key, loosen the tensioner and remove the generator drive.
5. Now we take the power steering hydraulic pump to the side. To do this, you first have to unscrew the fasteners.
6. Turn off the bolt with which the power steering pump is attached. We remove the pump, and then the tensioner ..
7. We unscrew the fastening of the bracket of the right motor support. We remove the bracket.
8. After that, it is necessary to drain all the liquid located there from the system. This cannot be done quickly, and this action will take at least 15 minutes. Now we dismantle the antifreeze pump pulley. Then we remove the pump itself along with the seal.
9. We dismantle the crankshaft pulley, having previously unscrewed all the necessary bolts.
10. Remove the generator by first unscrewing the block.
11. Remove the timing chain tension pins, and then the chain tensioner.

12. Turn the camshaft pulley clockwise and remove the chain.

13. When installing a new chain, follow the reverse procedure. The set screw located on the crankshaft must be at the top.
14. All tensioner elements should be cleaned of dirt and traces of old sealant. When installing the timing cover, also do not forget to remove the old sealant. Having smeared the seat with sealant, you can put the cover in place only after a few minutes.
15. When installing the tensioner, make sure that the marks on the camshaft sprockets and the chain match.
16. We check the operation of the engine after repair. If extraneous noise is detected, the work will have to be repeated.


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