Is it possible to donate blood if you have hypertension and how to do it. Is it possible for a person to donate blood if they have hypertension? Can they be a donor if their blood pressure is high?

Hypertension and pregnancy are incompatible concepts. Blood sampling from people with high blood pressure is possible only for diagnostic purposes and is carried out under medical supervision.

Most people suffering from hypertension are not even aware of their serious illness. This becomes known during a routine examination for employment, in educational institution, medical examination in the army or at a blood transfusion station. And already in this case, many are wondering whether it is possible to donate blood if you have hypertension. Previously, a technique such as bloodletting was used to reduce blood pressure. This procedure made it possible to normalize the condition for a while, but was later abandoned due to side effects and high health risks.

In the human body, a certain volume of blood circulates in proportion to body weight, and any loss of it is stress. People who are in good health and do not have chronic diseases experience blood loss less severely. The blood is renewed, and the body quickly compensates for the deficiency. A sick person has a hard time coping with a deficiency, and even minor losses can have serious consequences.

Hypertension is a contraindication for donation. Donate blood when high blood pressure Only possible for laboratory research.

But even in this case there is a limitation to the analysis. The collection is done no more than 8 times a month, if necessary. Even a minimal deficit in blood volume negatively affects the well-being of a hypertensive patient. Therefore, before and after taking tests, it is important to monitor blood pressure. In addition, for people with heart disease, an ECG (electrocardiogram) procedure is mandatory. Based on its results, it is possible to determine whether a person can donate this biological material without consequences to himself. The cardiogram is used to decipher the functional state of the heart muscle, the number of its contractions, and also observe whether there are consequences of hypertension.

What is the danger?

Change biological material donor provides for a blood loss of 10% percent of the total amount - about 450 ml. This procedure is serious and a thorough examination is always carried out before it. There are special criteria and acceptable indicators by which blood donors are selected. People with infectious diseases and chronic illnesses are not allowed to participate in the procedure. You also cannot donate blood after surgery.

They refuse to draw blood from people with tattoos, as their blood could have become infected. If you are hungover, you should also not go to the donor station - alcohol is toxic in itself, and the blood is no longer suitable for transfusion.

Hypertension and high blood pressure are contraindications. Only in case of urgent need and when acceptable values With the permission of a doctor, you can become a donor if you have hypertension.

The thing is that jumps in blood pressure cause discomfort and cause disruption not only to the cardiovascular system, but also to other organs. For a healthy adult, the norm is considered to be a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg. A sustained increase in it indicates hypertension. Additional studies can make an accurate diagnosis: ECG and special monitoring, which indicates when the indicators are elevated and when a lower blood pressure level is observed.

The danger of blood loss with hypertension lies in the likelihood that a sharp rise in pressure will occur. This threatens the development of heart failure, hypertensive crisis and even hemorrhagic stroke. The pressure in the vessels may increase by 15-20 units as a result of a decrease in blood volume. Such fluctuations can threaten the life of not only a person with hypertension, but also harm the health of a person with chronic diseases of internal organs, as well as if the pressure is low.

Why do you get tested for hypertension?

You cannot become a donor if you have hypertension, except in special cases, and even then, only under the supervision of specialists. But to monitor your health, you must donate blood for testing. Biochemical and general blood tests allow you to determine the severity of the disease, and also serve the following purposes:

  • monitor the patient's condition;
  • choose the optimal treatment tactics;
  • identify the development of complications before they cause significant harm.

An important indicator for a hypertensive patient is a value such as hematocrit; attention is paid to it first of all. This indicator reflects the ratio of red blood cells to the total amount of blood. If there are few of them, even a slight loss is already dangerous.

Hypertension, especially that which has been tormenting for several years, negatively affects the work of everyone internal systems. Most of all, these deviations in the functioning of the organ are observed on the ECG. Next come the kidneys, so it is important to do kidney tests during a detailed analysis. Indicators such as creatinine and urea allow you to determine how much worse these organs have become.

Electrolytes and glucose levels are also equally important. Often, hypertensive patients experience an imbalance of potassium and sodium or develop diabetes mellitus. High blood pressure affects the condition of blood vessels and causes the development of atherosclerosis, so it is important to monitor lipid metabolism and cholesterol concentrations regularly. Your doctor will tell you what tests you need to take. Having received the results, he will determine whether tests can be ordered for high blood pressure.

How to donate blood correctly if you have hypertension

If there is a need to take blood for donation purposes, it is important to exercise extreme caution and know how to properly carry out this procedure. Before the procedure, you need to measure your blood pressure, do an ECG, and donate blood only with the doctor’s permission. After the procedure, it is important to monitor the donor’s condition to avoid consequences.

Before donating venous or capillary blood, the following studies are also carried out:

  • measure blood pressure;
  • monitor the frequency and rhythm of the pulse;
  • conduct a conversation with the patient about his condition as a whole.

It is important to do the same after blood sampling. A general analysis, like a biochemical one, is done on an empty stomach in the morning. For hypertension, this is very convenient, since at the beginning of the day the blood pressure readings are quite stable.

A person may not know all his diseases and disorders, so before deciding to become a donor, a specialist always recommends: “First get tested, ECG and measure your blood pressure.” If the indicators are low, this does not mean that the person is healthy, and taking blood pressure-lowering medications before the examination is strictly prohibited.

Researchers from Germany have found that donation can help some obese people lose extra pounds. Donation also helps reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure), thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The study involved people with metabolic syndrome. This is the name given to the collection of symptoms caused by heart disease, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and low level"useful" cholesterol. Metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease. The main remedy in the fight against these diseases is weight loss.

According to scientists from Charité University Medical center in Berlin, donation is acceptable for people with high iron levels and overweight, as a means of treating the above symptoms. However, until the study is completed, donation cannot be unconditionally recommended to all overweight people - this is the opinion of doctors from Harvard Medical School. They believe that longer follow-up is needed to confirm that donation actually makes life qualitatively better, and not just lowers blood pressure slightly.

Reducing blood pressure by donating blood

Scientists from Berlin have found in people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus high level iron in the blood. Another study confirmed that blood sampling also lowers blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension (a condition in which blood pressure is higher than normal despite taking antihypertensive medications).

Doctors from Berlin observed a group of 64 people with metabolic syndrome. At the beginning of the study, each participant donated about 300 ml of blood, and after four weeks, another 250 to 500 ml. In this case, no additional special treatment was performed. After six weeks, patients from the “donor” group were examined and it was found that each of the upper pressure limits decreased by an average of 18 mm, that is, from 148.5 mm Hg to 130.5 mm Hg (group average). Let us recall that blood pressure is considered high if its “upper” value is more than 140, and moderately high if it is more than 130. In patients who were prescribed traditional medications, the pressure decreased on average from 144.7 to 143.8 mm Hg.

Researchers believe that lowering blood pressure by just 10 mm can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 22% and stroke by 41%! It was also found that donation led to a reduction in heart rate and lower blood glucose levels.

Donation as therapy?

Donating blood reduces blood pressure, but it has not yet been proven how sustainable this reduction can be. There is also no precise information about what medications the participants in the experiment took. Perhaps donating blood had such an impact precisely because the participants in the experiment had not previously undergone drug treatment. Lifestyle and usual diet should be taken into account; these factors also affect the outcome of treatment of any disease.

Metabolic syndrome is not an infectious disease, so blood donated by patients can be used for medical purposes. But if a person suffers from any other diseases (viral or infectious), his blood cannot be used for transfusions or other procedures.

Blood donation is already used as a treatment for hemochromatosis, a condition in which a lot of iron accumulates in the body.

So, donation helps reduce blood pressure in obese patients with metabolic syndrome, but it is not yet completely clear how such therapy can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Donating blood is a rather serious procedure and not everyone can become a donor. There are certain criteria that allow us to determine indications and contraindications for sampling. First of all, this concerns the presence of certain diseases, especially serious ones such as HIV infection, AIDS, the presence of cancer or diseases of the cardiovascular system. For such indications, blood sampling is strictly prohibited, because otherwise you can harm not only yourself, but also the patient.

The prohibited category also includes diseases such as hypertension. It is characterized by a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure. Accordingly, in the presence of this deviation, with the exception of acceptable pressure indicators and the immediate need for a donor. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Why is hypertension dangerous for donating blood?

Pressure surges always cause discomfort. This can be explained by the fact that the walls of the blood vessels in our body are under a certain pressure. This is the number with which blood presses on the walls of blood vessels. For example, when measuring blood pressure, they get two-digit readings - this is 120/80. For an adult, this is the most optimal pressure at which you can feel good.

The first number shows systolic pressure, that is, the force with which blood presses on the walls of blood vessels after a heartbeat.

The second number characterizes pressure readings between heartbeats. The same can be said with confidence. That each person’s blood pressure is different, but on average in a calm state it should not exceed 140/90.

There are also three stages of hypertension, which are respectively characterized by increased pressure. In the first stage, indicators within 160/100 can be considered normal. The level may change while the patient is resting or vice versa during physical activity. As for the second stage, the indicators there are slightly higher, which in turn is characterized by other symptoms. These are numbers within 180/100, which can change during rest or exercise. With hypertension of the third stage, the highest rates can be counted. These are precisely those catastrophic numbers at which a person must keep his blood pressure under control at all times. These are limits of 200/115. The last stage is the most dangerous, since such hypertensive patients cannot not only donate blood, but also put themselves under physical activity or stress.

All stages are characterized by almost the same symptoms - headache, sleep disturbance, dizziness, heart pain, severe vascular complications occur. Also characteristic of the third stage clinical picture in the form of damage to the heart and brain, which can lead to a heart attack. The kidneys and fundus of the eye begin to suffer no less, and complaints arise accordingly.

Can hypertensive patients donate blood?

The loss of any amount of blood is some kind of trauma for the body. It’s just that a healthy person can tolerate it normally, but a sick person will receive a significant blow. Therefore, only a healthy person who has undergone a series of relevant tests and some other examinations should categorically donate blood.

Hypertension is a fairly serious disease, so we can say with certainty that all hypertensive patients, regardless of stage, cannot donate blood. During the examination, you will need to take a general blood test, measure your blood pressure and review your history of existing diseases. Therefore, the doctor will definitely not allow the patient to donate.

Without following a number of rules, you cannot be a donor:

With hypertension, the body experiences constant discomfort, since high blood pressure still affects health. If you give an additional push, the person may have a heart attack, which will significantly worsen their well-being. Any doctor can tell you about this, especially for older people. In most cases, a person does not immediately notice an increase or decrease in pressure.

We often blame bad weather conditions or temperature changes. Although in fact you can measure the pressure and see that its indicators change and in some way make themselves felt. It is much worse for those people who do not feel pressure changes. This is very dangerous, because even with the highest blood pressure, you will feel satisfactory and you can continue to do either physical activity or something else that is so dangerous in such situations. Therefore, you can donate blood during pressure surges only for tests..

But do not forget that analyzes also have their limitations. If you have hypertension, it is not recommended to take blood tests more than twice a week. Even the most minimal intervention can negatively affect the well-being of hypertension.

Why take a blood test for hypertension?

Such an analysis is simply irreplaceable for hypertensive patients. After all, with the help of it, doctors are able to determine the condition, disease, its main cause and the condition of the organs under great pressure. In this case, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, as with all other tests. The presence of the necessary indicators is determined. This is also a wonderful opportunity to choose the right treatment for the patient.

If the test results are not very high and the pressure is also within the normal range for the first stage of hypertension, then in exceptional cases it is allowed to donate blood as a donor. In such situations, the donor is placed under strict control and pressure drops are monitored throughout the entire collection period.

There are several ways to restore blood volume after donation:

If the first symptoms of an increase or deterioration in the donor’s well-being occur, the procedure is stopped. Such cases may occur when there is an urgent need for donation. For example, after severe blood loss during surgery or childbirth in a woman. Such emergency cases are more than dangerous, and finding a suitable donor is not always possible. Therefore, blood is taken under strict control.

Who else should not donate blood?

This question torments almost every person who wants to help the sick and become a donor for them. For example, come once a month and leave blood for those who really need it. But despite this, medicine has its own rules and restrictions.

You can ignore some rules for blood collection, but in no case restrictions regarding donation. People who have: AIDS, syphilis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, complete lack of hearing and speech, hypertension, congenital or acquired heart disease, malignant tumors, endocarditis, complete blindness, various lung diseases, are subject to categorical restrictions. peptic ulcer stomach, pustular diseases of the stomach, myopia, psoriasis, trachoma and many others. Such diseases pose a danger not only to the donor, but also to the patient himself.

Together with the blood, the disease can spread to someone else, because all the smallest inflammatory bodies are present in the blood. In order to determine the presence of certain diseases, before taking blood, the donor undergoes a number of specific testing procedures. And only after this is it allowed to become a donor.

Other diseases of the cardiovascular system

There are still some problems of the heart and its entire system that do not allow donating blood. Along with hypertension, they also play a significant role, as they are quite serious and dangerous to health. You may not know about the presence of some of them, but before taking blood it is better to double-check so as not to further harm your body. These are atherosclerosis, coronary disease, heart defects and inflammatory processes, and some vascular diseases. In such cases, death can often occur, so donation is out of the question. Such a patient himself needs help and takes many medications.

There are quite a few cases in medicine where patients, not knowing their main diagnosis, decide to donate. This can result in a tragic outcome for the patient. A long time ago, the scientist of medical sciences Davydovsky called such diseases uncharacteristic for environment, since with such symptoms a person cannot adequately adapt to progressive urbanization. It is urbanization that is associated with a person’s lifestyle and is influenced by stressful situations. Ecology and some features of civilization also have a significant impact on health and well-being.

Benefits of donating blood in the absence of hypertension

We can say a lot about the fact that the development of certain diseases is influenced by a person’s image or ecology. But the main focus is the individual disposition of this or that person. But, despite many such factors, doctors say that donating blood can and should be done in the absence of such diseases.

Donating blood requires meeting certain conditions. You will first need to undergo a body examination. It is necessary to take a test to determine the presence or absence of diseases that are transmitted through blood.

Donation has contraindications. Many people have a question: is it possible to donate blood if you have hypertension?

Previously, bloodletting was done for high blood pressure. A slight loss of blood contributed to the normalization of the condition.

Can donation improve well-being in hypertension? Does donating blood help lower blood pressure? You will find answers to your questions in this article.

Donation is absolutely safe for healthy people. The state of health after the procedure, as a rule, does not worsen.

In rare cases, a semi-fainting state is observed. The reason for this is a decrease in blood pressure and hemoglobin.

Despite the fact that blood pressure decreases with blood loss, a hypertensive patient cannot become a donor. Donating blood is dangerous for his body. When blood pressure increases, any physical or psycho-emotional stress is harmful.

Loss of blood is stress for hypertensive patients, which will cause a surge in pressure. If the disease is in the acute stage, immediately after the blood sampling procedure, pressure readings may jump by 15-20 units. and more. Donation, which is safe for healthy people, can provoke the development of serious complications - heart attack, stroke.

Any blood loss is a trauma for the body (to one degree or another). People with good health they will endure it without any special consequences.

This is a significant stress for the body of a sick person. In this regard, only people who do not have health problems and have undergone a series of studies can become donors.

Hypertension is a serious disease in which the body constantly experiences discomfort. Any additional stress can cause a heart attack or stroke. You cannot donate blood, regardless of the stage of development of the pathology.

Some people have no idea about the disease. In this case, doctors will help identify hypertension. Before donating blood, you will need to undergo medical checkup, including blood pressure measurement.

The diagnosis of hypertension is made if the readings are from 140/90. If blood pressure exceeds 145/90 or higher, donation is prohibited.

You can donate blood to hypertensive patients only for clinical studies. However, there are limitations here too. Doctors do not recommend doing such tests more often than 2 times a week.

After all, even minimal intervention has a bad effect on well-being. If you have hypertension, you need to take care of your health; high blood pressure, even without other stress, negatively affects the functions of internal organs.

Patients with hypertension will definitely need to donate blood for a general or biochemical analysis. The study allows you to determine the condition of the patient’s body, identify the main cause of the disease and select adequate therapy.

They try to collect capillary blood (from a finger) from hypertensive patients. If it is necessary to take it from a vein, the patient’s pressure is measured before and after the procedure. If the indicators significantly exceed the norm, blood is not taken.

When performing a general (clinical) blood test, the hematocrit must be examined. This indicator reflects the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood. If a patient has had hypertension for a long time, hemoglobin in the blood increases and the number of red blood cells increases.

The disease can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys. A biochemical blood test for “renal tests” (creatinine, urea) can reveal negative changes. It helps distinguish kidney disease from liver damage.

Indicators of the level of creatinine in the blood make it possible to assess the degree of cleansing of the body from metabolic products. The results of the urea clearance (urea nitrogen) analysis allow you to evaluate kidney function.

Clinical studies determine the amount of electrolytes (potassium and sodium) and the level of glucose in the blood plasma. When hypertension and atherosclerosis are combined, an analysis is made for indicators of lipid metabolism (triglycerides, cholesterol levels).

If the doctor has an assumption that hypertension is secondary, the values ​​of aldosterone, catecholamines, etc. are determined.

A contraindication to donating blood and its components is not only arterial hypertension. People with the following diseases are not allowed to donate:

Many of them are dangerous both for the donor and for the one who will receive the transfusion. Pathogens are transmitted through the blood and this will cause infection. To identify certain diseases, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies.

The following donors are also not allowed to donate blood:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women, within 1 year after childbirth and 1 month after the end of the breastfeeding period;
  2. Women during menstruation and within 5 days after their end;
  3. Persons who have had an acute respiratory infection (within 1 month after recovery);
  4. Persons with skin rashes, mucosal lesions caused by allergies or other reasons.

Using drugs at least once also becomes a contraindication. You cannot donate blood for 2 weeks after a course of antibiotic treatment, or for 1 year after surgery.

You cannot donate blood within 2 weeks after dental treatment with tooth extraction. Ignoring contraindications puts the health of the donor and patient at risk.

Along with hypertension, there are other diseases of the cardiovascular system in which donation is contraindicated. These include:

  • IHD (coronary heart disease);
  • Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Obliterating endarteritis;
  • Heart disease;
  • Nonspecific aortoarteritis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Cardiac ischemia(IHD) is characterized by impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to lesions of the coronary arteries. Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis is the development of scar connective tissue in the myocardium.

The cause of the pathological process is damage to the arteries leading to the heart. The disease is manifested by the development of IHD (coronary heart disease).

Vascular atherosclerosis is a chronic arterial disease. It is accompanied by the deposition of certain fractions of lipoproteins and cholesterol in the lumen of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis develops due to disturbances in the metabolism of proteins and lipids.

Obliterating endarteritis is a chronic vascular disease that primarily affects the arteries of the legs. With the development of pathology, gradual obliteration (vasoconstriction) occurs. Complete closure of the lumen leads to the development of gangrene - necrosis of tissues that are deprived of blood supply.

Heart disease(congenital, acquired) is a change in the valves, walls, septa or vessels of the myocardium. Pathology disrupts the normal flow of blood through the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Nonspecific aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease) is manifested by chronic inflammation of the aorta and its main branches. The disease is accompanied by the following complications:

  • Stenosis (pathological narrowing of blood vessels);
  • Occlusion (impaired vascular patency);
  • Secondary ischemia (poor circulation, anemia) of tissues and organs.

Thrombophlebitis called inflammation of the walls of the veins with the formation of thrombi (blood clots). Most often the disease is localized in lower limbs. The spread of thrombophlebitis to the deep vein system is fraught with the development of life-threatening complications. These include rupture and migration of a blood clot into the pulmonary arteries.

With these pathologies, donation is out of the question. Any stress on the body of patients can lead to death. Such people need health care and taking medications.

According to doctors, donation is good for health if there are no contraindications. The procedure promotes blood renewal, stimulating the functioning of the hematopoietic organs.

The entire amount taken is replenished in the body within a certain time. Blood can be taken in separate components:

  • Cellular components (platelet-, erythrocyte-, leukocyte-containing);
  • Plasma;
  • Plasma components (cryosupernatant plasma, cryoprecipitate).

It will be a little more beneficial for the body. After the procedure, the work of the hematopoietic organs will be aimed at producing only red blood cells/leukocytes/platelets.

Regular renewal of blood cells is an excellent prevention of many diseases, including damage to myocardial tissue. According to medical statistics, pathologies of the cardiac system in donors develop 30% less often than in ordinary people. Clinical studies by foreign scientists confirm that donors have a reduced risk of developing atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, and thrombophlebitis.

With regular blood donation, the body becomes resistant to possible blood loss that accompanies injuries and operations. Stimulation of the hematopoietic system helps to prolong youth.

Donating blood facilitates the work of the liver and spleen, which are involved in the processes of removing dead red blood cells. Thus, donation is beneficial. It is necessary to mobilize internal resources and improve immunity.

Other positive side– a person gets the opportunity to be examined for free. This makes it possible to identify AIDS, HIV, and other dangerous diseases. During a medical examination, other pathologies can be detected that do not manifest any symptoms.

Donors receive benefits. This is a release from work for 2 days - directly on the day of the procedure and on any other day. Honorary donors receive an allowance every month and are entitled to other benefits. This category includes citizens who have donated blood 40 times and plasma 60 times.

Men can be blood donors no more than 4-5 times a day. per year, women - 3-4 rubles. The interval should be at least 2-3 months. A break is needed for the body to recover. Women are allowed to donate blood less often than men due to monthly blood loss during menstruation.

Persons no younger than 18 years old and no older than 60 years old, with a normal weight, which must be at least 50 kg, are allowed to donate. If a person is taking any medications, if possible, they should be stopped 3-5 days before blood sampling.

It is especially important not to take analgin. You should give up 2 days in advance alcoholic drinks, in 2 hours – from cigarettes.

You need to donate blood after a full night's sleep. A person should have normal health and mood. On the day of the procedure, you should exclude fried, spicy, dairy products and dishes.

You cannot eat nuts, eggs, chocolate, or drink soda. In the morning you need to have a hearty breakfast. Porridge with water and fruits (except citrus fruits and bananas) are suitable. Before donating blood, you should drink sweet tea.

To help your body recover faster after the procedure, drink more water. Sweet tea (not strong) with cookies, buns, candy will be useful. You can buy children's hematogen. After donating blood, it is important to give the body a rest: you need to lie down, or better yet, sleep.

Is it possible to donate blood if you have high blood pressure?

    No, otherwise it will flow like a fountain.

    my husband wanted... I talked him out of it, I think there is a danger

    I think it's possible. After all, in the past, when there was high blood pressure, they even did bloodletting. This helps reduce blood pressure.

    "The doctor at the donor point must assess your health condition and the possible risk of donation for your body. In many cases, regular donations help reduce high blood pressure."
    “Hypertension (systolic pressure above 180 mm Hg) is associated with dysfunction of internal organs - donation can harm the donor.”
    (, author of the answers - E. Zhiburt, Chairman of the Council of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Donor of Russia.)

    The limits of the norm are defined in clause 2.1
    : systolic pressure within 90-160 mmHg. column, diastolic - from 60 to 100 mm Hg. pillar

    You cannot donate blood if you have high blood pressure; if your blood pressure is measured by a therapist using a tonometer, you will simply not be allowed to donate. A - E. Zhiburt, Chairman of the Council of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Donor of Russia.) - Although he is an honorary donor, he is a bastard... he has been seeking for a long time to cancel the title of honorary donor for a citizen who has donated plasma 60 times, counting, that in this way you can pass it in just 2 years - he proposes to increase it up to 150 times.!!!

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