Fire safety requirements for industrial buildings. Master plan for technological transport enterprises

Fire risk assessment at a production facility

1. To determine the frequency of fire hazardous situations at a production facility, information is used on:

failures of equipment used at the production facility;

reliability parameters of the equipment used;

erroneous actions of production facility personnel;

hydrometeorological conditions in the area where the production facility is located;

geographical features of the area in the area where the production facility is located.

2. The construction of fields of fire (explosion) hazards for various scenarios of its development is carried out on the basis of a comparison of information on modeling the dynamics of fire hazards in the territory adjacent to the production facility, and information on the values ​​of the hazards of the analyzed fire (explosion) that are critical for the life and health of people ).

3. Assessing the consequences of exposure to dangerous fire factors on people for various scenarios for the development of fire hazardous situations involves determining the number of people caught in the zone affected by dangerous fire factors.

To assess the consequences of exposure to dangerous fire factors on people, both deterministic and probabilistic models of the development of fire hazardous situations and the impact of their hazardous factors on people are used.

4. The methodology and procedure for assessing fire risk are established by the federal executive body specifically authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety.

Requirements for master plans of production facilities

Zoning of the territory of production facilities

When designing production facilities, it is necessary to provide for zoning of their territory according to the functional characteristics of the buildings and structures located, taking into account technological connections and mandatory compliance with fire safety requirements. The specified zoning must be reflected in the master plans of production facilities, which are an independent section of the design documentation.

Based on functional characteristics, the territory of the production facility should be divided into zones:

pre-factory (outside the fence or conventional boundary of the enterprise);


utility room;


Other fire safety requirements for zoning the territory of production facilities are determined by these technical regulations and (or) regulatory documents on fire safety for planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements.

Placement of fire stations on production sites


When creating fire protection units on the territory of a production facility, fire stations for housing fire equipment and personnel of these units must be located on land plots adjacent to public roads.

The location of on-site fire protection units on the territory of a production facility should be determined by calculation depending on the fire danger of the protected objects and the purpose of the fire department's departure to extinguish the fire, or established based on the condition that the departure radius of fire departments should not exceed 2 km.

Exits from fire stations must be located in such a way that departing fire trucks do not cross the main traffic flows.

The number of fire trucks and the number of personnel of fire departments are established by the enterprise administration independently.

Requirements for roads, entrances and passages on the territory

production facility

Production facilities with sites larger than 5 hectares must have at least two entrances, with the exception of oil and petroleum product warehouses of categories I and II, which, regardless of the size of the site, must have at least two exits to the highways of the general network or to the access roads of a warehouse or enterprise.

If the size of a side of a production facility site is more than 1000 m and it is located along a street or highway, at least two entrances to the site should be provided on this side. The distance between entrances should not exceed 1500 m.

Fenced areas inside the sites of production facilities (open transformer substations, warehouses, etc.) with an area of ​​more than 5 hectares must have at least two entrances.

Access to fire trucks must be provided to buildings and structures along their entire length, on one side if the building or structure is up to 18 m wide and on both sides if the width is more than 18 m, as well as when constructing closed and semi-enclosed courtyards.

For buildings with a built-up area of ​​more than 10 hectares or a width of more than 100 m, fire truck access must be provided from all sides.

In cases where production conditions do not require the construction of roads, the access of fire trucks may be provided on a planned surface, reinforced along a width of 3.5 m in places of passage in clay and sandy (silty) soils with various local materials with the creation of slopes that ensure the natural drainage of surface water

The distance from the edge of the roadway or a planned surface allowing the passage of fire trucks to the walls of buildings up to 12 m high should be no more than 25 m, with a building height of over 12 to 28 m - no more than 8 m, and with a building height of over 28 m - not more than 10 m.

To reservoirs that are sources of fire-fighting water supply, as well as to cooling towers, spray pools and other structures, water from which can be used to extinguish a fire, it is necessary to provide entrances with platforms for turning around fire trucks for their installation and water intake, measuring at least 12x12 m.

Fire hydrants should be located along highways at a distance of no more than 2.5 m from the edge of the roadway, but no closer than 5 m from the walls of the building.

Access for fire trucks should not be provided to buildings and structures whose materials and structures, as well as technological processes, exclude the possibility of fire.

Crossings or transitions through intra-facility railway tracks must always be free for the passage of fire trucks and have continuous decks flush with the rail heads.

The width of the vehicle entrance gates to the production facility site must ensure unimpeded passage of main and special fire vehicles.

Other fire safety requirements for the design and parameters of roads, driveways and entrances on the territory of production facilities are established by special technical regulations and (or) regulatory documents on fire safety.

Requirements for water supply sources at production sites


External fire water supply must be provided at production facilities. The source of water supply for a combined or separate external fire-fighting water supply system should be the city water supply network or water wells, and the source of water supply for a separate external fire-fighting water supply system should be water wells or ground-based reservoirs. The integrated water supply network must provide the calculated water flow, taking into account household and drinking needs and fire extinguishing purposes. The placement of fire hydrants on the water supply network must ensure fire extinguishing of any building, structure or part thereof served by this network.


2.1. The fencing of the territory of enterprises and separately located objects is made of fireproof materials.

2.2. Distances from the fence to installations, structures, production and auxiliary buildings, equipment and tank embankments must be taken taking into account the possibility of free passage of fire trucks and the creation of a security zone, but not less than 10 m.

2.3. Objects for general plant purposes: management buildings, public catering (prepared canteens), healthcare, design bureaus, educational buildings, public organizations, cultural services and others must be located in the pre-factory area of ​​the enterprise at a distance of at least:

a) from buildings and structures of categories A, B and intermediate warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids - 80 m;

b) from buildings and structures of categories B - 30 m;

c) from intermediate warehouses of liquefied flammable gases - 100 m;

d) from commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids - 200 m;

e) from piston gas tanks of flammable gases - 150 m;

f) from gas tanks of constant volume and gas tanks with a water pool - 100 m;

g) from pipelines with explosive and fire hazardous products - 50 m.

Notes: 1. These requirements do not apply to guard rooms and passageways located along the perimeter of the fence.
2. In administrative buildings, engineering buildings and educational buildings, it is permitted to locate meeting rooms and assembly halls with cinema rooms, while assembly halls and meeting rooms with a capacity of more than 200 seats should not be located above the 5th floor.

2.4. Distance from explosion and fire hazardous objects to the border of the public right of way railways should be taken at least 100 m, to the border of the right of way of public roads - at least 50 m.

The distance from the fence of the enterprise territory to the tram tracks must be at least 30 m.

2.5. The territory of the enterprise must be divided into zones. The names of the zones and the approximate composition of objects placed in the zones are given in Table. 1.

2.6. The production, utility, and warehouse areas of the enterprise should be divided into quarters.

The area of ​​each quarter of an enterprise in the red building lines should not exceed 16 hectares with the length of one of the sides of the quarter not exceeding 300 m.

The distance between the red building lines of two adjacent blocks of the enterprise and zones is determined by the location between them of roads, utility networks, overpasses, green spaces, etc., but must be at least 40 m.

Table 1

Zone nameApproximate composition of objects placed in zones
Pre-factoryBuildings for administration, public catering (prepared canteens), healthcare, cultural services, design bureaus, educational purposes, trade, fire stations, garages, etc.
ProductionIndustrial buildings and structures of installations, workshops, as well as the ancillary production and auxiliary buildings and structures included in them, intermediate warehouses (parks)
Utility roomBuildings and structures for auxiliary production purposes (mechanical repair, repair and construction, packaging and other workshops, factory laboratories, etc.)
WarehouseWarehouses for materials, equipment, reagents, oils and finished products and etc.
Raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks)Raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids, as well as their ancillary production buildings and structures, unloading racks.

Note: The design of commodity warehouses (parks) for flammable gases is not considered in these guidelines.

2.7. The location of buildings and structures inside enterprise blocks should ensure good ventilation. The design of buildings of complex (II, III and T-shaped) configuration within blocks, as a rule, is not allowed.

2.8. The vertical layout of the enterprise territory should prevent the spillage of products from the areas of one facility onto the areas of others, as well as ensure the organization of the removal of spilled products and atmospheric precipitation.

2.9. On the territory of enterprises, only deciduous trees and shrubs should be used for landscaping that are resistant to harmful emissions from enterprises, with the exception of those that emit flakes, fibrous substances and pubescent seeds during flowering, placing them at a distance of at least 5 m from buildings, structures, and fences of the territory, if the conditions for protecting enterprises do not require a greater distance from the fence. In the area of ​​raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks), only areas near utility buildings and passageways should be landscaped.

Note. When using highways in warehouses (parks) as a second embankment for tanks, plant trees and shrubs between these highways and diking of tanks is not allowed.

2.10. When enterprises and warehouses (parks) for flammable and combustible liquids are located in wooded areas, as well as in areas of massive peat occurrence, the distance from the border of the forest and area of ​​​​massive peat occurrence to the fencing of enterprises or warehouses must be at least:

for coniferous species and areas of massive peat occurrence

for hardwood

Along the border of the forest area around the enterprise or warehouse (park), a plowed strip of land with a width of at least 5 m should be provided.

2.11. Enterprises and their raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids must be located at a distance of at least 200 m from the banks of rivers and, as a rule, downstream (downstream) piers, river stations, large roadsteads and places of permanent parking of the fleet, hydroelectric power stations, shipbuilding and ship repair yards, bridges, water intakes, at a distance from them of at least 300 m, unless a greater distance is required from these objects by the regulatory documents in force for their design.

When enterprises and their raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) for flammable and combustible liquids are located upstream (downstream of the river) of these structures, they must be located at a distance of at least 3000 m from the latter.

2.12. The shortest distance between buildings, external installations and enterprise structures should be taken according to table. 2.

table 2

№№Buildings and structures from which the distance is determinedShortest distance (in m) to
technological installation with production categories A and Bpetrochemical production workshops of categories A and Bflare unit for burning excess gases discharged from process equipment
1 2 3 4 5
1 Technological installation with production categories A and B25 25 100
2 Petrochemical production workshop of categories A and B25 15 100
3 Technological installation or workshop with production categories B, D and D40 40 50
4 Administrative, domestic and auxiliary industrial buildings30 30 50
5 Free-standing control buildings technological processes, transformer substations and distribution devicesAccording to PUEAccording to PES60
6 In-plant railway tracks20 20 50
7 Boundaries of the territory of adjacent enterprises: -
a) technologically related (suppliers of raw materials, consumers of products)100 100 100
b) technologically unrelated200 200 200
8 Thermal power plant of the enterprise100 100 100
9 Furnaces for burning waste gases and industrial waste40 40 50
10 Buildings of fire stations and gas rescue services80 80 100
11 Fire station buildings50 50 100
12 Raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids100 100 100
13 Intermediate warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied gases40 40 50
14 Open storage of lump sulfur with a capacity
up to 1000 t10 - -
up to 4000 t15 - -
up to 10000 t25 - -
15 Open oil traps and oil separators30 30 100
16 Closed traps with a capacity
up to 100 m 315 15 75
up to 50 m 38 8 75
17 Emergency barn for tank farms100 - 100

Notes: 1. A technological installation is understood as a production complex of buildings, structures and equipment located on a separate site of the enterprise and intended for the implementation of the technological process of oil refining production.
2. A workshop is understood as a similar production complex in petrochemical production.
3. An outdoor installation means a complex of devices located outside buildings, with supporting and service structures, which, as a rule, is part of a process plant or workshop.
4. The distance from the underground liquid sulfur storage facility to technological installations and workshops is not standardized.
5. The distance to flare installations from various production facilities should be taken by calculation, but not less than those indicated in the table, except for cases where flares are placed directly on the installations.
6. Separate process control buildings must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from external installations with production facilities of categories A and B, provided that the requirements of clause 7.3.85 of the PUE are met in them.

2.13. Commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids with a capacity of up to 1000 and 5000 m3, respectively, in chemical and petrochemical production (enterprises) must be located from buildings and structures not related to the warehouse at the distances provided for by the chapter of SNiP "General plans of industrial enterprises" ", and at least 40 m from external technological installations classified according to fire hazard categories A, B and C.

2.14. The distance from intra-plant railway tracks to buildings and structures with production facilities of categories A and B in some cases, under cramped conditions of the enterprise’s master plan, can be reduced to 10 m.

2.15. Railway tracks directly serving railside production and warehouse buildings, with the exception of warehouses (parks) of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids, are located from these buildings according to the approximation dimensions in accordance with the chapter of SNiP "General plans of industrial enterprises. Design standards".

2.16. Railway track entries may be installed in all production premises, regardless of category. The entry of steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and electric locomotives into premises of categories A, B and C is not allowed.

2.17. Stations for filling and storing oxygen cylinders must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from buildings and structures with production facilities of categories A and B.

2.18. Sanitary premises (dressing rooms, showers) for commodity warehouses (parks) of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and flammable liquids must be located from the unloading racks and storage tanks of LPG and flammable liquids at a distance of at least 60 m, from the unloading racks and reservoirs of flammable liquids - at least 40 m.

2.19. Sanitary premises for explosive industries must be located in separate buildings or attached to buildings of categories B, D, D.

Meeting rooms, red corners, canteens, and health centers are not permitted in these premises.

Distances from detached sanitary premises should be taken according to Table 2, item 4. Attached sanitary premises must be located at a distance of at least 18 m from explosive outdoor installations and explosive premises.

2.20. Production processes should be controlled from separate operator rooms and central control points (CCPs).

In justified cases, control rooms and central control rooms can be attached to rooms with explosive processes through an insert separating them with a width of at least 6 meters, in which non-explosive fire-hazardous rooms should be located without the constant presence of production and maintenance personnel in them. The specified operator rooms and CPUs should be used only to control technological processes in the building to which they are attached and equipment technologically connected to this building installed in an open area.

Direct adjoining to rooms with explosion- and fire-hazardous production processes is allowed only to the compressor operator’s room with the necessary equipment.

2.21. The premises of transformer substations, switchgears, and distribution centers, as a rule, should not be located in buildings with fire and explosion hazard processes. Their placement in these buildings is possible only at the ends and through an insert separating them with a width of at least 6 meters, in which non-explosive and fire hazardous rooms should be located without the constant presence of production and maintenance personnel in them. Attached TP, RU, RP must serve only the technological installation within the boundaries of which they are located. Entrances to attached transformer substations, switchgears, and distribution points should be provided, as a rule, from the end of the building. When the entrance to the electrical room is not located at the end of the building, the distance from it to the external doors and windows of rooms with explosion and fire hazardous processes must be at least 10 meters. The installation of windows in electrical rooms is not permitted.

2.22. In production areas with explosion and fire hazardous installations in areas of commodity and raw material warehouses, electrical rooms (RU, TP, PP, RP), process control rooms must have floor marks, the bottom of cable ducts and pits above the surface of the surrounding earth by at least 0.15 m and have a guaranteed air supply.

2.23. Laboratories in which work is carried out with flammable liquids, flammable liquids, flammable liquids, located in buildings for other purposes, must be separated from adjacent premises by a blank wall with a fire resistance limit of at least 1.0 hours.

4.2.1. The master plan of the territory of a production (industrial) facility should be developed in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents.

4.2.2. Provision of a land plot for the construction of a chemical treatment facility is permitted if there are sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on their compliance sanitary rules(v. 12 Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population").

4.2.3. An industrial site for the construction of new facilities should be selected taking into account the climatic characteristics, terrain, patterns of distribution of industrial emissions in the atmosphere, the potential for air pollution and background concentrations of pollutants in the area, downwind of residential, recreational and resort areas. The location line of all industrial buildings must be perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds.

4.2.4. The placement of the industrial site of the facilities is carried out taking into account the background indicators of sanitary and epidemiological well-being and if it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone from the industrial site of the facility.

4.2.5. In accordance with SP “Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises,” administrative, economic, auxiliary, production and transport and storage zones should be allocated on the territory of an industrial facility. The industrial site must be established within the boundaries of the land plot belonging to the facility for operation economic activity in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects. New edition".

4.2.6. The territory of the chemical chemical waste facility includes a military camp, medical and preventive institutions of garrison significance and a technical territory.

4.2.7. The territory of a military camp at a chemical weapons facility, as a rule, consists of main zones: barracks, equipment and weapons park, residential, utility and warehouse. Medical and preventive institutions of garrison significance are located on a separate site in the hospital zone.

4.2.8. The territory of a production facility (industrial site) for chemical weapons treatment must include main buildings and structures for the destruction of chemical munitions, storage, disposal and disposal of chemical agents detoxification products, auxiliary buildings and structures, administrative buildings, warehouse facilities for storing raw materials and supplies. Warehouses are located in separate one-story buildings, at a safe distance from ammunition destruction production facilities, administrative buildings and other structures, as well as possible ignition sources.

The technical territory of a chemical waste facility must include an arsenal for storing chemical munitions, structures for the destruction of emergency chemical munitions or complexes for the destruction of emergency special items (hereinafter referred to as KUASI), auxiliary buildings and structures, administrative buildings and premises.

4.2.9. The mutual placement of buildings and structures of the chemical treatment facility should provide favorable conditions for natural lighting of the premises and ventilation of the industrial site. The construction of buildings with shapes that promote the formation of stagnant zones is prohibited.

4.2.10. The dimensions of the site for the technical territory of the chemical waste facility and the industrial site of the chemical waste facility must be sufficient to accommodate the main and auxiliary structures, including dust and gas treatment and local wastewater treatment plants, places for the collection and temporary storage of permitted industrial and household waste, as well as devices for neutralization, waste disposal and a waste disposal site (site).

4.2.11. The design documentation must develop routes for transporting chemical weapons throughout the facility without crossing them with the main human flows, with the implementation of measures that exclude the possibility of creating emergency situations.

4.2.12. The industrial site of the facility should include degassing points for road and rail transport in case of an emergency.

4.2.13. The industrial site must have a relatively flat surface and a slight slope to ensure the drainage of surface water. The site must have low level standing groundwater and located in a flood-free area. The groundwater level should be 0.5 m below the basement. If necessary, appropriate reclamation measures should be taken to drain the construction area.

4.2.14. The territory of hazardous substance destruction facilities free from buildings and passages must be landscaped by at least 50%. All roads for vehicles and pedestrians must have hard, level surfaces with organized drains for storm water.

4.2.15. Outside the production territory of the chemical waste treatment facilities and the technical territory of the chemical chemical treatment facilities, in the administrative and economic zone of the territory of the chemical waste treatment facility and in the sanitary protection zone of the above mentioned facilities, it is allowed to place industrial canteens with daily storage of food products to provide for working personnel engaged in work in hazardous conditions labor, therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

4.2.16. The medical health center is located in the administrative and economic zone of the industrial site of chemical weapons facilities in the administrative and service building on an area of ​​at least 500 square meters. m. First aid room medical care located on the first floor of the administrative building.

A first aid station (resuscitation type) is located in the main production buildings of chemical weapons treatment facilities.

According to DBN V22-15-2005 "Residential buildings. Basic provisions" the following requirements are imposed on MFZHK:

When designing extended free-standing buildings and perimeter development of the block, they must provide through passages for vehicles in accordance with the requirements of DBN 360. The width of the passage must be at least 3.5 m, the height - at least 4.25 m. These buildings must also provide through passages at a distance of no more than 100 m.

Placing residential premises in the basement, basement and underground floors of residential buildings is not permitted.

The most important monofunctional complexes (centers) in architectural and planning terms are formed by important institutions and corresponding buildings and structures. These include: administrative (state, regional, city) complexes, large business, information, cultural and educational, entertainment, memorial, shopping, etc. They should be located within the central planning area in the core of the center and be filled with related functions.

Multifunctional complexes (centers) should be formed by business, trade, cultural and entertainment institutions and located both in the central core, its contact zone at the entrances to the core or city center, in the central planning area (zone), and on the main axes of other planning areas (zones) of the city.

When forming multifunctional complexes (centers) of citywide significance in peripheral planning areas (zones), they should include administrative, management and research institutions associated with industrial and production facilities located nearby.

When creating centers of peripheral planning districts (zones), the size of their land plots should be determined based on the general calculation of the needs for public areas given in clause 2.13. If they are formed in a complex with one of the centers of a residential, recreational or industrial-production area, the specific size of the latter’s land plot may be increased, but not by more than 30%.

When forming residential areas in the central zone, they community centers should be considered in common system citywide center.

A residential area is a structural element of a residential area with an area of ​​80-400 hectares, within which residential areas are formed, institutions and enterprises are located with a service radius of no more than 1500 m, as well as objects of urban importance. The boundaries of a residential area are main streets and roads of citywide importance, natural and artificial boundaries. Residential areas (separate) can be formed as independent structural units.

The minimum estimated area of ​​a plot for a separate residential building (without placing on it preschool institutions and service enterprises, garages owned by citizens, physical education and sports facilities) must be taken in accordance with the number of its inhabitants - no less than: 30.1 - 23.3 m 2 /person (for buildings up to 3 floors), 20.2 - 17.0 m 2 /person. (4-5 floors), 15.3 - 13.9 m2/person. (6-8 floors), 12.2 - 12.0 m2/person. (9-12 floors).

For detached residential buildings with a height of no more than 9 floors, as well as for objects visited by people with disabilities, it is allowed to construct driveways combined with sidewalks with a length of no more than 150 m and a total width of at least 4.2 m.

Residential buildings with apartments on the first floors should be located, as a rule, indented from the red lines. Along the red line it is allowed to place residential buildings with public premises built into the ground floors, and on residential streets in the conditions of reconstruction of existing buildings - residential buildings with apartments on the ground floors only as an exception.

The formation of low-rise, high-density buildings should be carried out on the basis of compact placement of blocked residential elements while ensuring regulatory sanitary and hygienic requirements. Minimum dimensions formed courtyards are determined by insolation requirements while ensuring a distance between the windows of oppositely located apartments of at least 15 m (domestic gap), as well as fire safety requirements (Appendix 3.1), including ensuring the entry of fire trucks. Passages to internal courtyards should be at least 3.4 m in height and at least 4.25 m in height.

The area of ​​green area of ​​a residential area should be at least 6 m2 per person. (excluding schools and preschool institutions). The area of ​​individual sections of the green area of ​​a residential area includes areas for recreation, for children to play, and pedestrian paths, if they occupy no more than 30% of the total area of ​​the site.

When designing residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for the placement of sites, the dimensions of which and the distances from them to residential and public buildings should be no less than those given in Table 1.

Table 1

Note 1. Distances from sites for physical education are set depending on their noise characteristics, from areas for drying clothes - not standardized; the distance from waste disposal areas to physical education areas, playgrounds for children and adult recreation should be no less than 20 m, and from areas for household purposes to the most remote entrance to a residential building - no more than 100 m.

Note 2. It is allowed to reduce, but not more than 50%, the specific dimensions of playgrounds: for children’s games, adult recreation and physical education in areas with dust storms when creating closed structures; for economic purposes when developing residential buildings equipped with rooms for drying clothes, elevators, garbage chutes; for physical education classes in the formation of a unified physical education and health complex in the microdistrict for schoolchildren and adults.

Basic provisions

Urban planning characteristics of mid-rise housing construction areas (size, number of storeys, dimensions of the apartment plot, etc.) must be determined by the location of the territory in the planning and functional structure of urban, rural and other settlements, the types of which are defined by Art. 5 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

When deciding on a master plan for a mid-rise building based on natural indicators, the following areas should be distinguished:

1. Favorable for development;

2. Requiring engineering protective measures in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP 2.01.15;

3. Inadmissible for construction.

When locating and planning the territory of a mid-rise housing construction, the following requirements must be met:

1. Security environment;

2. Protect the territory from noise and exhaust gases from transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, and from radon emitted from the ground.

Comprehensive measures to protect nature and improve the environment from harmful impacts associated with economic and other activities should be provided in accordance with regulations regulating environmental activities.

Insolation of territories and premises of low-rise buildings should provide a continuous 3-hour duration in the spring-summer period or a total 3.5-hour duration.

Garbage removal from areas of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, should be carried out by removing household waste from areas with containers, the distance from which to the boundaries of residential buildings, children's institutions, and green areas should be set at least 50, but not more than 100 m.

To ensure fire extinguishing of individual buildings in areas of low-rise housing construction, hydrants should be provided.

Between the long sides of residential buildings with a height of 4 floors - at least 20 m, between the long sides and ends of the same buildings with windows from living rooms - at least 10 m. The specified distances can be reduced subject to insolation and illumination standards, if the visibility of residential premises is ensured (rooms and kitchens) from window to window.

Residential buildings with apartments on the first floors should be located, as a rule, indented from the red lines. Along the red line it is allowed to place residential buildings with public premises built into the ground floors or attached, and on residential streets in the conditions of reconstruction of existing buildings - residential buildings with apartments on the ground floors.

The height of floors from floor to floor for residential buildings for social purposes is recommended to be no more than 2.8 m, for climatic subdistricts IA, IB, IG, ID, IIA - no more than 3.0 m.

Street and road network

The street and road network of low-rise housing construction areas should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the master plan of settlements.

When designing and organizing the road network of low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:

1. Location of territories in the structure of the settlement;

2. Type of territory, according to the table. 1 classification;

3. Type of residential building (houses);

4. Size and configuration of territories.

The planning solution for low-rise residential development must ensure vehicle access to all buildings and structures.

The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be:

For residential streets - at least 2 lanes;

For travel - 1 lane.

The width of the strips should be 3.5 m.

Passages should be provided with passing platforms with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the roadway.

The distance between traveling areas, as well as between traveling areas and intersections, should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end driveway, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end driveways are provided with turning areas measuring at least 12x12 m. The use of a turning area for parking cars is not allowed.

In the territory of low-rise residential development, as a rule, it is necessary to provide 100% provision of parking spaces for storage and parking. passenger cars and other vehicles.

Sidewalks and bike paths should be arranged elevated 15 cm above the level of passages.

Parking garages serving apartment buildings of various layouts, located in public areas, should be accepted in accordance with Table. 10* SNiP 2.07.01.

Parking lots

When constructing parking lots under multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones), measures should be taken in accordance with the requirements of 5.5 SNiP 21-02 to isolate the overlying residential floors from exhaust gases, including:

Installation of entrances (exits) outside the window areas of living rooms;

Installation of canopies over entrances;

Separation of the residential part from the parking lot by a floor with non-residential premises, including the technical floor;

Installation of a canopy along the entire perimeter of the technical floor with a width of at least 1 m when placing an open parking lot under a residential building.

Entrance group of premises

It is recommended to design the entrance group of premises of multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones), including:

Tambour (single or double depending on the climatic region of construction);

Lobby area;

Premises for the entrance attendant.

According to the design assignment, the entrance group includes wheelchair spaces (for storing children's and outdoor wheelchairs).

The layout of the entrance group should ensure accessibility of housing for people with limited mobility, taking into account the requirements established in SNiP 35-01 (for the construction of ramps at entrances, entrance platforms, for the parameters of vestibules, lifts in the lobby area, etc.).

The lobby premises in multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones) can be:

Built-in (or built-in-attached) and attached;

Placed in a separate volume;

Placed in the space of a partially undeveloped ground floor.

The location of the lobby may vary in the plan of a residential building. Options for placing the vestibule in relation to the vertical communications node in a structural planning cell adjacent to the staircase-elevator unit (LLU) or in the opposite one are used.

The room for the person on duty at the entrance (or the security room) should be located in such a way that it provides a visual view of the door leading from the vestibule to the lobby of a residential building (in the absence of a vestibule, an overview of the passages to the staircase). A video surveillance device is possible for external viewing of the entrance to a residential building and the surrounding area.

In the building on duty at the entrance, telephone communication should be provided with the premises of the joint dispatch service (UDS), intercom communication via an intercom, and, according to the design assignment, also with apartments.

On the ground floor it is recommended to provide a storage room for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink. It is recommended to locate the storage room adjacent to the premises of the entrance attendant; it can be placed in the basement or basement with an entrance from the outside.

In multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones), it is recommended to place subscriber cabinets in the absence of elevators - in the lobbies, on the main or intermediate landing of the first floor and in the passages to the stairs.

When placing postal subscriber cabinets, you should be guided by their dimensions, and the standard parameters of the passages must be ensured.

Subscription cabinets are hung directly on the walls or installed in niches at a height of at least 0.6 m from the floor. As a rule, cabinets should not be hung on walls adjacent to the living areas of apartments. The installation sites of subscriber cabinets must be illuminated.

Individual subscriber cabinets in locked residential buildings It is recommended to install them near the entrances to apartments or on apartment areas, and integrated subscriber cabinets - at the borders of areas.

On the first, ground or basement floors of multi-apartment residential buildings, non-apartment storage rooms can be installed for the residents of the building; their number is determined in the design assignment. The width of the corridors in front of them must be at least 1.1 m.

In non-residential storage rooms, it is recommended to provide a fire sprinkler system or other fire protection systems in consultation with local departments of state fire supervision.

In blocked residential buildings located along the red line of the street, it is recommended to make the floor level of the apartments higher than the sidewalk (or the center line of the driveway if there is no sidewalk) at a height of at least 0.5 m. The determination of the specific floor level depends on the amount of snow cover in the construction area.


Apartment- the main element of the home, in which a person spends 40 - 100% of his time, the main building element (living unit) of a residential building intended for settling a family.

The apartment consists of residential, utility and open spaces.

The apartment should provide residential communications and utility rooms: kitchens, hallways, bathrooms or showers, restrooms, storage rooms. It is allowed to arrange premises for economic works, cold pantry, ventilation drying cabinet for outerwear and shoes. As part of social apartments, it is allowed, and for other types of housing it is recommended, the installation of open (summer) premises: balconies, loggias, terraces, verandas, etc.

Living rooms are premises intended for human habitation, the main part of the apartment. There are living rooms for family activities (common room) and personal (personal) living rooms for 1-2 people (bedrooms). In a multi-room apartment with a high standard of housing security, there may additionally be a dining room, a living room, an office for work and studies, a work room, a playroom, a recreation room, etc.

The apartment must satisfy the needs of the individual and the family as a whole, hence the duality of requirements - isolation and unification - the starting position for the design of any apartment. The apartment should serve as a place for personal self-realization and at the same time be a place for the harmonious development of family contacts.

Examples of apartment planning solutions

The layout of the apartments differs primarily in the number of rooms and the size of the total area, consisting of living and utility areas. The type of apartment is determined by the size of the family and the estimated total area per family member. In urban development, 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments are most common.

One-room apartments are designed for families of one or two people. Their placement is provided in sectional and corridor houses of a hotel type.

Rice. 1 - Examples of planning solutions for one-room apartments

A one-room apartment includes a room, a kitchen, a hallway, and a sanitary unit. The room serves as a place for various activities, relaxation, and sleep. The kitchen and combined bathroom are located with an entrance from the front (hallway) (Fig. 1).

Two-room apartments are designed to accommodate families of two or three people. They can have a layout with isolated or adjacent rooms. The sanitary facilities are usually separate. The larger room is used as a living room, the smaller one as a bedroom (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 - Examples of planning solutions for two-room apartments

Three-room apartments are designed to accommodate families of three to four people. The rooms can be isolated or one of them is adjacent. The sanitary facilities are separate. One of the rooms is used as a living room, another (isolated) as a bedroom, and the third as a nursery (Fig. 3).

For large families of four to six people, four- and five-room apartments are provided (Fig. 4). It is possible to arrange rooms in such apartments on two levels on the two upper floors of sectional houses. The common room is located adjacent to the front room and in convenient connection with the kitchen. This connection is made through a sliding partition or a special transfer window in the cupboard, which is a partition between the room and the kitchen. Multi-room apartments are oriented towards two opposite sides of the building (apartments with cross ventilation).

Rice. 3 - Examples of planning solutions for three-room apartments

Fig 4 - Examples of planning solutions for four-room and five-room apartments

Recently, apartments have begun to be designed with flexible layouts that can meet the requirements of different families.

With a flexible layout, the apartments are separated by prefabricated partitions. Kitchens and sanitary units occupy a stationary position in such apartments.

When designing apartments on two levels, their area increases by 6 m to accommodate internal stairs.

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