How to find out the real mileage of a car, how to calculate the mileage? Mileage adjustment: why, how and how much? How to reset mileage on the speedometer.

Vehicle mileage is the main criterion by which the timing for carrying out Maintenance. And the odometer device is responsible for the mileage readings. There are a number of reasons why drivers have to rewind their odometer readings. In this article we will tell you what a speedometer knob is and how to use it correctly.


Types of speedometers

Before we tell you how to rewind or rewind the mileage on a car, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the types of speedometers. Today there are several types of devices used in cars - mechanical, electromechanical and electronic devices.


The revolutions from the gearbox are transmitted to the device using a cable. The odometer measures the revolutions, according to which a certain path is set. For a mechanical speedometer, a special editor is used, configured with the required conversion factor.

In practice, it turns out that one revolution corresponds to a certain amount of mileage. The rotation of the output pulley is analyzed by indicating devices with marked numbers that display the distance traveled.


An electromechanical device is a more advanced version of a mechanical one. As a result of the fact that the cable shows incorrect information, the electromechanical version is supplemented with a speed controller. Signals from the controller were sent to an electric motor designed to rotate the gearbox. This is the fundamental difference; in all other respects the devices are similar.


Recently, all modern vehicles have been equipped with an electronic version. An electronic device is designed to measure the number of wheel revolutions. The device, analyzing the size of the wheel circumference, converts the number of revolutions into mileage traveled. Information is shown on the liquid crystal display.

Why bother?

Before we tell you about the operation of the speedometer twister, it would be a good idea to figure out why you need to twist and unwind the readings. Winding the indicator using a special winder allows you to increase the cost of transport when selling, this is understandable.

As for winding, there may be several reasons:

  1. A speedometer winder can be used to increase fuel and lubricant costs. After all, increased mileage makes it possible to write off more gasoline - such schemes are relevant for drivers of commercial vehicles. But if a business uses an older vehicle, fuel consumption levels will be higher. Adjusting the speedometer allows you to compensate for refueling costs.
  2. Speedometer calibration may be required when replacing the instrument panel. After all, when changing the control panel, you should take readings from the device in accordance with the operating conditions.
  3. Speedometer rewinding may be required when using other discs not recommended by the manufacturer. The diameter of the discs can be either larger or smaller; during calculations, the odometer may produce errors, showing incorrect readings. The speedometer corrector makes it possible to eliminate the error.

Modern dashboard

Winding instructions

How to wind the speedometer with your own hands? Much depends on the type of device, since for each individual type the winding pattern will be different. To complete the task, you need to know exactly what type of device the car is equipped with.


How to wind and how to wind up readings on a mechanical device, for example, on VAZ, GAZ cars? There are two options to rewind the speedometer. The first and simple one is to disconnect the cable from the speed sensor, the end that is attached to the box, connect the drill to it and turn the tool into reverse mode. As you understand, in a few minutes of work you can rewind a decent amount of mileage. The second method is to dismantle and disassemble the dashboard. After disassembly, the odometer (counter) itself is removed, and the mileage is finally adjusted. Note that the methods are relevant for domestic cars, released before 2005 (the author of the video is Do It Yourself).


An electromechanical device can be found on old Vehicle ah, but winding up this type of speedometer will be more difficult than a regular mechanical one. In this case, the winding or unwinding procedure requires different approaches. It must be taken into account that the reduction in mileage in the case of an electromechanical device is carried out by dismantling and disassembling the control panel. To rewind the readings, the meter must be dismantled, then the numbers must be adjusted manually.

As for increasing readings, the procedure is carried out using a generator. Thanks to the generator, signals are generated that are sent to the control input. In accordance with the number of pulses, device readings are formed.


How to twist an electronic speedometer? As mentioned above, the devices are mounted on all modern cars. Correction of speedometer readings must be carried out in accordance with the production date of the vehicle. The bottom line is that an electronic device could be implemented in different ways during production, especially since it can interact with other devices (the author of the video is max gladkiy).

Therefore, in order to carry out the procedure for winding the speedometer, you will need not only to send a signal from the speed controller, but also to reconfigure some devices. It should be borne in mind that the process of accessing the device is determined in accordance with the model of the machine, as well as the year of manufacture; everything here is individual. Accordingly, adjusting the readings may be problematic, but it is possible. If you don’t know how to wind up an electronic speedometer, you will have to use a special device. We will describe the types of such devices below.

Instruments and devices for winding

Most manufacturers equip cars with original electronic speedometers; rewinding mileage can be problematic. As a result, various versions of devices have been created that can be used to adjust mileage. Device circuits can be assembled based on microprocessor boards or discrete components.

CAN twister

CAN twister disassembled

The CAN spinner is a device for operating modern vehicles. It should be taken into account that CAN is a special bus through which pulses are exchanged between blocks of electronic devices of the machine. And the circuit involves the use of a special connector for diagnostics. Through the connector, knowing the exchange protocol, the car owner has the opportunity to gain access to individual electronic devices.

Thanks to the use of a CAN twister, it is possible to adjust the contents of the necessary cells in the memory of the control unit in order to set the required twisted mileage. Using a CAN spinner is the main way for car resellers to rewind the distance traveled. Using modern diagnostic equipment, detecting changes in memory cells is problematic.


The pulse twister is used in foreign-made machines that are not equipped with a CAN bus. The device should be connected via the OBD2 diagnostic connector. When the knob is in use, the odometer receives signals that simulate impulses from the speed controller. The mileage readings change.

Speed ​​generator

The speed generator allows you to simulate the operation of a speed sensor. Together with the controller, it is necessary to connect a generator that produces a sequence of signals that are sent to the odometer. The generator changes the odometer readings. The operation of such a device is relevant in electromechanical speedometers on UAZ, VAZ and cars Russian production, released before 2006.

The art of passing off old vehicles as new existed long before the advent of cars. Skilled horse dealers, before selling an elderly horse, quickly “refurbished” its hooves, teeth, tail... Business flourished, since the vast majority of naive buyers invariably fell for such a trick.

Cars, unlike horses, have a mileage counter - an odometer. Therefore, adjusting its readings down before selling is already the norm when. In the era of mechanical odometers, various household devices with motors - from a mixer to an electric drill, which hooked to the drive cable and gave the command “Full back!” As a result, instead of the frightening 96,000 km on the five-digit mechanical drums of the same Zhiguli cars, a modest 32,000 appeared - often this was enough to complete the transaction.

Want to improve your mileage? Just in case, we remind you that lying is not good. But if greed overpowers, then you can easily find a specialized site and select suitable device. Estimated price - 5–10 thousand rubles.

Want to improve your mileage? Just in case, we remind you that lying is not good. But if greed overpowers, then you can easily find a specialized website and select a suitable device. Estimated price - 5–10 thousand rubles.

With the transition to electronic mileage meters, the task has become more complicated: “checking mileage” at home has become problematic for many. At the same time, the numbers on the odometers have become frankly frightening: six-digit values ​​over hundreds of thousands of kilometers can excite even the most incorrigible sucker buyer. But the market immediately responded to the new task with the appearance of devices with names like Mileage Master. You connect such a programmer via the OBD connector (On board diagnostics, from the English “on-board diagnostics”) and - see point one: the half-million mileage of a car killed by life turns into innocent tens of thousands of kilometers. They say that grandma went to church on weekends - so she’s done nothing in 20 years...

The act is clearly not gentlemanly, and I am not going to promote it. Moreover, the Internet is already full of relevant videos. Those who really want to can watch it here here . But it seems to us that the methods of adjusting odometers are hardly of interest to anyone: modern money dealers are excellent at them, and the buyer does not care at all about exactly how the meter readings on the machine he liked were changed. It is much more important to help such a person understand what is actually hidden behind the seller’s advertising promises.

As a warm-up, we suggest watching a short video:

You can't trust anyone nowadays

Muller-Bronevoy, as always, was right: you can’t trust anyone. Including the odometer. However, it is quite possible to do without it. For starters, let us hint that even on budget cars, odometer readings are often duplicated in other control units (engine, gearbox, etc.). Examples - Daewoo Matiz, Chevrolet Lacetti, Opel Astra N, Zafira B, Corsa D, Ford Focus 3, etc.

So where to look? Hooves, teeth, tail - where? There are only two ways to determine mileage: the so-called expert method and computer diagnostics.

The expert method is based on indirect signs of age. A person’s age is always revealed by his hands: an experienced doctor will tell you his age to the nearest year... A car has different signs.

Great wear brake discs. Of course, they could have been replaced with new ones specifically for selling the car. But in some cases, such repairs are not economically feasible. Brake discs, depending on the car model, can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, you need to look at their condition.

Worn out. It's also expensive to change. It is unlikely that anyone will do this just for sale. Scratches and numerous chips indicate a high mileage of the car. Branded glass or not is important. This does not affect the degree of wear and number of chips.

Worn armrests and window buttons. However, the components necessary for their restoration (and very cheap) can be found on a well-known Chinese Internet site.

A dirty keychain. Again: the Internet is full of offers: replacing the key fob with a new one is not a problem. But if the owner didn’t bother to do even this, most likely he doesn’t want to hide the car’s shortcomings.

Shabby "steering wheel". Re-tightening the steering wheel will cost a little more than the previous operations. As a rule, they are limited to a steering wheel cover. If there is one, be sure to look under such a cover.

Worn seat side bolsters.

Clouded polycarbonate.

Worn pedal pads. Today it is possible to restore their original condition inexpensively. It is enough to replace the pedal pads with new ones. Price: from 500 to 3000 rubles, unless, of course, we are talking about a premium car.

Sagging doors (in 99% of cases this is the driver's door). On the other hand, an adjusted door will reveal itself with characteristic marks on paint coating door opening in the area of ​​the hinges or on the door fastening bolts.

Worn seat belts (by the way, the date of manufacture is also indicated on them!). It also happens that the condition of the belt is much better than the condition of the car. This does not mean that it was changed. Most likely, the owner of the car simply did not fasten his seat belt, but in order to sound alarm I didn’t bother with the unfastened seat belt, I ran the belt behind the back of the driver’s seat and inserted it into the lock. As a result, when you try to unfasten the belt, the stretched spring is no longer able to independently tighten it into the depths of the B-pillar.

Type of radiators: “sandblasting” immediately reveals seasoned products.

Camshaft wear (if visible through the oil filler neck).

Tire markings.

Intake pipe color.

General condition of the machine, etc.

Let us note right away: in order to feel “in the know,” you need to “look at” at least 10–15 cars of the same model. Otherwise, the conclusions will be subjective and, most likely, erroneous.

In some cases, specialized sites can help. In particular, for cars in Moscow and the Moscow region, on the website you can find the dates of inspection - and for each car its mileage will be indicated. Another useful resource- Sometimes service books help. If, for example, the instrument cluster was changed on a car, then a record should be made about this. But in practice, unfortunately, there are numerous cases where such books are not just counterfeited - they are made from scratch! And sometimes the seals are not branded, but “IP PUPKIN”. Work orders for specific work with service details are somewhat more trustworthy.

By the way, by what amount are runs usually rolled up? There are no clear boundaries here - usually the runs are “rolled” according to some kind of psychological mark. This could be 100 thousand km or 200 thousand km - depending on what kind of car it is.

Computer diagnostics allows you to read the car's mileage from various control modules. But this, of course, is not possible on all cars. If we conditionally divide them into groups, guided specifically by “computer” considerations, we get something like the following.

First group- these are expensive, premium cars with sophisticated electronics: Volvo, Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Jaguar, etc. In such cars, as a rule, the mileage is written to several control units at once, and therefore the chances of getting it out of there are quite high. Of course, for this you need a scanner - preferably a profile one. Let's say, for a BMW - a light vehicle. It should be borne in mind that the mileage read from different modules should differ slightly in the last digits: this is a normal phenomenon. On the contrary, a perfect match will indicate that “someone was digging around here.”

Without a computer, when inspecting a premium car, serious problems will arise: the wear resistance of expensive high-quality materials is very high, and therefore it is easy to mistake a mileage of 500,000 for 200,000... However, there is a serious “but” on this path: if a competent professional has previously tinkered with the car, it will not limited to numbers on the odometer, then the scanner will not help. The exceptions in this group are, oddly enough, Lexus and also Infiniti. Their mileage is stored only by the odometer on the instrument cluster. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find out their mileage electronically.

Second group- the most common: it includes old Korean, Japanese, as well as budget and simple, from an electronics point of view, cars. The mileage is “stored” only in the dashboard, and it is “rewinded” there, and many times over. No computer knows or can recognize the real mileage - only indirect methods remain.

Third group- these are all the other cars. Their mileage can be duplicated in many control modules - depending on who you are. Opel, Saab, Seat, Volkswagen - it’s impossible to list them all... Diesel cars with particulate filters, also belonging to this group, like to record each moment of cleaning such a filter with a corresponding entry in the “logbook”, linking it to the kilometers traveled.

Where to go for help?

Certainly not to the dealers. At best, they will conduct a general inspection of the car and count the errors (it’s good if they don’t reset). The traffic police don't need this either. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is go buy a used car alone, without having the necessary experience. Be sure to take a friend with you who, as they say, understands. Well, if you don’t have one among your friends, you can contact a person who provides similar services on a paid basis. By the way, this is exactly what we did when working on the material... You must agree that paying 3-4 thousand rubles is much more profitable than cursing yourself for purchasing a car with high mileage or, worse, a criminal record. By the way, how many cars purchased this way turn out to be credit cars? Twisted run - all the ways to find out the truth

According to statistics, each car covers about 17,000 km per year. And on secondary market a large number of used five-year-old cars with approximately 50,000 km. In such cases, potential buyers think about their luck that they will be able to purchase an iron horse with such mileage indicators. But in fact, half of car owners most likely wondered how to increase mileage by electronic speedometer. And before the sale, many simply did so.

How it works?

The mileage counter itself is called an odometer. It is built into the speed meter panel.

The electronic speedometer no longer has gearboxes, cables, or rollers, like its mechanical predecessor. Often the gearbox output shaft is simply equipped with an optical or magnetic sensor (rarely can be installed on a wheel) that records the speed. The received data is then transmitted to the electronic control mechanism and from there to the display. Mileage information can be additionally stored in several more memory blocks, as on the new flagships of BMW, Audi, Toyota. How to change mileage on an electronic speedometer that has backup storage points? These models are quite complex in rewinding values; they have up to 7-8 storage points for data about the path traveled.

How to set the required mileage values?

For cars belonging to the budget price category, it is enough to remove the electronic meter panel shield and connect to the diagnostic output. Connect the other end of the cable to a computer with previously installed software.

After which it will be possible to enter new mileage indicators. Moreover, it is very difficult to identify such interference only if the owner carelessly unscrewed the panel cover and left mechanical damage. In this case, a twist in the values ​​is quite likely, but the owner can inform about diagnostics or replacement of lighting elements.

If there are several memory blocks, this process becomes somewhat more complicated, but not dramatically. How to change mileage on an electronic speedometer if there are 6-8 points of backup information storage? Here you need to connect to car computer and use special programs to work with all the blocks - you can’t miss a single one. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the previous indicators will appear on the display. In rare cases, they re-flash or solder a new microcircuit into the control unit.

How to check mileage on an electronic speedometer yourself? Good knowledge of electronic systems will also be required. With specialized services, this manipulation will not take much time (up to 2 hours).

Are there cars where twisting is not possible?

At the moment, there are no cars that do not allow you to adjust the amount of kilometers traveled. Manufacturers have no reason to get involved in this matter closely and spend money. They don't care about the wishes of used car buyers. Therefore, when buying, you should be careful and expect luck or an honest seller.

What is the cost of carrying out such work?

It will cost from 1000 to 1500 rubles to adjust the readings from representatives of the budget sector of cars.

Speedometers for new products from the foreign automobile industry will cost 3,000-4,000 rubles. The price may depend on your knowledge and personal imagination of the master.

How to detect the unwinding of kilometers?

Determining interference has a low chance, but motorists should know what the interior elements look like at a specific mileage. The driver and front passenger seats may be too dented, the handles may be worn, and will have scuff marks that do not match the advertised mileage readings. But the owners can also slightly patch up the interior. Covering the seats and replacing the handles is not a very expensive procedure.

Diagnostics with a computer alone will not give results. In most cases, when passing service workers stick on tags with the distance traveled so that vehicle owners know when the next oil change is due. If the number of km on the tag and on the display does not match, the owner will be caught cheating. Also be sure to ask for a service inspection book. If it is not there, then there is a high probability of intervention.

We dealt a little with the question of how to adjust the mileage on an electronic speedometer, the situation became clearer and we became aware of general concepts. When choosing a used vehicle, you need to pay more attention to its condition; drivers take care of their equipment differently.

Adjusting the values ​​of the domestic “Gazelle”

Depending on the type of occupation, motorists can travel in domestically produced cars.

Very running car for cargo transportation it is a GAZelle. They are also already installed electronic systems recording the distance traveled. How to change mileage on an electronic speedometer (GAZelle Business diesel)? To do this, you will also need to connect to the electronics system and use a computer with a special program to set the required indicators. The connection is made through the diagnostic port. When pairing, the program will show the current value on the screen, then you can enter the required one. As for cheating, this can be done using a programmer.

Check the mileage of the VAZ2114 electronic speedometer yourself

Since 2001, several options for combinations of electronic devices have been installed here:

  • AP panel (produced by the Vladimir Avtopribor plant, equipped with a PIC12C519 microchip). There have been cases of failure of this chip. The reason is a manufacturing defect. You can reinstall and flash it using the PO-5 programmer. The cost of making adjustments in workshops is 1100 rubles.
  • Electronic system Shetmasch. For working with her in the services they will ask for 1600 rubles.
  • Electronic device type VDO. The master will ask for 1500 rubles for his work.

To do the work with my own hands Knowledge of electronics and appropriate equipment (computer with installed program) will be required. A connection is made to the car’s electronics, and the kilometers are manipulated.

How to change mileage on an electronic speedometer? Ryazan has a sufficient number of services and electronic engineers to perform such operations. You can also purchase technical support here if you want to do everything yourself.

Here are general concepts and an algorithm of actions. It is absolutely clear that not every technology lover will understand it. It takes some time to learn the basics of electronics. For those who are concerned about the question of how to connect the speedometer and mileage of a car, steps for disassembling and connecting the equipment are given.

How to connect

Connection procedure:

  1. Unscrew and remove back cover dashboard.
  2. Provide reliable fastening connecting wires to contact points.
  3. Connect the power cable and turn on its supply. After this, the current value should appear.
  4. Perform an operation to connect the adapter to the LPT connector of the computer.
  5. Initiate program launch.
  6. When you press the "F6" key, the mileage readings will be read, "F7" - you can enter the desired value. Then you need to press "Enter" and you can close the program.
  7. Turn off the power and put everything back together. Now, when you start the car, the speedometer will show new mileage values.

Reasons for twisting speedometers

The number of kilometers traveled by the car is one of the main selection criteria. Therefore, the question arises of how to twist the speedometer and why to do it. Everything is clear with the first half. But why? The whole point is that sellers simply want to make more money on sales.

People involved in the sale of foreign cars perceive this as profitable business. Cars are made better abroad and the roads there are good, so you can’t visually determine high mileage. Sellers adjust its value to the buyer and earn good money. It is also often possible that the kilometer counting system may fail and this value will not be displayed correctly. This may be due to an interruption in battery power. In this case, it may also be necessary to change the mileage value.

Sometimes there comes a time when motorists have to reset the speedometer. Such work can be performed based on several reasons. One of the main reasons is the discrepancy between the values ​​​​indicated on the speedometer and the real ones, which may be a consequence of a technical failure.

Why reset the odometer?

Often, motorists, especially inexperienced ones, believe that resetting the speedometer values ​​is necessary only if it is necessary to hide its real data. However, this is not quite true. Sometimes such a procedure is simply necessary.

If, after installing a new odometer, its values ​​are zero, then you should slightly change them upward. If the new speedometer shows values ​​that are different from zero and inflated, then in this case you need to reset the mileage.

How to reset mileage yourself?

Every year, electronic odometers become popular among motorists, the price of which is much higher than their mechanical counterparts. In almost every car service center you can now find a whole range of devices that can quickly and effortlessly reset the odometer counter. To reset the speedometer, you can use devices such as a scanner, programmer, etc.

The most common method of resetting odometer counters is reprogramming. But this method should only be performed using high-quality equipment, since only it will not harm other devices on the instrument panel. To reset the mileage, you can use reprogramming through connectors or, as it is also called, plug-in reprogramming. An important note of such work should be the fact that plug-in reprogramming is possible if an access protocol is available. If for some reason this option is not possible, then you should try replacing the microcircuit, which in the future will allow you to reset the meter readings more than once. An external generator can be used in combination with a signal receiving generator. However, this method requires complete decryption of the data.

If you do not thoroughly understand the twisting devices and car electronics, we do not advise you to try to twist the mileage yourself. Resetting the odometer is a very difficult procedure that can cause damage to the instrument panel and electronics. It is better not to do such work at home yourself, but to go to specialists who have experience and appropriate qualifications. Otherwise, you risk paying money for expensive repairs.

Cars produced recently are increasingly “stuffed” with electronic devices. It is almost impossible to imagine a car without today, because modern systems Only a robot can serve. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because the driver does not have to do anything except watch the road. On the other hand, the owner faces new problem, how to twist the speedometer readings when necessary?

What is it for

“When do you need to twist the speedometer and why is it even necessary?” - an ignorant person will ask. The speedometer is a kind of business card, its trademark. A buyer who sees how far a certain car has been driven judges it accordingly. And if the car is sold with sufficient mileage, then it will not work to talk about the fact that you have practically never driven this model. Everything will be clearly and clearly visible on the speedometer, unless, of course, it is twisted.
So, let’s present below a list of reasons why this or that driver decides to twist the speedometer on his car.

  • As mentioned above, the first and main reason is the “rejuvenation” of the car. This procedure is always done before the sale in order to reduce the mileage through such an adventure. Naturally, the potential buyer is not told anything about this.
  • The second reason is no less popular. It turns out that changing the speedometer readings is necessary when wheels of non-standard sizes are used on a car.
  • There are cars (mostly expensive models) in which the speedometer readings are linked to the maintenance schedule. The robot, which monitors the normal functioning of the car, begins to send constant reminders that you need to visit a service station after certain sections of the journey. This irritates many owners, because not everyone today can afford such luxury - to visit specialized service centers. Of course, it would never even occur to a foreigner that it is possible to deceive a computer. With Nordic fortitude, they would continue to endure the moral teachings of a smart cyborg or have visited a service station long ago, fortunately residents of the European Union countries will always have money for this, and they try not to keep cars with high mileage, but “float” them here to us. So, let’s not delve into the jungle of quality of life, but simply note that our man has to be forced to twist the speedometer in order to somehow silence the annoying sound of the on-board computer, which will immediately like the story about a suddenly younger car. “Ya, ya,” he will say, “gud,” and will immediately stop bothering you with his advice!
  • The third reason for adjusting the electronic speedometer involves a correction related to the fact that on some models “from there” the calculation of the distances traveled is in miles, but our person needs it in kilometers.
  • Finally, the electronic speedometer may be subject to problems associated with a faulty battery or. It also happens that a car with experience needs complete replacement dashboard. After this manipulation, naturally, the speedometer readings have to be adjusted to normal values.

In a word, there are many reasons why all this is needed. And you shouldn’t be surprised how our man manages to deceive the meter, because since the times of the USSR our motorist has been accustomed to doing this. Suffice it to recall the old Soviet cars produced in huge factories the old fashioned way. After only some 100 thousand kilometers, the Zhiguli and Muscovites became nervous and asked to be left alone or sent to major renovation. What could a Soviet motorist do but get rid of such a car? Who would buy these “crawlers” if they saw how far they traveled? So the savvy owner had to take an adventure. It was not difficult to twist the speedometer of a car made in the USSR. It was a completely mechanical element with a primitive system that any engineering student would open like a tin can.

Over time, manufacturers began to notice the disadvantages of mechanical speedometers and gradually replaced them with more complex ones, stuffed with electronics. These new models had little in common with their predecessors, and it was hard to call them speedometers. But as they say, “if you suffer, you learn.” And there were craftsmen for this electronic version. No progress will drive our “Kulibin” into a corner. It turned out that despite the complex filling of such a thing, it is quite possible to twist it.

Before we move on to a detailed algorithm of actions that allows you to twist the counter, I would like to provide general information about modern speedometers. The types of car mileage meters are shown below.

  • Mechanical type– has been used “since the time of Noah.” Recently modernized and rotates under the influence of a drive and a cable.
  • Electromechanical option– here the speedometer is rotated using an electric motor.
  • Electronic type- already progress. Kilometers are counted in such a speedometer according to the data received from the sensor. All information is displayed on the electronic display.

So, if earlier in order to be able to twist the counter, it was enough to have a screwdriver and a basic understanding of the system, today this is not enough and the electronic counter is not so simple, and sometimes the help of an advanced programmer who understands all the labyrinths of the circuit is required.

How to do it

There are several ways to twist a modern speedometer with electronic filling. In one case, a good auto electrician is needed, in another, specialized equipment is needed.

  • If the car is Korean or Japanese, then to change the meter readings you will need to disassemble dashboard and EB. Then connect the programmer to the unit.
  • If it is a Ford or Nissan, then you don’t have to disassemble the dashboard, but just remove the assembly. After this, you will need to connect a computer to the connector and make the necessary adjustments.
  • In the majority modern cars an OBD 2 connector is installed. So, diagnostic equipment is connected here, which eliminates the need to disassemble the panel or electronic unit.
  • Some craftsmen recommend simply soldering an additional chip. Thus, you can set any meter readings using the daily mileage reset button. And in this case you can do twisting many times.

It is advisable to change the mileage in specialized workshops. As a rule, if the work was carried out correctly, then it will be almost impossible to detect interference with the factory settings. Although in some car models, when the counter is rotated, the distance traveled is duplicated in the electronic chip of the ignition key or the data is transferred to on-board computer. In addition, a sharp “rejuvenation” of a car can be identified by a number of indirect signs given below.

  • If the indicated does not correspond to the actual condition of the machine. It is recommended to pay attention to the brake discs.
  • We also pay attention to the wheels and rims, where “bald” tires and dents will tell everything by themselves.
  • A shabby steering wheel, old seats, erased inscriptions on buttons - all this can also indicate a hidden period.
  • You also need to pay attention to the body, side members, and so on.

Once you learn how to twist an electronic speedometer, you can change the meter readings. But this does not at all mean that such a procedure is beneficial, because it is very expensive. Of course, if we are talking about models of the domestic automobile industry, then such manipulation is always relevant. Until our manufacturer thinks about modernizing the entire structure of the car, everyone will twist the counters. Foreign competitors create truly durable cars, which, accordingly, are equipped with more advanced odometers.

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